scholarly journals Personal Branding D_Kadoor untuk Menaikkan Pupolaritas melalui Instagram

2018 ◽  
Jurnal ARISTO ◽  
Amanah Rakhim Syahida ◽  
Fathul Qorib

The purpose of doing this research is to know how personal branding a person made by utilizing social media. Like the d_kadoor phenomenon of uploading a unique and unique video. In a number of videos shared by him, it looks Kadir Bachmid or d_kadoor behaving witty. Most imitate the behavior of mothers, ranging from clothing, style to the theme of gossip about arisan. Research on d_kadoor is a personal branding domain so that the theory used is personal branding. While the desired approach in this study is a qualitative approach with only one informant, namely Kadir Bachmid as d_kadoor itself. The results of this study illustrate that personal branding can show popular (famous) people. With the following strategies: 1) social media as a primary need. 2) Creative, inofatif, and have high confidence in Social Media For Personal Branding.3) Sensitive to information that is becoming a trend in society.4) Be entertaining.5) Non verbal and verbal communication has an identity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Amanah Rakhim Syahida ◽  
Fathul Qorib

The purpose of doing this research is to know how personal branding a person made by utilizing social media. Like the d_kadoor phenomenon of uploading a unique and unique video. In a number of videos shared by him, it looks Kadir Bachmid or d_kadoor behaving witty. Most imitate the behavior of mothers, ranging from clothing, style to the theme of gossip about arisan. Research on d_kadoor is a personal branding domain so that the theory used is personal branding. While the desired approach in this study is a qualitative approach with only one informant, namely Kadir Bachmid as d_kadoor itself. The results of this study illustrate that personal branding can show popular (famous) people. With the following strategies: 1) social media as a primary need. 2) Creative, inofatif, and have high confidence in Social Media For Personal Branding.3) Sensitive to information that is becoming a trend in society.4) Be entertaining.5) Non verbal and verbal communication has an identity.

2018 ◽  

The purpose of doing this research is to know how personal branding a person made by utilizing social media. Like the d_kadoor phenomenon of uploading a unique and unique video. In a number of videos shared by him, it looks Kadir Bachmid or d_kadoor behaving witty. Most imitate the behavior of mothers, ranging from clothing, style to the theme of gossip about arisan. Research on d_kadoor is a personal branding domain so that the theory used is personal branding. While the desired approach in this study is a qualitative approach with only one informant, namely Kadir Bachmid as d_kadoor itself. The results of this study illustrate that personal branding can show popular (famous) people. With the following strategies: 1) social media as a primary need. 2) Creative, inofatif, and have high confidence in Social Media For Personal Branding.3) Sensitive to information that is becoming a trend in society.4) Be entertaining.5) Non verbal and verbal communication has an identity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Sri Seti Indriani ◽  
Dhita Prasanti

<p>ABSTRACT<br />Millenials are seen using social media more often which has replaced forms of communication to become digital speech. Personal branding through digital speech in the social media life has a significant role in representing themselves. Personal branding is constructed from culture, environment and how individuals are brought up by. Stickers provided in Line application is one of the digital speech culture which are now oftenly used actively in communicating. Millenials tend to use these stickers so they have an ability on how they want others to portrait them. The research focuses on : (1) to describe how these millennials use these stickers to construct a personal branding in Line group, (2) to describe the reasons and use of these stickers in line. A qualitative approach in ethnography virtual method is used, using in-depth interview and observation. The result of this research shows that (1) they buy stickers that represent themselves and their feelings towards a subject to support their personal branding in Line group (2) millenials use stickers to support their meaning in conversations, when they can’t find the verbal words to describe their feelings, when they are forced to respond fast, and because the stickers are unique and funny.<br />Key words: Stickers, Millenials, Personal Branding, Media Social and Line Group</p><p> </p><p>ABSTRAK<br />Generasi milenial menggunakan media sosial yang telah menggantikan bentuk-bentuk komunikasi menjadi sebuah budaya tutur digital. Personal brandingmelalui tutur digital dalam sosial media sepertinya tengah memiliki peran yang penting dalam mempresentasikan identitas seseorang. Personal branding itu sendiri dikonstruksi lewat budaya, lingkungan dan bagaimana seseorang dididik dalam kehidupannya. Penggunaan stiker-stiker yang terdapat dalam aplikasi Line grup merupakan salah satu budaya tutur digital yang semakin hari memiliki peran aktif dalam berkomunikasi. Generasi ini lebih senang menggunakan stiker-stiker ini untuk membentuk gambaran dirinyasekaligus personal branding-nya. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) menggambarkan bagaimana generasi milenial ini menggunakan stiker-stiker ini untuk mengkonstruksi sebuahpersonal branding, dan (2) menggambarkan alasan penggunaan stiker-stiker tersebut. Metodelogi penelitian yang diggunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode etnografi virtual. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) mereka biasanya membeli stiker yang dapat mempresentasikan dirinya dan perasaan mereka pada sebuah subjek pembahasan untuk mendukung personal branding mereka dalam grup Line, (2) Generasi milenialmenggunakan stiker untuk; mendukung maksud mereka dalam sebuah diskusi, ketika mereka tidak dapat menjelaskan sesuatu lewat perkataan verbal, ketika mereka terpaksa untuk menanggapi sesuatu dengan cepat dankarena stiker tersebut dianggap unik dan lucu<br />Kata Kunci: Stiker, Generasi millennium, Personal branding, Media sosial dan Grup Line</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Mas Yongky Satria Muhammad Purnomo ◽  
Nanang Krisdinanto

This research starts from the phenomenon of the existence of Chinese Bonek (support- ers of the Persebaya Surabaya club who are of Chinese ethnicity) in the city of Surabaya. Although a minority in numbers (compared to Bonek ethnic or Javanese), the existence of Bonek Tionghoa began to be recognized among Bonek. Moreover, they also rou- tinely physically present at the stadium every time Persebaya competed. This study aims to unravel the experiences of the Chinese Bonek in supporting Persebaya, as well as understanding how they interpret that support. That experience is seen through verbal and non-verbal communication that they do, which of course implicitly has its own mean- ing and message. This research uses a qualitative approach, descriptive type, and uses the phenomenological method. Data obtained from in-depth interviews, supported by observation on the field (especially when Persebaya competed in the stadium). The find- ings of this research data show, Chinese Bonek apparently means that their support is not only as support for their favorite football club, but also as an expression of rejection of racism and discrimination that they often experience, both in daily life and in the context of the interaction of fellow supporters. The support is done through verbal communication such as singing (chant) and status or posting on social media, and through non-verbal communication such as direct attendance at the stadium, wearing a Persebaya jersey / costume, and certain gestures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Amirah Nabilah ◽  
Bhunga Aulia ◽  
Dwi Yuniar

The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world requires people to stay at home, making social media the choice of people to seek entertainment or share knowledge. TikTok is one of the interesting centers for preachers to do their preaching. This study discussed Personal Branding on Husain Basyaiban @basyasman00 account through TikTok social media intending to be achieved by researchers is to find out how personal branding Husain Basyaiban through three da'wah content with the highest viewers on social media TikTok. Husain is a person with successful personal branding through the social media networking platform TikTok, where he presents content about Islamic Da'wah. Based on this, the research team was interested in analyzing how the personal branding process carried out by Husain Basyaiban through Da'wah on the social media platform TikTok. This research uses a qualitative approach with a data collection method in the form of document study, resulting in descriptive data in the form of written words from the behavior studied. The results of the research showed that Husain Basyaiban can meet 11 Criteria for Effective Authentic Personal Branding, namely Authenticity, Integrity, Consistency, Specialization, Authority, Privileges, Relevant, Perseverance, Visibility, Good Deeds, Performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Annisarizki Annisarizki

Tinder is one of the online dating search applications are busy used. Tinder provides a change in the way society finds friends, the process of getting a life partner begins with face-to-face introductions, passing approach stages with partners, exploring stages to get to know each other, then being intimate with dates.  But when Tinder takes the time it takes not long to decide to marry someone new in their life, this is what makes the researcher interested to know how the phenomenon of searching a friend live through online dating application about the meaning of Tinder as a place to get a life partner. The theory used in this research is Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) theory and Social Penetration theory. This research also uses phenomenology method with qualitative approach. The results showed that the informants used Tinder because of the invitation from friends. They have limited time and environment, so they become social media (Tinder) as a solution to get the soul mate.But they still select the match couples in Tinder according to the criteria they are in the real world, for they get married. 

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 354
Muhammad Fauzan Azhar ◽  
Septia Winduwati

This study will discusses about the personal branding of the influencers (@Kimdarlings) through Instagram. Nowadays, media focuses on the existence of users by facilitating them in their activities. As for the development of the digital era, social media is used as medium for disseminating information. This led to innovation, like influencers who did their branding through social media. This study aims to determine how the formation of personal branding is used by (@Kimdarlings) as K-Pop Influencer through social media Instagram. This study used the concepts of personal branding, influencers and social media. In this research used a descriptive qualitative approach with the case study method. The findings are the formation of @Kimdarlings personal branding has seven personal branding concepts including specialization (@Kimdarlings as K-Pop enthusiasts has only been a fan of one fandom), personality (character building as a splashy or cheerful person on Instagram), differences (fangirling contents as a differentiation from other influencers), visible (@Kimdarlings consistency of doing cover dance from Korean boybands and girl bands publicly and continuously), unity (the personal life of @Kimdarlings work in line with the brand she formed), persistence (based on her principle,she only uploading contents about K-Pop), and goodwill (giving a positive image to her followers).Penelitian ini membahas personal branding influencer (@Kimdarlings) melalui Instagram. Sekarang ini, media memfokuskan pada eksistensi pengguna dengan memfasilitasi mereka dalam beraktivitas. Seiring perkembangan era digital, media sosial dimanfaatkan sebagai media penyebaran informasi. Hal ini memunculkan inovasi yaituinfluencer yang melakukan branding melalui Instagram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembentukan personal branding yang digunakan oleh (@Kimdarlings) sebagai K-Pop Influencer melalui media sosial Instagram. Konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah konsep personal branding, influencer, media sosial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif jenis deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil temuan bahwa pembentukan personal branding@Kimdarlings sebagai K-Pop influencer melalui Instagram memiliki Tujuh konseppersonal branding tersebut adalah spesialisasi (@Kimdarlings sebagai penyuka K-Pophanya menggemari satu fandom), kepribadian (pembentukan karakter di Instagram yang heboh atau ceria), perbedaan (konten fangirling yang berbeda dengan influencer lainnya), terlihat (@Kimdarlings konsisten melakukan cover dance dari boyband dan girlband Korea secara publik dan secara terus menerus), kesatuan (kehidupan pribadi yang @Kimdarlings bentuk sejalan dengan brand yang dibentuknya), keteguhan (berpegang teguh pada prinsip bahwa ia hanya akan mengunggah konten tentang K-Pop), dan nama baik (memberikan citra positif bagi pengikutnya).

Dewi Novianti ◽  
Siti Fatonah

Social media is a necessity for everyone in communicating and exchanging information. Social media users do not know the boundaries of age, generation, gender, ethnicity, and religion. However, what is interesting is the user among housewives. This study took the research subjects of housewives. Housewives are chosen as research subjects because they are pillars or pillars in a household. If the pillar is strong, then the household will also be healthy. Thus, if we want to build a resilient and robust generation, we will start from the housewives. A healthy household starts from strong mothers too. This study aims to find out the insights of the housewives of Kanoman village regarding the content on smartphones and social media and provide knowledge of social media literacy to housewives. This study used a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using participant observation, interviews, focus group discussion (FGD), and documentation. The results of the study showed that previously housewives had not experienced social media literacy. Then the researchers took steps to be able to achieve the desired literacy results. Researchers took several steps to make them become social media literates. They become able to use social media, understand social media, and even produce messages through social media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-102
Ramasela Semang L. Mathobela ◽  
Shepherd Mpofu ◽  
Samukezi Mrubula-Ngwenya

An emerging global trend of brands advertising their products through LGBTIQ+ individuals and couples indicates growth of gender awareness across the globe. The media, through advertising, deconstructs homophobia and associated cultures through the use of LGBTIQ+s in commercials. This qualitative research paper centres the advancement of debates on human rights and social media as critical in the interaction between corporates and consumers. The Gillette, Chicken Licken‘s Soul Sisters and We the Brave advertisements were used to critically analyse how audiences react to the use of LGBTIQ+ characters and casts through comments posted on the brands‘ social media platforms. Further, the paper explored the role of social media in the mediation of significant gender issues such as homosexuality that are considered taboo to engage in. The paper used a qualitative approach. Using the digital ethnography method to observe comments and interactions from the chosen advertisement‘s online platforms, the paper employed queer and constructionist theories to deconstruct discourses around same-sex relations as used in commercials, especially in quasiconservative. The data used in the paper included thirty comments of the brands customers and audiences obtained from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. The paper concludes there are positive development in human rights awareness as seen through advertisements and campaigns that use LGBTIQ+ communities in a positive light across the world.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026666692098340
Kevin Onyenankeya

The future of journalism is being shaped by the convergence of technology and societal shifts. For indigenous language press in Africa battling to stay afloat amidst stiff competition from traditional media, the pervasive and rapidly encroaching digital transformation holds both opportunities and potential threats. Using a qualitative approach, this paper examined the implication of the shift to digital media for the future of the indigenous language newspaper in Africa and identifies opportunities for its sustainability within the framework of the theories of technological determinism and alternative media. The analysis indicates poor funding, shrinking patronage, and competition from traditional and social media as the major factors facing indigenous newspapers. It emerged that for indigenous language newspapers to thrive in the rapidly changing and technology-driven world they need to not only adapt to the digital revolution but also explore a business model that combines a futuristic outlook with a practical approach.

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