2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Khairunnisah Khairunnisah ◽  
Mardianto Mardianto ◽  
Khadijah Khadijah

<p>This study aims to find out the relationship between the ability of teachers to manage the classroom, students’ motivation in learning and its significance to the learning outcomes of Fiqh at MDTA Babul Ulum Medan. This research follows quantitative research with survey method. The population of this study consists of all students of MDTA Babul Ulum Medan, 170 people, with a sample taken 15% of the population, namely 26 fourth grade students. The data were collected using a questionnaire for further correlation analysis. The findings of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between the ability of teachers to manage the classroom with Fiqh learning outcomes with a correlation of 0.706, and there is a significant relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes with a correlation of 0.719. as well as a significant relationship between the ability of teachers to manage the classroom and learning motivation simultaneously on learning outcomes of fiqh with a correlation of 0.792.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 1428
Nur Najama ◽  
Punaji Setyosari ◽  
Munzil Munzil

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This action research was conducted to improve learning motivation and learning outcomes in the fourth-grade students. The study was conducted in two cycles. Based on research in the first cycle showed that: (1) In the observation of implementation the learning by teachers reached 76% (2) the result of the motivation questionnaire reached the number of 73%. (3) The students test at 64%. The data on the cycle I have not achieved the criteria for the successful action yet. So, it was necessary to carry out improvements to the next action, namely cycle II. In the cycle II, it showed that (1) In the observation of implementation, the learning by teachers reached 88. (2) the result of the motivation questionnaire reached the number of 89%. (3) The students test results at 93%. The results of data analysis in cycle II have shown that the success criteria have been reached, so there was no need to continue the next cycle.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV. Penelitian dilaksanakan dua siklus. Berdasarkan penelitian siklus I menunjukkan bahwa (1) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran oleh guru mencapai 76%,  (2) hasil angket motivasi siswa mencapai 73%, dan (3) tes hasil belajar siswa sebesar 64%. Data pada siklus I tersebut belum mencapai kriteria keberhasilan tindakan, sehingga perlu dilaksanakan perbaikan pada tindakan selanjutnya, yaitu siklus II. Pada siklus II menunjukkan bahwa (1) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran oleh guru mencapai 88%, (2) hasil angket motivasi siswa mencapai 89%, dan (3) tes hasil belajar siswa sebesar 93%. Hasil analisis data pada siklus II tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kriteria keberhasilan telah tercapai sehingga tidak perlu dilanjutkan pada siklus selanjutnya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-252
Yusri Handayani

Motivation is something that comes from within an individual that can influence individual activities to achieve goals in his life. Learning motivation influences learning objectives and impacts on learning outcomes. This journal aims to find out whether learning motivation influences students' natural science learning outcomes in Makassar Unismuh Middle School. The number of students in this study was 50 people. Data retrieval is done through learning motivation questionnaires and science learning outcomes tests. This study uses SPSS 24 to calculate the relationship or correlation between motivation and learning outcomes. This study resulted in a very significant relationship between motivation to learn and learning outcomes.Keywords: Learning Motivation, Learning OutcomesMotivasi adalah sesuatu yang berasal dari dalam diri individu yang dapat mempengaruhi kegiatan individu guna mencapai tujuan dalam hidupnya. Motivasi belajar mempengaruhi tujuan pembelajaran dan berdampak pada hasil belajar. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah motivasi belajar berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar IPA peserta didik di SMP Unismuh Makassar. Jumlah peserta didik dalam penelitian ini adalah 50 orang. Pengambilan data dilakukan melaui kuesioner motivasi belajar dan tes hasil belajar IPA. Penelitian ini menggunakan SPSS 24 untuk menghitung hubungan atau korelasi antara motivasi dan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini menghasilkan adanya hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar.Kata kunci: Motivasi Belajar, Hasil Belajar

Moh. Aniq Kh.B, Ian Bagus Koko Darminto

Use appropriate media often affect the level of motivation and the level of student learning outcomes. Teachers who rarely use the media in the learning process of students' learning motivation and result in low student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in learning motivation and learning outcomes through the use of media in a clever snakes and ladders games or thematic integrative learning. Subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Kronggen, totaling 18 students, which consisted of eight male students and 10 female students. The result showed that the students' motivation has increased from 61.11% to pre cycles, 72.22% in the first cycle, while the cycle I 72.22% to 94.44% in the second cycle. Then the student learning outcomes on cognitive aspects showed an increase in pre-cycle condition of the average value of student learning outcomes 68.34 and 61.12% of students learning completeness. While in the first cycle, the average value of student learning outcomes increased to 72.78% and 77.78% mastery learning students. While in the second cycle the average value of student learning outcomes increased to 93.34% and 100% complete learn student. Based on the analysis of research data, it can be concluded that the use of snakes and ladders games or smart media can enhance learning motivation and learning outcomes thematic integrative Elementary School fourth grade students 2 Kronggen

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 537-541
Nurul Aulia Rahmi ◽  
Ramadhan Sumarmin ◽  
Yuni Ahda ◽  
Heffi Alberida ◽  
Abdul Razak

This research is a descriptive correlation study that aims to reveal the relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes of students' biology. This study uses a correlational study approach because it connects two variables, namely two independent variables in the form of learning motivation and the dependent variable in the form of biology learning outcomes of students. The technique used in sampling is purposive proportional random sampling, by determining the proportion according to the number of students in the school being studied. In this study, Pearson Product Moment using for conversion score analysis, score distribution, normality tests, and correlation analysis. This correlation analysis aims to determine the relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes of biology. Furthermore, to see whether or not there is meaning in the research, the t-test is used and to see the contribution between the two variables using the coefficient determinant formula. The results show that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes of students in class X MIPA SMAN in Padang City with the value of tcount are 7.603, at the level of confidence 95% with db = 285, greater than ttable which is 1.650

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 294
Chintya Eka Putri ◽  
Z Mawardi Effendi

Interest in learning and the use of textbooks are two aspects that are very influential and have a relationship with student learning outcomes. This can be seen in the learning activities in the XI IPS class of SMAN 1 Luhak Nan Duo on economic subjects, the low student learning outcomes are influenced by students' lack of interest in learning and the lack of use of textbooks by students themselves. The research conducted at the XI IPS class at SMAN 1 Luhak Nan Duo aims to determine the relationship between learning interest and the use of textbooks with learning outcomes. This type of research is quantitative research with correlational methods. The instrument used in this study was a research questionnaire. The population is 130 students with samples randomly selected for 100 students. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that: (1) Interest in learning and the use of textbooks have a positive and significant relationship together with learning outcomes seen from the Sig. F change 0,000 <0,05. (2) There is a positive and significant relationship between interest in learning and learning outcomes seen from the value of Sig. 0,000 <0,05. (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between the use of textbooks and learning outcomes of economic subjects seen from the Sig. 0,000 <0,05.Keyword : Interest in learning, utilization of textbooks, learning outcomes

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Muhammad Amran Shidik

ABSTRAK Mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi belajar dengan pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik MAN Baraka merupakan tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian korelasi produk momen, dimana ada dua variabel yang ingin dikatahui hubungan dan arah hubungannya, serta menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas X MIA MAN Baraka dengan total 121 orang peserta didik. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dua jenis instrument yakni instumen non-tes dan tes masing-masing untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar dengan jumlah 37 pernyataan, setiap pernyataan memiliki 5 pilihan jawaban dan pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik dengan jumlah butir soal 26 yang setiap nomornya memiliki lima alternatif jawaban. Dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi produk momen diperoleh hasil penelitian yaitu nilai signifikansi 0,008 < 0,05 yang berarti Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara motivasi belajar dengan pemahaman konsep fisika peserta didik MAN Baraka dengan arah korelasinya adalah positif. Dengan ini, guru-guru ketika akan melakukan pembelajaran, baiknya memberikan motivasi terlebih dahulu kepada peserta didik agar mereka termotivasi. Ketika pererta didik sudah termotivasi, maka peserta didik akan bersemangat dan memungkinkan mereka untuk mudah dalam memahami konsep-konsep pelajaran sehingga akan memperoleh hasil belajar yang lebih baik. Kata  kunci: motivasi, belajar, pemahaman, konsep, fisika ABSTRACT Knowing the relationship between learning motivation and understanding students' MAN Baraka concepts is the aim of this study. This research was included in product-moment research, where there were two variables that wanted to know the relationship and direction needed, and used quantitative research. The subjects of this study were all students of class X MIA MAN Baraka with a total of 121 students. Data collection used two types of instruments namely non-test and each test to determine learning motivation with a total of 37 answers, each of which had 5 answer choices and students' understanding of concepts with a total of 26 items, each of which had five alternative answers. By using product evaluation analysis when the results of significance 0.008 <0.05 which mean that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between learning and learning with the understanding of MAN Baraka students' concepts and the direction of correlation is positive. With this, the teacher when going to learn, it is better to provide motivation in advance to students so that they are motivated. When students are motivated, students will be excited and allow them to easily understand the concepts of the lesson so that they will get better learning outcomes. Keywords: motivation, learning, understanding, concepts, physics

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Agung Arianto ◽  
Tuti Iriani ◽  
Riyan Arthur

This study aims to determine the correlation between teacher’s instructional communication and learning outcomes in the form of final exam in the subjects of Class X Land Measurement Science expertise in Modeling and Building Information expertise program at SMKN 1 Jakarta. The type of research used in this study is associative quantitative research. The method used is a survey method with a correlational approach. The population in this study were class X students of the Permodean Design and Building Information program at SMK 1 Jakarta, as many as 102 people. The sample in this study used the Random Sampling technique which was tested on 80 students. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between instructional communication and learning outcomes as evidenced by: correlation coefficient value of 0.601 which is included in the category of strong relationships, the significance value of the correlation coefficient t count = 6.851 and t table = 1.991 which indicates a significant relationship, and the relationship between instructional communication and final exam learning outcomes is obtained by the determination coefficient value of 0.376. So the instructional communication factor can influence learning outcomes, which is 37.6%, and the rest is influenced by other factors beyond instructional communication skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-85
Qomario Qomario ◽  
Ahmad Tohir ◽  
Ali Mashari

This research aimed to describe the effect of realistic mathematical approaches on mathematics learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SDN 4 JatiMulyo. Type of this research is quantitative research using quasi-experimental methods and using one-group pre-test and post-test design. This research is conducted for grade IV odd semester 2019/2020 at SDN 4 JatiMulyo. The population in this research are all fourth grade students of SDN 4 Jati Mulyo with a total of 31 students. The sampling using saturated sampling technique (total sampling), thus the sample in this research amounted to 31 students. The data collection is done through tests, namely pre-test and post-test. The data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive analysis. Based on the result and discussion in this research, it can be concluded that there is an effect of a realistic mathematical approach to the mathematics learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD N 4 JatiMulyo. This is evidenced by the mean value of mathematics learning outcomes is 83.84 (very good category). From these results it can be concluded that there was an effect of a realistic mathematical approach to student mathematics learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Pebriza Armayeni ◽  
Yos Sudarman

AbstractThis research aims to explain the correlation of  learning motivation with the students’ learning outcome of the dance art in class X MAN 3 Padang. The problem of research was the difference of students’motivation in the class X MAN 3 Padang which were influenced by the teacher, materials, methods, media, and evaluation of the lesson. This research was quantitative research with correlational  methods. Correlational  research is a study tha measures the relationship between X dan Y variables. The research samples were 25 students of the class X-1 MAN 3 Padang. The instruments of the research were a questionnaire and a testof learning outcomes. The data were collected through interviews and observation as secondary data collection techniques. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between learning motivation and students’ learning outcomes at the dance subject at the MAN 3 Padang. It was proven by rxy value =0.759 which was higher than the rtable. 0.459. Thus,it has shown that the correlation between the two variables was significant. By proving this hypothesis, the learning motivation was demonstrated by attention, understanding diligence and confidence. The students’ learning outcome is improved when they are highly motivated to learn.Keyword: motivation, student learning results, dance lessons

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