scholarly journals Analysis of the Accuracy of Ina-Cbg's Cost Based on the Type of Disease and Influencing Factors in the Inpatient Installation of RSUD dr. Soegiri Lamongan

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Pujo Broto Iriawan Putra ◽  
Yuly Peristiowati ◽  
Indasah Indasah

The result of monitoring and evaluation of Health Insurance Program (JKN) implementation especially in INA-CBG's claim process at Health Facility of Advanced Rujuan (FKRTL), there are differences of opinion for some cases between FKRTL and BPJS Kesehatan causing delay or problem in payment of claim INA-CBG's. The purpose of this study is to analyze the accuracy of INA-CBG's cost and the factors that influence in RSUD DR. Soegiri Lamongan. This research is a type of observational research with descriptive analytic research design with cross sectional research design according to hospital perspective. The sample in this study amounted to 393 respondents. Sampling technique Simple random sampling technique. The research instrument used using the expense bill file issued and the BPJS patient care claims file file with linear regression statistic test with α = 0.05. The cost component of the biggest Diabetes Mellitus disease is the median cost of Rp. 1.536.346. CVA disease average drug cost Rp. 1.135.399. The biggest DHF disease is the average room cost Rp. 814.067. Appendicitis medicines cost ± Rp. 1.633.961. The incremental cost of INA-CBG's and the actual cost of hospital in Diabetes Mellitus disease is Rp. 357.957, CVA disease difference of Rp. 2.151.170, DHF disease difference of Rp. 477,514 and in appendicitis disease the difference in average minus  -Rp. 2,965,211. There is a difference (not appropriate) between the real cost and the cost of INA-CBG's in Diabetes Mellitus disease with p = 0,000. There is a difference (not appropriate) between the real cost and the cost of INA-CBG's on CVA disease with p value = 0.026. There is a similarity or precision between the real cost and the cost of INA-CBG's in DHF disease with a value of p = 0.159. There is a difference (not appropriate) between the real cost and the cost of INA-CBG's in Apendicitis disease with p = 0,000. There is a difference between the real cost and the cost of INA-CBG's in Diabetes mellitus, CVA, Apendicitis. Factors that affect the differences include room cost factors, drugs and medical action. For DHF disease there is no difference between the real cost and the cost of INA-CBG's.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 391-401
Muhammad Alfi Khoiri ◽  
Makomulamin Makomulamin ◽  
Ikhtiyaruddin Ikhtiyaruddin

Latar Belakang: Kasus kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi di PKS PT. Johan Sentosa dinyatakan bahwa pada tahun 2019 jumlah tenaga kerja sebanyak 148 orang dengan 83 kasus kecelakaan kerja Tujuan : Mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan risiko kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja stasiun  Power House PKS PT. Johan Sentosa tahun 2020. Metode: Jenis penelitian observasi dengan pendekatan kuantitatif analitik, desain penelitian cross sectional dilakukan di PKS PT. Johan Sentosa, dan waktu penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2020. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh operator stasiun Power House di PKS PT. Johan Sentosa yang berjumlah 36 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel total sampling. Analisa data dilakukan menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat. Hasil: Diketahui SOP/prosedur kerja P value 0,015, kompetensi/keterampilan P value 0,002, kebisingan P value 0,026, masa kerja P value 0,043. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara Standar Operasional Prosedur, kompetensi/keterampilan, kebisingin, masa kerja dengan risiko kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja statsiun power house PKS PT.Johan Sentosa. Saran: Perlu dilakukan upaya agar para pekerja mengikuti prosedur kerja yang sudah ditetapkan, meningkatkan keahlian kerja, penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri dan  penempatan mereka sesuai dengan pengalaman atau masa kerja yang dilalui. Cases of work accidents that occured at PKS PT. Johan Sentosa stated that in 2019 the number of workers was 148 people with 83 cases of work accidents. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors related to the risk of work accidents in the Power House of PKS PT. Johan Sentosa workers 2020. This type of observational research with a quantitative analytic approach, cross sectional research design was carried out at PKS PT. Johan Sentosa, and the time of this research was conducted in April 2020. The populations were all Power House station operators at PKS PT. Johan Sentosa, amounting to 36 people. The sampling technique is total sampling. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate analysis. Result shows It is known that SOP / work procedure is P value 0.015, competence/skill P value 0.002, noise P value 0.026, tenure P value 0.043.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-36
Shahid Majeed ◽  
Nazia Mumtaz ◽  
Ghulam Saqulain

Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a common metabolic disorder with a prevalence of 11.77%. Studies report that DM can result in Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). A high prevalence of Hearing loss (HL) (43.6%) in diabetics was noted in an Indian study. In absence of local studies and a high expected prevalence, with no screening recommendations, this study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL) in Diabetes Mellitus DM in Southern Punjab. Methodology: In this cross-sectional study, a sample of 310 diabetics, hailing from southern Punjab and fulfilling selection criteria were recruited. Samples were collected using probability sampling technique from September 2016 to December 2016. Following detailed history and examination, cases were subjected to pure tone audiometry (PTA) at 0.5 to 6 KHz to obtain hearing thresholds to determine the prevalence. Data was analyzed by SPSS 20. Results: Sample included N=310 diabetics with Mean age of 35.00 + 6.93 years with 58.39% males and 41.61% females. The prevalence of HL was 46.1%. Gender wise of the male population with HL, 27.97% and 28.67% had mild and moderate HL respectively with severe HL in 8.39% cases, while moderate HL was prevalent in females 20.98%, followed by mild HL in 9.97% and severe HL in 4.20%. There was significant correlation between Diabetes and SNHL with p-value < 0.05. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss in Diabetes mellitus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Arlina Dhian Sulistyowati ◽  
Esri Rusminingsih ◽  
Wendhi Prakosa

Introduction: Therapeutic communication is communication between nurses and patient.  Some cases and action done by nurses make nurses only focus on the action carried out without regard to therapeutic communication. This study aims to determine the correlation of nurses' workload with therapeutic communication in RSU Islam Klaten. Methods: The research design was correlation with cross sectional approach. The population in this study was inpatient room nurses. Questionnaire was used as the instrument to collect the data from the total 80 respondents which were taken as sample using the purposive sampling technique. The data was analyzed using Kendall tau. Results: Based on the research show that most respondents stated that work as a nurse did not become a workload of 66,3% and able to implement communication well at 63,8%. There was correlation between nursing workload with therapeutic communication with p value= 0,000. Consulsion: Based on the results analysis, there was a correlation between nursing workload with therapeutic communication implementation. The task rolling should be applied to avoid the workload and to conduct development of therapeutic communication training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Nurun Nimah ◽  
Anik Puji Rahayu ◽  
Aries Abiyoga

ABSTRACTBackground: Dysmenorrhea is a painful sensation, cramping in the lower abdomen which is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as sweating, headache, nausea, diarrhea, and tremors, all of which occur before or during menstruation. Teenage girls who experience dysmenorrhea can interfere with social or physical activities because when they are in pain, sufferers tend to be silent and even don't want to interact with other people, they tend to be more emotional. Emotional embodiment part of what a woman feels, a reaction to a certain event or situation. Emotional status and dysmenorrhea in women is a conscious experience that influences bodily activities and is psychologically able to influence a woman's emotions. Objective: To identify emotional status and to analyze the relationship between emotional status and the degree of dysmenorrhea in young girls. Methods: Quantitative research, descriptive analytic research design with cross sectional research design with proportionate stratified random sampling technique, the sample of this study was 54 students of class X SMKN 12 Loa Buah Samarinda who experienced dysmenorrheaResults: Variable emotional status obtained positive emotional classification 33 (61, 1%) and negative emotions 21 (38.9%) respondents. Variable The degree of dysmenorrhea was classified as mild 35 (64.8%), moderate 12 (22.2%), severe 5 (9.3%) and unbearable 2 (3.7%). The test used Pearson Chi-square results obtained P value = 0.402, the significant level (α) is 0.05, then p> from α. This result means that Ho is accepted, there is no relationship between emotional status and the degree of dysmenorrhea in young girls at SMKN 12 loa buah samarinda. Conclusion: There is no relationship between emotional status and the degree of dysmenorrhea in adolescents at SMKN 12 Loa Buah Samarinda

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Danang Sasongko ◽  
Sentot Imam Suprapto ◽  
Indasah Indasah

Services provided by hospitals sometimes cause dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction can be conveyed through patient complaints, patient complaints can be caused by factors of human resources, health services or available facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence patient complaints in the Inpatient Room of the Caruban Hospital Pavilion in Madiun Regency. In this study, researchers used an observational research design with a Cross Sectional approach. The sample in this study amounted to 80 respondents. Purposive sampling technique. The research instrument uses a questionnaire with ordinal regression statistical test with α = 0.05. Most respondents 57.9% (113 people) stated that Human Resources in the Inpatient Room were good. Most respondents 53.8% (105 people) stated that health services in the Inpatient Room were good. Almost half of the respondents 46.2% (90 people) stated that the factors of facilities and infrastructure in the Inpatient Room were good. The majority of respondents 53.8% (103 people) showed patient complaints in the low inpatient room. There was an influence of Human Resources with complaints from patients in the Inpatient Hospital of Caruban Hospital in Madiun Regency, p = 0040. there was no influence of health services with complaints of patients in the Inpatient Room of the Caruban Hospital of Madiun District, p = 0.193. There is an influence of facilities and infrastructure with patient complaints in the Inpatient Care Unit of Caruban Hospital in Madiun Regency, p = 0.048. The most influential factor on patient complaints in the Inpatient Pavilion is a factor of human resources and facilities and infrastructure factors because with good resources the service will be excellent supported by the existing facilities and infrastructure.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Deny Kurniawan ◽  
Ratna Yuliawati ◽  
Ari Hamdani

The rehabilitation centers BNN Tanah Merah incerease in rehabilitated drug users since 2013 from 5 people to 68 people in 2016. This study is intend to research is to determine correlation between a family situation with drugs relapse behavior to resident in Rehabilitation centers BNN Tanah Merah Samarinda. This research using Cross Sectional research design and the sampling technique used probability sampling with simple random sampling type.This research using a Chi Square statistic test. Based on the result, a good family situation respondents but still experience the relapse are 18.9% and a bad family situation respondents and still experience the relapse are 19,0%. Statistically obtained p-value 1.00 (p<0.05). it can be concluded that there is no correlation between a Family Situation with drugs relapse behavior to resident at Rehabilitation centers BNN Tanah Merah Samarinda.Keywords : Family situation, Relapse, Drugs, Resident.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 198-203
Muslim Kasim ◽  
Arti Febriyani Hutasuhut ◽  
Tan’im Arief ◽  
Farah Ulya Suryadana

ABSTRACT: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ALLERGIC RHINITIS AND ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA IN CHILDREN IN RSUD DR. H ABDUL MOELOEK  BANDAR LAMPUNG  Introduction: Background : Acute Otitis Media (AOM) is an inflammation that happen in the middle ear and is very common, especially in children. Children are susceptible to acute otitis media (AOM) due to the shorter and horizontal anatomy of the eustachian tube. Allergic Rhinitis is one of the risk factos that caused acute otitis media in children.Purpose : The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between Allergic Rhinitis and Acute Otitis Media in ChildrenMethod: This study used an observational analytic research with cross sectional research design. The sample in this study was 59 patients diagnosed with acute otitis media at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek in 2019-2020. The sampling technique used total sampling. Data analysis using Chi-Square testResult: The results of this study indicated that there was a relationship between allergic rhinitis and acute otitis media in children with p value = 0,047(<0,05) with an OR = 0,146 (95%CI 0,17-1,232). Conclusion: There is a relationship between Allergic Rhinitis and Acute Otitis Media in children at Dr. H Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lampung in 2019-2020 Keyword : Allergic Rhinitis, Acute Otitis Media, Children  INTISARI: HUBUNGAN RINITIS ALERGI DENGAN OTITIS MEDIA AKUT PADA ANAK DI RSUD DR. H ABDUL MOELOEK BANDAR LAMPUNG  Latar belakang: Otitis Media Akut (OMA) merupakan peradangan yang terjadi pada telinga bagian tengah dan sangat sering terjadi terutama pada anak-anak. Anak-anak rentan terkena Otitis Media Akut (OMA) dikarenakan bentuk anatomi tuba eustachius yang lebih pendek dan horizontal. Rinitis Alergi merupakan salah satu faktor risiko yang menyebabkan Otitis Media Akut pada anak.Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan Rinitis Alergi dengan Otitis Media akut pada Anak.Metode: Penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 59 pasien dengan diagnosa otitis media akut anak di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek tahun 2018. Teknik pengambilan sample menggunakan total sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-SquareHasil : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara rinitis alergi dengan otitis media akut pada anak dengan p value = 0,047(<0,05) dengan nilai OR = 0,146 (95%CI 0,17-1,232).Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara Rinitis Alergi dengan Otitis Media Akut pada anak di RSUD Dr. H Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lampung tahun 2019-2020 Kata Kunci : Rinitis Alergi, Otitis Media Akut, Anak  

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-117
Isma Oktadiana

In Indonesia, the incidence of hypertension ranged from 6-15% and many patients are still not reached by health services, especially in rural areas. The research purposes to determine patterns of treatment of hypertension, the average cost of treatment, the factors that affect the total cost, and the cost of compliance with the real cost of the package INA-CBGs. The study was an observational cross-sectional study design according to the perspective of the hospital. Method of data collection was done in retrosfektif and data derived from quantitative data. Subjects were inpatients suffering from hypertension without comorbidities and hypertension with comorbid diabetes mellitus, heart failure and kidney failure. The results showed significant differences with the INA-CBG rates on total costs in outpatients differed significantly in 79 samples, while the real cost of Rp 335,145 was greater than the INA-CBGs rate of Rp. 181,400, while inpatients differed significantly in 63 samples at the grade I, grade 3, 2, 1 severity of Rp. Rp. , Rp. 1,438,069, Rp. 1,498,683, Rp. 2,000,685, the severity level II class 3 and class 1 was Rp. 1,540,134, Rp. 2,866,200, III and grade 1 III severity levels of Rp. 1,586,617 and Rp. 3,439,500. This difference shows a positive difference, where the total real cost is more.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-120
Tri Yulianti ◽  
Lusi Anggraini

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic with high prevalence and it can increase the risk of the complications, if it not handled properly. Medication adherence is one of the determining factor to achive therapeutic outcome. This research aims to determine the affecting factors of adherence in  diabetes mellitus type 2 outpatient at RSUD Sukoharjo in 2020. This research type is  cross sectional with a purposive sampling technique. A total of 85 patients diabetes mellitus type 2 outpatient at RSUD Sukoharjo with inclusion criteria received OAD therapy (Oral Antidiabetic Drugs) or a combination of OAD with insulin for at least 1 month, recruited in this study. The data was collected from medical records and questionnaires. Adherence was measured by using the MARS 5 questionnaire (Medication Adherence Report Scale 5). Factors contributing to medication adherence was analyzed by using chi-square test. The results showed that 37 respondents (43.5%) were obedient. The significant factors of medication adherence are monthly income (p-value = 0.018 and OR = 2.887), Medication (p - value = 0.007 and OR = 3,551), the frequency of treatment (p-value = 0.006 and OR = 3,529) and blood glucose level (p-value = 0.006 and OR = 3,529).

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Dwi Yanti Tanjung ◽  
Agrina Agrina ◽  
Ridwan Manda Putra

The research objective was to analyze the environmental sanitation and behavior of food handlers with the vector density of cockroaches in the Dumai Port canteen. It is an observational research with cross sectional method and quantitative data type. The research location was at the Port of Dumai canteen with the first population, namely 24 canteens, total sampling technique, the second 48 food handlers and the third population of 78 buyers with purposive sampling. Relationship analysis was performed using multiple linear regression. With the results of environmental sanitation that meet the health requirements of 20.83% and do not meet the health requirements of 79.17% and the behavior of food handlers as many as 8 (16.67%) have bad behavior, 17 (35.42%) have good enough behavior and 23 (47.91%) good behavior, 6 canteens in medium category and 18 high category canteens. The results of the analysis showed a strong (r = 0.799) and significant (p value = 0.000) relationship between environmental sanitation and cockroach density and a very weak correlation (r = 0.015) between food handler behavior and cockroach density in the Dumai Port canteen (pvalue = 0.946) greater than 0.05 means that there is no relationship between food handler behavior and cockroach density. The economic factor of the price and location purchasing decisions becomes the consumer decision-making process in buying at the Dumai Port Canteen. The suggestion in this research is the need to improve environmental sanitation and increase the supervision of port health workers to reduce the cockroach population in the Dumai Port Canteen.

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