scholarly journals The Implementation of Affective Assessment For Islamic Education In High School 1 Pariangan

2020 ◽  
Muhammad Kristiawan

In this qualitative research, the researchers analyzed the implementation of affective assessment for Islamic education in High School 1 Pariangan. The interview, observation and documentation were used in collecting data. The result obtained indicate that the implementation of affective assessment for Islamic education was run well. It was marked by making lesson plan and making instrument of affective assessment and also giving appropriate score of students’ affective in instructional process. Teacher of Islamic education in High School 1 Pariangan has begun affective assessment by making the grating assessment. Teacher used observation sheet to measure spiritual and social behavior of students. Affective assessment through observation was done by the teacher when the students did group discussion in instructional process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Agustina Rahayu ◽  
Wahyuni Ismail ◽  
Saprin .

This study aims to find out the application of behavioral operant conditioning approach in learning Islamic education in state high school 3 Gowa, knowing the supporting factors and inhibiting the application of behavioral operant conditioning approach in Islamic education learning in state high school 3 Gowa and to know the result of applying behavioral operant conditioning approach on Islamic education learning in state high school 3 Gowa. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. This thesis uses primary and secondary data sources. Methods of data collection are observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis is data reduction, display data (presentation of data) and conclusion. The results showed that the implementation of behavioral operant conditioning approach on learning Islamic education in state high school 3 Gowa has been running well because Islamic education teachers have made lesson plans, implement learning according to lesson plan and evaluate to students on each sub-subject matter that can not be separated from provision of positive and negative reinforcement, although sometimes in the implementation of learning is less in accordance with the lesson plan that has been made by teachers Islamic education. In addition, after applying the behavioral operant conditioning approach to Islamic education learning in state high school 3 Gowa teachers also gained advantages and disadvantages of behavioral operant conditioning approach. The advantages obtained are students more enthusiastic and competing in following the learning process, can change student behavior to be better and motivated students in order to learn more enterprising. While the lack of a student who feels envy to students who excel and student behavior more wins.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Budiyono Saputro

The use of innovative methods by teachers in learning makes students be more critical and can increase students’absorption. Based on the facts in the reality, Islamic Elementary School (MI) teachers are mostly alumni of Islamic Education (PAI). It is proven by the fact that MI teachers throughout Ngablak District, Magelang Regency are dominantly Islamic Education graduates. This type of empowerment is based on qualitative research. The subject of the empowerment is MI class, teachers throughout Ngablak District, Magelang Regency. Data sources are obtained through observation, questionnaire adn Focus Group Discussion. The observation result finds that 100% of science (IPA). Teachers of MI in Ngablak have difficulties in delivering IPA materials using innovative methods and 100% are interested in training. The empowerment design of IPA teachers at MI is as the following: the factual use of IPA learning methods in the field, training in innovative learning methods of IPA and output (application of innovative learning methods in the classroom).إستخدام أساليب مبتكرة التى تستخدم المعلم فى التعلّم أن يجعل الطلاب لمتزايد الأهمية ولزيادة إستيعابهم. إستنادا إلى الوقائع فى الميدان، كثيرا من المعلمين المدرسة الإبتدائية متخرجون عن شعبة الدراسات الإسلمية. كما أن يكون فى مدرسة الإبتدائية "نجابلاء ماجلانج" بأنّ المعلمين فيها متخرجون من شعبة الدراسات الإسلامية. من بيان السابقة يحتاج المعالجة فى توجيه المادة العلومية خصوصا فى استخدام أساليب التعليمية هذا من تمكين البحث النوعي. كان معلم المدرسة الإبتدائية نجابلاء ماجلانج من موضوع التمكين وجد مصادر البيانات بطريقة المباشرة والملاحظة ومناقشة مجموعة التركيز (FDG) ومنها أن 100 % شعر معلم المادة العلومية فى مدرسة الإبتدائية نجابلاء ماجلانج صعبا فى توجيه المادة العلومية بطريقة مبتكرة إلى 100 % يحتاج المعلم لمتابعة التدريبات. تصميم تمكين المعلم العلومية فى مدرسة الإبتدائية كما يلي: إستخدام طريقة تعليم العلومية فى المجال أساليب تعليم العلومية التى مبتكرة ومتخرج.

2019 ◽  
Vol 81 (9) ◽  
pp. 610-617
Wenyuan Yang ◽  
Enshan Liu ◽  
Xintao Li ◽  
Cheng Liu

A lesson plan is a design problem for a teacher. The desired solution to this problem is to design an instructional process that can guide students in constructing an understanding of scientific concepts through their own thinking. This article demonstrates a practical approach to designing an effective lesson plan. The approach has five phases: listing the concepts in a lesson, proposing questions that can be answered by each concept, sequencing the questions according to the logic of student cognitive development, selecting resources and designing tasks to create learning situations, and applying knowledge to scientific research and real life. A meiosis lesson from a high school biology course serves as an example for understanding the solutions to problems that may arise in each phase.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 779
Sri Istinafiatin Fadilah ◽  
Soeparman Kardi ◽  
Z.A. Imam Supardi

The aim of this research is to develop biology inquiry-based instructional materials, on the topic Human Excretion System to facilitate senior high school students to think critically and work cooperatively. The instructional materials consisted of the lesson plan, worksheet, learning material, and evaluation instruments. Before the try-outing, the instructional materials had been validated by expert and good categorized.  The result showed that: 1) the developed instructional materials were feasible; 2) the lesson plan had been well implemented (98%); 3) the highest students activities were discussion (27,56%), writing hypotheses (22,16%), formulating conclusion (13,70%), and testing hypotheses using the data collection (13,14%); 4) student learning outcomes including the ability of the achievement of competence indicators completeness 88% and  the think critically had reached 95,6% of mastery level in the indicator gives the argument (92,6%) and take decisions and actions (88,1%); 5) student motivation level based on the ARCS instrument were respectively: 4,48 for Attention, 4,44 for Relevance, 4,22 for Confidence, and 4,47 for Satisfaction. The percentage of student response to the instructional process was 80,77% , 84,62% to the teaching materials, 82,05% to the worksheets; and 6) 87,3% in collaboration work. Based on the above result showed that developed biology inquiry based instructional materials on the topic Human Excretion System were feasible to facilitate senior high school students to think critically and work cooperatively. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran yang layak berdasarkan pendekatan berbasis inkuiri pada pokok bahasan sistem eksresi manusia dalam upaya untuk melatih keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kerjasama siswa SMA. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah Silabus, RPP, Materi Ajar, LKS, dan Instrumen Penilaian. Sebelum diujicobakan perangkat pembelajaran telah divalidasi oleh pakar dan hasilnya valid dan berkategori baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan secara keseluruhan layak digunakan; 2) keterlaksanaan RPP adalah 98% terlaksana baik; 3) aktivitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran yang tertinggi adalah berdiskusi dengan guru  atau siswa lain, yaitu (27,56%), menuliskan hipotesis (22,16%), membuat kesimpulan (13,70%), dan menguji hipotesis (13,14%); 4) hasil belajar siswa yang meliputi ketuntasan indikator ketercapaian kompetensi 88,8% dan keterampilan berpikir kritis rata-rata (95,6%) dengan persentase tertinggi pada indikator memberikan argumen (96,2%) dan mengambil keputusan dan tindakan (88,1%); 5) respon siswa siswa terhadap pembelajaran dapat dilihat dari nilai angket dengan menggunakan ARCS, yaitu untuk Attention (perhatian) = 4,48, Relevance (relevansi) = 4,44, Convidence (keyakinan) = 4,22, dan Satisfacation (kepuasan) = 4,47, Persentase respon untuk proses pembelajaran 80,77%, materi ajar 84,62%, dan LKS 82,05%; 6) kemampuan kerjasama siswa tertinggi pada aspek menghargai anggota kelompok, yaitu 87,3 %. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  perangkat pembelajaran biologi berbasis inkuiri yang dikembangkan adalah layak dan dapat melatih keterampilan berpiki kritis dan kerjasama siswa SMA pada materi Sistem Ekskresi Manusia.

Muhammad Hendra Firmansyah

ABSTRACT The concept of humanistic education is education that has principles to humanize humans such as education that explores, respects, serves, and helps students develop their potential with the aim of making students a generation that is intelligent, religious and has good character. Education has many obstacles and very complex problems. Various factors including the development of science and technology have led to changes in the behavior of adolescents, especially high school students, who commit crimes such as immoral crimes and so on. This moral degradation causes PAI teachers to try to educate students not to be carried away by the current of modernization which has a negative impact by instilling religious values. However, in reality, many people think that PAI is not important. A different phenomenon occurs in one high school in Lumajang City, namely SMAN 1 Lumajang. Where students really like PAI lessons because learning PAI at school is carried out with a humanistic approach. This journal discusses the implementation of the humanistic approach in Islamic Education lessons and also the constraints and reasons for using humanistic theory in Islamic Education learning. The research method used is qualitative research methods. Keywords: Approach, Humanistic, Pendidikan Agama Islam ABSTRAK Konsep pendidikan humanistik adalah pendidikan yang memiliki prinsip untuk memanusiakan manusia seperti pendidikan yang menggali, menghargai, melayani, dan membantu siswa mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki dengan tujuan agar siswa menjadi generasi yang cerdas, religius dan berakhlakul karimah. Pendidikan banyak mengalami kendala dan permasalahan yang amat komplek. Berbagai faktor termasuk perkembangan IPTEK menyebabkan perubahan tingkah laku remaja khususnya siswa/siswi SMA banyak melakukan tindak kriminalitas seperti kejahatan asusila dan sebagainya. Degradasi moral inilah yang menyebabkan guru PAI berusaha untuk mendidik murid agar tidak terbawa dengan arus modernisasi yang membawa dampak negatif dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai keagamaan. Namun pada kenyataannya banyak yang menganggap pelajaran PAI itu tidak penting. Fenomena berbeda terjadi pada salah satu SMA di Lumajang yaitu SMA Negeri 1 Lumajang. Dimana para siswa sangat menyukai pelajaran PAI karena pembelajaran PAI disekolah tersebut dilakukan dengan pendekatan humanistik. Jurnal ini membahas mengenai implementasi pendekatan humanistik pada pelajaran PAI dan juga kendala serta alasan menggunakan teori humanistik dalam pembelajaran PAI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Kata Kunci : Pendekatan, Humanistik, Pendidikan Agama Islam

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 270
Irvina Zulvah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui realitas upaya guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik di sekolah menengah atas (SMA) se-Kecamatan Bringin, Kabupaten pada tahun 2012, termasuk: (1) Untuk menentukan kompetensi pedagogik guru PAI, (2) Untuk mengetahui upaya guru PAI dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik, (3) Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kompetensi pedagogic guru PAI se-Kecamatam Bringin. Penilaian dilakukan penelitian kualitatif, informan terdiri dari guru PAI dan kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) kompetensi pedagogik guru PAI SMA se-Kecamatan Bringin Semarang 2012 tergolong baik, terbukti dari latar belakang pendidikan guru yang linier dengan pelajaran yang diampu, pemahaman terhadap kompetensi pedagogik yang baik, persiapan alat pembelajaran dan manajemen pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan ketentuan (2) upaya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik adalah dengan memperbanyak referensi mengenai kompetensi pedagogik PAI, menghadiri berbagai seminar, lokakarya, pelatihan, dan mengikuti Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP). Pihak sekolah juga melakukan upaya melalui evaluasi belajar, memeriksa pembelajaran, supervisi kelas, dan mendorong guru untuk menghadiri seminar pendidikan (3) Pelaksanaan pedagogik pembelajaran pendidikan Islam akan menentukan kualitas pembelajaran itu sendiri, dengan guru yang memiliki kompetensi pedagogik, manajemen pembelajaran akan berjalan lancar. This study aims to determine the reality of the efforts of teachers of Islamic religious education (PAI) in improving pedagogic competence at senior high school (SMA) throughout Bringin Semarang regency in 2012, including: (1) To determine the pedagogical competence of PAI teachers, (2) To know the efforts of PAI teacher in improving pedagogical competence, (3) To know the implementation of pedagogical competence in PAI. The assessment was conducted qualitative research to informants, both PAI teacher and the headmaster. This study uses a descriptive qualitative procedure. The conclusions are (1) pedagogical competence of PAI teachers at SMA 1 Bringin Semarang Regency 2012 is good, proven by the teachers’ linear education background with teaching load, understanding towards good pedagogic, the preparation of learning tools and management in accordance with the provisions (2) efforts to improve pedagogical competence are by reading various reference regarding it, attending seminars, workshops, trainings, and following deliberation subject teachers (MGMP), the school authorities make efforts through the evaluation of learning, classroom supervision, and creating opportunities for teachers to attend educational seminars (3) Implementation of pedagogic on learning Islamic education will determine the quality of learning itself. With teachers who have pedagogic competence, learning management will go smoothly. Kata kunci: kompetensi pedagogik, guru PAI, SMA

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Darmayanti Darmayanti. Y ◽  
Sumitri Sumitri

<p><em>West Sumatera ranked 13<sup>th</sup>out of 33 provinces of HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia by 2003. Bukittinggi occupied the second highest rank after Padang.HIV/AIDS cases  are dominated by the age of 20-29 years. In 2014, 188 case of HIV/AIDS recorded, in West Sumatera, 156 people died, 73people from Padang, 15 people from Bukittinggi, and 11 people from Agam Regency. This study aims to determine the factor wich cause Male sex behavior with another man(LSL) in Bukittinggi by 2016. This is a qualitative research. Informant consisted of 2 LSL men, 7 conselours, and 8 LSL.The data was gained from the in-depth interviews focus group discussion. The cause of LSL from parental upbringing using the three parenting patterns, authoritarian, permissi, and democratic. From the aspect of psychodynamics, they were closer to the older siter. The role of father in effective, lack of love, violence, to the were looking for father figure outside the house. Mother would prefer a daughter and impose her child to behave like a women. From social sexual aspects, the experience being sexualy a bused by the same sex in yunior and senior high school and also teacher. The cause of LSL from parental upbringing,  psychodynamics and sexual aspects.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p>Pada tahun 2013 Provinsi Sumatra Barat menduduki rangking ke 13 dari 33 propinsi di Indonesia.  Kota Bukittinggi menduduki rangking kedua terbanyak kasus HIV/AIDS setelah kota Padang.  Kasus HIV/AIDS didominasi usia 20- 29 tahun. Pada tahun 2014  tercatat 188 kasus. Jumlah  HIV/AIDS  yang meninggal di Sumbar 156 orang  yang berasal dari Padang 73 orang, Bukittinggi 15 orang, Kabupaten Agam 11 orang.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab perilaku laki-laki suka berhubungan seks dengan laki-laki(LSL) di Kota Bukittinggi Tahun 2016. Metode penelitian adalah penelitian  kualitatif. Informan  adalah 2 orang laki-laki yang suka berhubungan seks dengan laki-laki  <em>(</em>LSL) 7 orang konselor, 8 orang LSL.  Tekhnik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam  dan diskusi kelompok terarah. Penyebab LSLdari pola asuh orangtua  menggunakan ketiga pola asuh yaitu otoriter, permisif dan demokratis. Dari aspek dinamika psikologis,lebih dekat kepada kakak perempuan. Peran ayah tidak efektif, kurang kasih sayang, kekerasan, sehingga mencari sosok ayah diluar rumah.Ibu lebih menginginkan anak perempuan dan  memberlakukan anaknya  seperti perempuan. Aspek pengalaman seksual, informan pernah mengalami kekerasan seksual dengan jenis kelamin sama waktu masih sekolah SMP,SMA serta guru. Penyebab perilaku laki-laki suka berhubungan seks dengan laki-laki adalah faktor pola asuh orangtua, dinamika psikologis dan pengalaman seksual.</p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Miftahol Arifin

The variety of culture in small islands of Sumenep regency has some uniqueness to be observed. For instance, the ethnic group in Masalembu island consist of  Bugis, Mandar, Button, Bajo, Java and Madurese. That culture variety (multiculture) need an education innovation especially in Islamic education at Masalembu Junior High School 1 Sumenep. Multiculture education is a learning way that is oriented to the process of making personality and attitude of students to make them understand about plurality, equality, and tolerance to others in the society. Furthermore, the writer try to observe about Multiculture Education at Masalembu Junior High School 1 Sumenep through a teaching model to Islamic education subject of Fiqh side which the students condition is vary in ethnic groups and culture. This research is a qualitative field research using descriptive approach. The data collection in this research using observation, interview, and documentation. The result of the research shows that Multiculture Education through acomodative strategy is a learning process that give knowledge to the students about culture, tradition, attitude patterns in society and become an identity for future progress of individually and the society itself.  Through this teaching strategy Multiculture Education can be applied in Masalembu Junior High School 1 Sumenep. Acomodative Learning Model at Masalembu Junior High School 1 Sumenep has a clear lesson plan, so that students able to have appreciatiation and positive impact to the students who has different culture in the classroom and able to understand the culture variety in their society. The students’ appreciation in the classroom shows that they have pluralist attitude. There is no differences or similarity and tolerance to their friends inside or outside the classroom. Whereas, the appreciation of students to the society shows that the students able to understand the differences between Islamic education of Fiqh side that they received at school and the plurality of culture in their society.

Zuriati Zuriati

This study aims to determine how the improvement of learning achievement of students in class X.9 SMAN Negeri 10 Bandar Lampung city on learning Islamic Education (PAI) through the implementation of Small Group Discussion method. The type of research used in this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). This research was done in three cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of the study showed an increase in learning achievement of learners. In the first cycle the average value obtained by learners of 62.65 with a percentage of mastery of 23.53%. On the second cycle there was an average increase of 72.94 with the percentage of mastery of 64.71%. Furthermore, in the third cycle the average value of student learning achievement again increased to 79.71 with a percentage of completeness of 91.18%. Based on this, it can be concluded that the implementation of Small Group Discussion method has an impact on the improvement of learning achievement of high school X students in Islamic Religious Education subjects.Kata kunci : Small Group Discussion, Achievement

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-283
Edhy Rustan ◽  
Nurul Hanifah ◽  
Bulu’ Kanro

The emergence of radicalism problem has threatened disintegration of nation. Therefore, it needs a big role of education especially Islam religious education in preventing the understanding of radical religious teachings, maintaining the character of loving peace and nationalism values. Thus, this research is important to be conducted. This research aims to elaborate de-radicalization of Islamic teachings in Senior High School. This research used descriptive qualitative approach. Research data was obtained from the implementation of curriculum 2013 by senior high school teachers of Islamic religious education in Masamba, South Sulawesi. Data collection was done through direct observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. Data validity was checked through source triangulation and methods. The analysis was done by collecting, presenting, reducing, and drawing conclusion. The results of research were shown that de-radicalization in Islamic education faced several obstacles in achieving assessment standard. Nevertheless, Islamic education in curriculum 2013 can foster students’ character of religious, tolerant, democratic, and peace-love. As an effort of preventing, de-radicalization was done early through Islamic education. The practice of de-radicalization was carried out by teachers in a form of introducing and implementing religious values, tolerance, and nationalism in learning process by integrated with syllabus, teaching materials, and lesson plan.

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