Sri Wahyuningtyas

The text Dagadu Djokdja product is poetry text which has been used for an object this research. Visualizations interesting and humorous words on the text containing many meanings of social criticsm for the society. This study using the theory of a Riffaterre’s Semiotic. The technique of data analysis done with observation, that means reading the whole text Dagadu Djokdja products. Then, the text  analyzed based on instrinsic unsure, continued analyze with the theory of Riffaterre’s semiotic. The results of research shows that in the text Dagadu Djokdja product are found the existence of social criticism. Started by analyzing instrinsic unsure a poem that consisting of the theme and mandate, the sound, and diction. Followed by the analyze using the theory of a Riffaterre’s semiotic through indirectness expression, the reading of heuristic and hermeunitik, matrix and models, as well as intertekstual relations (hypogram), so there are can find the meaning  of the text Dagadu Djokdja product. After that, research continue by examining the social criticism contained in the text. Some of that namely criticism on politics, criticism of education, criticism of community social conditions, criticism of economics, criticism of criminality, criticism with the culture, criticism of nationalism, criticism of defense and the country security, and strong criticism on health.Keywords: criticism, social, Dagadu Djokdja

Jurnal Zona ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-28
Zulfikar Zulfikar ◽  
Sukendi Sukendi ◽  
Nofrizal Nofrizal

This research aims to determine the impact of the development of Lake Tajwid natural tourism and the strategy of developing Lake Tajwid natural tourism. There are two data in this research, namely primary data and secondary data. data analysis using GAP analysis which is based on the SAPTA PESONA indicator. Sapta Pesona has 7 indicators, namely; safe, orderly, clean, beautiful, cool, friendly and memorable. based on the results of research on natural ecotourism development of Lake Tajwid impact on environmental, economic and social conditions. the environment will have an impact on environmental pollution if it is not wise in developing tourist areas. the economic aspect can grow the economy, the social aspect opens up employment opportunities. Then there is a gap between reality and charm. The strategies designed in this research to realize the natural tourism development of Lake Tajwid are; 1) instilling awareness of tourism, 2) structuring facilities and infrastructure, 3) increasing supporting facilities, 4) increasing information / innovation and promotion, and 5) preserving the environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 352
Ni Kadek Ayu Sulastri ◽  
Putu Sutama

This research entitled “Social Criticism in Aud Kelor Short Story Collection by Carma Citrawati Analysis of Literary Sociology”. There are three short stories that were studied, namely the short stories entitled Wayan Kelor, Siaappp Presiden, and Keneh Pasih. The three short stories were analyzed by structural theory from Nurgiyantoro and sosiology of literature from Wellek and Warren. This research aims to describe the narative structure, the author’s background, and social criticism contained in the three short stories. Methods and techniques used in this study was divided into three stages. The stages of methods and data collection techniques used two methods, namely the simak and record technique. The stages of methods and data analysis techniques using qualitative methods supported by analytic descriptive techniques. Methods and techniques for presenting the results of data analysis using informal methods are supported by inductive techniques and deductive techniques. The result from this research is structure narative from the three short stories, namely: incidents, plot, characters and characterizations, settings, themes, and moral value of the stories. The second research result is an explanation of the author's biography. The third research result is social criticism contained in the three short stories, namely: injustice in law, education, politic, and socio-cultural. The author conveys the social criticism through characters and themes. This social criticism is conveyed specifically to readers and in general to society and the government. The author aims to make readers aware to open their mindset to their surroundings.

Suhardi Suhardi

The purpose of this research is to explore the social aspects contained in the short story. The research method is the method of content analysis. This type of research is qualitative research. Data collection techniques are document techniques. Data analysis techniques, namely: (1) identifying data, (2) classifying data, (3) describing data, and (4) concluding data.  The results of the research obtained are the short story Of Mrs. Durina Mawarni by Harris Effendi Thahar contains social aspects in the form of (1) loss of trust (wife-husband); (2) the dilemma of an aide; and (3) social aspects related to polygamy

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Daniel Raja Kesatria Nainggolan

Laporan penyutradaraan naskah lakon Sinamot karya Mahbub Kurtubi merupakan pembahasan suatu proses perancangan artistik dalam pertunjukan teater. Laporan ini menjelaskan proses pementasan pertunjukan teater dengan judul naskah Sinamot, mulai dari alasan memilih permasalahan tentang sinamot (emas kawin) hingga sampai tahap terakhir menuju pementasan. Naskah lakon Sinamot menceritakan tentang perjuangan seorang perempuan bernama Lasma dalam mempertahankan haknya untuk bisa memilih menikah dengan laki – laki pilihannya. Lasma memiliki kekasih yang berprofesi sebagai seniman bernama Ringgas. Ringgas yang berprofesi sebagai seniman merasa kurang percaya diri untuk memberanikan diri melamar Lasma. Penghasilan Ringgas sebagai seniman tidak cukup banyak untuk membayar sinamot (emas kawin) kepada keluarga Lasma. Permasalahan bertambah ketika paman (bapauda) Lasma bernama Godam menjodohkannya dengan laki – laki lain yang lebih mapan. Pergejolakan batin yang dialami Lasma akhirnya memutuskan dia untuk menerima perjodohan tersebut. Tiba saatnya di hari pernikahan, Lasma memutuskan untuk membatalkan pernikahannya. Lasma meninggakan calon suaminya dan pergi dari gereja. Pada akhinya Lasma lebih memilih untuk tidak menikah dari pada harus hidup dengan laki – laki lain dalam keadaan terpaksa. Naskah lakon Sinamot penuh dengan kritik sosial mengenai permasalahan sinamot (emas kawin) pada masa pra pernikahan masyarakat Batak Toba. Batalnya pernikahan sepasang kekasih karena tidak menemukan kata sepakat dalam pembahasan sinamot (emas kawin) sudah sering terjadi. Oleh karena itu pertunjukan ini bertujuan untuk menyadarkan masyarakat agar mampu melihat kondisi sosial yang terjadi di sekitarnya. Untuk mewujudkannya, sutradara menggunakan teknik alienasi Bertold Brecht pada pertunjukan naskah lakon Sinamot. Teknik alienasi Brecht dianggap mampu mewujudkan keinginan sutradara dalam memberikan ruang kepada penonton untuk berpikir kritis pada pertunjukan naskah lakon Sinamot.The report on the direction of the Sinamot by Mahbub Kurtubi is a discussion of an artistic design process in theater performances. This report describes the process of staging a theater performance with the title Sinamot script, starting from the reasons for choosing the issue of sinamot (emas kawin) to the final stage towards the performance. The Sinamot script tells about the struggle of a woman named Lasma in defending her right to be able to choose to marry a man of her choice. Lasma has a lover who works as an artist named Ringgas. Ringgas, who works as an artist, doesn't feel confident enough to dare to apply for Lasma. Ringgas’s salary as an artist is not enough to pay for sinamot (emas kawin) to Lasma's family. The problem grew when Lasma's uncle (bapauda) named Godam arranged a marriage between him and another, more stable man. The inner turmoil that was experienced by Lasma finally decided him to accept the match. It was time for the wedding day, Lasma decided to cancel the wedding. Lasma left her future husband and left the church. In the end, Lasma prefers not to marry rather than live with other men under coercion. The Sinamot script is full of social criticism regarding the issue of sinamot (emas kawin) during the pre-wedding period of the Batak Toba community. The cancellation of the marriage of two lovers because they did not find an agreement in the discussion of sinamot (emas kawin) has often happened. Therefore, this show aims to make people aware of the social conditions that occur around them. To make it happen, the director used Bertold Brecht's alienation technique in the Sinamot script. Brecht's alienation technique is considered capable of realizing the director's desire to provide space for the audience to think critically at the Sinamot script..

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 218
Hapni Nurliana H.D Hasibuan ◽  
Anwar Effendi ◽  
Margana Margana

Every litterateur makes existing issues or phenomena as inspiration in making literary works. In case with novelist, they convey criticism expressly or implicitly in their novel. Besides the love story, the Konspirasi Alam Semesta novel by Fiersa Besari, the author also criticizes the social conditions that exist in Indonesia. Social criticism in the novel will be the purpose of this research. Furthermore, this research focuses on analyzing the Konspirasi Alam Semesta novel using a sociological literary approach with social criticism. The research method is qualitative research methods with reading and note-taking techniques. The purpose of the research is to describe the problem of social criticism and the form of its presentation in the novel. The research result has obtained: (1) social criticism about politics such as discrimination against families of ex- political prisoner, government policies towards those who have made the country proud, Papua’s wealth and injustice in the development of remote areas, (2) moral criticism of corruption, (3) social criticism of humanity such as generalizations about a group, individual differences, violence against separatists and stigma about spinster, (4) social criticism about religion / belief about the creator. It can be concluded that the author implicitly conveyed his message and response through the Konspirasi Alam Semesta novel. It describes conditions that deviate from social conditions that must be criticized. This novel revives the people’s insights about social problems that exist in Indonesia. Furthermore, the author’s main topic of social criticism is political and humanitarian in Indonesia.

2004 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
Ana Paula Teixeira Porto ◽  
Luana Teixeira Porto

Este trabalho examina contos de Caio Fernando Abreu publicados nos livros “O ovo apunhalado”, de 1975, e “Morangos mofados”, de 1982, com o objetivo de mostrar que alguns de seus textos propõem, direta ou indiretamente, uma análise da sociedade, numa discussão sobre valores e posicionamentos sociais. A vertente social de contos das obras é investigada com base em condições históricas e sociais dos anos 70 e 80, articuladas à análise temática e formal de contos, procurando apontar possíveis afastamentos e aproximações entre as obras. Caio Fernando Abreu: tracking social criticism Abstract This paper examines Caio Fernando Abreu stories published in the books “ O Ovo Apunhalado”, of 1975, and “ Morangos Mofados”, of 1982, with the objective of showing that some of his texts propose, direct or indirectly, an analysis of the society, in a discussion on values and social positionings. The social slope of stories of the books is investigated with base in historical and social conditions of the years 70 and 80, articulated to the thematic and formal analysis of stories, trying to aim possible removals and approaches among the books.

2010 ◽  
pp. 73-89
M.-F. Garcia

The article examines social conditions and mechanisms of the emergence in 1982 of a «Dutch» strawberry auction in Fontaines-en-Sologne, France. Empirical study of this case shows that perfect market does not arise per se due to an «invisible hand». It is a social construction, which could only be put into effect by a hard struggle between stakeholders and large investments of different forms of capital. Ordinary practices of the market dont differ from the predictions of economic theory, which is explained by the fact that economic theory served as a frame of reference for the designers of the auction. Technological and spatial organization as well as principal rules of trade was elaborated in line with economic views of perfect market resulting in the correspondence between theory and reality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-35
Agus Prasetya

This article is motivated by the fact that the existence of the Street Vendor (PKL) profession is a manifestation of the difficulty of work and the lack of jobs. The scarcity of employment due to the consideration of the number of jobs with unbalanced workforce, economically this has an impact on the number of street vendors (PKL) exploding ... The purpose of being a street vendor is, as a livelihood, making a living, looking for a bite of rice for family, because of the lack of employment, this caused the number of traders to increase. The scarcity of jobs, causes informal sector migration job seekers to create an independent spirit, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, with capital, managed by traders who are true populist economic actors. The problems in street vendors are: (1) how to organize, regulate, empower street vendors in the cities (2) how to foster, educate street vendors, and (3) how to help, find capital for street vendors (4) ) how to describe grief as a Five-Foot Trader. This paper aims to find a solution to the problem of street vendors, so that cases of conflict, cases of disputes, clashes of street vendors with Satpol PP can be avoided. For this reason, the following solutions must be sought: (1) understanding the causes of the explosions of street vendors (2) understanding the problems of street vendors. (3) what is the solution to solving street vendors in big cities. (4) describe Street Vendors as actors of the people's economy. This article is qualitative research, the social paradigm is the definition of social, the method of retrieving observational data, in-depth interviews, documentation. Data analysis uses Interactive Miles and Huberman theory, with stages, Collection Data, Display Data, Data Reduction and Vervying or conclusions.

Generasi Emas ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Fifi Febiola ◽  
Izzati Izzati

This study aims to describe the symptoms of over protective foster behsvior towards the social development of children in islamic kindergartens Khaira Ummah Ikur Koto Kecamatan Koto Tangah Kota Padang. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive study methods. The researcher uses parents and teachers as informants. How to use the date used by researchers is observasi, interviews, and documentation. Based one the descriptive and data analysis, it can be concluded that the research shows that parents provide parenting patterns that tend to be over protective of their children. This is indicated by the form of protective provided by parents to their children, and does not provide an opportunity for children to be able to do it themselves. The over protective parenting has an impact on children’s social development, namely children are difficult to adapt to the new environment, prefer to play alone, and result in children not being independent.

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