scholarly journals The Montenegrin poet and ruler, Petar II Petrovich Negosh

2020 ◽  
pp. 296-302
Alla G. Sheshken ◽  

The article talks about the representative of the national revival of the Southern Slavs, Petar II Petrovich Negosh (1813–51), the ruler of Montenegro, poet and writer, who had a great influence on the development of the national identity of the Montenegrins. The main theme of his creativity was the struggle of the people against Ottoman Turkey. In his poems, dramas and lyrics, he outlined with great artistic persuasiveness the persistent national character of the Montenegrins and their cult of valor and heroic characteristics. Negosh’s works enriched the national literature in terms of genre and made a great contribution to the development of expressive capabilities in the native language. His works are a part of the national picture of the world, many of them have been used in citations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 459-464
Alevtina Vasilevna Kamitova ◽  
Tatyana Ivanovna Zaitseva

The paper reflects the specificity of the fundamental ideas of the artistic world of M. G. Atamanov, which includes a wide range of literary facts from the content level of the text of the works to their poetics. A particularly important role in the works of M. G. Atamanov is played by cross-cutting themes and images that reflect the author's individual style and his idea of national-ethnic identity. The subject of the research is the book of essays “Mon - Udmurt. Maly mynym vös’?” (“I am Udmurt. Why does it hurt?”), which most vividly reflected the main spiritual and artistic searches of M. G. Atamanov, associated with his ideas about the Udmurt people. The main motives and plots of the works included in the book under consideration are accumulated around the concept of “Udmurtness”. The comprehension of “Udmurtness” is modeled in his essays through specific leit themes: native language, Udmurt people, national culture, mentality, geographic and topographic features of the Udmurt people’ places of residence, the Orthodox idea. The “Udmurt theme” is recognized and comprehended by the writer through the prism of national identity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Zhuobi Luo

The dissimilation of the social functions of commercial banks is a phenomenon that the function of commercial banks deviates from the economic development and the people's livelihood. Such phenomenon, which can be seen all over the world, impedes the socio-economic development and affects the well-being of the people to some degree. After investigating and analyzing the dissimilation of the social functions of Chinese commercial banks, it was found that their social functions play a significant role, and the booming development of these banks has made great contribution to the economic growth and improved people's livelihood in China. China should also have special experience in preventing and handling this dissimilation.

A. O. Kushnierova

The article deals with the verbal world picture analysis through the prism of English phraseology and the peculiarities of phraseologization of phrases in view of the culturally motivated vision of the world by particular linguistic communities. The objective of this paper is a study of phraseological (set) expressions in order to identify ontological and cultural components in language. The certain tendency of illustrating verbal world picture in phraseological (set) expressions was revealed. The study has demonstrated that phraseological (set) expressions, which most vividly illustrate the British cultural identity, are genetically linked to the most common and widespread areas of human activity, namely food, the natural world that surrounds us, and certain "endemic" phenomena of British life. The phraseological picture of the world acts as a set of knowledge about the world and can give a complete description of a particular nation or people. The examples of phraseological set expressions given allow us to see the phraseological composition of language reflects cultural identity not only as a fragment of reality, given to the ethnic community in immediate perception, but also the lifestyle, beliefs, worldviews, national character, temperament, value system - the mentality of the people, their social consciousness in general. Thus, the phraseology becomes a certain extra-linguistic reality that not only realizes the linguistic consciousness and perception of the speaker, but alsoforms a vision through the prism of phraseology, which is based on the cultural territorial perception of a nation.

Viacheslav A. Shuper ◽  

The formulation of the national idea takes place in the context of a sharp escala­tion of the struggle for power as a result of the transition to a multipolar world, a fundamental slowdown in demographic and economic growth, the beginning of the second global disintegration cycle and the end of the five-hundred-year domination of the West. Russia developed Siberia, but was at the same time a product of it. Probably, the national character and the national idea were largely formed by centuries of moving to the Pacific. Without Siberia, the coun­try would now occupy the same modest place other metropolises of former co­lonial empires do. National idea should be inspired by the independence of thoughts and the spirit of the pioneers. The large-scale projects which form large-scale personalities to prevent the spread of ignorance and a learned-out helplessness are necessary for the development of the country. The L.N. Gu­milev’s geographic-psychological concept gains in this context special interest. “The saving of the people” should have not only the demographic but also the energetic dimension. Gumilev’s concept is meant to restore the position of the natural sciences in the formation of the scientific view of the world which sees humanity as a part of nature with special qualities. It is also necessary to re­think the position of V.I. Vernadsky about the organization of the learning people in the context of the mobilization model of the development of society. The es­sence of this model should be the mobilization model of education, which should be considered as the basis of the national idea.

2021 ◽  

A sense of nationalism is very important for the young generation of Indonesia to become a developed nation, a modern nation, a safe nation, and a peaceful, just and prosperous nation in the midst of globalization that increasingly challenges the Indonesian state. As a nation and a state in the midst of other nations in the world, a high national identity is needed from its citizens, especially among the young generation of Indonesia. The spirit of nationalism is still needed by the existence of the Indonesian people and the state. High nationalism from citizens or the younger generation will create positive and best behavior for the nation and state. In the current era of globalization, there are factors that cause the waning of the spirit of nationalism among the younger generation. This can be seen from several benchmarks, namely the lack of youth understanding of cultural values. Teenagers are now more likely to follow western culture which is very far in comparison with the norms and customs of the Indonesian nation, The main cause of the fading spirit of nationalism and nationality from the next generation of the nation is mainly due to the wrong and uneducational examples shown by the older generation or the elderly who tend to prioritize interests individuals and groups rather than prioritizing the interests of the nation and the people. This research method uses quantitative methods with data collection using literature studies based on the sources read.

ملخص: تعد “قصيدة الأرض” لمحمود درويش من القصائد المحورية التي تتواصل معها قضية الشاعر وشعبه وقضية انتفاضة الشعب في يوم الأرض؛ لإحياء مشكلة أمام الدنيا؛ لكي لا تنسى، فهي قضية حية متفجرة، وستظل كذلك؛ حتى تتحرر الأرض، ويعود الحق إلى أهله، وترجع فلسطين حرة أبية بإذن الله تعالى.فقد قرأت الباحثة هذه القصيدة قراءة عبر الحقول الدلالية من خلال الألفاظ الدالة على الأرض ومترادفاتها والألفاظ الدالة على الأمكنة، ومن ثم الألفاظ الدالة على الأزمنة، وقد استنتجت الباحثة أن الأرض من أكثر المفردات تكراراً وأهمية، فهي موضوعها الرئيس أولاً ومحور القصيدة ثانياً. وقد اعتمدت الباحثة المنهج الأسلوبي؛ مما يتناسب مع موضوع الأرض والقضية، علماً أن الباحثة استفادت من المنهج الوصفي التحليلي استفادة تتماشى مع المنهج الأسلوبي، وكذلك المنهج الإحصائي لتحديد أنواع الدلالة ، وتخدم الدراسة في الوقت نفسه. Abstract “The land poem” is considered as one of Mohmmad Darwish’s poems with the issue of the poet and his people and the uprising of the people contact, This is on land day for the sake of revival of a problem in full view of the world in order not to be forgotten, It is a live explosive issue and it will remain so until the land is free and liberated, people return their rights and Palestine returns free and proud by god willing. The researcher reads this poem through inductive reading, She hopes to present a modest service and usefulness. The reading was by using a table format upon which the table was a word review function based on the land and it’s synonyms. As well as vocabularies that indicates the places and the times. The researcher concluded that the land is one of the most frequent and important vocabularies first, it is the main theme. Second, it is the focus of the poem.The researcher depended on Social Approach so as to suit the subject of the land and the issue. Please note that she benefited from the Descriptive Analytical Approach in line with the Social .Approach. Moreover, it served the research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-72
E. Moldasanov ◽  

In the works of Tanzharyk Zholdyuly the concepts of "woman", "man", "truth", "native land", "country" are found, the world of the poet. There is a subtle psychology, the attitude of the poet to the Motherland, the native land, love, a sense of patriotism. With the help of the study of linguistic personality T. Zholdyuly, we recognize the linguistic personality, isolated by the nature of the national cultural existence, the national spirit of patriotism, the beauty of the environment, the mastery of the fine arts of the national worldview. Having studied the linguistic personality of the poet, it is possible to clearly see the national existence and worldview of the people. Clearly, from the Civil personality of Tanzharyk Zholdyuly there is an aspiration to influence, movement in the Kazakh society. In this direction in his works there are many own word combinations, author's metaphors and comparisons, which represent the national character. The staging of the lexical layer of the poet's works: Kazakh national cultural environment, existence, truth, worldview and worldview. In further study at the cognitive and pragmatic levels, allowing us to fully recognize the language personality, allows us to recognize the language personality as a poet, artist, master of the artistic word.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 107-133
Karolina Zięba

Bronisław Piłsudski (1866–1918) jest znany na świecie przede wszystkim jako badacz ludów Dalekiego Wschodu – informacje o jego aktywności w Galicji oraz na Spiszu i Orawie są mniej powszechne. Odnaleziony w aktach Związku Przyjaciół Polskiego Ludu Tatrzańskiego, napisany w 1912 r. list do Bolesława Wysłoucha (1855–1937), stanowi jeszcze jedno świadectwo wszechstronności jego działań również na gruncie polskim. Po powrocie z zesłania B. Piłsudski zaangażował się w działalność muzealniczą i społeczną w Galicji. Utrzymywał kontakty z polską inteligencją pracującą na rzecz zachowania tożsamości narodowej pod zaborami. Do tej grupy należał również B. Wysłouch – redaktor „Kuriera Lwowskiego”. Prezentowany artykuł naświetla kontekst akcji uświadomienia narodowego ludności tzw. „Zapomnianych Kresów”. The activity of Bronisław Piłsudski for the people of Spisz and Orawa. Based on a letter to Bolesław Wysłouch In memory of Prof. Czesław Robotycki (1944–2014) Bronisław Piłsudski (1866–1918) is primarily known in the world for his research work into the peoples of the Far East. There is not so much information about his 108 Karolina Zięba activities in Galicia as well as in Spisz and Orawa. However, a letter written in 1912 to Bolesław Wysłouch (1855–1937), found in the records of the Friends of Polish Tatra Highlanders Association, represents a testimony to his wide-ranging activities on Polish land. After returning from exile, B. Piłsudski was involved in museum and social activities in Galicia. He remained in contact with the Polish intelligentsia, working to maintain national identity during the partitions. This group also included B. Wysłouch – editor of “Kurier Lwowski”. The presented article highlights the context of actions to raise awareness of the national identity in the so-called “Forgotten Borderlands”.

2021 ◽  
pp. 108-113
Liudmyla Sorochuk

The article raises the issue of the importance of Ukrainian studies by Ivan Ogienko, as a representative of the Ukrainian intellectual elite in emigration, because his works influenced the progress of cultural, educational and spiritual life of Ukrainians both in our country and abroad. It is known that he is one of the founders of Ukrainian science and education and an outstanding Ukrainian educator of the twentieth century. The role of preserving national identity, spiritual values, patriotism of the outstanding scientist, teacher, linguist, culturologist, public and church figure, Ivan Ogienko, through the prism of hard work, incredible diligence, stability and consistency in scientific research is emphasized. Attention is focused on the fact that the Ukrainian scientist was the bearer of national and cultural ideas and spiritual values of his people. The opinion is confirmed that the world recognition of I. Ogienko / Metropolitan Ilarion was brought by fundamental works on the history of Ukrainian culture, language, history of the church, which have not lost their scientific significance even today. The scientist-researcher made dictionaries, headed the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian People's Republic, and being in emigration – headed the Ukrainian autocephalous Orthodox Church. It is worth mentioning the most common and used translation of the Bible into Ukrainian, on which Ivan Ogienko worked for more than 45 years. The article analyzes I. Ogienko's scientific achievements during the emigration, which significantly strengthened Ukrainian studies, and also considers the works "Pre-Christian Beliefs of the Ukrainian People", "Ukrainian Culture", "Serve the People - Serve God: Theological Studio" and others. The book "Our Life Abroad: Ideological and Historical Essays" by Ivan Ogienko, published in Winnipeg (Canada), where the author spoke about the difficult life of Ukrainian emigrants abroad, deserves attention and listening. I. Ogienko describes how important it is to preserve one's national identity, culture and native language in a foreign country. It is concluded that national culture has great potential for the establishment of Ukraine in the world cultural space, and the life and scientific and educational work of Ivan Ogienko became an example for many researchers in studying the socio-cultural heritage of the Ukrainian diaspora.

Ирина Юрьевна Кириллова

Статья посвящена вопросу национальной специфики литератур народов Поволжья, соотношению национального и регионального в понимании идентичности как таковой. В работе выявляются общие моменты в отражении национальной идентичности, этнических и общечеловеческих ценностей в современной драматургии Поволжья. В качестве объекта исследования выбраны произведения современных чувашских и татарских драматургов, в которых наиболее ярко выражена национальная проблема. Путем сравнительного анализа в статье рассмотрены формы проявления национальной идентичности в произведениях, такие как национальные мифы, образы, идеалы, архетипы, обращение к далекому прошлому народа, к типичным чертам национального характера. Важным идеологическим ресурсом национальной идентичности на современном этапе выступило историческое прошлое чувашского и татарского народов. В судьбе главных исторических личностей отразилась трагическая судьба булгарского народа. В чувашской драме «Часы с кукушкой» (2016) М. Карягиной и татарской монодраме «Микулай» (2019) М. Гилязова проблема идентичности рассматривается в отношении героев к национальным и общечеловеческим ценностям, таким как родная земля, дом, семья, память, нравственность, долг, ответственность и др. The article is devoted to national specifics of the literatures of the peoples of the Volga region, the correlation of national and regional to the understanding of identity as such. The paper reveals common points in the reflection of national identity, ethnic and universal values in the drama of the Volga region. The works of modern Chuvash and Tatar playwrights, in which the national problem is most clearly expressed, are chosen as the object of research. By means of comparative analysis, the article considers the forms of national identity in the works, such as national myths, images, ideals, archetypes, reference to the distant past of the people, to the typical features of the national character. An important ideological resource of national identity was the historical past of the Chuvash and Tatar peoples. The fate of the main historical figures reflected the tragic fate of the Bulgarian people. In the Chuvash drama “The Cuckoo Clock” (2016) by M. Karyagina and the Tatar monodrama “Mikulai” (2019) by M. Gilyazov, the problem of identity is considered in the relation of their characters to national and universal values, such as their native land, home, family, memory, morality, duty, responsibility, etc.

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