Correlation between parents role and women’s marital age in the religious affairs office

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 80-87
Yekti Satriyandari ◽  
Yunita Mayasari

The purpose of the study was to find out the correlation between the parents role and women's marital age in the Religious Affairs Office of Kasihan district. The study used a cross sectional approach and the type of descriptive correlational study. The subjects of the study were 48 brides who were going to get married at the Religious Affairs Office of Kasihan district which were retrieved using quota sampling method. The study used bivariate chi square analysis. The results of the study revealed that most respondents got married at mature ages namely 21 - 34 years old. There is a correlation between parents role and women’s marital age in the Religious Affairs Office of Kasihan district with a significance value of 0,000 (p <0,05) and the value of the correlation coefficient was 0,558. The Religious Affairs Office of Kasihan district should continue to cooperate with Kasihan Health Center to develop the implementation of the bridal class program and reproductive health education for prospective brides.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-24
Juariah Juariah ◽  
Joko Irianto Irianto

Abstract Background: Teachers have an important role in providing  reproductive health education for adolescents. Objective: To analyze the relationship of characteristics, training, knowledge, attitude, identities and school supports with teacher behavior in providing adolescent reproductive health education. Method: This study was an analytical research with cross-sectional design. The number of sampel were 71 schools that was determined by systematic random sampling. The number of respondents were 421 teachers. The independent variables were characteristics, training, knowledge, attitudes, identities and school supports. The dependent variable was teachers behavior in providing reproductive health education. Data were collected through interviews. The data were analyzed using Chi Square Test and multiple logistic regression. Result: Factors related to teacher behavior in providing adolescent reproductive health education were gender (OR: 1.64; 95% CI: 1.105-2.437), employment status (OR: 1.55 ; 95% CI: 1.03-2.34 ), training participation (OR:1.78; 95% CI: 1.210-2.623), knowledge (p: 0.000),  attitude (OR: 5,81 ; 95% CI: 4.412-7.650), facilities (OR: 1749.52 ; 95% CI: 457.670-6688.005) and implementation (OR: 2008.95; 95% CI: 512.397-7876.487). The most dominant factors related to the teachers’ behavior in providing reproductive health education were facilities (OR: 110.49; 95% CI: 22.21-549.52) and implementation (OR: 139.28; 95% CI: 28.56- 679.30). Conclusion: Adequate support of learning facilites and aspects of implementation had major contribution to the behavior of teachers in providing reproductive health education. Keywords: teacher behavior, education, adolescent reproductive health Abstrak Latar belakang: Guru memiliki peranan penting dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi pada remaja. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan karakteristik, pelatihan, pengetahuan, sikap, identitas dan dukungan sekolah dengan perilaku guru dalam memberikan pendidikan keehatan reproduksi remaja. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Sampel ditetapkan dengan systematic random sampling berjumlah 71 sekolah. Responden berjumlah 421 orang guru. Variabel independen adalah karakteristik, pelatihan, pengetahuan, sikap, identitas dan dukungan sekolah. Variabel dependen adalah perilaku guru dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan uji Chi-square dan regresi logistik ganda.  Hasil: Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku guru dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi remaja adalah jenis kelamin (OR:1,64; 95% CI: 1,105-2,437), status kepegawaian (OR: 1,55 ; 95% CI: 1,03-2,34 ), keikutsertaan pelatihan (OR:1,78; 95% CI: 1,210-2,623), pengetahuan (p: 0,000), sikap (OR: 5,81 ; 95% CI: 4,412-7,650), sarana  (OR: 1749,52 ; 95% CI: 457,670-6688,005) dan pelaksanaan  (OR: 2008,95; 95% CI: 512,397-7876,487). Faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan perilaku guru dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi adalah sarana (OR: 110,49; 95% CI: 22,21-549,52) dan pelaksanaan (OR: 139,28; 95% CI: 28,56- 679,30). Kesimpulan: Dukungan sarana pembelajaran yang memadai dan aspek pelaksanaan memiliki kontribusi utama terhadap perilaku guru dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi. Kata kunci: perilaku guru, pendidikan, kesehatan reproduksi remaja

Diana Andriyani Pratamawati ◽  
Widiarti Widiarti ◽  
Wiwik Trapsilowati ◽  
Riyani Setiyaningsih

Tembalang Subdistrict is still ranked as the first highest IR Dengue in Semarang City in 2014-2016. Incidence rate of dengue in Tembalang Sub District in 2016 was Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) IR 166.89/100,000 population with Case Fatality Rate (CFR) 1.02%. The Semarang City Government has implemented PERDA No.5 of 2010 concerning DHF control with the establishment of special larvae monitoring officers namely Semantik (Semarang Bebas Jentik) and Gasurkes (Health Surveillance Officer) to conduct routine larval monitoring and socialize PSN-3M Plus. However, dengue cases in Tembalang District continue to exist.The purpose of the study was to identify behavioral factors related to monitoring larva presence in Tembalang District, Semarang City. This study is based on the cross sectional method, with quota sampling was used to recruit 100 respondents. The criteria for the case were the latest DHF cases recorded in the Semarang City Health Office Data (January to September 2017). Samples were taken in quota with 100 respondents. Data were analyzed by analytic descriptive using chi-square analysis and odds ratio. The results showed behavioral factors to monitor larvae routinely related to the results of larvae examination (p <0,05) with risk factors OR = 5,02 and form observations obtained ABJ in Tembalang District by 89% in 2017. This needs additional attention in the larva monitoring procedure by Semantics and Gasurkes. The more complete the quality of the larvae examination, the existence of larvae can be eradicated, so that the incidence of DHF can be prevented

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-138
Sheryl Putri Asri ◽  

It is estimated that 60% of maternal mortality resulting from gestation happened right after giving birth, and 50% of puerperium deaths happened in the first 24 hours. This research aims to know the relation between the amount of bleeding, remaining placenta, and the act of episiotomy to puerperal sepsis cases. This research uses analytical description methods with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this research was the postpartum mothers in puerperal sepsis cases in October – December 2017 at RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta Barat counted 85 persons. The sampling method used in this research is an accidental sampling method with 32 respondents. The Instruments of this research are medical records and questionnaires with the chi-square analysis method. This research data analysis has the quality of univariate and bivariate, which means knowing about the relation between the amount of bleeding, remaining placenta, and the act of episiotomy to puerperal sepsis cases. This research shows a relation between the amount of bleeding with a p-value (0,035) and OR (7,200). There is a relation between remained placenta variable with a p-value (0,035) and OR (7,200). There is no relation in the act of episiotomy variable with p-value (0,142) and OR (3,500) to puerperal sepsis cases. The researcher suggests RSAB Harapan Kita increase the quality of their health services, mainly socialize information and give education for maternity women about various birth complications, such as bleeding and remaining placenta and sepsis puerperalis's risks.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Elisa Murti Puspitaningrum

AbstrakKekurangan energi kronik (KEK) merupakan salah satu masalah status gizi pada ibu hamil. Jumlah ibu hamil yang menderita KEK di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2007 sampai 2013, yaitu sebesar 15,7%. Data di Puskesmas Tanjung Pinang pada tahun 2015 terdapat 6,60% ibu hamil yang menderita KEK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan status gizi pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Tanjung Pinang Kota Jambi tahun 2016. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif korelasi dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil yang memeriksakan kehamilan di Puskesmas Tanjung Pinang tahun 2016. Sampel berjumlah 62 responden dengan teknik Quota sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan analisis data menggunakan Chi Square dengan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden memiliki status gizi baik yaitu 51 ibu hamil (82,3%) dan minoritas responden yang memiliki status gizi kurang yaitu 11 ibu hamil. Pengetahuan tentang gizi pada ibu hamil, 31 responden (50%) memiliki pengetahuan baik. Berdasarkan uji Chi Square, ada hubungan pengetahuan dengan status gizi ibu hamil di Puskesmas Tanjung Pinang Kota Jambi. (p = 0,00). Kata kunci : status gizi, pengetahuan, kekurangan energi kronik, gizi ibu hamil  AbstractChronic energy deficiency is one of the problem of nutrition status in pregnant women. The number of pregnant women who suffered from chronic energy deficiency in Indonesia had increased from 2007 until 2013, that amounted to 15,7%. Data of Tanjung Pinang Health Center 2015 showed that there are 6,60% of pregnant women suffering from chronic energy deficiency. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between knowledge and nutrition statusof pregnant woman in Tanjung Pinang Primary Health Center by 2016. This reseach used descriptive correlation study with cross sectional design. The population of study was pregnant women who visited Tanjung Pinang Health Center during 2016. There were 62 respondents employed as the sample with Quota Sampling technique. This study used primary data in data collection and Chi Square Test in data analysis with the result α = 0.05. The results of study indicated that 51 respondents (82,3%) having good nutrition status while the other 11 respondents were in contrast. In accordance with knowledge level, 31 respondents (50%) having good knowledge. Based on Chi Square test there was a correlation between knowledge and pregnant women’s nutrition status in Tanjung Pinang Health Center of Jambi City (p = 0,00).  Keywords: nutrition status, knowledge, chronic energy deficiency, nutrition of pregnant women

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
pp. 129
Wahyunti Kristiningtyas ◽  
Kristiana Puji Purwandari

ABSTRAK Imunisasi merupakan bentuk intervensi kesehatan yang sangat efektif dalam menurunkan  angka kematian bayi dan balita. Dengan imunisasi berbagai penyakit seperti TBC, difteri, pertusis, tetanus, hepatitits B, poliomielitis, dan campak dapat dicegah. Oleh karena itulah, imunisasi pada bayi dan balita harus lengkap serta diberikan sesuai jadwal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan ketepatan waktu pemberian imunisasi dasar. Jenis penelitian adalah survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi  penelitian adalah ibu yang mengimunisasikan bayinya ke Puskesmas Wonogiri I pada  bulan Mei – Juni sebanyak 200. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 80 ibu. Teknik sampling menggunakan  quota sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data univariat, bivariat dengan chi square dan multivariat dengan regresi logistik ganda model prediksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 60% ibu berpendidikan lanjut, 58,8% ibu  berpengetahuan baik,  52,5% ibu tidak bekerja, 63,8% ibu dengan ekonomi tinggi.  Bayi  dengan imunisasi dasar tepat waktu 71,3%. Variabel  pendidikan ibu (p value = 0,0001) dan pekerjaan ibu (p value = 0,001)  memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan ketepatan waktu pemberian imunisasi dasar. Variabel pengetahuan ibu (p value = 0,131) dan Ekonomi keluarga (p value = 0,266) tidak memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan ketepatan waktu pemberian imunisasi dasar. Variabel yang memiliki hubungan paling dominan terhadap ketepatan waktu pemberian imunisasi dasar di Puskesmas Wonogiri I adalah pekerjaan ibu dengan nilai OR = 12,739. Kata kunci : faktor – faktor, ketepatan waktu, imunisasi dasarFACTORS RELATED TO THE TIMELINESS OF BASIC IMMUNIZATION AT WONOGIRI 1 PUBLIC HEALTH CENTERABSTRACTImmunization is a form of  health intervention that is very effective in reducing infant and under-five mortality.  With immunization of various diseases such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitits b, poliomyelitis, and measles can be prevented. Therefore , immunization in infants and toddlers must be complete and given according to schedule.  The study aims to analyze factors related to the timeliness of basic immunization.  The type of this research analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The population  are mothers to immunize their babies the Wonogiri 1 Public Health Center during May - June as many as 200. Samples of this research 80 mothers. Technique sampling is quota sampling.  The research instrument  a questionnaire.  Data analysis with univariate , bivariate  with chi square and multivariate with multiple logistic regression prediction models.  The results showed 60%  of mothers had advanced education levels,  58.8% of mothers with good knowledge, 52.5% of mothers were unemployed, 63.8% of mothers with high economics.  Babies who received timely basic immunizations   71.3%.   Mother’s education variable (p value = 0.0001) and mother's occupation (p value = 0.001)  have a significant relationship with the timeliness of basic immunization.  Mother's knowledge variable (p value = 0.131) and family economy (p value = 0.266) do not have a significant relationship with the timeliness of basic immunization.  The variable that has the most dominant relationship to the timeliness of basic immunization in wonogiri 1 public health center is mother’s occupation with a value of OR = 12,739.Keywords: factors, timeliness, basic immunization

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 282
Filius Chandra ◽  
Iswanto Iswanto ◽  
Aisah Aisah

Hypertension is a non-communicable disease (PTM) which is a very serious health problem both in the world and in Indonesia. One sign of hypertension is an increase in blood pressure. Hypertension is called the silent killer, because people with hypertension often show no symptoms. The research objective was to determine the relationship between diet and obesity with the incidence of hypertension at the Rawasari Public Health Center in Jambi City in 2019.This study used a cross sectional design, which was carried out in August 2019, 64 hypertension respondents at the Rawasari Health Center were taken using purposive sampling technique. The research variables were diet and obesity  which were analyzed using the chi-square test.This study showed that most respondents had hypertension (92.2%). most of the diet frequently (51.6%). and  nutritional status (50%). Chi-square analysis showed  that there was a relationship between diet and hypertension (p= 0.016) and chi-square analysis showed that there was no relationship between obesity  and hypertension (p= 0.0162). There is no significant relationship between diet and hypertension, and there is no significant relationship between nutritional status and hypertension

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Oktaviani Oktaviani

ABSTRAK   Latar Belakang: Anemia pada kehamilan memerlukan perhatian karena potensial membahayakan ibu dan anak. Anemia pada ibu hamil meningkatkan risiko kematian ibu. Tingginya kejadian anemia berkaitan dengan  kurangnya asupan zat besi, selain itu rendahnya pendidikan, dan  informasi. Puskesmas Kereng Bangkirai merupakan salah satu puskesmas Pelayanan Obstetri Neonatal Emergensi Dasar (PONED) di Kota Palangka Raya dan jumlah ibu hamilnya mendapatkan tablet FE paling rendah. Tujuan : untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor asupan zat besi dan sosial ekonomi dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kereng Bangkirai Metode: Jenis penelitian ini dengan  rancangan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah Ibu yang hamil yang ada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kereng Bangkirai berjumlah 140 responden. Pemilihan sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan consecutive sampling Analisis univariat dilakukan dengan distribusi frekuensi, analisis bivariat dengan chi-square. Hasil: penelitian menunjukkan Variabel asupan zat besi ada hubungan bermakna dengan anemia(p=0,03).  Variabel sosio ekonomi (pendidikan Ibu (p=0,05), pendidikan suami (p=0,81), pekerjaan Ibu (p=0,40), pekerjaan suami (p=0,27) dan pendapatan keluarga (p=0,85)) tidak ada hubungan bermakna dengan anemia. Simpulan : asupan zat besi merupakan faktor risiko kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil.   Kata kunci: Anemia dalam kehamilan, Asupan Zat Besi, dan Ibu hamil     ABSTRACT   Background: Anemia occurance during pregancy emerges to put into consideration, since it potentially harmful for both mother and infant.  It is usually raise the risk of mother mortality. Highly occurance of anemia was suggested to related to especially for Iron (Fe). Moreover, it is was due to low educational level,and information. Puskesmas Kereng Bangkirai is one of public health in Palangka Raya Municipality, on which has basic emergency obstectric-neonatal services, so-called PONED. There is also showed that the number of mother has a lower access to Fe tablet. Objective  : The study is to analyze the relationships between iron (Fe) consumption and social economic with anemia occurance durng preganancy in an area of Puskesmas Kereng Bangkirai. Methods: Research is cross sectional design.  Sample was 140 pregnant women surrounding the Puskesmas Kereng Bangkirai. The sample was determined using consecutive sampling method. Univarate analysis was conducted using distribution of frequency, bivariate with chi-square analysis. Results: revealed that the Fe consumption (p=0.03) has significance relationship with anemia occurance. The socio-economic  (mother level of education (p=0.05), husband level of education (p=0.81), mother occupation (p=0.40), husband occupation (p=0.27), and family income (p=0.85). Conclusion: It is suggested,  that the Iron (Fe) consumption is the risks factor of anemia occurance during pregancy.   Keywords: anemia during pregnancy, the Iron (Fe) consumption, women pregnancy

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Abdul-Aziz Seidu ◽  
Edward Kwabena Ameyaw ◽  
Bright Opoku Ahinkorah ◽  
Leonard Baatiema ◽  
Samuel Dery ◽  

Abstract Background Sexual and reproductive health education among girls and women has several reproductive health benefits, including improved contraceptive knowledge, contraception use at first intercourse, increased chance of contraceptive use in a lifetime, and effective usage of contraceptives. It is however not clear whether women/girls in urban slums who have had sexual and reproductive health education would likely utilize contraception. This study sets out to test the hypothesis that Accra slum women who have had sex education have higher chances of ever using contraception. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among reproductive aged women in two slums (i.e. Agbogbloshie and Old Fadama) in Accra, Ghana. A sample size of 691, made up of respondents who provided responses to the question on ever used contraception, sex education as well as those with complete information on all the other variables of interest was considered in this study. Binary logistic regression models were fitted to examine association between sexual and reproductive health education and ever use of contraception. Crude odds ratios (cOR) and adjusted odds ratios (aOR) at p-value less than 0.05 were used to assess the strength of the association between the outcome and independent variables. Results More than half (56.73%) of the women have never received sexual and reproductive health education. Most of the respondents (77.28%) had ever used contraceptives. Women who had no form of sexual and reproductive health education had lower odds of ever using contraception (OR = 0.641, 95% CI 0.443, 0.928) and this persisted after controlling for the effect of demographic factors (AOR = 0.652, 95% CI 0.436, 0.975] compared to those who have ever received any form of sex education. Non-married women as well as women who were exposed to media (newspapers/radio/television) were also more likely to use contraceptives in slums in Accra, Ghana. Conclusion The study revealed a relatively low prevalence of sex education among women in urban slums in Accra. However, sex education was found to increase the odds of ever use of contraception. These findings call for intensified sexual and reproductive health education among reproductive aged girls and women in urban slums in Accra using existing informal social networks and local media platforms.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Arum Meiranny

ABSTRAK Ibu yang memiliki Balita kurang memperhatikan KMS untuk memantau pertumbuhan Balita, sehingga pertumbuhan anak kurang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang KMS dengan pertumbuhan Balita. Jenis penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah analitis, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi yang digunakan adalah ibu Balita di Wilayah RW V Kelurahan Kalipancur Kecamatan Ngaliyan Kota Semarang, dengan jumlah sampel 47 orang. Tehnik sampling yang digunakan adalah quota sampling. Uji analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat menggunakan Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masih banyak ibu Balita yang kurang mengetahui tentang KMS (63,8 %). Kurangnya pengetahuan tersebut mengakibatkan banyaknya Balita yang tidak mengalami kenaikan berat badan (80,9 %). Analisis Chi Square menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang KMS dengan pertumbuhan Balita (p = 0,007), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang KMS dan pertumbuhan Balita di Wilayah RW V Kelurahan Kalipancur Kecamatan Ngaliyan Kota Semarang. Saran bagi ibu agar lebih memperhatikan kualitas pertumbuhan Balitanya, bagi Posyandu, dapat memaksimalkan pelaksanaan sistem 5 meja, dan bagi petugas kesehatan dapat memberi motivasi bagi kader untuk dapat memberikan informasi tentang KMS dan mengatur jadwal pelaksanaan Posyandu, sehingga memungkinkan para ibu untuk dapat mengantar Balitanya ke Posyandu. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan; Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS); Pertumbuhan Balita  MOTHER’S KNOWLEDGE ABOUT ROAD TO HEALTH CHART (RHC) INFLUENCE THE GROWTH OF CHILDREN  UNDER FIVE AGES ABSTRACT Mothers who have child under five ages giving less attention to Road to Health Chart (RHC) as the controlling media of children growth under five. This  research was done with the purpose to know the corelation beetwen mother’s level of knowledge about RHC with the growth of children under five ages. This research was conducted by analythical research with cross sectional approach. Population used mother of children under five ages at administrative unit V of the Kalipancur Village Ngaliyan Subdistrict Semarang City with  47 samples. Sampling technique used by this research was quota sampling. Analysis test using by univariate and bivariate analysis which uses Chi Square. The result of this research indicated that there were still many mother of children under five ages which unknown concerning RHC (63,8 %). The lack knowledge regarding such matter caused many children under five ages shall not having normal with growth (80,9 %). Chi Square analysis shows that there was a corelation between mother’s level of knowledge about RHC with the growth of child under five ages (p = 0,007), so it could be concluded that there was a corelation between mother’s level of knowledge about RHC with the growth of child under five ages. Suggestion particularly to mother of children under five ages was give greater concern to  the growth quality of their under five children, to the integral health post that it could maximized the implementation of five tables system, and for the health service personal to giving a  motivation to the cadres, so that they could shale appropriate information concerning RHC and arrange their schedule for appliying or visiting the integral health post and enable mother to carry their children to that place her self. Keywords: Knowledge, Road To Health Chart (Rhc), The Growth Of Children  Under Five Ages

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Arita Murwani

Population projection data in Indonesia in 2017 says that the elderly population is 23.660.000 people. Yogyakarta has the highest number of elderly, especially those domiciled in Sleman Regency with a total of about 105.955 people. Health behaviors in the elderly can be influenced by public policy, nursing functions, and health education. To find out the correlation between health behaviors in the elderly and public policy, nursing functions, and health education. This study uses a cross-sectional design with a quantitative research type. This research used the survey method with a questionnaire sheet as a research instrument and then the data will be processed using Stata test. Analysis of data conducted with chi-square analysis. The technique used is purposive sampling due to sampling with certain criteria. The criteria of this study include elderly who come to the health center to conduct examinations, have families, and live in the working area of Sleman District health center. The research will take place from March 2020 until completion. The elderly who were domiciled in the working area of Sleman District health center became the population in this study as many as 103.686 elderly.There is a correlation between public policy and elderly health behavior with a Pearson chi-square value of 0,472. There is a correlation nursing function with elderly health behavior with a Pearson Chi-Square value of 0,210. There is a correlation between health education and elderly health behavior, with Pearson Chi-Square value -0,210.Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between health behaviors in the elderly and public policy, nursing function, and health education.

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