Diksi ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
Alyvia Ananda

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan model penyampaian materi tata bahasa, cakupan materi tata bahasa, dan kesesuaian materi tata bahasa dengan Kurikulum 2006 (KTSP) pada BSE bahasa Indonesia jenjang sekolah menengah pertama (SMP).Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah buku sekolah elektronik mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Data diperoleh melalui teknik membaca dan mencatat, dan dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis konten. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, model penyampaian materi tata bahasa dalam BSE bahasa Indonesia terdiri atas dua, yaitu pendekatan deduktif dan induktif. Pendekatan deduktif digunakan pada materi fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik. Pendekatan induktif digunakan pada materi morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik. Kedua, cakupan materi tata bahasa yang terdapat pada buku sekolah elektronik bahasa Indonesia jenjang SMP/MTs  terdiri atas materi fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik. Materi fonologi hanya terdiri atas satu submateri, yaitu lafal dan diftong. Morfologi dibagi menjadi lima submateri, yaitu afiksasi, reduplikasi, kata tugas, kelas kata, dan penggunaan kata. Sintaksis dibagi menjadi tiga submateri, yaitu klausa, kalimat, dan fungsi SPOKPel. Semantik dibagi menjadi dua submateri, yaitu jenis-jenis semantik dan perubahan dan pergeseran makna. Ketiga, materi fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan semantik, pada Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar tertentu telah sesuai dengan Kurikulum KTSP.Kata Kunci: buku ajar, buku sekolah elektronik (BSE), materi tata bahasa AN ANALYSIS OF GRAMMAR MATERIALSIN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ELECTRONICS BOOKS (E-BOOKS) ABSTRACTThis study aims to reveal the model of delivery of grammar materials, the scope of grammar materials, and the compatibility of grammar materials with Curriculum 2006 which known as KTSP in junior high school Bahasa Indonesia’s e-books. This study was a descriptive qualitative research. The data source was junior high school Bahasa Indonesia’s e-books. The data were obtained through reading and noting technique, and analysed using the content analysis. The result of this study is as follows. First, there are two models of delivery of grammar materials used in Bahasa Indonesia’s e-books. They are deductive and inductive approaches. The deductive approach is used in the delivery of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantic materials. The inductive approach is used in the delivery of morphology, syntax, and semantic materials. Second, the grammar materials in junior high school Bahasa Indonesia’s e-books consist of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantic materials. Phonology materials consist of only one sub material pronunciation and diphthong. Morphology materials consist of five sub-materials: affixation, reduplication, said task, class word, and use of the word. Syntax materials consist of three sub-materials: clause, sentence, and function of subject, predicate, object. Semantic materials consist of two sub-materials including semantic and meaning changes. Third, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantic materials integrated in certain competency standards and primary competency are compatible with KTSP Curriculum.Keywords: textbook, e-books, grammar materials

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-181
Yuliana Muktiyasning Bekti Saputri ◽  
Agus Budi Wahyudi ◽  

This study has the following objectives: (1) Determine the form of metaphors in ad text on the online site, (2) Describe the meaning contained in the metaphorical expressions in the ad text on the online site, and (3) Explain the use of the expression metaphor as teaching material for learning Indonesian in junior high school. This type of research is qualitative research and uses qualitative descriptive methods. The data source in this study is the ad text discourse contained on the online site. Data collection techniques using listening techniques and note taking techniques. Data analysis using the method of distribution with the type of technique for the Direct Element (BUL) and the equivalent method with a referential type. The results of this study (1) metaphorical expressions are analyzed based on shapes, which are grouped into classes of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, (2) metaphorical expressions are analyzed based on meanings according to metaphorical forms, namely anthropomorphic metaphors, animal metaphors, concrete to abstract metaphors, and synesthesia metaphors. The tendency of metaphors that often appear in ad text on online sites is anthropomorphic metaphors and concrete to abstract metaphors, (3) the use of metaphorical expressions in ad text on online sites as teaching materials for learning Indonesian in junior high school.

Dewi Masithoh

Abstract The literacy movement should be promoted in the education unit. This is due to the low level of literacy activities, especially students. This study aims to determine the role of Indonesian teachers in the literacy movement and the results of the application of the State Islamic Junior High School Literacy Movement in Trenggalek Regency. The method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The data source is gained from State Islamic Junior High School Indonesian teachers in Trenggalek Regency. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that the majority of State Islamic Junior High School Indonesian teachers in Trenggalek Regency had played an active role in the literacy movement and had met the criteria as the pioneers of the literacy movement in their respective institutions. As a good example, Indonesian teachers have a very important contribution in the literacy movement. Although in its application there are also challenges that require Indonesian teachers to find solutions to continue developing literacy to be better in its implementation. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Ida Nuraeni ◽  
Suparno Suparno ◽  
Titik Harsiati ◽  
Sumadi Sumadi

The purpose of this study was to describe the process of transformation and complexity of embedded sentences. This type of research is a one-site case study. The data source of this study was the verbal text of the students' utterances. The data, in the form of accepted sentences, were analyzed by using the interactive model of Milles & Huberman. The results shows that the transformation process in junior high school students’ embedded sentences of spoken Bahasa Indonesia were included the use of TTF, TTKLesap, TTNom, TTGanKlit, TSA, TSPelFN, and TSPelFVrules. The complexity of students’ sentence is shown by the use of the seven rules of transformation in a sentence. This finding shows that the eighth grade students have syntactic competence in the transformation of embedded sentences.

Lindayana ◽  
Arifuddin ◽  
Halus Mandala

This study was conducted aiming at examining: (1) the divergent principles of politeness in students’ directive speech act (2) factors affecting politeness and impoliteness in verbal and non-verbal directive speech act produced by students at grade X in Senior High School 1 Mataram in the learning process. The subject of this study are teachers teaching Bahasa Indonesia, English, Economy, History, Math, Religion, Civic, and Science, and all students at Grade X of Science 1, Science 3 and Social 2 in Senior High School 1 Mataram. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The data source in this study is the number of utterances produced by students and teachers in the learning process. The data were collected through observation. This study revealed that: (1) there were divergent principles of politeness in participants’ directive speech act namely single and multiple divergent principles of politeness affected by speaker intentionally accused addressees, intentionally uttered by neglecting the context, was protective to other arguments, showed emotional feeling, given critiques in impolite words and mocked at other; and (2) there were factors affecting politeness and impoliteness in verbal and non-verbal directive speech act produced by students in learning process namely linguistic factor and non-linguistic factor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Primasari Wahyuni

Abstrak: Penelitian ini berujudul Hegemoni Kekuasaan Dalam Novel Hujan Karya Tere Liye dan Relevansinya Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mndeskripsikan formasi ideologi, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan, dan relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Data penelitian berupa kata, frasa, atau kalimat yang memuat formasi ideologi dan bentuk hegemoni dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, serta relevansinya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data menggunakan content analysis. Validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan validitas semantik dan intrarater. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: 1) Pertama, Formasi ideologi dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Formasi ideologi yang ditemukan dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye yaitu otoritarisme, feodalisme, kapitalisme, liberalisme, sosialisme, serta vandalisme. Otoritarisme merupakan formasi ideologi yang paling banyak muncul dalam novel. 2) Kedua, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan terjadi dalam masyarakat sipil dan masyarakat politik. 3) Ketiga, Relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini relevan dengan KD. 3.8 Mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai kehidupan yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen yang dibaca. Melalui novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, siswa dapat mengapresiasi karya sastra sehingga menambah pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan wawasan yang dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk membentuk kepribadian diri. Kata kunci: formasi ideologi, hegemoni, relevansi pembelajaran, novel Abstract: This research entitle “The Hegemony of Power in Novel Hujan by Tere Liye and Its Relevance in Indonesia learning at High School” has aims to describe the ideology formation, term of hegemony power, and the research relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. This research is a qualitative descriptive with data source is Npvel Hujan by Tere Liye. Research data are words, phrases pr sentences which has ideology formation and hegemony term and also the relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. Read and write were used to collect the data. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Semantics and intrarater were used to test the validity and reliability. The reserach findings were : 1) the ideology formations were authoritarian, feudalism, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, and vandalism. Authoritarian was dominant in the novel, 2) the term of hegemony happened both in civil society and political society, 3) the relevance of this research with Indonesia learning at high school. This research was relevant with basic competence 3.8 (identify the life values in a short story. Novel hujan brught student to appreciate the literatures to enrich their experience, knowledge and insight to create the personality.  Keywords : Ideology formation, hegemony, learning relevance, novel.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Cahyo Hasanudin

This research aims at: 1) describing the errors of writing in bahasa Indonesia in outdoor media in Bojonegoro, 2) describing the errors in using foreign elements, and 3) determining the suitability of the results of research with teaching materials of bahasa Indonesia at Junior High School. This research is qualitative descriptive with a sample of articles in outdoor media in Bojonegoro. The sampling technique used was purposive. Data collection techniques used were recording, observation, and note-taking. Data validation techniques used were triangulation and peer assessment. The data analysis technique was an interactive analysis which includes four components, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, the linguistic elements of language errors in outdoor media are related to the use of punctuations, especially a period (.), writing the preposition of “di”, the use of the word “pukul” and “jam”, and abbreviations. Secondly, the type of improper use of foreign terms is dominated by the use of the English and the Javanese. Both languages are used simultaneously on any word or Indonesian phrase. Third, the result of this research can be used as teaching materials of bahasa Indonesia at junior high school level, especially on the subject of spelling and foreign terms (borrowing).Keywords: language error, outdoor media, spelling, foreign terms, teaching materials

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.7) ◽  
pp. 442
Lisa Ariyanti Pohan ◽  
Julia Maulina ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Tuti Hardianti

This study aims to analyse textbooks used by students based on the scientific approach as the realization of learning objectives using the 2013 curriculum. This study did several things: first, an investigation of the teaching materials used by students based on the scientific approach, second studied the suitability of the content of textbooks used by students with the syllabus in the 2013 curriculum, thirdly investigating the contribution of textbooks used to higher-order thinking skills. Research method used is mixed methods namely descriptive method and survey study at Islamic Junior High School in Medan. There are 3 textbooks that will be analysed, the textbooks from three different publishers which used by the school. The total number of students who participated in this study were 201 students. Where students who participated in the study were selected based on purposive random sampling through certain considerations, the students come from Islamic Junior High School An Nizam, Islamic Junior High School Ulun Nuha, and Islamic Junior High School Al Fityan, the condition and character of schools are almost same, so is expected the homogeneous sample. The results obtained are: (1) From the three books, the results of conformity assessment with the syllabus in book A are 65%, book B is 80%, and book C 40%; (2) The evaluation results of the textbooks by using the scientific steps find that book A obtained a score of 53 in the low category, book B got a score of 58 in the low category, and book C got a score of 55 also in the low category; 3) The results of the assessment of HOTS ability of students from each school that use books A, B, and C are on the average low category.   

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 80
Nur Elide

This research is conducted on the basis of the importance of factors to respond to the rules of the language in supporting the effectiveness of the achievement of Indonesian language proficiency on educators. This research is conducted to prove whether there is a correlation between the activities of responding to the language rules with the language skills on the teacher of junior high school level. This research uses correlational quantitative approach. With the number of respondents 70 educators. Data collection activities were conducted using (1) questionnaires in the form of questions about language rules and (2) Indonesian language proficiency test. From the results of correlation coefficients with SPSS program data analysis process about the correlation between the proficiency of responding the rules of language with the language skills of Indonesia by using the formula of multiple correlation coefficient (multiple corelation). Correlation of proficiency respond to Indonesian rule with correlation attitude of language of educator level junior high school in Medan that is equal to 0,221. The value of 0.221 shows a weak correlation between the proficiency of responding to Indonesian rules with the correlation of language attitudes of junior high school educators in Medan City Still weak. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Sarwiji Suwandi ◽  
Ahmad Yunus ◽  
Laili Etika R

This study aims to explain ecological intelligence contents in electronic Indonesian language course books for junior high school (JHS) students. The methods in the studywere literature review and content analysis. The ecological intelligence contents  in thebooks include: (1) identifying ecosystem components; (2) comprehending the functionsand uses of the components; (3) understanding environmental management systems; (4)understanding environmental values which comprise local wisdom and religious andnormative values; (5) showing concern about environmental destruction and pollution; (6)adapting behavior to the environment; (7) solving problems arising from environmentalimpacts, either individually or collectively; (8) managing/preserving natural resources;and (9) exploiting the environment positively. The ecological intelligence contents are stilldominated by the cognitive aspect and have not emphasized the comprehension, valueinternalization, and application aspects.

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