scholarly journals The Use of Rapid Application Development (RAD) Method in New Students Registration Information System: Case Study in Education University of Muhammadiyah (UNIMUDA) Sorong

2021 ◽  
Indri Anugrah Ramadhani ◽  
Asrul Asrul ◽  
Nurteteng Nurteteng

The registration of new students is one of the routine activities which are carried out by all universities every year and data processing system assistance is needed to make easier the work of universities in processing data for the new students’ registration. The purpose of this study is to develop a web-based new students’ registration information system which is expected to make easier for the new students registratlion committee in managing the data and also make easier for new students to register and get information. The development method used in this research is Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. The RAD method has several stages, namely Requirements Planning, RAD Design Workshop, and Implementation. The development of this information system starts from collecting data using observation and interview methods, making system design, development, and testing. The trial was carried out using black box testing which focused on functional testing. The results of the blackbox test show that there is no error in the new student registration information system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Amelinda Chendra ◽  
Kristina G. Simanjuntak ◽  
Andree E. Widjaja ◽  
Suryasari Suryasari

Nowadays, the application of information systems can be applied in many fields, one of which is to support the process of adopting dog as a pet. The purpose of this research therefore is to develop an integrated information system that can be used to facilitate the process of adopting dogs. The developed information system which is web-based has several main functions, such as searching for dogs, managing adoption requests, monitoring dogs that have been adopted, and periodically managing user reports. The proposed system was developed using Rapid Application Development method, PHP programming language, Code Igniter frameworks, and MySQL database. Meanwhile, the system was tested using the black box testing method.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Mursyidah Mursyidah ◽  
Hari Toha Hidayat

Abstrak— Sistem informasi saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan pada masyarakat untuk membantu dalam menyelesaikan berbagai pekerjaan. Masyarakat telah menyadari akan pentingnya keberadaan sistem informasi dalam membantu memonitoring pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan maupun sebagai bentuk untuk pengolahan data yang lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan cara manual. Salah satu bentuk implementasi sistem informasi akuntansi adalah pengelolaan dana biaya operasional sekolah. Dimana pada biaya operasional sekolah lebih mengarah pada akuntansi dikarenakan pengolahan didalamnya sesuai dengan keilmuan dibidang akuntansi. Oleh karena itu, supaya penggunaan dana BOS bisa dipertanggungjawabkan maka diperlukan sebuah sistem dalam pengelolaan dan monitoringnya. Pembuatan sistem informasi akuntansi biaya operasional sekolah diperlukan supaya bisa membantu para pengelola dana BOS dalam memonitoring dan mengevaluasi setiap penggunaan dana BOS. Perancangan dalam pembuatan sistem informasi akuntansi biaya operasional sekolah ini lebih tepatnya menggunakan metode rapid application development (RAD). Model RAD (rapid application development) merupakan model proses pengembangan perangkat lunak secara linier sequential yang menekankan pada siklus pengembangan yang sangat singkat. Black Box Testing berfokus pada spesifikasi fungsional dari perangkat lunak. Tester dapat mendefinisikan kumpulan kondisi input dan melakukan pengetesan pada spesifikasi fungsional program. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian sistem dengan menggunakan metode black box, aplikasi SIA BOS yang telah dibuat tidak ditemukan permasalahan dari sistem. Kata kunci— sistem informasi, akuntansi, dana BOS, RAD, black box.Abstract— The current information system has become a necessity for the community to assist in completing various jobs. The public has been aware of the importance of the existence of information systems in helping to monitor the work that has been done and as a form for data processing easier than the manual way. One form of accounting information system implementation is the fund management of school operational costs. Where on the operational costs of schools more leads to accounting because the processing therein in accordance with the scholarship in the field of accounting. Therefore, in order for the use of BOS funds can be accounted for, it is necessary a system in the management and monitoring. Creation of school operational cost accounting information system is needed to assist BOS fund managers in monitoring and evaluating every use of BOS funds. The design in making the information system of school operational cost accounting is more precisely use method of rapid application development (RAD). RAD model (rapid application development) is a model of sequential linear software development process that emphasizes on a very short development cycle. Black Box Testing focuses on the functional specifications of the software. The tester can define the set of input conditions and perform testing on the functional specifications of the program. Based on the results of testing the system using black box method, SIA BOS application that has been made not found problems from the system. Keywords— information systems, accounting, BOS funds, RAD, black box.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-17
Nurman Hidayat ◽  
Kusuma Hati

Abstract— The report card processing system on Imam Syafi'i Jember Islamic Elementary School still not yet computerized. Report card score processing is still using Microsoft Excel and count it manually. So there can be any mistakes in calculation, and report card processing needs a lot of time. With this online report card information system, hopefully it can make it easier for schools to manage report cards in a way that saves time and effort and avoid miscalculation of report card scores. At this writing, the writer is still using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. Applications created using Codeigniter 3 for the framework, PHP for the programming language, MySQL for the database, and Visual Studio Code as tools to help create theinformation system. This system helps in the processing of report cards to print the results of report cards that are conveyed well and quickly. Intisari — Sistem pengolahan rapor pada SD Islam Imam Syafi’i Jember masih belum terkomputerisasi, yaitu mengola nilai rapor masih menggunakan Microsot Excel dan menghitungnya masih dengan cara manual, sehingga bisa terjadi kesalahan dalam perhitungan dan proses pengolahan rapor membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Dengan adanya sistem informasi rapor online ini, diharapkan dapat mempermudah pihak sekolah dalam mengola rapor dengan cara yang lebih hemat waktu dan tenaga, dan menghindari kesalahan perhitungan nilai rapor. Pada penulisan ini penulis menggunakan metode Rapid Aplication Development (RAD). Aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan Codeigniter 3 untuk framework, PHP untuk bahasa pemrograman, MySQL untuk database dan Visual Studio Code sebagai tools membantu pembuatan sistem informasi tersebut. Sistem ini membantu dalam proses pengolahan rapor sampai mencetak hasil rapor yang tersampaikan dengan baik dan cepat.

Desi Puspita ◽  
Yogi Isro' Mukti

The purpose of this research is to create a Web-based Literature Culture Information System Besemah Pagar. Besemah Literary Culture comes from the besemah tribe that grew up in Kota Pagar Alam. Besemah literature is now rarely heard by the Pagar Alam people inside and outside the City of Pagar Alam and is also almost unknown to the public, especially Pagar Alam among young people today. The system development method used is Rapid Application Development. With the web-based information system program, the public will gain knowledge about the literary culture that is weak in the City of Pagar Alam, and also help disseminate information in the introduction of the culture and literature to the public at large to increase outside tourists in supporting the City of Pagar Alam program. Tests carried out using Black Box Testing with no error results. The results of research in the form of Web-based Literature Culture Information System Weak Besagar Pagar that can be implemented and used by the general public.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-133
Ali Haidir

Web-based wedding organizer information systems nowadays are very much needed, especially for wedding packages service that can make it easier for customers to choose the packages provided as well as ordering without having to go to the place or location where the wedding organizer is located. This convenience can be obtained by building an information system that can accommodate the needs of customers, the needs of the sales department, the administration of the wedding organizer company to facilitate the preparation of reports to be submitted to the wedding organizer owner. In addition, the computerized data processing system will speed up the process of selecting services such as; wedding package, order, purchase and reports. In developing this system, two sides are needed where visitors will become customers and the website administrator will manage the website. The system development method used in this system design uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. The results showed that by building a computerized system that is assisted by using the PHP programming language, more data are stored and reports can be presented real time.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Marfel A. Kaseger ◽  
Yaulie D.Y. Rindengan ◽  
Arie S.M. Lumenta

Abstrak-Sistem Informasi Geografis adalah merupakan suatu system informasi yang berbasis computer, dan dirancang untuk bekerja dengan menggunakan data yang memiliki informasi spasial (bereferensi keruangan). SIG menggunakan teknologi computer untuk mengintegrasikan, memanipulasi, dan menampilkan informasi atau karakteristik yang ada di suatu daerah geografi. Tindak kejahatan/kriminalitas bukan hanya tanggung jawab pihak kepolisian tetapi tanggung jawab semua lapisan masyarakat, sehingga dengan dipetakannya daerah rawan kriminalitas akan dapat diketahui dimana saja terjadi tindak kejahatan itu. Aplikasi yang akan dibuat adalah “APLIKASI PEMETAAN DAERAH RAWAN KRIMINALITAS DI MANADO BERBASIS WEB’. System ini dibangun menggunakan Google Maps dan MySQL, serta dalam pengembangan system menggunakan metode RAD (Rapid Application Development)      Kata kunci : kriminal, Rapid Application Development, SIG, Web.                    Abstract-Geographic Information System is a computer-based information system, and is designed to work using data that has spatial information (spatial reference). GIS uses computer technology to integrate, manipulate, and display information or characteristics that exist in a geographic area. Crime / criminality is not only the responsibility of the police but the responsibility of all levels of society, so that with the mapping of crime-prone areas will be known where the crime occurred.The application that will be made is "APPLICATION OF WEB-BASED CRIMINAL AREA MAPPING IN MANADO WEB-BASED." This system was built using Google Maps and MySQL, and in the development of systems using the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method    Keywords : Criminal, GIS, Rapid Application Development, Web.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Achmad Hamdan ◽  
I Made Irawan ◽  
M. Zainal Arifin

This research aims to design and implement a Management Information System Extracurricular Web-Based in SMA Negeri 1 Sampang to be able to further improve the performance of the school in extracurricular management. SMA Negeri 1 Sampang is a leading public school in the town of Sampang. However extracurricular school management system is still not supported by good information technology facilities. And so we need an information system as an efficiency improvement of school performance in extracurricular management. This research using research design development. The this development goal is to develop a extracurricular management information system web-based as a means to improve the performance of the school in order to support the extracurricular management skills to further develop the student maximum and can also support the academic achievement of students. This development using Waterfall model. The conclusion of this research is that the extracurricular management information system is declared to be feasible and valid to be used because the percentage generated is quite high, namely the average usability aspect of 89.54 percent and the functionality aspect of 99.99 percent.Keyword: Information System, Management, Extracurricular

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 495
Andi Setiawan ◽  
Ahmad Fauzi ◽  
Ade Irma Purnamasari

<p class="Abstrak">Aplikasi <em>CyReborn</em> merupakan sistem untuk memudahkan autentifikasi data peserta pengenalan kehidupan kampus mahasiswa baru atau PKKMB berbasis <em>framework</em>, namun mengalami kendala pada saat pengoperasinya, yaitu sulitnya menguraikan kepadatan antrian pada proses autentifikasi peserta terutama pada saat absensi pagi, absensi istirahat, dan absensi pulang. Tujuan penelitian dari penelitian ini adalah optimalisasi aplikasi <em>CyReborn</em> dengan <em>HttpURLConnection API</em> agar dapat menjalankan <em>QRCode</em> melalui aplikasi android pada bagian <em>frontend</em>, sedangkan pada bagian <em>backend</em> menggunakan <em>web framework</em> untuk pengelolaan data autentifikasinya. Sedangkan fokus dari penelitian ini adalah membandingkan kecepatan autentifikasi data peserta PKKMB, antara sebelum optimalisasi dengan yang sesudah dilakukan optimalisasi. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan empat API yang biasa digunakan pada aplikasi berbasis web PHP framework dan android, yaitu <em>HttpURLConnection API, Retrofit API, OkHttp API dan Asynchronous Http Client API</em>. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak menggunakan <em>Rapid Application Development (RAD)</em>, terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu <em>requirement planning, design system,</em> dan <em>implementation.</em> Sedangkan data yang digunakan untuk pengujian sebanyak 117 peserta, dari jumlah populasi keseluruhan peserta sebanyak 248 peserta. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah kecepatan authentifikasi data peserta PKKMB aplikasi <em>CyReborn</em> dengan <em>HttpURLConnection API</em>, hasil terendah saat pengujian awal sebesar 30 detik dan tertinggi sebesar 90 detik, sedangkan hasil pengujian dengan <em>HttpURLConnection API</em> terendah sebesar 5 detik dan tertinggi 30 detik. Artinya hasil optimalisasi aplikasi CyReborn dengan <em>HttpURLConnection API,</em> meningkat sebesar 15 detik untuk hasil akhir terendah dan sebesar 82 detik untuk hasil akhir tertinggi, atau persentase terendah sebesar 40% dan persentase tertinggi 92%.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em>CyReborn application is a system to facilitate the authentication of participant's introduction of campus life for new students or PKKMB based on the framework, but has problems when operating, which is the difficulty of deciphering the queue density in the participant's authentication process especially during morning attendance, rest absenteeism, and home absence. The research objective of this research is to optimize the CyReborn application with the HttpURLConnection API so that it can run QRCode through the android application on the frontend, while the backend uses a web framework for managing its authentication data. While the focus of this study is to compare the speed of PKKMB participant data authentication, between before optimization and after optimization. Testing is done by using four APIs that are commonly used on PHP framework and android web-based applications, namely the HttpURLConnection API, Retrofit API, OkHttp API and Asynchronous Http Client API. The software development method uses Rapid Application Development (RAD), consisting of three stages, namely requirements planning, system design, and implementation. While the data used for testing were 117 participants, out of a total population of 248 participants. The results obtained from this study are the speed of authentication of PKKMB CyReborn application participants with the HttpURLConnection API, the lowest results at initial testing were 30 seconds and the highest was 90 seconds, while the test results with the lowest HttpURLConnection API were 5 seconds and the highest was 30 seconds. This means that the optimization results of the CyReborn application with the HttpURLConnection API, increase by 15 seconds for the lowest final result and by 82 seconds for the highest final result, or the lowest percentage by 40% and the highest percentage by 92%.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Biktra Rudianto ◽  
Yuni Eka Achyani

At this time information technology is developing very rapidly and requires business actors to be able to follow the developments and advances of the times, especially in the world of technology and information. Inventory of merchandise is a company asset that is one of the assets included in current assets. Merchandise inventories are company assets that are purchased and stored to be resold and make a profit. Recording of merchandise inventory that is still manual, such as data collection of incoming goods, demand for goods, delivery of goods, returns of goods to the preparation of reports will certainly result in the accumulation of goods request notes. The difficulty of data collection of requests for goods from branches to deliver goods, errors in goods requested and sent, the length of time to record the return of goods, errors in calculating the stock of goods and difficulty in obtaining reports when needed are also one of the obstacles in the process of merchandise inventory. Therefore, a web-based inventory information system is needed in order to make it easier for users to manage the inventory process of their merchandise, so that it can simplify the process of recording, storing, searching and making reports. In designing a web-based inventory information system, the author uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. This information system is the best solution for solving problems in managing inventory. With the use of computer data technology, managed data becomes faster, reduces time inefficiency and reduces the occurrence of errors in processing data.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Tedi Budiman

One example of the growing information technology today is mobile learning, mobile learning which refers to mobile technology as a learning medium. Mobile learning is learning that is unique for each student to access learning materials anywhere, anytime. Mobile learning is suitable as a model of learning for the students to make it easier to get an understanding of a given subject, such as math is pretty complicated and always using formulas.The design method that I use is the case study method, namely, learning, searching and collecting data related to the study. While the development of engineering design software application programs that will be used by the author is the method of Rapid Application Development (RAD), which consists of 4 stages: Requirements Planning Phase, User Design Phase, Construction Phase and Phase Cotuver.

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