Peran Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syari’ah BMT dalam Meningkatkan BUMDES dan Akses Keuangan di Banten

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 191 ◽  
Muljadi Muljadi

Potential villages in Banten amounting to 1,273 and need to be empowered, Shari’ah Micro Financial Institution Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (LKMS BMT) is a microfinance institution syari’ah targeted at people’s economy trying to develop productive businesses and investments with profit-sharing system. The main objective is to improve the economic quality of micro and small entrepreneurs, as part of efforts to alleviate poverty. Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is a business entity which is completely or partially owned by the Village through direct participation derived from the wealth of the Village separated to manage assets, services and other businesses for the greatest benefit of the small town community. Potential BUMDes will be more prospective when synergized with Shari’ah microfinance institutions Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (LKMS BMT). This syari’ah financial institution proved able to adapt with the village community. The concept of SDSB, one village one BMT. To achieve this it is necessary to have 5 pillars in support of the process, fostering behavior, fostering brotherhood, building synergy, building funds and market development, and excellent products.Keyword: Village, Shari’ah Micro Financial Institution, Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes),

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 411
Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah ◽  
Uyunun Nafisa

Reform and regional autonomy is actually a new hope for the goverment and village communities to build their villages according to the needs and aspirations of the community. The implementation of development in the village is intended to improve the standard of living and welfare of the village community itself through the establishment of policies, program activities that are in accordance with the essence of the problem and priority needs of the village community. The Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian) is an institution of the realization pf democracy from the village community or an institution that represents the voice of the community and is a working partner of the village Government in administering The Goverment in the village head along with his device was overseen by the Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian). The method of the approach used in this study is the Juridical Sociological approach, it uses the Juridical Sociological. The selection results obtained include : 1) Inbiting factors influenced by human resource factors both from the village Government itself as the highest office holder in the village, as well as from PD members who are tasked with assisting in the implementation of the legislative functions of approval and discussion of illage regulations. 2) Solutions and efforts, the village Goernment is expected to conduct training in human resource development such as improving the quality of education and developing capabilities in shapping regulations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah

Reform and regional autonomy is actually a new hope for the goverment and village communities to build their villages according to the needs and aspirations of the community.  The implementation of development in the village is intended to improve the standard of living and welfare of the village community itself through the establishment of policies, program activities that are in accordance with the essence of the problem and priority needs of the village community. The Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian) is an institution of the realization pf democracy from the village community or an institution that represents the voice of the community and is a working partner of the village Government in administering The Goverment in the village head along with his device was overseen by the Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian). The method of the approach used in this study is the Juridical  Sociological approach, it uses the Juridical Sociological. The selection results obtained include : 1) Inbiting factors influenced by human resource factors both from the village Government itself as the highest office holder in the village, as well as from PD members who are tasked with assisting in the implementation of the legislative functions of approval and discussion of illage regulations. 2) Solutions and efforts, the village Goernment is expected to conduct training in human resource development such as improving the quality of education and developing capabilities in shapping regulations.

Ikhsan Rosyid Mujahidul Anwari ◽  
Gayung Kasuma

Candisari Village is one of the villages in Sambeng Lamongan District. Candisari village has the potential for the development of tourism with historical branding. The village has a collective memory of the community which, if recorded and retold, will be interesting for educational materials, culinary tourism, forest land in some parts can be developed into an outbound arena, as well as other community activities ie, having a typical papaya production called calina, a sugar cane processing factory brown sugar, and one of the KKN BBM programs that started with the planting of oyster mushrooms and hydproponic vegetables. The various potentials are at least a capital for Candisari Village in arranging it as a Tourism Village. While the main problem in the development of Candisari tourism village at present is the absence of branding and the lack of facilities or publications to introduce it to the community. The purpose of this activity is to improve and develop the potential of Candisari tourism villages to be more productive and bring economic benefits to the village community. The solution used is making brands and making marketing publications through websites and social media. At the end of the activity, the Candisari tourism village community experienced an increase in the quality of life, one of which was the village's potential and tourism.abstrakDesa Candisari merupakan salah satu desa yang terdapat di Kecamatan Sambeng Lamongan. Desa Candisari memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan wisata dengan branding sejarah. Desa memiliki memori kolektif masyarakat yang kalau dibukukan dan diceritakan ulang akan menarik untuk bahan edukasi, wisata kuliner, lahan hutan yang dibeberapa bagian bisa dikembangkan menjadi arena outbond, serta aktifitas masyarakat lainnya yakni, memiliki produksi khas buah pepaya yang disebut calina, pabrik pengolahan tebu menjadi gula merah, dan salah satu program KKN BBM yang mengawali dengan penanaman jamur tiram dan sayur hidproponik. Berbagai potensi tersebut setidaknya menjadi modal bagi Desa Candisari dalam menata sebagai Desa Wisata.Sedangkan persoalan utama dalam pengembangan desa wisata Candisari saat ini adalah masih belum adanya branding dan belum adanya sarana atau publikasi untuk mengenalkan pada masyarakat. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan dan mengembangkan potensi desa wisata Candisari agar lebih produktif dan mendatangkan keuntungan secara ekonomi bagi masyarakat desa. Solusi yang digunakan adalah pembuatan brand dan pembuatan publikasi pemasaran melalui website dan media sosial. Pada akhir kegiatan, masyarakat desa wisata Candisari mengalami peningkatan kualitas hidup salah satunya dengan keberadaan potensi dan wisata desa.  


The Village Community Empowerment With Traditional Culinary Business in the Group of Boga Ganesha Buleleng The development of fast food must be balanced with the consumption of traditional foods because fast food is allegedly to be a risk factor for the emergence of various diseases. This study aimed to analyze the behavior of IbIKK group of Boga Ganesha. The choice of location of the research was determined purposively with the consideration that the Boga Ganesha is one of the groups to empower the people with the traditional culinary efforts. The method used in collecting the data in this study was interviews with questionnaire instruments. Based on the research results, the potential of the IbIKK of Boga Ganesha is a kosher, hygienic and healthy traditional food processing. Behavior that was demonstrated by the members can be classified into an excellent category (4,6). The achievement of the implementation of the empowerment program that is included in the category of successful (4,2). Empowerment of program aimed to improve the quality of human resources. In this regard, members of the group should implement their skills so that they can open up business opportunities in order to improve the economy of the family. To support this, the facilitator should use the appropriate method so that all participants can obtain information equally.

Mochamad Rafi Chuluqy

AbstrakPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menggambarkan mekanisme sistem bagi hasil yang ada pada sektor pertanian khususnya pada tanaman jeruk siam (Citrus nobilis), dan juga manfaat mekanisme ini bagi masyarakat. Kerjasama dengan menggunakan sistem bagi hasil sudah dilakukan masyarakat daerah pedesaan sejak dulu. Dalam sistem bagi hasil, ada berbagai mekanisme kerjasama antara pemilik lahan, dan penggarap, mekanisme kerjasama itu antara lain Maro, Mertelu, dan Merpat. Penelitian dalam artikel ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan di Desa Tegalsari Kecamatan Tegalsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Teknik observasi serta wawancara digunkan untuk memperoleh data di penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh hasil yang menyatakan bahwa sistem bagi hasil juga dapat menumbuhkan solidaritas dan integrasi sosial, selain menunjukan peningkatan perekonomian yang menjadi tujuan utama sistem ini. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan adanya rasa peduli, saling percaya, saling membantu antara pemilik lahan dan penggarap jika mengalami kesulitan. Meskipun demikian, peran serta pihak lain seperti pemerintah juga tetap diperlukan agar hubungan baik antara kedua belah pihak dapat tetap terjaga.Kata kunci: Pertanian, Sistem Bagi Hasil, Solidaritas, Integrasi Sosial.AbstractThis study aims to describe the production sharing system in agriculture, especially in the Citrus nobilis plant, and its benefits in community life. The profit-sharing system is a form of cooperation that has existed and been carried out by the village community for a long time. In the profit-sharing system, there are various cooperation mechanisms between landowners and tenants. The cooperation mechanisms include Maro, Mertelu, and Merpat. The research in this article is a qualitative research conducted in Tegalsari Village, Tegalsari District, Banyuwangi Regency. Data collection was carried out by interview and observation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the cooperation agreement with the profit-sharing system not only improves the economy, but also fosters solidarity and social integration in society. This is evidenced by a sense of care, mutual trust, and mutual assistance between landowners and tenants when experiencing difficulties. Even so, the participation of other parties such as the government is still needed so that good relations between the two parties can be maintained.Keywords: Agriculture, Profit Sharing, Solidarity, Social Integration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Nandang Ihwanudin ◽  
Handri Handri ◽  
Deden Gandana Madjakusumah ◽  
M Munir Asrori

Purpose- Akad tijarah as a form of trade agreement has several types, in which needs to be adjusted to each necessity. It is important for related parties to understand what and how akad ijarah works. This article analyses how far the contribution of an Islamic microfinance institution (LKMS) nowadays, considering there are nash (Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits) and also fatwa the national sharia council (DSN) MUI. Methods- Case studies and literature reviews are used to evaluate sharia business practices in BMT. Findings- Sharia microfinance institutions, in this case, BMT TUMANG, have carried out sharia principles in practice, especially for tijarah agreements with documents in the form of SOM and SOP as well as financing contracts (agreements), both in the principle of sale and profit-sharing. Implications/Limitations- This study is limited to one branch of the BMT so it cannot describe the overall practice carried out in other regions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Sri Kusriyah

The government policy in terms of rural development are set to determine the priority of the village budget is used for rural development initially was referring to Act No. 6 of 2014 on the village, Article 1 point 8 states that Rural Development is an effort to improve the quality of life and life to sebesar- the welfare of the village community. Priority use of the Village Fund to finance the implementation of priority programs and activities that cut across the field. among other areas of activity featured products village or rural areas

Sinta Wahyuni

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Industri pembuatan genteng merupakan salah satu mata pencaharian masyarakat Desa Ngembalrejo, hampir sebagian besar masyarakat di desa ini bekerja sebagai pembuat genteng. Hingga menjadi ciri khas bagi desa Ngembarejo sendiri yang terkenal dengan desa pembuat genteng dengan kualitas yang bagus. Pembuatan genteng ini sebenarnya sudah ada di daerah ini cukup lama, dapat di katakan warisan para leluhur. Para pembuat genteng ini selalu mengutamakan kualitas dari genteng yang mereka buat, hal ini terbukti dengan mereka masih menggunakan pembakaran secara manual meskipun saat ini perkembangan teknologi sudah sangat canggih. Tak lepas dari itu, ada pula dampak negatif yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar tempat pembuatan genteng. Asap dari pembakaran genteng yang sampai saat ini belum dapat diatasi, asap tebal hitam dan pekat menjadi pemandangan setiap hari bagi masyarakat desa Ngembalrejo. Keadaan ini menjadikan menurunnya kualitas udara di Desa Ngembalrejo, namun situasi ini belum juga dapat membuat masyarakat sadar akan pencemaran udara yang terjadi. Mereka tetap menjalankan kehidupan mereka dengan baik-baik saja, padahal tanpa sadar mereka menghirup udara yang tidak sehat setiap harinya.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p><strong><em>            </em></strong><em>Tile making industry is one of the jobs of the people in Ngembalrejo Village, most of the Ngembarejo Village community work as tile makers. To become a characterisic for the village of Ngembalrejo it self which is famous for its tile making village with good quality. This tile making has actually been around in this area for quite a long time, it can be said as the legacy of the ancestors. These tile makers always prioritize the quality of the tile’s they mae, this is proven by their still using manual combustion even though the current technological development has been vety sophisticated. It cannot be separated from that there are also egative impact that can interfere with the health of the people who live around the roof tile. Smoke from the burning of tiles which until now has not been able to be overcome, thick black and thick smoke becomes a daily sight for the people of the Ngembalrejo Vilage. This situation makes the air quality decline in the village og Ngembalrejo, but this situation has not been able to make the community aware of the air pollution that occurs. They still run their lives well, even though they unconsciously breathe un healthy air every day.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-104
Wahyuni Wahyuni ◽  
Firdaus Firdaus

This study discusses the effect of Agribusiness Microfinance Institutions on Increasing Income of Combined Farmer Group Members (Study in Barebbo Village, Barebbo Subdistrict). This study aims to find out (1) whether the Micro Agribusiness Financial Institution influences the increase in income of members of the Joint Farmer Group in the village of Barebbo. The results of the study showed that parking retribution on the side of public roads contributed significantly to local revenues only in 2013 because of the APAD MPAD, while parking fees on the side of public roads did not contribute significantly to local revenues in 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2016 due to APAD MPAD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-223
Agus Yulianto ◽  
Amelia Ayu Paramitha

AbstractThe research uses empirical juridical research with the management of BUMDes Bringsang in Bringsang Village, Gili Genteng Subdistrict, Sumenep Regency on Sembilan Beach which is in its administrative area. Efforts that can be made to encourage the movement of the village economy are through village entrepreneurship, which is a strategy in developing and growing welfare. This village entrepreneurship can be accommodated in the Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) which can be developed by the village government and the village community where the BUMDes is a business entity that is wholly or largely owned by the village through direct participation from village assets which is certainly separated in order manage assets, services, and other businesses for the maximum welfare of the village community. The role of BUMDes Bringsang in Bringsang Village, Gili Genting Subdistrict, Sumenep Regency in managing coastal areas in order to improve the welfare of the local community is by developing and developing nine beach tourism so as to improve the economy of the village community.Keywords: local community; the coast; welfareAbstrakPenelitian menggunakan penelitian yuridis empiris dengan pengelolaan BUMDes Bringsang di Desa Bringsang Kecamatan Gili Genteng Kabupaten Sumenep terhadap Pantai Sembilan yang berada pada wilayah administratifnya. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendorong gerak ekonomi desa adalah melalui kewirausahaan desa, yaitu sebuah strategi dalam pengembangan dan pertumbuhan kesejahteraan. Kewirausahaan desa ini dapat diwadahi dalam Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) yang dapat dikembangkan oleh pemerintah desa maupun masyarakat desa dimana BUMDes ini menjadi suatu badan usaha yang seluruh atau sebagian besar modalnya dimiliki oleh desa melalui penyertaan langsung yang berasal dari kekayaan desa yang tentunya dipisahkan guna mengelola aset, jasa pelayanan, dan usaha lain untuk sebesar-besarnya kesejahteraan masyarakat desa. Peran BUMDes Bringsang di Desa Bringsang Kecamatan Gili Genting Kabupaten Sumenep dalam mela-kukan pengelolaan wilayah pesisir guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal adalah dengan cara membangun dan mengembangkan wisata pantai sembilan sehingga dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat desa.Kata kunci: kesejahteraan; masyarakat lokal; pesisir

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