scholarly journals Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Gerakan Literasi Perdesaan di Desa Cimanggu Kabupaten Bandung Barat

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 431-442
Dian Herdiana ◽  
Rendi Heriyana ◽  
Reza Suhaerawan

ABSTRACT: COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT THROUGH RURAL LITERACY MOVEMENT IN CIMANGGU VILLAGE, BANDUNG BARAT DISTRICT. The community in Cimanggu Village, Bandung Barat Regency has a low literacy culture. This is due to various factors starting from the factor of the village government that does not support the literacy movement aimed at policy instruments, the cultural factors of the community who regard literacy as not a necessity and the factors that come from academics who do not disseminate information about the importance of literacy. Based on the above problems, the students of Cimahi School of Public Administration (STIA Cimahi) in the community engagement service launched a program in the form of rural literacy movement. To realize this, various activities were carried out starting from visits to village governments to encourage literacy policies at the village level. Conducting counselling to the community about the importance of literacy. Conducting literacy activities in children`s play environment that encourage children to make literacy activities a necessity and culture, as well as renovating a library in the village to make it easier for the community to access literacy infrastructure in the village.

Rd. Ahmad Buchari

Secara demografis Kabupaten Garut sangat rentan terjadinya Bencana tanah longsor, banjir, angin puting beliung dan kebakaran dikarenakan wilayah didominasi pegunungan. Mitigasi bencana merupakan langkah awal dalam pencegahan menghadapi bencana. Undang-undang nomor 24 tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana dan diatur tentang teknis dan kewenangan oleh Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana yang diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 8 tahun 2008. Mitigasi bencana yang dilakukan di Kabupaten Garut yakni dengan membentuk desa tanggap bencana dengan menggunakan tiga aspek yakni perencanaan, kelembagaan ditingkat Desa dan penguatan kapasitas masyarakat sebagai sebuah upaya membangun masyarakat tahan dan tanggap pada bencana. Melalui perencanaan ditingkat desa dengan melibatkan berbagai unsur pengambil kepentingan serta dukungan kebijakan kegiatan mitigasi bencana sangat bermamfaat bagi warga desa yang rentan dengan bencana. Kelembagaan yang dibentuk di Desa berguna untuk mengorganisir warga untuk semakin meningkatkan kepedulian dan rasa sosial yang tinggi. sedangkan pengembangan kapasitas adalah bentuk melatih sumberdaya desa untuk menjadi relawan yang bergerak dan fokus pada tugas kerelawanan dan kebencanaan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan tanggap bencana belum optimal diberikan kesemua warga, dan masih sebatas kepada relawan yang dibentuk di masing-masing RT/RW, hal tersebut dikarenakan keterbatasan dukungan anggaran dari lembaga kebencanaan maupun dari pemerintah Desa dalam melakukan pemberdayaan dan pendampingan masyarakat. selain itu lemahnya komunikasi antar pemerintah Desa yang menjadi Desa tangguh bencana. Sarannya, Pemerintah Desa harus meningkatkan peran serta warga melalui pelatihan disemua kelompok melalui perencanaan dan memaksimalkan desa tangguh bencana dengan kelembagaan dan pengembangan kapasitas baik relawan kebencanaan maupun warga desa guna mengurangi resiko kerugian kebencanaan dan mendorong warga desa untuk giat melakukan kegiatan penghijauan dan menjaga lingkungan agar tetap asri.  Secara demografis Kabupaten Garut sangat rentan terjadinya Bencana tanah longsor, banjir, angin puting beliung dan kebakaran dikarenakan wilayah didominasi pegunungan. Mitigasi bencana merupakan langkah awal dalam pencegahan menghadapi bencana. Undang-undang nomor 24 tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana dan diatur tentang teknis dan kewenangan oleh Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana yang diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 8 tahun 2008. Mitigasi bencana yang dilakukan di Kabupaten Garut yakni dengan membentuk desa tanggap bencana dengan menggunakan tiga aspek yakni perencanaan, kelembagaan ditingkat Desa dan penguatan kapasitas masyarakat sebagai sebuah upaya membangun masyarakat tahan dan tanggap pada bencana. Melalui perencanaan ditingkat desa dengan melibatkan berbagai unsur pengambil kepentingan serta dukungan kebijakan kegiatan mitigasi bencana sangat bermamfaat bagi warga desa yang rentan dengan bencana. Kelembagaan yang dibentuk di Desa berguna untuk mengorganisir warga untuk semakin meningkatkan kepedulian dan rasa sosial yang tinggi. sedangkan pengembangan kapasitas adalah bentuk melatih sumberdaya desa untuk menjadi relawan yang bergerak dan fokus pada tugas kerelawanan dan kebencanaan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan tanggap bencana belum optimal diberikan kesemua warga, dan masih sebatas kepada relawan yang dibentuk di masing-masing RT/RW, hal tersebut dikarenakan keterbatasan dukungan anggaran dari lembaga kebencanaan maupun dari pemerintah Desa dalam melakukan pemberdayaan dan pendampingan masyarakat. selain itu lemahnya komunikasi antar pemerintah Desa yang menjadi Desa tangguh bencana. Sarannya, Pemerintah Desa harus meningkatkan peran serta warga melalui pelatihan disemua kelompok melalui perencanaan dan memaksimalkan desa tangguh bencana dengan kelembagaan dan pengembangan kapasitas baik relawan kebencanaan maupun warga desa guna mengurangi resiko kerugian kebencanaan dan mendorong warga desa untuk giat melakukan kegiatan penghijauan dan menjaga lingkungan agar tetap asri.  Demographically Garut Regency is very vulnerable to landslides, floods, whirlwinds, and fires due to mountainous dominated areas. Disaster mitigation is the first step in preventing disaster. Law number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management and regulated technical and authority by the National Disaster Management Agency as stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 8 of 2008. Disaster mitigation carried out in Garut Regency is by forming disaster response villages using three aspects namely planning-, institutions at the village level and community capacity building as an effort to build a community resilient and responsive to disasters. Through planning at the village level, involving various elements of stakeholders and policy support for disaster mitigation activities is very beneficial for villagers who are vulnerable to disasters. The institution formed in the village is useful for organizing citizens to further increase awareness and high social sense. whereas capacity building is a form of training village resources to become volunteers who move and focus on volunteerism and disaster tasks. The results of this study indicate that disaster response training has not been optimally provided by all residents, and is still limited to volunteers formed in each RT / RW, this is due to the limited budget support from disaster agencies and the village government in carrying out community empowerment and assistance. in addition to that the weak communication between the village governments which became disaster-resilient villages. The suggestion is that the village government should increase the participation of citizens through training in all groups through planning and maximizing disaster-resilient villages with institutions and capacity building for both disaster volunteers and villagers to reduce the risk of disaster losses and encourage villagers to actively engage in greening activities and preserve the environment beautiful. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-126
Yuldiana Zesa Azis ◽  
Nasri Wijaya

The Merauke regency area has a village level government, one of which is Sota village which is one of the villages located on the border of the State of Indonesia and Papua New Gunea. One of the indigenous people who inhabit the Sota village area is the Marind Kanum Tribe. Administratively for community empowerment to increase income is one of the roles of the village government, especially for the indigenous people, the increase in income still needs to be increased Because the average income of the local community is still relatively low, therefore support from various parties including local government through the relevant agencies. The purpose of this study was to find out how the role and government of the Sota village in increasing the income of the indigenous people of Marind Kanum and to determine the extent to which the laws and regulations governed that. The results of this study indicate that the participation of the village government by assigning tasks to village officials is to provide training and aquipment assistance for business to local communities and transmigration which in this case is in accordance with Law number 6 of 2014 concerning Village Government. Keywords: Participant; Sota VillageGovernment; Incrasing Income; Marind Kanum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Riki Ismail Barokah

This study aims to explore village authority in village financial management to realize village governance in accordance with the principles of Good Governance. One of the financing for the Village Government program is the Village Fund Budget (ADD). The research method used is descriptive analysis to get a clear picture by examining secondary data. Secondary data is obtained through literature studies from primary legal materials and secondary legal materials related to regional autonomy in villages in the management of Village Government, particularly with regard to the performance of Village-Owned Enterprises based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. The data obtained from this study were analyzed juridically normative with a statutory approach. The results showed the accountability of the village head in managing village finances. In exercising the power of village financial management, the village head authorizes part of his power to the Village apparatus. (2) The village head as the holder of the village financial management power as referred to in paragraph (1), has the authority to: a. establish policies regarding the implementation of APBDesa; b. determine PTPKD; c. determine the officer who collects village revenue; d. approve expenditures for activities stipulated in APBDesa; and e. take actions that result in spending at the expense of the Village Budget. The factors that become obstacles in Talagasari, namely the lack of information and lack of direction in the distribution of ADD, so that it contributes low to community empowerment.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 109-120
Novi Ekri Nurwahyuni ◽  
Muhammad Farid Ma'ruf

Desa Wisata Jambu berdiri sejak tahun 2018  berlokasi di Kecamatan Kayen Kidul Kabupaten Kediri yang meraih penghargaan  nominasi kategori desa wisata terbaik 2018 dan 2019 pada Penghargaan Anugerah Desa. Pada fase awal pembangunan desa wisata menggunakan modal anggaran yang berasal dari Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, serta metode pengumpulan data dilakukan secara langsung turun ke lapangan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Focus penelitian ini adalah meneliti mengenai permasalahan yang diangkat yaitu sumber daya manusia yang kurang responsive terhadap pengelolaan desa wisata. Desa wisata jambu memiliki 17 spot wisata diantaranya yaitu  Kebun Bibit Kediri, Wisata Edukasi Wiwit Padi, Permainan Outbond, Wisata Tubing Niagara, Wisata Edukasi Menangkap Lele, Agrowisata Petik Kelengkeng, Agrowisata Petik Alpukat, Agrowisata Buah Lokal, Wisata Edukasi Menanam Padi, Agrowisata Okulasi dan Tabulampat, Wisata Edukasi Angon Kerbau, Edukasi Pengolakah Yogurt, Edukasi Perah Kambing Ettawa, Edukasi Pengolahan Limbah Kayu “Ask Craft”, Wisata Sungai Sejuta Ikan, Edukasi Karawitan, Pasar Papringan. Pemerintah Desa Jambu gencar mengupayakan tumbuhnya pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengelola desa wisata. Tujuan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengelolaan desa wisata Jambu yaitu untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat desa serta mewujudkan masyarakat desa yang mampu berdaya saing dan mandiri. Dalam proses pengelolaan desa wisata terdapat kendala atau hambatan yang terjadi yaitu tanggapan masyarakat yang tidak responsive terhadap konsep spot wisata yang sudah disepakati. Selain itu kurangnya akses sarana dan prasarana spot wisata juga menjadikan kondisi desa wisata yang tidak kondusif sehingga akan menurunkan daya tarik wisatawan. Kata kunci : Desa Wisata, Alokasi Dana Desa,  Pemberdayaan Masyarakat   Jambu Tourism Village was founded in 2018, located in Kayen Kidul District, Kediri Regency, which won the nomination award for the best tourism village category 2018 and 2019 at the Village Award. In the early phase of tourism village development using budget capital from the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) with the aim of increasing the empowerment of village communities. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach, and data collection methods are carried out directly in the field with interviews, observation, and documentation. The focus of this research is to examine the problems raised, namely human resources who are not responsive to the management of tourist villages. Guava tourism village has 18 tourist spots including Kediri Seed Garden, Wiwit Paddy Educational Tour, Outbound Games, Niagara Tubing Tour, Catfish Catching Educational Tour, Longan Picking Agro, Avocado Picking Agro, Local Fruit Agro Tourism, Paddy Planting Educational Tour, Grafting Agro tourism and Tabulampat, Education Tour for Buffalo Angon, Education for Yogurt Processing, Education for Ettawa Goat Milk, Education for Making Rengginang, Education for Wood Waste Processing “Ask Craft”, One Million Fish River Tour, Education for Karawitan, Papringan Market. The Jambu Village Government is aggressively seeking the growth of community empowerment by managing a tourist village. The purpose of community empowerment through the management of the Jambu tourism village is to improve the economy of the village community and create a village community that is able to be competitive and independent. In the process of managing a tourism village, there are obstacles or obstacles that occur, namely the response of the community that is not responsive to the agreed tourist spot concept. In addition, the lack of access to tourist spot facilities and infrastructure also makes the condition of the tourist village not conducive so that it will reduce the attractiveness of tourists. Keywords: Tourism Village, Village Fund Allocation, Community Empowerment

Dewi Kusmaya Sari ◽  
Ikhsan Budi Riharjo ◽  
Maswar Patuh Priyadi

Accountability is an essential issue in scientific studies and practice in the field of public administration. Accountability in managing village funds has become a demand for the village government, as Law Number 6 of 2014 has been implemented concerning villages. Problems arise when the accountability of village funds’ labor- insentive cash is related to the new regulation. This policy requires village funds to be used for cash labor following SKB 4: the minimum wage must reach 30% of the total development sector sourced from the Village Fund. Therefore, this study aimed to describe and analyze cash accountability for labor in village funds (a case study in Kendal Village, Sekaran District, Lamongan Regency). Qualitative interpretive research was applied with interviews, observation, and documentation from official government documents. Furthermore, this study showed that the village fund accountability in Kendal Village, Sekaran District, Lamongan Regency has gradually implemented participation and transparency principles. The fund had met the wage requirements following SKB 4. The village had to reach 30% of the total development of the fund. Its implementation was carried out in a self-managed wanner involving workers from the poor, unemployed, and families with malnutrition, as evidenced by the ID card of Kendal villagers. Eventhough they experience obstacles in determining yhe poor’s criteria, the budget activity implementer (PKA) tries to apply accountability in the implementation of development based on the cash-insentive principle.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Roro Merry Chornelia Wulandary ◽  
Abd. Rohman

The Role of Tourism Office Batu City and Punten Village Government in tourism empowerment is very influential to the progress of Apple Picking Tour which is located in Punten Village, Batu City. This research aims to describe the role of Culture and Tourism Office also The Village Government in manifestation and implementation the mechanism of the tourism maximally. The research uses qualitative method with data collection techniques through interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis is done in several stages, including data eduction, data presentation and taking the conclusion. The results show that the role of Culture and Tourism Office and Village Government in empowering An Apple Picking Tour was carried through collaboration and give encouragement to the society, to establish the Group of Tourism Consciousness/Kelompok Sadar Wisata, and Joint Farmer group/Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Pokdarwis & Gapoktan), having coordination among the Culture and Tourism Office, Village Government and community, and also to have a Development Plan Deliberation (Musrenbang) in a village level. Peranan Dinas Pariwisata Kota Batu dan Pemerintah Desa Punten dalam pemberdayaan wisata sangat berpengaruh pada perkembangan wisata petik apel yang ada di Desa Punten, Kota Batu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peranan Dinas Pariwisata Kota Batu serta Pemerintah Desa Punten dalam memajukan pariwisata secara maksimal, terutama wisata petik apel yang ada di Desa Punten. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap, diantaranya reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peranan Dinas Pariwisata Kota Batu serta Pemerintah Desa Punten dalam mengembangkan wisata petik apel dilakukan melalui kerjasama dan memberikan dorongan kepada masyarakat dengan membentuk Kelompok Sadar Wisata dan Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Pokdarwis & Gapoktan), melakukan koordinasi antara Dinas Pariwisata, Pemerintah Desa dan masyarakat, serta mendorong adanya musrembang di tingkat desa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Anita Tri Widiyawati

Abstract The Village Library has full responsibility in terms of empowering knowledge for the community. This is because the village library has a strategic position in rural communities. The empowerment of this knowledge is very closely related to the achievement of prosperity both materially and nonmaterial. In the empowerment of knowledge refers to the existing conditions of the village library, potential maps, and problems that exist in the Paseban Village community. This research uses a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, documentation, audio-visual material (Creswell). Analysis of the data used is Creswell data analysis. The researcher chooses to use qualitative validity and reliability to demonstrate the validity of the data as well as the accuracy of the research results. The results of this study are that the Paseban Village Government has carried out empowerment related to tourism development, BumDes, and through the provision of the internet. However, it is not under the auspices of the village library. The empowerment carried out is partial, not centered on the village library. Paseban Village Government has not fulfilled the three aspects of empowerment, namely a) enabling, b) empowering, and c) protecting. So that there is a need to develop a model of knowledge empowerment in the Paseban Village Library, including: a) enabling (village library as a center of knowledge, village library creates an atmosphere that allows the potential of the community to develop by maximizing the function of the library; b) empowering (strengthening the village library as a center of knowledge , strengthening the village library in creating an atmosphere that enables the potential of the community to develop by maximizing the function of the library with concrete steps, the concept that is in enabling is practiced with concrete steps and the availability of infrastructure that can support the creation of community empowerment; c) protecting ( the village library as a knowledge center establishes an information center that can protect and defend the community in terms of knowledge and information related to the distribution of the results of community innovation, the village library covers everything needed community in developing welfare literacy. Keywords: village library, knowledge empowerment, welfare literacy. Abstrak Perpustakaan Desa mempunyai tanggung jawab penuh dalam hal pemberdayaan pengetahuan bagi masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan perpustakaan desa mempunyai posisi yang strategis dalam masyarakat pedesaan. Pemberdayaan pengetahuan ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan pencapaian kesejahteraan baik secara materi maupun nonmateri. Dalam pemberdayaan pengetahuan mengacu pada kondisi eksisting perpustakaan desa, peta potensi, dan permasalahan yang ada pada masyarakat Desa Paseban. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, materi audio-visual (Creswell). Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data Creswell. Peneliti memilih menggunakan validitas dan realibilitas kualitatif untuk menunjukkan keabsahan data sekaligus keakuratan hasil penelitian. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Desa Paseban sudah pernah melaksanakan pemberdayaan terkait pembangunan wisata, BumDes, dan melalui penyediaan internet. Akan tetapi, tidak di bawah naungan perpustakaan desa. Pemberdayaan yang dilakukan bersifat parsial, tidak terpusat pada perpustakaan desa. Pemerintah Desa Paseban belum memenuhi tiga aspek pemberdayaan, yakni a) enabling, b) empowering, dan c) protecting. Sehinggan perlu adanya pengembangan model pemberdayaan pengetahuan pada Perpustakaan Desa Paseban, antara lain: a) enabling (perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan, perpustakaan desa menciptakan suasana yang memungkinkan potensi masyarakat dapat berkembang dengan memaksimalkan fungsi perpustakaan; b) empowering (memperkuat perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan, memperkuat perpustakaan desa dalam menciptakan suasana yang memungkinkan potensi masyarakat dapat berkembang dengan memaksimalkan fungsi perpustakaan dengan langkah-langkah nyata, konsep yang ada pada enabling dipraktikkan dengan langkah-langkah nyata dan tersedianya sarana prasarana yang dapat mendukung terciptanya pemberdayaan pada masyarakat; c) protecting (perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan mendirikan juga pusat informasi yang dapat melindungi dan membela masyarakat dalam hal pengetahuan dan informasi terkait pendistribusian hasil inovasi masyarakat, perpustakaan desa meng-cover segala hal yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dalam mengembangkan literasi kesejahteraan. Kata kunci: perpustakaan desa, pemberdayaan pengetahuan, literasi kesejahteraan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Enny Agustina

Realizing prosperity in the community needs to be supported by a good development management. In the governance system, it is necessary to have governance behaviour that is honest, open, responsible and democratic. In the community structure, a mechanism providing opportunities for the community in the decision-making process for public interests needs to be developed. This study discusses the role of the village head in empowering village communities. This study used a community-based approach so that the community knows in detail concerning the role of the village head in the Framework for the Implementation of Village Autonomy based on Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Village. The results showed that village head must have a fair and wise attitude in carrying out his duties and obligations. Besides, the village head must give an easy access to the community in providing assistances. Yet, the most important thing is that, as a leader, the village head must be able to provide a good example for their subordinates so as to create maximum results and good community environment.�Mewujudkan kesejahteraan di masyarakat, perlu didukung oleh manajemen pembangunan yang baik. Dalam tatanan tata pemerintahan, perlu untuk memiliki perilaku tata kelola yang jujur, terbuka, bertanggung jawab dan demokratis, sementara dalam tatanan masyarakat suatu mekanisme perlu dikembangkan yang memberikan peluang bagi masyarakat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan untuk kepentingan bersama. studi ini membahas bagaimana peran kepala desa dalam memberdayakan masyarakat pedesaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kepada masyarakat sehingga masyarakat tahu lebih detail tentang Peran Kepala Desa dalam Kerangka Pelaksanaan Otonomi Desa Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 6 tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu dalam melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban Kepala Desa mereka harus mempunyai tingkah laku yang adil, bijaksana dan tidak mempersulit dalam memberikan layanan kepada semua masyarakat. Namun yang lebih penting lagi bahwa sebagai seorang pemimpin harus bisa memberikan contoh untuk bawahan sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dan terciptanya persatuan komunitas yang baik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Fannidya Hamdani Zeho ◽  
Ardian Prabowo ◽  
Roro Ayu Estiningtyas ◽  
Mahadiansar Mahadiansar ◽  
I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu

The village government has an substantial responsibility in managing human resources to produce regional economic benefits. This research aims to identify the stakeholder collaboration to support accountability in village fund management and rural development.  This study used an interactive approach with data collection methods such as structured interviews, documentation, and observation. The object of the study is village officials in Pranggang Village, Plosoklaten District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province. The results of the study showed that the village government has not optimally carried out its role in involving more stakeholders.  Collaborative stakeholders in managing village funds involved village government officials, activity management team and community.   They play a positive role in bringing about village accountability in managing village funds. An increased community participation contribute to program evaluation activities and effectiveness in the village financial management. The accountability of the village funds utilization has met the Home Affairs Ministerial Regulation number 113 of 2014. In addition, social accountability has been applied in various forms of effective interactions between the community and village government. Much efforts are required to improve the quality of human resources through more stakeholder engagement, training activity and  community empowerment.   JEL Classification: H72; H83; O20

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-38
Hikmah Adila ◽  
Andy Alfatih ◽  

This study aimed to find out how community participation in the Village Fund program in Kemang Manis Village in the Four Lawang District in 2016 and the factors that supported and blocked community participation in the village fund program in Kemang Manis Village. The method used was qualitative so that the data obtained through interviews, observation and study of documentation and qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that at the decision making stage, the participation of the Kemang Manis village community in the Village Fund Program in 2016 was still low because the data synchronization activities were not carried out, only the village elite community and workers as well as grant providers, were invited, attended, gave opinions, and approve the results of the meeting's decision. At the implementation stage (community participation) was quite good, it appeared in the crowded community who registered themselves as candidates for village infrastructure activities, following the work briefing and direction from the village government. At the time of implementation the community brought their own carpentry equipment, donated food and drinks, and received wages or daily work incentives, and participants of community empowerment activities received transport money. The stages of the utilization of benefits (benefits) the community felt the benefits of the results of village development. Roads could be passed by 4-wheeled vehicles, making it easier to transport agricultural produce, residents began to build houses because roads were available and land values ​​had also increased. The community had not yet been involved in the monitoring, supervision and evaluation stages, because in the planning stages of the Village RPJM and Village RKP documents the community involvement is still low. At the stage of implementation of village development the community was involved as an implementer, but the procurement and financial management and administration activities were carried out by the village government. There were no complaints from the public and information disclosure regarding the new Village Fund in the form of a Village Infrastructure development project board.

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