scholarly journals Manfaat pemberian tepung daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) terhadap kadar IL-6 dan kolesterol LDL tikus Sprague Dawley dislipidemia

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 173
Welresna Juliatri Putri Rupiasa ◽  
Siti Fatimah-Muis ◽  
Ahmad Syauqy ◽  
Kusmiyati Tjahjono ◽  
Gemala Anjani

Dyslipidemia condition causes oxidative stress that triggers inflammation. Moringa leaves are rich in fiber and antioxidants that can prevent oxidative stress and reduce inflammation. This study aimed to see, measure, and analyze the effect of Moringa flour supplementation on IL-6 and LDL levels of dyslipidemic Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. The type of study was true-experiment with randomized pre-post. Test with control. Group design. Intervention for 28 days in 4 groups of SD rats (n= 24); a consisting group of healthy rats (K-), dyslipidemic rats (K+), dyslipidemic rats respectively given 0.1g/100g BW moringa flour (P1), and 0.2 g/100g BW moringa flour (P2). ELISA and CHOD-PAP methods measured IL-6 and LDL levels. Statistical analysis used Paired t-test, One-way Anova, and Post Hoc Bonferroni. The results showed a significant decrease in IL-6 and LDL levels in the intervention group compared to the non-intervention group (p= 0,000). The reduction of IL-6 levels in the P2 group was greater than that in the P1 group but not significant. The decrease. in LDL levels in the P2 group was significantly higher than in the P1 group. It is attributed to the fiber and antioxidant content in Moringa. Fiber that can bind cholesterol and bile acids, antioxidants can regulate fat metabolism, capture free radicals and prevent oxidative stress. In conclusion, Moringa flour supplementation improved lipid profiles and inflammation compared to rats with only standard and high-fat diets

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Anas Omar Ashkurfu ◽  
Kis Djamiatun

Background: High fat diets are known to cause a positive fat balance and consequently to the accumulation of adipose mass, this diet does not seem to stimulate fat oxidation in the same way in obese and lean subjects. HFD was an inducing factor for ICAM-1 expression in the aorta of Wistar rats. HFD effect on ICAM-1 seems to be time dependent. ICAM-1 is one of the first events in the formation of atherosclerotic lesions. HFD up-regulated Cav-1, regulated expression other biomarker in HFD is eNOS. Recent studies showed that E. longifolia Jack protected HFD animal model from atherosclerosis based on the reduce atherosclerotic plaque size and formation HFD-rats treated with E. longifolia Jack.Objective: To prove that Eurycoma longifolia has anti inflammatory effect on endothelial cell blood vessels of Sprague Dawley rat with high fat diet.Method: Study design was experimental study, by used Randomized Post Test only Control Group Design with Kruskal-Wallis test was used to analyze the differences among groups and followed by a Mann Whitney test. Treatment is ethanolic or water extract of Eurycoma longifolia Jack, and out come are sICAM-1 and eNOS levels. Thirty Sprague Dawley (SD) Rat, were divided into 6 groups. C(-) was SD group, C(+) was group with HFD, X1 (SD treated with EL dosage 10 mg/kg), X2 (SD treated with EL dosage 15 mg/kg), X3 (HFD treated with EL dosage 10 mg/kg), X4 (HFD treated with EL dosage 15 mg/kg).

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 258-264
Widitha Gustining Asmariani ◽  
Enny Probosari

Background: Increased LDL cholesterol concentrations and low plasma HDL cholesterol concentrations are well-established risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Diet modification is one of recommended theraphy to decrease LDL cholesterol level by increasing fiber intake from fruit. Papaya contains niacin, fiber, and antioxidant which can decrease LDL cholesterol level. It also contains quercetin to increase HDL cholesterol level. The aim of this study was to prove the effect of papaya of different dosages on LDL and HDL cholesterol of hypercholesterolemic rats. Methods: This research was true-experimental using pre-post test with control group design. Subjects were male Sprague Dowley rats, 7-8 weeks old, 100-200 grams weight, inducted hypercholesterolemia, given papaya diet using 5,4 gr, 7,2 gr, and 9,0 gr dosage for 4 weeks. LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol were measured by direct method using LDL-C Select (DiaSys) reagent and CHOP-PAP methods respectively. Normality of the data was tested by Shapiro Wilks test. Data were analyzed by paired t test continued with One Way Anova.and post-hoc LSD. Result: The study revealed that papaya of dosage 5,4 gr/day decreased LDL cholesterol (p<0,05) significantly from 45,29±9,05 mg/dl to 30,29±5,31 mg/dl but nonsignificantly decrease HDL cholesterol level (p=0,930) from 25,71 ± 5,09 to 25,57 ± 3,59 mg/dl at the same dosage. Other dosage of 7,2 mg/day and 9,0 gr/day neither significantly decrease LDL cholesterol level nor increase HDL cholesterol level. Conclusion: Papaya couldn’t decreased LDL cholesterol and increased HDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic rats.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 184-191
Cut Arsyiyanti ◽  
Ahmad Syauqy ◽  
Kusmiyati Tjahjono

Latar Belakang : Asam urat merupakan produk akhir metabolisme purin yang jika jumlahnya berlebih dapat memicu berbagai macam penyakit diantaranya gout. Biji pepaya mengandung zat fitokimia seperti flavonoid, saponin, dan tanin yang dapat menormalkan kadar profil lipid dan menurunkan kadar asam urat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jus biji pepaya terhadap kadar asam urat pada tikus dislipidemia. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah true experimental dengan pre-post test randomized control group design terhadap 24 ekor tikus Sprague Dawley dislipidemia yang kemudian dibagi secara acak dalam 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif yang hanya diberikan pakan standar, kontrol positif yang diberikan pakan standar dan tinggi lemak, serta dua kelompok perlakuan yang diberikan pakan standar, tinggi lemak dan jus biji pepaya dengan dosis 400 mg dan 800 mg selama 30 hari. Kadar Asam urat diperiksa dengan metode Spektrofotometri. Data di analisis dengan uji Paired t-test dan Anova serta uji LSD pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil: Perubahan kadar asam urat kelompok kontrol negatif, k ontrol positif dan perlakuan 400 mg dan 800 mg secara berturut-turut adalah -11,21 (p=0,352), 18,91 (p=0,360), -30,43 (p=0,024), dan -16,67(p=0,127). Perubahan kadar asam urat antar kelompok dengan uji Anova menunjukkan signifikansi sebesar 0,017. dilanjutkan uji Post-Hoc antara kelompok kontrol negatif dengan kelompok perlakuan dosis 400 mg dan 800 mg menunjukkan signifikansi berturut-turut 0,003 dan 0,019. Simpulan: Pemberian jus biji pepaya selama 30 hari pada dosis 400 mg/ekor/hari efektif menurunkan kadar asam urat pada tikus dislipidemia.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-149
Siti Muflikhatur R ◽  
Hesti Murwani Rahayuningsih

Latar Belakang: Peningkatan kadar kolesterol total merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskuler.  Manajemen kadar kolesterol total dapat dilakukan dengan upaya kuratif dan preventif. Simvastatin merupakan salah satu obat penurun kadar kolesterol total. Pengendalian asupan efektif untuk mencegah peningkatan kadar kolesterol total. Konsumsi makanan fungsional berpotensi dalam mencegah peningkatan kadar kolesterol total, salah satunya adalah konsumsi daun salam. Flavonoid yang terkandung dalam daun salam terbukti efektif dalam menurunkan kadar kolesterol total. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan adanya perbedaan pengaruh antara ekstrak dan rebusan daun salam dalam mencegah peningkatan kadar kolesterol total darah tikus Sprague dawley.Metoda: Rancangan penelitian adalah true experimental jenis pre-post test randomized control group design terhadap 24 ekor tikus Sprague dawley yang dibagi acak dalam 4 kelompok. Tikus diberi pakan tinggi lemak bersamaan dengan pemberian ekstrak dan rebusan dengan dosis masing-masing ekstrak dari 0,72 gram daun segar dan rebusan 0,72 gram secara sonde sekali sehari. Kadar kolesterol total diperiksa dengan metode CHOD-PAP spektrofotometri. Data dianalisis menggunakan paired t-test dan uji one way ANOVA yang dilanjutkan uji Post-Hoc LSD pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%.Hasil: Kadar kolesterol total pada seluruh kelompok meningkat secara signifikan (p=0,000). Peningkatan kadar kolesterol total pada kelompok kontrol negatif adalah 147,88 %, kelompok control positif 11,64 %, kelompok perlakuan ekstrak 39,03 %, dan kelompok perlakuan rebusan 77,84 %. Terdapat perbedaan perubahan kadar kolesterol total antar kelompok secara signifikan (p=0,000).Simpulan: Perlakuan yang memiliki efek menahan laju peningkatan kadar kolesterol total terbesar sampai terkecil adalah 0,018 gram simvastatin, 0,034 gram ekstrak daun salam, dan 0,72 gram rebusan daun salam.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-97
Astri Praba Shinta ◽  
Martha Irene Kartasurya

LatarBelakang : Dislipidemia merupakan gangguan metabolisme lipid berupa peningkatan kadar kolesterol total, kolesterol Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), trigliserida, dan penurunan kolesterol High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). Quercetin yang terkandung dalam flavonoid daun salam dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL.Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratorik dengan pre-post test randomized control group design. Subjek penelitian adalah 24 tikus Sprague Dawley jantan berumur 8 minggu yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, yang terdiri dari 6 ekor tikus. Keempat kelompok diberi pakan standar dan diet tinggi lemak. Kelompok pertama merupakan kelompok kontrol positif dan kelompok kedua diberi 0,18 g/kg BB simvastatin. Kelompok ketiga diberi 0,034 g/kg BB ekstrak daun salam dan kelompok keempat diberi 0,72 g/kg BB rebusan daun salam. Kadar kolesterol LDL ditentukan dengan metode CHOD-PAP. Normalitas distribusi data diuji dengan Shapiro-Wilks. Data dianalisis dengan uji paired t-test, Kruskall Wallis, dan One Way Anova.Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kadar kolesterol LDL yaitu 79,7 mg/dL pada kelompok kontrol positif; 38,3 mg/dL pada kelompok rebusan; 26,2 mg/dL pada kelompok ekstrak; serta 2,9 mg/dL pada kelompok simvastatin. Kelompok kontrol positif mengalami peningkatan kadar kolesterol LDL paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok lainnya. Peningkatan kadar kolesterol LDL pada kelompok ekstrak (26,2 mg/dL) lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok rebusan (38,3 mg/dL). Hasil uji Post Hoc menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan perubahan kadar kolesterol LDL antara kelompok simvastatin dan kontrol positif; simvastatin dan ekstrak; simvastatin dan rebusan; ekstrak dan kontrol positif; ekstrak dan rebusan; serta rebusan dan kontrol positif. Simpulan : Pemberian rebusan daun salam tidak dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL pada tikus Sprague Dawley yang diberi pakan tinggi lemak namun peningkatan kadar kolesterol LDL pada kelompok rebusan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol positif serta lebih tinggi peningkatannya dibandingkan dengan kelompok ekstrak dan simvastatin.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 231 ◽  
Mohamad Riza ◽  
Andina Putri A

Objective: to compare the effect of administration of energy drinks and coffee on creatinine levels in rats.Methods: an experimental laboratory research using the post test only control group design. The study used 18 male white Sprague Dawley divided into three groups to receive one of the following treatments: 2 cc distilled water,0.072 g /2cc energy drinks and 0.9 g/cc of coffee for 14 days. The creatinine level was evaluated. Data were analyzed by One Way ANOVA test.Results: The mean creatinine level in the aquades group, energy drinks, coffee group was 0.708 mg/dl, 2.05 mg/dl 1.861 mg/dl, respectively. Post Hoc test the LSD test showed a significant difference among these groups (p <0.05).Conclusion: There was a significant different effect between 0.072 g / 2cc energy drinks and 0.9 g/cc coffee on creatinine levels in rat.International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 03 No. 04 October’19 Page : 231-234

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 153 ◽  
Anindya Anindya ◽  
Ruslan Muhyi ◽  
Eko Suhartono

Abstract: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a disease caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries of heart due to the process of arteriosclerosis. Broadly speaking CHD triggered by two factors, ie factors that can be modified and controlled. One factor that can be controlled are environmental factors, including exposure to heavy metals, such as cadmium (Cd). Patomekanisme Cd in the trigger CHD until now has not known for certain, but suspected by his activity in the trigger endothelial dysfunction and interfere with cholesterol metabolism. This study aimed to assess the effect of Cd exposure to an increased risk of CHD, by measuring the levels of circulating endothelial cell (CEC) and blood cholesterol the liver of mice. This study was purely experimental design with Post Test Only with Control Group Design. The subjects used were 15 rats (Rattus novergicus) male, Sprague-Dawley, normal activities, aged 3-4 months, weighing 300 ± 10 grams. The research subjects were divided into three groups with the number of each of 5 mice per group, which consists of one control group (P0), and the 2 treatment groups (P1 and P2). Group P0, that rats fed a commercial feed only, P1, namely rats fed a commercial feed + Cd at a concentration of 3 mg / l in drinking water for 1 day (acute), and P2, the mice were fed a commercial + Cd with concentration 3 mg / l in drinking water for 4 weeks (subacute). Each end of the exposure period, rats from each group will do the surgery, to take blood samples. Furthermore, the CEC will be measured and blood cholesterol levels. Data were analyzed statistically using One Way ANOVA and Tukey HSD Post Hoc. The results showed that Cd exposure may affect kada CEC and kolseterol significantly (P <0.05). The results also showed that there were significant differences between the levels of blood CEC each treatment group (P <0.05). Based on the results of this study concluded that Cd exposure may increase the risk of developing CHD by elevated levels of CEC and blood cholesterol.Keywords: Cadmium, Circulating Endhotelial Cells, Blood Cholesterol Abstrak: Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh penyempitan arteri koronaria jantung akibat proses ateriosklerosis. Secara garis besar PJK dipicu oleh dua faktor, yaitu faktor yang dapat dimodifikasi dan dikendalikan. Salah satu faktor yang dapat dikendalikan adalah faktor lingkungan, termasuk pajanan logam berat, seperti kadmium (Cd). Patomekanisme Cd dalam memicu PJK sampai saat ini belum diketahui secara pasti, namun diduga melalui aktivitasnya dalam memicu disfungsi endotel dan mengganggu metabolism kolesterol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pajanan Cd terhadap peningkatan risiko PJK, melalui pengukuran kadar Circulating Endothelial Cell (CEC) dan kolesterol darah hati tikus putih. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental murni dengan rancangan  Post Test Only with Control Group Design. Subyek yang digunakan adalah 15 tikus putih (Rattus novergicus) jantan, galur Sprague-Dawley, beraktivitas normal, berumur 3-4 bulan, dengan berat 300±10 gram. Subyek penelitian kemudian dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok dengan jumlah masing-masing 5 tikus per kelompok, yang terdiri dari 1 kelompok kontrol (P0), dan 2 kelompok perlakuan (P1 dan P2). Kelompok P0, yakni tikus yang diberi pakan komersial saja, P1, yakni tikus yang diberi pakan komersial+Cd dengan konsentrasi 3 mg/l dalam air minum selama 1 hari (akut), dan P2, yakni tikus yang diberi pakan komersial+Cd dengan konsentrasi 3 mg/l dalam air minum selama 4 minggu (subakut). Setiap akhir periode pemajanan, tikus dari masing-masing kelompok akan dilakukan pembedahan, untuk mengambil sampel darah. Selanjutnya, akan dilakukan pengukuran kadar CEC dan kolesterol darah. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara statistic menggunakan uji One Way Anova dan Post Hoc Tukey HSD.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pajanan Cd dapat mempengaruhi kada CEC dan kolseterol secara bermakna (P < 0,05). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar CEC darah antar masing-masing kelompok perlakuan (P<0,05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pajanan Cd dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya PJK melalui peningkatan kadar CEC dan kolesterol darah. Kata - Kata Kunci: Kadmium, CEC, Kolesterol Darah

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 314-322 ◽  
Sari Puspitasari A.P ◽  
Ahmad Syauqy

Latar Belakang : Peningkatan prevalensi sindrom metabolik berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan kejadian penyakit kardiovaskular dan diabetes. Kondisi dislipidemia dan hiperglikemia yang terjadi pada penderita sindrom metabolik mengindikasikan adanya akumulasi radikal bebas. Peningkatan radikal bebas dan penurunan mekanisme pertahanan antioksidan menghasilkan peningkatan derajat stres oksidatif, yang dapat digambarkan dengan kadar MDA. Buah pisang kepok mengandung antioksidan, vitamin, serat, inulin, dan pati resisten yang berpotensi menurunkan kadar MDA melalui pencegahan oksidasi lipid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh buah pisang kepok terhadap kadar MDA hati pada tikus pra-sindrom metabolik.Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan post-test only with randomized control group design. Sebanyak 28 ekor tikus Sprague Dawley pra-sindrom metabolik dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok: K- (hanya diberikan pakan standar), K+ (pakan standard dan induksi STZ(Streptozotocin) dan NAD (nicotinamide)), serta P1, P2 (diberikan pakan standar, induksi STZ dan NAD, serta pisang kepok dengan dosis 4,5g/200gBB dan 9g/200gBB selama 21 hari). Pengukuran MDA hati dilakukan dengan metode TBARS (2-ThioBarbituric Acid Reactive Substance). Data dianalisis dengan uji Anova dan post-hoc LSD.Hasil : Terdapat perbedaan kadar MDA antara K-, K+, P1, P2 (p=0,000). Kadar MDA P2 (3,4457±0,27184 nmol/ml) lebih rendah daripada K+ (8,7800±0,33724 nmol/ml) dan P1 (6,0243±0,50695 nmol/ml), tetapi lebih tinggi daripada K- (2,3029±0,20766 nmol/ml). Hasil uji post-hoc LSD tentang perbedaan kadar MDA antarkelompok menunjukkan signifikansi sebesar p=0,000.Simpulan : Pemberian buah pisang kepok selama 21 hari pada dosis 9g/200gBB/hari dapat membuat kadar MDA pada tikus pra-sindrom metabolik menjadi lebih rendah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Yurike Septianingrum ◽  
Nety Mawarda Hatmanti

Introduction: Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is a common problem that is often complained of by women during menstruation. Menstrual pain can interfere learning activities, especially final year students in completing their thesis. The purpose of this study were to analyze the effect of endorphin massage on menstrual pain in final year nursing students of UNUSA. Method: This study using an experimental with pre-test and post-test control group design. Research subjects of this study was recruited using simple random sampling who was included inclusion and exclusion criteria. Research subjects in this study was of 46 students who were then divided into two groups, 23 students into intervention group and 23 students into control group. Data were collected by using observation with VAS. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U test. Result and Analysis: The results showed that: 1) There was difference VAS score between pre test and post test in intervention group (p= 0,000), 2) There was difference VAS score between intervention and control group (p= 0,017). Conclusion: Endorphin massage could reduce menstrual pain in final year nursing student of UNUSA. Further research, is expected that endorphin massage can be compared with music therapy to reduce menstrual painKeywords: endorphin massage, menstrual pain, primary dysmenorrhea

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Eviana Budiartanti Sutanto ◽  
Taufiq R Nasihun ◽  
Israhnanto Isradji ◽  
Luciana Budiati Sutanto

Introduction: Cigarette smoke causes oxidative stress which results in reduced sperm concentration, motility and morphology, also increased levels of 8-OHdG as a marker of DNA damage. Vitamin C and E have potential role in repairing spermatozoa damages. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of vitamin C and E combination on sperm quality and cement 8-OHdG level of smoke exposed rats.Methods: This study used a post test only control group design among 18 male Wistar rats subject, aged 8 week, 150-200 grams body weight (BW). The subject was randomly divided into 3 groups, K1: control, K2: cigarettes smoke exposed, K3: cigarettes smoke exposed and given a combination of 0.045 mg/gBW vitamin C and 0.036 IU/gBW vitamin E per oral. Analysis was done on day 21 using one-way ANOVA and post-hoc LSD for sperm concentration, motility and morphology; using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests for cement 8- OHdG levels.Results: The lowest sperm concentration was found in   K2 (K2  32.59  million/mL,  K1 47.91 million/mL, K 339.43 million/mL); the lowest normal sperm motility was found in K2 (K 238.97%, K 164.57%, K3 51.43%); the lowest normal sperm morphology was found in K2 (K2 27.56%, K 138.36%, K 331.18%); and the highest cement 8- OHdG level was found in K2 (K2 20.18ng/mL, K1 3.43ng/mL, K3 5.28ng/mL).Conclusion: Combination of vitamin C and E can improve sperm concentration, motility and morphology and decrease cement 8-OHdG levels of smoke exposed rats.

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