Feronika Feronika ◽  
Azmi Fendri ◽  
Yulia Mirwati

<p><em>Ulayat land is a land that is acquired from generation to generation whose control and utilization are regulated by the Mamak Waris Head. This is all obtained without correspondence or in Writing, only by knowing the boundaries naturally with someone else's land. In Padang City, especially in Bungus Teluk Kabung Subdistrict, most of the existing property is customary land. Ulayat land is used for the benefit of its people. The government is obliged to hold land registration in the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia. One of the methods adopted by the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency is through the Complete Systematic Land Registration Implementation Acceleration program as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / Head of the Republic of Indonesia National Land Agency Number 12 of 2017 concerning Acceleration of Complete Systematic Land Registration , which was carried out in Bungus Teluk Kabung Subdistrict which had a target of 1,100 fields. The formulation of the problem in this Writing is 1. How is the implementation of community ulayat land registration through the Complete Systematic Land Registration program in Bungus Subdistrict Teluk Kabung. 2. What obstacles were encountered in the implementation of the record of communal ulayat land through the Complete Systematic Land Registration program in Bungus Subdistrict Teluk Kabung. And in this Writing, the author uses a sociological juridical approach. Based on the research conducted by the author, the implementation of the registration of ulayat land of the people through the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program in Bungus District Teluk Kabung. It is challenging to implement and does not achieve this target because there are some obstacles in the implementation of the ulayat land registration of the people so that the ulayat land of the community cannot be registered with the Land Office. Constraints arise include subject, namely whose name certificate recorded in the name of the Mamak Chief Heir, on behalf of one member of the community or in the name of Mamak the Head of Waris along with members of the city because in most fields many register on behalf of one member the people without being noticed by Mamak To Waris and other members of the people. Another obstacle is the absence of the Mamak Waris Head and Kerapatan Adat Nagari in the land registration process.</em><em></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-183
Melatul Aliyah ◽  
Fifik Wiryani ◽  
Isdian Anggraeny

This study aims to find out all procedures for the transfer of rights to ex-customary land that have not been certified along with the requirements that must be completed to register the transfer of rights to ex-customary land that has not been certified as well as to find out the problems faced by the people of Ambit Village related to the registration of the transfer of rights to land. former customs and solutions for their solutions. The research method used is field research with an empirical juridical approach that is based on field research and interviews and is adapted to legal conditions. The results of the study can be concluded that the registration of the transfer of rights to former customary land that has not been certified in Ambit Village has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the government regulation of land registration No. 24 of 1997. There are several problems that arise in the process of registering the transfer of rights to former customary land that has not been certified, such as land parcels that are still in dispute and there is no proof of SPPT PBB payment from the previous owner. It can be concluded that the community must follow the procedure and register their land with complete required documents and pay taxes on time. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seluruh prosedur peralihan hak atas tanah bekas adat yang belum bersertifikat beserta persyaratan-persyaratan yang harus dilengkapi untuk mendaftarkan peralihan hak atas tanah bekas adat yang belum bersertifikat serta mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Desa Ambit terkait dengan pendaftaran peralihan hak atas tanah bekas adat beserta solusi penyelesaiannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris yang didasarkan pada penelitian lapangan dan wawancara serta disesuaikan dengan keadaan hukum. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pelaksanaan pendaftaran peralihan hak atas tanah bekas adat yang belum bersertifikat di Desa Ambit telah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan pemerintah pendaftaran tanah No. 24 Tahun 1997. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang timbul dalam proses pendaftaran peralihan hak atas tanah bekas adat yang belum bersertifikat seperti bidang tanah masih dalam keadaan sengketa serta tidak ada bukti pembayaran SPPT PBB dari pemilik sebelumnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat harus mengikuti prosedur dan mandaftarkan tanahnya dengan dokumen persyaratan lengkap serta membayar pajak tepat waktu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 651-657
Nyoman Handytya Wiarsa Putra ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi ◽  
Luh Putu Suryani

Complete systematic land registration is a program organized by the government, specifically the "Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning or Head of the National Land Agency". with the aim of increasing the number of land registrations issuing certificates in Indonesia. This is very important, so it is hoped that the participation of the whole community in the importance of certificates and it is hoped that the National Land Agency will provide socialization about the importance of ownership of land rights. Its application is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning or the Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2018 concerning Complete Systematic Land Registration. This study aimed to examine the process of implementing a complete systematic land registration and its obstacles and to examine the efforts to implement a complete systematic land registration in the village of Menanga, Rendang District, Karangasem Regency. The method used was empirical legal research. Sources of data used were primary and secondary legal data, then analyzed through interpretation and qualitative techniques. The results showed that the Implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration in Menanga Village, Rendang District, Karangasem Regency was carried out to achieve legal certainty of land rights ownership. The implementation of this program has not been effective and has not been implemented optimally due to the low participation in the management of land certificates.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Mira Novana Ardani

The series of land registration activities requires expenditures in the form of tariffs charged at each stage. The principle that we can associate with the provisions of Article 9 paragraph (4) of the UUPA is an affordable principle, in the government regulation, the costs related to land registration are regulated, provided that the people who are not able to be released are paid for the fees. we can also find it in Government Regulation Number 128 of 2015 concerning Types and Rates of Types of Non-Tax State Revenues that Apply to the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency. How is the affordable principle of land registration with the land registration service in the form of the first land registration service for certain parties? This study uses a normative juridical approach. Affordable principles in land registration can be seen in Government Regulation No. 128 of 2015, Article 22 and Article 24, which will certainly ease the burden on certain designated parties, so that they can reach those who need, especially the poor. Keywords: Affordable Principle, Land Registration, First Time, Parties Abstrak Rangkaian kegiatan pendaftaran tanah memerlukan pengeluaran berupa tarif yang dikenakan pada masing-masing tahapannya. Asas yang dapat kita kaitkan dengan ketentuan Pasal 9 ayat (4) UUPA adalah asas terjangkau,dalam peraturan pemerintah diatur biaya-biaya yang bersangkutan dengan pendaftaran tanah, dengan ketentuan bahwa rakyat yang tidak mampu dibebaskan dari pembayaran biaya-biaya tersebut.Peraturan pemerintah yang dimaksud pun dapat kita jumpai pada Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 128 Tahun 2015 tentang Jenis dan Tarif Atas Jenis Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak Yang Berlaku Pada Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional. Bagaimana keterkaitan asas terjangkau dari pendaftaran tanah dengan pelayanan pendaftaran tanah berupa pelayanan pendaftaran tanah untuk pertama kali terhadap pihak tertentu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Asas terjangkau dalam pendaftaran tanah dapat dilihat penerapannya dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor  128  Tahun  2015, Pasal 22 dan Pasal 24, tentu akan meringankan beban bagi pihak tertentu yang ditunjuk tersebut, sehingga dapat menjangkau pihak-pihak yang memerlukan, khususnya masyarakat tidak mampu. Kata Kunci: Asas Terjangkau, Pendaftaran Tanah, Pertama kali, Pihak Tertentu

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Nurwan Nurwan ◽  
Ali Hadara ◽  
La Batia

ABSTRAK: Inti pokok masalah dalam penelitian ini meliputi latar belakang gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna, Faktor-faktor yang mendorong gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna, proses gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna dan akibat gerakan sosial masyarakat Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna? Latar belakang gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba yaitu keadaan kampungnya yang hanya terdiri dari beberapa kepala keluarga tiap kampung dan jarak yang jauh masing-masing kampung membuat keadaan masyarakatnya sulit untuk berkomnikasi dan tiap kampung hanya terdiri dari lima sampai dengan tujuh kepala keluarga saja. Kampung ini letaknya paling timur pulau Muna terbentang dari ujung kota Raha sekarang sampai kampung Wakuru yang saat ini. Kondisi ini juga yang menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab kampung ini kurang berkembang baik dibidang ekonomi, sosial politik, pendidikan maupun di bidang kebudayaan. Keadaan ini diperparah lagi dengan sifat dan karakter penduduknya yang masih sangat primitif. Faktor yang mendorong adanya gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna adalah adanya ketidaksesuaian antara keinginan pemerintah setempat dan masyarakat yang mendiami Kampung Labaluba pada waktu itu. Sedangkan proses gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna bermula ketika pemerintah seolah memaksakan kehendaknya kepada rakyat yang menyebabkan rakyat tidak setuju dengan kebijakan tersebut. Akibat yang ditimbulkan dari adanya gerakan sosial masyarakat Kampung Labaluba Desa Kontumere Kecamatan Kabawo Kabupaten Muna terbagi dua yaitu akibat positif dan akibat negatif.Kata Kunci: Gerakan Sosial, Factor dan Dampaknya ABSTRACT: The main issues in this study include the background of the social movement of Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo Sub-District, Muna District, Factors that encourage social movements of Labaluba Kampung Sub-village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo Sub-District, Muna District, the social movement process of Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo Sub-District Muna Regency and due to Labaluba community social movements Kontumere Village Kabawo District Muna Regency? The background of the Labaluba Kampung community social movement is that the condition of the village consists of only a few heads of households per village and the distance of each village makes it difficult for the community to communicate and each village only consists of five to seven households. This village is located east of the island of Muna stretching from the edge of the city of Raha now to the current village of Wakuru. This condition is also one of the factors causing the village to be less developed in the economic, social political, educational and cultural fields. This situation is made worse by the very primitive nature and character of the population. The factor that motivated the existence of the social movement of Labaluba Village in Kontumere Village, Kabawo Subdistrict, Muna Regency was the mismatch between the wishes of the local government and the people who inhabited Labaluba Village at that time. While the process of social movements in Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo District, Muna Regency began when the government seemed to impose its will on the people, causing the people to disagree with the policy. The consequences arising from the existence of social movements in Labaluba Village, Kontumere Village, Kabawo District, Muna Regency are divided into two, namely positive and negative effects. Keywords: Social Movements, Factors and their Impacts

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.26) ◽  
pp. 40
Mekala T ◽  
Devakar B ◽  
Govindhasamy P ◽  
Nishkal Kanna B

Citizens of our country face municipal complications like Street damage, Street cleaning, Garbage bin overflowing, light post damage, wa-ter outage etc. They started to register their complaints with advanced technologies. The complaint registration has many ways to file their complaints, it makes easier to register the complaint and saves our time. To solve these types of complications, we are going to implement a web application that helps the people to intimate about their issues directly to the government officer. So when the people iden-tify any complications in the city`s environment then, the government officer will solve the complications through his web portal. This will minimize time as well as money to go to an office for complaint registration. If the problem solved by those subjective then user will get the problem solved message. Otherwise, the problem will be again send to higher authorities to take action about it. The message alert will hap-pens repeatedly until the problem gets solve. Only the authorized persons have the rights to create the account by using aadhar card etc. 

Susi Erlinda ◽  
Sayyid Husein ◽  
Ambiyar . ◽  
Triyani Arita Fitri ◽  
Mardainis .

Protection of women and children is a mandate contained in the laws of the Republic of Indonesia to the government to protect women and children from acts of violence or discrimination. The mandate is carried out by the government through several efforts to handle and prevent it through government programs that are made every year. However, until now the municipal government of Pekanbaru through the women's empowerment and child protection office does not yet have data on mapping the protection of women and children disaggregated by sex, age, type of case, and location of cases so that many child protection programs are not properly targeted according to the level of violence and types of violence in areas exposed to cases of violence. The application of the mapping application is a solution to this problem because, with computerized data on the protection of women and children, the government will make it easier to design management and prevention programs. This application displays complete indicators including data on violence mapped in the geographic form of the city of Pekanbaru which is divided into the scope of the sub-district and given a color as an indicator of high or low cases of violence in the area, violence data is displayed disaggregated according to gender, age, types of cases and locations of incidents and in addition, this application applies a case-control design to provide recommendations to the government regarding handling and prevention programs in areas exposed to cases of violence against women and children. This application will make it easier for the government to design programs to protect women and children and to reduce the number of violence against women and children which always increases every year.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-248
Danil Fahreza Pohan ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi ◽  
Sugianto Sugianto

Abstrak. Pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk dan tingginya perkembangan pembangunan, menyebabkan banyaknya kawasan yang beralih fungsi menjadi kawasan yang bukan peruntukan yang sesuai yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah termasuk ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) yang berfungsi untuk menunjang kualitas hidup masyarakat di dalam suatu kota baik dari segi lingkungan maupun kesehatan. Pesatnya perkembangan suatu kota tentu banyak menarik minat masyarakat untuk pindah menuju kota tersebut, semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk tentu juga meningkatkan kebutuhan akan oksigen. Untuk itu Kota Bireuen dituntut mampu menyediakan RTH untuk mengimbangi kebutuhan oksigen masyarakat kota itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung ketersediaan RTH yang direncanakan di dalam RDTR Kota Bireuen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada lah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survai. Sedangkan analisis kecukupan RTH menggunakan rumus berdasarkan luas daerah dibagi dengan RTH yang tersedia. Hasil perhitungan analisis RTH di dapat bahwasannya RTH Kota Bireuen sebesar 46,96%.Kata Kunci: Bireuen, RTH, RDTR Abstrack. The rapid growth of population and the high development of the developmental, causing the number of areas that switch functions to areas that are not appropriate designation established by the government including green open space (GOS) that serves to support the quality of life of people in a city both in terms of environment and health . The rapid development of a city would attract many people to move to the city, the increasing number of people of course also increases the need for oxygen. For that Bireuen City is required to provide GOS to compensate for the oxygen needs of the people of the city itself. This study aims to calculate the planned GOS availability in the DSP of Bireuen City. The method used in this research is descriptive method with survey technique. While the analysis of GOS adequacy using the formula based on the area divided by the available GOS. The calculation result of GOS analysis can be that the GOS of Bireuen City is 46.96%.Keyword: Bireuen, GOS, DSP

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Karto Wijaya ◽  
Heru Wibowo

This developing area provides a very wide potential in the development as an area that has excellent products or development projects in Bandung. Cigondewah area has the potential to become this area as a creative industrial area that can support the income of the people and the city of Bandung. Cigondewah is one of the areas known as the Cigondewah environment and surrounding areas as a creative industrial area about the utilization of textile industry waste that sells the rest of cloth from factories around the city of Bandung. The area of Cigondewah grows and develops with the uniqueness of the community itself that will take advantage of opportunities from the textile industry, homes along the road corridor that turns into the shelter, the community into warehouses and shops to sell fabrics.It is also the aim of the government to promote and develop tourist areas Cigondewah for the future to be better again to enhance the identity of the area Cigondewah as a tourist area fabric shopping in the city of Bandung. This study aims to determine the development of creative industries in Cigondewah. Cigondewah Textile Tourism Area of Bandung City, especially Capacity Building, to show the identity and image of Cigondewah area as a textile tourism area in Bandung City. The identity of Cigondewah area which is currently called Cigondewah as Tourism Shopping Area Cloth. From this research is expected to give an idea that the environment is in the corridor Cigondewah road.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 219
Rina Rohayu H

Land given to and owned by people with rights provided by the UUPA is to be used and utilized. The granting and possession of land with these rights will not be meaningful if its use is limited to land as the surface of the earth. The land also has a significant role in the dynamics of development. According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia NRI,  "earth and water are natural resources contained therein controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people." This research uses a normative juridical approach that is research based on the rules / according to the law because this research focused on the use of document studies and literature or secondary data. The research specification used is descriptive-analytic, which describes the law of the land in the era of globalization based on local wisdom. The results of the study illustrate that the role of the land ruling state, which used for the prosperity of the people, is regulated under Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles (UUPA).On the other hand, the globalization of law is nothing more than a legal intervention from developed countries towards developing countries in order to adjust their laws globally. One way to address the problem of globalization of land law is to reaffirm local wisdom. In other words, they are upholding the customary provisions related to land. Example: provisions of customary land. Customary land is communal land that is jointly owned and thus does not need to be certified.Keywords: globalization, land law, local wisdomABSTRAKTanah diberikan kepada dan dipunyai oleh orang dengan hak-hak yang disediakan oleh UUPA, adalah untuk digunakan dan dimanfaatkan. Diberikannya dan dipunyainya tanah dengan hak-hak tersebut tidak akan bermakna, jika penggunaannya terbatas hanya pada tanah sebagai permukaan bumi saja. Tanah juga mempunyai peranan yang besar dalam dinamika pembangunan. Undang-undang Dasar 1945 menjelaskan bahwa “Bumi dan air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung didalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat.” Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian yang didasarkan kepada kaidah-kaidah/menurut hukum, oleh karena penelitian ini dititik-beratkan pada penggunaan studi dokumen dan bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis yang menggambarkan tentang hukum tanah di era globalisasi berdasarkan kearifan lokal. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa peran negara penguasa tanah yang digunakan untuk kemakmuran masyarakat diatur berdasarkan Undang-undang No. 5 tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria (UUPA). Disisi lain, globalisasi hukum tak lebih sebagai intervensi hukum dari negara maju terhadap negara berkembang agar menyesuaikan hukumnya secara global. Salah satu cara menyikapi persoalan globalisasi hukum tanah ini adalah dengan menegaskan kembali kearifan lokal. Dengan kata lain, menegakkan kembali ketentuan-ketentuan adat terkait dengan tanah. Misalnya ketentuan tanah ulayat. Tanah ulayat merupakan tanah komunal milik bersama, dengan demikian tidak perlu disertifikatkan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 404
Tubagus Arya Abdurachman

The discussion of this research is the development of creative cities in a country is the result of the efforts of the government and creative actors in the city in the country. Creative city can not be separated from the potential of social capital that is owned by the people in the city. Social capital is a social organization concept that includes network of norms and social trusts that facilitate mutual coordination and cooperation including in developing the regional economy. This research aims to (1) know the contribution of social capital in making a creative city, (2) express the social capital and creativity of individuals and communities to realize creative city, and (3) know aspects of social capital that dominant influence on a creativity of the city. The method of this research is qualitative primary data with technic observation and indepth interview, also secondary data in the form of document and archive analysis from Bandung city as one of creative city in Indonesia. Research is done during 2015-2016. Conclusions this research are (1)Social capital that form trust, tolerance, cooperation, openness, and independence of the community greatly contributes in the creation of creative city because through the braided integration of social capital that forms a norm of behavior binding for its citizens to be creative and does not require material capital,(2)Individual urban creativity formed through the process of socialization of elements of social capital in the life of society to trigger creativity of individuals and society as a whole, and (3) The form of openness, tolerance, and cooperation are the dominant elements of social capital in growing the creativity of individuals and societyKeywords: Creatif city, Social capital

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