2017 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 138-153
Aditya Wirawan

Arrangement in law Number 32 Year of 2004 of Local Goverment, especially Chapter XI about Village generates several problems, specifically authority and institution of village. For that reason, the government has stipulated Law Number 6 Year of 2014 about Village. However, there is vagueness about the administration of Village-Owned Property which is belong to village and obtained from State Budget. This research aims to provide explanation and authority reference in administrating Village- Owned Property obtained from State Budget. The research approach in this study is juridical normative approaches (legal research). The result of the research specifies that the administration of Village- Owned Property should be administered in Management Information System and State Property Accounting. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dadan Rosana ◽  
Sukardiyono Sukardiyono

The objective of this research is to produce the integrated education management information system as database for  education budget policy formulation. The database that is precise, accurate, complete and taransparan is  accessible to the public via the web in the android system, is a key element in any policy formulation and budget proposals in the field of education, that it can  be used to reduce the corruption in the education area in a systematic which began drafting the state budget and regional budget. this research is a development that adapt the model Borg and Gall (1983). aiken's formula v is used to analyze the instrument by the validator. The concept is to package products and services in one unit. To produce a product, a common cycle passed are: system specification, design, production, distribution, setup, use, maintenance, and renewal. The results of research is already made education management information system based on national education standards and geografic information system that has been tested is limited in some schools in the district region in indonesia. The policy recommendations of this research will support the government to modernize management of the education budgeting sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-202
Benyamin Kali Patembal Harahap ◽  
Sjahril Effendy ◽  
Muis Fauzi Rambe

Human Resources (HR) development through education and training is not effective in shaping the character of the technology-based State Civil Apparatus. Technology-based human resource development, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) built a Personnel Management Information System (SIMPEG). This study aims to determine how the effectiveness of SIMPEG at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra and how to realize e-government at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra, precisely at the Class II Immigration Office of TPI Belawan. The research approach used is a qualitative approach, which focuses on problems that exist at the time of the research or actual problems, and describes the facts about the problem being investigated along with their interpretation. Based on the research, it is found that SIMPEG of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in its implementation has not been effective in improving employee professionalism, has not been used in the context of assigning employees according to their competence, and has not been used in the context of making employee transfer decisions and making decisions for promotion. The use of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Simpeg is one form of e-government implementation at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, especially the Class II TPI Belawan Imgrasi Office, where all employment processes are carried out electronically through the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Human Rights Management Information System application.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-135
Stanny Dewanty Rehatta ◽  
Augie David Manuputty

BKDIKLATDA in Salatiga is an Personnel Institution located in the Salatiga City Government area, which is currently implementing IT as a supporter of business processes. One of the IT used is the Personnel Management Information System (SIMPEG). SIMPEG is a system specifically designed to provide personnel administration management information quickly, accurately and accurately, and has the function to manage staffing data and information in the working environment of the Salatiga Municipal Government. In this study COBIT 5 was used specifically the Monitor, Evaluate, Assessment (MEA) domain to observe, evaluate and evaluate the performance of IT governance on the application of SIMPEG in the Salatiga City BKDIKLATDA. MEA is a domain in COBIT 5 whose purpose is to observe, evaluate and assess all processes related to IT in a company or organization. The purpose of this study was to help the Salatiga City BKDIKLATDA to optimize the SIMPEG process performance and find out the level of maturity and the ability to apply SIMPEG in the Salatiga City BKDIKLATDA. The research methodology used in this study is mixed method. Mixed method is a research approach that combines or links qualitative and quantitative research methods. The results of this study are expected to optimize the effective and efficient performance process in the application of SIMPEG in the Salatiga City BKDIKLATDA so that in the future it will be even better.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1983
Putu Bayu Eka Yustikarana ◽  
Made Gede Wirakusuma

One manifestation of the application of information technology carried out by the government in the Bali provincial tourism office is improving regional financial management using the Regional Financial Management Information System (SIPKD). Partially needed in the implementation of the system for users who are not involved in the system. Lack of understanding and technical support involving support in the use of SIPKD, which leads to delays in submitting financial reports and answer accountability reports. The aim of the study was to study most user needs and support users in the Regional Financial Management Information System (SIPKD). The method of selecting samples in this study used a saturated sample technique (census). The number of samples in this study were 40 people. Based on published research results regarding the user's ability and positive and significant user support for the performance of SIPKD at the Bali Provincial Tourism Office. Keywords: Use users, user capabilities, SIPKD performance

2014 ◽  
Vol 1065-1069 ◽  
pp. 2491-2494
Jing Hua Ma ◽  
Qi Li ◽  
Li Hua Ma ◽  
Dong Xiao Li ◽  
Ze Yu Ni ◽  

In order to ensure the quality of the construction, the government played a very important role in the process of project supervision management. Based on the analysis of the Chinese present construction engineering quality supervisions, managements and controls, this paper gave some optimized measures. By studying the overall objectives, the implementation strategies, the function modules, the plans of implementation of the Quality Supervision Management Information System of Changchun, the conclusion was drawn: the quality supervision management information system could help the government quality supervision department improve the quality of the construction projects and the office efficiency. Further more, the quality management information analysis in the thesis could also be a reference for the architecture engineering quality supervisory organ.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Nurhikmah Nurhikmah ◽  
Febryandhie Ananda

The government is trying to realize the excellent service to the community by building information technology in finance or accounting in relation to the financial management area. The purpose of this study to determine the influence of facilitating conditions on implementing a regional financial management information system (SIPKD). This research was conducted at Padang City Hall government. One hundred questionnaires have sent to companies, and only 80 questionnaires can be used. The data collection techniques uses aquestionnaire prepared by using the UTAUT konstuk. Quantitative analysis techniques and simple linear regression analysis is used as a data analysis technique with the help of SPSS 25. The analysis shows the facilitating conditions positive influence on the implementing a regional financial management information system (SIPKD).

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (378) ◽  

In response to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan authorities’ request, a government finance statistics (GFS) mission visited Amman, Jordan during the period October 18–31, 2018 to provide technical assistance (TA) to further improve GFS compilation and dissemination, consistent with the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014) and developing GFS that can better support IMF surveillance. TA in GFS was previously provided to the Afghan GFS compilers in 2010 following the methodology of the GFSM 2001. The mapping from Afghanistan Financial Management Information System (AFMIS) to the classification of GFS and Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG) have come out of date, requiring review, and update in line with GFSM 2014. These have been the key reasons for the authorities discontinuing to produce GFS consistent with the GFSM 2014 methodology, while financial data has been produced on time according to the national methodology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-194
Rizel Juneldi ◽  
Ramdani Wahyu Sururie

This research is motivated by the presence of an application in marriage data collection called the Marriage Management Information System or Simkah which has begun to be applied in various Religious Affairs Offices (KUA) in West Java, especially in KUA, Jatinangor District, Sumedang. Simkah is a policy program issued by the government to be applied to KUA in district which aims to facilitate the presentation of marriage data at the KUA. The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the Marriage Management Information System or Simkah in administrative services at KUA Jatinangor, Sumedang and its effectiveness. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach, namely research that seeks to reveal and interpret developing phenomena. In this case, the researcher went directly to the field, involving KUA Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency. The data found shows that Simkah at KUA Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency has been implemented but is still constrained, especially in terms of the readiness of the KUA's human resources. In some cases, it was found that it was difficult to use this application, including the complexity of inputting marriage data. Thus it can be concluded that the application of Simkah has helped facilitate data collection on marriages throughout Indonesia but it is still not effective in data entry at the local KUA.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
Ardian Prima Atmaja ◽  
Fredy Susanto

<p>Dalam sebuah satuan kerja atau institusi pemerintah di Negara Republik Indonesia, terdapat barang-barang yang dibeli atau diperoleh atas beban APBN yang kemudian dapat diidentifikasikan sebagai bagian dari Barang Milik Negara (BMN). BMN tersebut dicatat dalam sebuah aplikasi bernama Sistem Informasi Manajemen dan Akuntansi Barang Milik Negara (SIMAK-BMN). Untuk melakukan monitoring BMN yang telah tercatat di aplikasi tersebut, Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran (KPA) dan tim monitoring seringkali menemui beberapa kesulitan. Hal ini diakibatkan dari keterbatasan aplikasi SIMAK-BMN yang belum sepenuhnya mudah dioperasikan untuk keperluan monitoring. Dengan kondisi seperti itu maka pada makalah ini dibahas pengembangan sistem informasi monitoring BMN terpadu dengan melakukan optimasi terhadap <em>database</em> SIMAK-BMN. Sistem yang dibangun dapat dijalankan oleh tim <em>monitoring</em> BMN secara <em>online</em> menggunakan internet. Selain itu, dikembangkan pula sistem monitoring BMN secara <em>mobile</em> yang dapat diinstall pada perangkat <em>smartphone</em> berbasis Android. Sehingga, dalam pengelolaaanya, petugas tim pencatat dan penginventaris BMN dapat menggunakan <em>smartphone</em> mereka untuk membantu memudahkan pekerjaaan inventarisasi dengan melakukan scanning QR Code dari tiap-tiap BMN. Dengan adanya sistem monitoring BMN yang merupakan optimasi dari <em>database</em> SIMAK-BMN tersebut, diharapkan dapat mempermudah fungsi monitoring BMN dan menjadi kontribusi dalam pengembangan sistem monitoring internal suatu satuan kerja di Republik Indonesia serta mendukung kebijakan-kebijakan pengelolaan BMN.</p><p> </p><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>In a unit or institution in the government of State of the Republic of Indonesia, there are goods obtained at the expense of the APBN which can be identified as the State Goods (BMN). BMN is recorded in an application called the Management Information System and Accounting for State Goods (SIMAK-BMN). To monitor the BMNs that have been recorded in that application, the Budget User Authority (KPA) and the monitoring team often encounter some difficulties. This is due to the limitations of the SIMAK-BMN application which has not been fully operational for monitoring purposes. With such conditions, this study discusses about the development of integrated BMN monitoring information system by optimizing the SIMAK-BMN database. The built system can be run by the BMN monitoring team using the internet. Moreover, also developed a mobile BMN monitoring system that can be installed on Android-based smartphone devices. Thus, in it’s management, BMN registration team can use their smartphone to scanning QR Code from each item of BMN. With the BMN monitoring system which is the optimization of the SIMAK-BMN database, it is expected to facilitate the BMN monitoring function and become a contribution in developing the internal monitoring system of a work unit in the government of Republic of Indonesia as well as supporting the policies of BMN management.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 367
Budi Sitorus ◽  
Tulus Irpan Harsono Sitorus ◽  
Prasadja Ricardianto

The purpose of the research is to identify the problem in the port management information system, analyze what needs to be managed in the port management information systems, provide recommendations on the management of information systems management. The research method uses a qualitative analysis approach, in which the port management is still unsatisfactory, therefore, to manage port services requires technology application-based management information system the one that is currently being developed is Inaportnet, in the early stages of this technology application used for the port is already cultivated. The expected result is that the application of information technology-based systems are expected to increase the harbor management performance and the government is expected to direct, supervise and enforce the stakeholders in the port who violate the rules.

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