2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 149

AbstrakMasalah yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah keakuratan materi dalam buku teks bahasa Indonesia SMA kelas X Kurikulum 2013. Banyaknya buku teks yang ada sekarang ini, membuat guru dapat memilih buku ajar sebagai salah satu bahan ajar yang digunakan oleh guru. Dan kemudahan itu sering menjadi pilihan yang kurang tepat. Pada saat ini banyak ditemukan materi yang tidak sesuai dan kurang mendukung tercapainya kompetensi yang ditentukan dalam kurikulum. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kualitatif. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan keakuratan materi dalam buku teks bahasa Indonesia SMA kelas X Kurikulum 2013. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keakuratan materi buku teks Bahasa Indonesia SMA kelas X kurikulum 2013 terbitan Erlangga dapat dikatakan cukup memenuhi syarat aspek keakuratan materi buku teks menurut standar kelayakan isi BNSP. Beberapa kekurangan yang ditemukan dalam buku teks ini antara lain: (1) belum menyajikan �Peta Kompetensi� yang mengandung prinsip-prinsip yang digunakan siswa sebagai acuan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran dan memahami materi pada masing-masing bab agar materi yang disampaikan dapat terstruktur dengan baik. (2) penyajian contoh yang kurang relevan yang berkaitan dengan karakteristik latar belakang dan status sosial, adanya unsur sara, dan tidak sesuai kebutuhan.Kata Kunci: buku teks, keakuratan materi, kurikulum 2013.AbstractThe problem tested in this study is the accuracy of the material in Indosnesia high school textbooks ini class X Curriculum 2013. The number of textbooks available today makes teachers able to choose textbooks as one of the teaching materials used by teachers. And convenience is often the wrong choice. At this time there are many material that are not suitable and do not support the achievement of the competencies specified in the curriculum. This research is included in qualitative research. The research method in this study used a qualitatuve descriptive method. The purpose of this study is to describe the accuracy of the material in Indonesian high school textbooks in class X 2013 curriculum. The results of this study indicate that the accuracy of Indonesian textbooks high school class X 2013 curriculum published by Erlangga can adequately meet the requirements of the accuracy of the textbooks content of BNSP. Some of the shortcomings found in this textbook include: (1) it has not presented a �Competency Map� which contains the principles students use as a reference to achieve learning objectives and understand the material in each chapter so that the material delivered can be well structured. (2) the presentation of less relevant examples relating to the characteristics of background and social status, the existence of elements of sara, and not as needed.Keywords: textbooks, material accuracy, 2013 curriculum.

Daniel Fanzeka ◽  
R. Rusli ◽  
H. Hastuty ◽  
N. Nasrullah

This research aims to develop and produce digital teaching materials products using Macromedia flash application that are valid, practical and effective. This research method refers to a 4D development, and disseminate. Research instruments in the form of validation sheets by material expert and media expert to measure validity; questionnaires of learners; responses to measure practicality; and test of learning outcomes to measure effectiveness. The trial of teaching materials was conducted to class VII learners at SMPN 6 Makassar. The result showed that digital teaching materials developed using Macromedia flash applications in class VII junior high school comparison materials had valid criteria with validity score of 3.70 for the material and 3.50 for media, practically score of 3.60 for small groups and 3.51 for large groups, and effective with an effectiveness score of 90% for small groups and 86%.

Teguh Alif Nurhuda ◽  
Herman J. Waluyo ◽  
Suyitno Suyitno

 This study aims to describe the content of the novel Simple Miracles by Ayu Utami in terms of literary sociology studies. In addition, this study also sees its relevance to the learning of literature in high school grade XII. Novel Simple Miracles tells the spiritual story of the main character and his family in everyday life. In addition, in it also told about the relation of society related to religious, social, culture, and residence. This research uses qualitative descriptive method to describe the result of research of literary sociology on Simple Miracles novel. The results of this study indicate a social relationship between the character both in one family member and outside family members. It is that which indicates a relationship or social value in the novel. This novel also has a Javanese cultural value related to its birth and its inner death. The value of sociology literature study on social, religious, and cultural activities can be used as reference material in the study of literature in high school class XII in KD 4.1. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
Hasnah Lukman ◽  
Muhammad Darwis ◽  
Asriani Abbas

Journal of learning reflection using cohesion and coherence. This study aims, describe the realization and the forefront of the principles of cohesion and coherence in the journals reflection of learning Indonesian junior high school teachers in Maros District.                    The type of qualitative research with descriptive method, data collection techniques refer and note. The study population is a whole lingual unit containing cohesion and coherence.              The results of the study show that the cohesion embodiment used is lexical cohesion (repetition and equivalence), grammatical cohesion (references and conjunctions), and coherence (causation, consequence, condition, argumentative and means-result) the cohesion used is repetition, equivalence, reference, and conjunction. As for the application of the coherence rules used by causal relationships, consequences, conditions, arguments, and means-results

Buana Bastra ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Rika Amalia ◽  
Sri Budi Astuti

The purpose of this study to describe the politeness strategies of Brown and Levinson in the Q&A talk show and describe the relevance of politeness-language strategies towards learning Indonesian at the Middle School level. The theory used to solve the problem in this study is the theory of Brown and Levinson. While the approach used is descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques namely documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the forms of Brown and Levinson's politeness strategy that occurred in the Q & A talk show in August 2018 consisted of Brown and Levinson's first politeness strategy, namely without strategies found that included speech without strategy. The second strategy of brown politeness and Levinson's positive politeness strategy is found to pay attention to the opponent's speech, exaggerate attention, agreement, and sympathy, intensify the opponent's attention by dramatizing facts, intensify using group identity markers, request approval with general topics or repeat part or all, avoiding disagreement by pretending to agree, using jokes, expressing understanding of the wishes of speakers, giving offers or promises, showing optimism, involving speakers in activities, giving questions asking for approval, giving gifts. Where negative politeness strategies are found to be pessimistic, minimize coercion, and apologize. Finally, the Off Record strategy was found which was included in the strategy. The relevance of the results of the study can be applied in learning Indonesian in junior high school class IX 3.9-4.10.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Dimas Bagus Laksono

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pemakaian bentuk-bentuk deiksis pada pertuturan masyarakat Desa Kalirejo, Dusun III B, RT 012, RW 003, Kecamatan Kalirejo, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data model  Miles and Huberman. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data ditemukan tuturan yang mengandung deiksis, yaitu deiksis persona, deiksis tempat, dan deiksis waktu. Deiksis yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah deiksis persona. Deiksis dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber belajar pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA kelas XI dapat memberikan pemahaman mengenai pemilihan kata (diksi) dan keefektifan kalimat pada pembelajaran menulis teks cerpen.Kata kunci: Deiksis, Pertuturan, Pragmatik.   AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe the use of deixis forms in the speech of the people of Kalirejo Village, Hamlet III B, RT 012, RW 003, Kalirejo District, Central Lampung Regency. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. This study uses data analysis of the Miles and Huberman model. Based on the results of data analysis found speech that contains deixis, namely  persona deixis, place deixis, and time deixis. The most commonly found deixis is persona deixis. Deixis can be used as a learning resource in learning Indonesian in high school class XI can provide an understanding of word choice (diction) and the effectiveness of sentences in learning to write short text.Keywords: Deixis, Speech, Pragmatics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Hanna Aulia ◽  
Suhara Suhara ◽  
Wahyu Surakusumah

This study aims to determine the reduction of students' misconceptions on food digestive system material through simple practicum-based learning. Simple practicum that is carried out includes test of vitamin C content by titration of iodine and formalin test with turmeric. Simple practicum means using simple tools and materials that are easy to find and the operation is also easy. This research was conducted on high school class XI students in Bandung City as much as one class. The research method used was a weak experimental method. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. Decrease in student misconceptions in terms of the results of the pretest and posttest. After learning, a questionnaire is given to find out students' responses to simple practicum-based learning. The results of the study showed that simple practicum food test was able to reduce student misconceptions, with an average reduction in misconceptions by 72%. Students' misconceptions are seen based on the analysis of conceptual changes. Conceptual change type Pattern I is a change towards positive (understanding the concept) showing the highest percentage of 68%. The highest decrease in misconceptions was found in the concept of food substances, while the lowest decrease in misconception was found in the concept of structural and bioprocess relationships.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Arlin Arlin

This study aims to describe the form and form of power representation in the textbook of Indonesian High School Class XI Curriculum 2013 by using social analysis change from Norman Fairclough. Sources of data from this study is the textbook of Indonesian High School Class XI Curriculum 2013. The data of this research is obtained by documentation, read and record technique. The results show that there is vocabulary, grammar, and text structure that represents the form of power in textbooks. From the text and sociocultural review results also shows that the discourse of discourse in the textbook is inseparable from the aspect of power, both individual power and institutional power

Diksi ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
Alyvia Ananda

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan model penyampaian materi tata bahasa, cakupan materi tata bahasa, dan kesesuaian materi tata bahasa dengan Kurikulum 2006 (KTSP) pada BSE bahasa Indonesia jenjang sekolah menengah pertama (SMP).Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah buku sekolah elektronik mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Data diperoleh melalui teknik membaca dan mencatat, dan dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis konten. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, model penyampaian materi tata bahasa dalam BSE bahasa Indonesia terdiri atas dua, yaitu pendekatan deduktif dan induktif. Pendekatan deduktif digunakan pada materi fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik. Pendekatan induktif digunakan pada materi morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik. Kedua, cakupan materi tata bahasa yang terdapat pada buku sekolah elektronik bahasa Indonesia jenjang SMP/MTs  terdiri atas materi fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik. Materi fonologi hanya terdiri atas satu submateri, yaitu lafal dan diftong. Morfologi dibagi menjadi lima submateri, yaitu afiksasi, reduplikasi, kata tugas, kelas kata, dan penggunaan kata. Sintaksis dibagi menjadi tiga submateri, yaitu klausa, kalimat, dan fungsi SPOKPel. Semantik dibagi menjadi dua submateri, yaitu jenis-jenis semantik dan perubahan dan pergeseran makna. Ketiga, materi fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik, pada Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar tertentu telah sesuai dengan Kurikulum KTSP.Kata Kunci: buku ajar, buku sekolah elektronik (BSE), materi tata bahasa AN ANALYSIS OF GRAMMAR MATERIALSIN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ELECTRONICS BOOKS (E-BOOKS) ABSTRACTThis study aims to reveal the model of delivery of grammar materials, the scope of grammar materials, and the compatibility of grammar materials with Curriculum 2006 which known as KTSP in junior high school Bahasa Indonesia’s e-books. This study was a descriptive qualitative research. The data source was junior high school Bahasa Indonesia’s e-books. The data were obtained through reading and noting technique, and analysed using the content analysis. The result of this study is as follows. First, there are two models of delivery of grammar materials used in Bahasa Indonesia’s e-books. They are deductive and inductive approaches. The deductive approach is used in the delivery of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantic materials. The inductive approach is used in the delivery of morphology, syntax, and semantic materials. Second, the grammar materials in junior high school Bahasa Indonesia’s e-books consist of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantic materials. Phonology materials consist of only one sub material pronunciation and diphthong. Morphology materials consist of five sub-materials: affixation, reduplication, said task, class word, and use of the word. Syntax materials consist of three sub-materials: clause, sentence, and function of subject, predicate, object. Semantic materials consist of two sub-materials including semantic and meaning changes. Third, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantic materials integrated in certain competency standards and primary competency are compatible with KTSP Curriculum.Keywords: textbook, e-books, grammar materials

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Asep Muhyidin

AbstractThis paper aims at describing the use of deixis in Tere Liye’s novel called“Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin”. The method used inthis writing is descriptive qualitative method. The data were collectedusing reading method and writing technique. The data consist of sentencescontaining deixis of persona, deixis of space, and deixis of time. It was found that there are 992 deixis which consist of 879 deixis of persona, 82 deixis of space, and 31 deixis of time. Such study on deixis has an implication on Indonesian language learning in high school class XII, especially in editing a novel. It is due to the fact that deixis relates to the choice of words and the use of effective sentences. Therefore, the teachers should manage to create its learning scenario. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemakaian deiksis dalam novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin karya Tere Liye. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode simak dan teknik catat. Data penelitian merupakan satuan lingual berupa kalimat-kalimat yang mengadung deiksis persona, deiksis ruang, dan deiksis waktu. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan sebanyak 992 deiksis, yang terdiri atas deiksis persona sejumlah 879, deiksis ruang sejumlah 82, dan deiksis waktu sejumlah 31 buah. Kajian deiksis dalam penelitian ini berimplikasi terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA kelas XII, khususnya pada pembelajaran menyunting novel. Hal ini disebabkan deiksis terkait dengan pemilihan kata dan penggunaan kalimat yang efektif. Untuk itu, guru harus mampu membuat skenario pembelajarannya

Rini Mayasari Rini Mayasari

ABSTRACT   Free sex is a relationship that is done by men and women without matrimony. Various forms of sexual behavior, such as intimate dating, courtship, to have sexual contact. Factors associated with sex behavior among others, is the lack of knowledge about free sex, free sex impact, forms of promiscuity, perversion LGBT, and disease-free sex. This study design is the technique of sampling using quantitative indirectly using a questionnaire tools shaped questionnaires. Be knew overview of students' knowledge about sex in high school / vocational Lubuk Linggau Year 2016. The study population was high school class XII students in schools in the city Lubuklingga 2016. The sample in this study is the high school class XII students in 9 schools there in Lubuklinggau of 167 people. Results of univariate analysis showed respondent knowledge about free sex amounted to 48 people (28,74%), students with sufficient knowledge of 54 people (32,33%), and students with less knowledge of 65 people (38, 93%). Students with a good knowledge about the impact of free sex amounted to 57 (34,13%), students with sufficient knowledge of 69 people (41,31%), and students with less knowledge 41 (24,56%). Students with a good knowledge about the form of free sex amounted to 58 students (34,73%), students with sufficient knowledge totaled 49 peoples (29,34%), and students with less knowledge of 60 people (35,93%). Students with a good knowledge about LGBT amounted to 54 (32,34%), students with sufficient knowledge amounted to 68 peoples (40.71%), and students with less knowledge amounted 45 peoples (26,95%). Students with a good knowledge about the disease free sex amounted to 22 peoples (13,17%), students with sufficient knowledge of 39 peoples (23,35%), and students with less knowledge amounted to 106 peoples (63,48%).     ABSTRAK   Seks bebas merupakan hubungan yang dilakukan oleh laki-laki dan perempuan tanpa adanya ikatan perkawinan. Berbagai bentuk tingkah laku seksual, seperti berkencan intim, bercumbu, sampai melakukan kontak seksual. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku seks bebas antara lain adalah kurangnya pengetahuan tentang seks bebas, dampak seks bebas, bentuk-bentuk seks bebas, penyimpangan LGBT, dan penyakit seks bebas. Desain penelitian ini adalah teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik kuantitatif yaitu secara tidak langsung menggunakan alat bantu angket berbentuk kuisener. Di ketahuinya gambaran pengetahuan siswa tentang seks bebas di SMA/SMK Kota Lubuk Linggau Tahun 2016. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII SMA di sekolah yang ada di Kota Lubuklingga tahun 2016. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII SMA di 9 sekolah yang ada di Kota Lubuklinggau yang berjumlah 167 orang. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukan respondent pengetahuan tentang seks bebas berjumlah 48 orang (28,74%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup 54 orang (32,33%), dan siswa dengan pengetahuan kurang 65 orang (38,93%). Siswa dengan pengetahuan baik tentang dampak perilaku seks bebas berjumlah 57 orang (34,13%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup 69 orang (41,31%), dan siswa dengan pengetahuan kurang 41 orang (24, 56%). Siswa dengan pengetahuan baik tentang bentuk perilaku seks bebas  berjumlah 58 siswa (34,73%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup  berjumlah 49orang (29,34%), dan siswa dengan pengetahuan kurang berjumlah 60 orang  (35,93%). Siswa dengan  pengetahuan baik tentang LGBT berjumlah 54 orang (32,34%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup berjumlah 68 orang (40,71%), dan siswa dengan  pengetahuan kurang berjumlah 45orang (26,95%). Siswa dengan pengetahuan baik tentang penyakit seks bebas berjumlah 22 orang (13,17%), siswa dengan pengetahuan cukup 39 orang (23,35%), dan siswa dengan pengetahuan kurang berjumlah 106 orang (63,48%).  

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