2021 ◽  
Indah Puspitasari ◽  
Rika Harini

Basic Health Research 2018 states the prevalence of hypertension based on the results ofmeasurements in the population aged ≥ 18 years by 34.1%. The highest was in South Kalimantan(44.1%), while the lowest was in Papua (22.2%) and West Java 39.1%. West Java Province wasranked second in the highest number of hypertension sufferers from 34 provinces in Indonesia.One therapy that can overcome hypertension is warm water foot bath therapy. The review of thisliterature aims to determine the effectiveness of warm water foot bath therapy in hypertensivepatients. The design in this scientific paper is a literature review search using an electronicdatabase that is Google Scholar. Keywords used in the search are hypertension, warm water footbath therapy, and blood pressure. The results found 5 articles from Google Scholar discuss theeffect of soaking feet of warm water in hypertensive patients. The literature review results fromthe five articles show that warm water foot bath therapy can reduce blood pressure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Nisrina Nur Zahidah

 ABSTRACTHypertension is still the most highest causes of death in Indonesia . Patient with hypertension not knowing that they have hypertension and in the end they have complications of hypertension, so it is often called the silent killer disease. Things that can be do so hypertension does not get worse is do a low salt diet. This study aims to determine the application of a low salt diet in patients with hypertension. The research method uses a traditional literature review, articles used by Portal Garuda and Google Scholar with a range of 2016-2020. The keywords used in the article search were low salt diet, hypertension. The results of the search for articles obtained on the Portal Garuda are 12 articles on Google Scholar are 4,030 articles, of which are only 15 articles that match the topic. Patients with hypertension mostly adhere to a low salt diet but there are still many who do not adhere to a low salt diet. Knowledge, attitude, family support and self awareness are factors that affects hypertension. The conclusion in this study, the application of a low-salt diet in hypertensive patients can be carried out well, hypertensive patients have knowledge, attitude and good family support for the implementation of a low salt diet and hypertensive patients who have the awareness to control their blood pressure. Suggestions for health workers can provide counseling regarding a low salt diet, for people with hypertension to apply a low salt diet properly so that blood pressure can be controlled.

e-GIGI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Siti N. Azizah ◽  
Aurelia S. R. Supit ◽  
Pritartha S. Anindita

Abstract: Tooth extraction is the most common dental procedure in dentistry besides dental filling. Anxiety is a significant problem faced by patients who undergo dental extraction. There are many factors which can affect anxiety level visually and auditorily. Non-pharmacological intervention including music therapy has a substantial role as interventional media or additional of other therapies in reducing pain and anxiety. This study was aimed to evaluate the roles of music as a non-pharmacological intervention to reduce anxiety in patients undergoing tooth extraction. This was a literature review study using three databases; google scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect. The keywords used were music as non-pharmacological intervention reducing extanxiety during tooth extraction. There were 10 literatures in this study. The results showed that music had important roles as an interventional media or additional of other therapies in reducing pain and exaggerated anxiety. Music could also give relaxing effect, reduce anxiety, improve mood, control emotion, and reduce blood pressure as well as pulse rate during tooth extraction. In conclusion, music can be used as an alternative in reducing the anxiety during tooth extraction due to a variety of effects, such as sedating, decreasing the sensitivity to surrounding area, stabilizing emotion, and decreasing blood pressure as well as pulse rate.Keywords: music, anxiety, tooth extraction Abstrak: Ekstraksi gigi merupakan tindakan yang paling sering dilakukan dalam bidang kedokeran gigi selain penambalan. Kecemasan merupakan hal yang selalu dirasakan saat akan dilakukan ekstraksi gigi. Banyak hal yang dapat memengaruhi tingkat kecemasan pada tindakan ekstraksi gigi baik secara visual maupun auditorik. Intervensi nonfarmakologi dengan terapi musik berperan penting sebagai media intervensi dalam konteks meringankan rasa nyeri dan cemas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi peran musik sebagai intervensi nonfarmakologik dalam menurunkan kecemasan pada pasien ekstraksi gigi. Jenis penelitian ialah literature review. Database yang digunakan yaitu google scholar, PubMed, dan ScienceDirect dengan kata kunci yaitu musik sebagai intervensi nonfarmakologik mengurangi kecemasan ekstraksi gigi. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa musik berperan penting sebagai media intervensi atau pelengkap dari bentuk terapi lain dalam konteks meringankan rasa nyeri atau cemas berlebihan. Musik juga memberikan efek menenangkan, mengurangi kegelisahan, membuat perasaan menjadi rileks dan santai, menstabilkan emosi, menurunkan kecemasan pasien, serta menurunkan tekanan darah dan denyut nadi saat ekstraksi gigi. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah musik dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif untuk menurunkan kecemasan pasien saat ekstraksi gigi dengan memberikan efek menenangkan, mengurangi kepekaan terhadap lingkungan sekitar, menstabilkan emosi, serta menurunkan tekanan darah dan denyut nadi.Kata kunci: musik, kecemasan, ekstraksi gigi

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Nisrina Nur Zahidah

 ABSTRACTHypertension is still the most highest causes of death in Indonesia . Patient with hypertension not knowing that they have hypertension and in the end they have complications of hypertension, so it is often called the silent killer disease. Things that can be do so hypertension does not get worse is do a low salt diet. This study aims to determine the application of a low salt diet in patients with hypertension. The research method uses a traditional literature review, articles used by Portal Garuda and Google Scholar with a range of 2016-2020. The keywords used in the article search were low salt diet, hypertension. The results of the search for articles obtained on the Portal Garuda are 12 articles on Google Scholar are 4,030 articles, of which are only 15 articles that match the topic. Patients with hypertension mostly adhere to a low salt diet but there are still many who do not adhere to a low salt diet. Knowledge, attitude, family support and self awareness are factors that affects hypertension. The conclusion in this study, the application of a low-salt diet in hypertensive patients can be carried out well, hypertensive patients have knowledge, attitude and good family support for the implementation of a low salt diet and hypertensive patients who have the awareness to control their blood pressure. Suggestions for health workers can provide counseling regarding a low salt diet, for people with hypertension to apply a low salt diet properly so that blood pressure can be controlled.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 456-463
Arief Tri Yuliyanto ◽  
A Abdurrachman

AbstractElderly is an age that is prone to hypertension so that interventions are needed to reduce blood pressure in the elderly. Hypertension is a condition of a person who has an increase in blood pressure above normal. The intervention that can be given is slow stroke back massage which is a massage to provide relaxation to lower blood pressure. This study aims to describe the re-duction of blood pressure in elderly patients with hypertension after giving slow stroke back massage: Literature Review. The selection of articles in this study was a literature review analysis using the P.I.C.O method, searching for articles through Google Scholar or Garuda Portal (n=3) and PubMed (n=2) to find articles according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of the literature review analysis on the five articles after giving Slow Stroke Back Massage to elderly patients with hypertension showed a decrease in systolic blood pressure, the average result was before 147,53 and an average after 140.461, while the decrease in diastolic blood pressure obtained an average result of - the average before 90.07 and the average after 84.30. The results of a literature review of five articles show that Slow Stroke Back Massage is proven to reduce blood pressure in elderly patients with hypertension. For the basis used as the basis for the action of giving massage to the problem of hypertension in the elderly, physiotherapists can give Slow Stroke Back.Keywords : Hypertension;Elderly; Slow Stroke Back Massage AbstrakLansia merupakan suatu usia yang rentan mengalami hipertensi sehingga dibutuhkan intervensi guna menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia. Hipertensi adalah keadaan seseorang yang men-galami peningkatantekanan darah diatas normal. Intervensi yang dapat diberikan adalah slow stroke back massage yang merupakan suatu massage guna memberikan relaksasi untuk menurunkan tekanan darah. Study ini bertujuan untuk gambaran penurunan tekanan darah pada pasien lansia dengan hipertensi setelah dilakukan pemberian slow stroke back massage: literature review. Pemilihan artikel pada penelitian ini yaitu analisis literature riview dengan metode P.I.C.O, Pencarian artikel melalui Google Scholar atau Portal garuda (n=3) dan PubMed (n=2) untuk menemukan artikel sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil analisis literature riview pada kelima artikel setelah dilakukan pemberian Slow Stroke Back Massage pada pasien lansia dengan hipertensi didapatkan penurunan tekanan darah sistole didapatkan hasil rata-rata sebelum 147, 53 dan rata-rata sesudah 140,461 sedangkan penurunan tekanan darah diastole didapatkan hasil rata-rata sebelum 90,07 dan rata-rata sesudah 84,30. Hasil literature review lima artikel menunjukkan bahwa Slow Stroke Back Massage terbukti dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada Pasien Lansia dengan hipertensi. Untuk dasar digunakan sebagai dasar Tindakan dalam melakukan pemberian massage pada masalah hipertensi pada lansia fisioterapis dapat melakukan pemberian Slow Stroke Back.Kata Kunci : Hipertensi;Lansia;Slow Stroke Back Massage

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 33-44
N.L.G. Sudaryati ◽  
I P. Sudiartawan ◽  
Dwi Mertha Adnyana

The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of giving hydrotherapi foot soak in hypertensive patients. The study was conducted with one group pretestposttest design without a control group by measuring blood pressure (pretest) before being given an intervention in the form of foot soak hydrotherm against 15 people with hypertension in Banjar Sri Mandala, Dauhwaru Village, Jembrana Subregency. Then do the blood pressure measurement again (posttest) after finishing the intervention. After the study was completed, the results showed that before the hydrotherapi foot bath intervention, there were 0% of patients classified as normal, 13.32% in prehypertension category, 60.08% in hypertension category I and 26.60% in hypertension category II. After the intervention was given, there were 13.32% of the patients classified as normal, 66.68% in the prehypertension category, 20.00% in the first category of hypertension and no patients belonging to the second grade hypertension category. There is a decrease of 20-30 mmHg for systolic blood pressure and 0-10 mmHg for diastolic blood pressure after intervention. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the hydrotherapi foot bath is effectively used to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the Banjar Sri Mandala, Dauhwaru Village, Jembrana District.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-23
Herri Novita Br Tarigan ◽  
Prista Hotmarina Purba

Hypertension is a disease that is not uncommon in the community, including the Bukit Lau Kersik village. People with hypertension often do not show long-term symptoms and can be life-threatening. However, one of the management of hypertension that can be used as non-pharmacological therapy is consuming starfruit juice and cucumber which is quite easy to find in the Bukit Lau Kersik village. This combination of juices contains potassium which can reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension. This study used Equivalent Time Sample Design with 14 subjects with hypertension in the Bukit Lau Kersik Village, Gunung Sitember Subdistrict, Dairi District. The technique of this research sample used Non-Probability Sampling with Saturated Sampling. The instrument used was a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope. Bivariate data analysis in this study was the Wilcoxon statistical test. Based on the data analysis performed, the value of p = 0.011 (p= < 0.05) was obtained, meaning that there was a significant relationship between giving star fruit juice and cucumber to hypertensive patients. Then it can be concluded that there is an influence between giving star fruit and cucumber juice to blood pressure reduction in hypertensive patients in Bukit Lau Kersik Village Gunung Sitember Subdistrict, Dairi District in 2019. Suggestion: The factors that affect blood pressure in hypertensive patients and checking blood pressure before drinking star fruit juice and cucumber.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Bhakti Permana ◽  
Linlin Lindayani ◽  
Agus Hendra ◽  
Lia Juniarni

ABSTRACTHypertension is the most commonly encountered problems experienced by the elderly with sometimes unknown cause. One effort to lower blood pressure in the elderly is to provide yoga exercises, where yoga exercises can stimulate endorphin hormone expenditure. The purpose of review was to determine the effectiveness of yoga exercises for decreasing blood pressure in the elderly. An initial search for articles was done on Google Scholar and PubMed. Studies obtained about exercise therapy for hypertension elderly have 4,560 articles / journals but only 5 articles meet the search criteria. According to the search results, yoga exercises can reduce blood pressure in the elderly. Besides, it is also very important to be applied as a non-pharmacological therapy for the elderly who have a medical history of hypertension. It is expected that health professionals can recommend this as a therapy for lowering blood pressure in the elderly.  ABSTRAKHipertensi adalah masalah yang paling sering ditemui yang dialami oleh lansia dengan penyebab yang terkadang tidak diketahui. Salah satu upaya menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia adalah dengan memberikan senam yoga, dimana senam yoga dapat merangsang pengeluaran hormon endorphin. Tujuan review adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan senam yoga dalam menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia. Pencarian awal untuk artikel dilakukan di Google Scholar dan PubMed. Studi tentang terapi senam lansia hipertensi didapatkan 4.560 artikel / jurnal tetapi hanya 5 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria pencarian. Menurut hasil pencarian, senam yoga dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada lansia. Disamping itu juga sangat penting diterapkan sebagai terapi non farmakologi bagi lansia yang memiliki riwayat kesehatan hipertensi. Diharapkan tenaga kesehatan dapat merekomendasikan hal ini sebagai terapi penurunan tekanan darah pada lansia. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Agus Susilawati

Hypertension is a condition where a person experiences an increase in blood pressure above normal which is indicated by a figure of 140 mmHg systolic and 90 mmHg diastolic. One of the management of non-pharmacological hypertension is the therapy of murottal Al-Qur'an Surah Ar-Rahman. This study aimed to determine the effect of therapeutic Murottal Al-Qur'an Surah Ar-Rahman toward decreased blood pressure in elderly hypertensive patients in PSTW  Budi Luhur Jambi City. This study was conducted on April 9th-20th 2019 with total samples were 16 people. Sample used purposive sampling technique. The instrument used sphygmomanometer digital and observation sheet. After being given the intervention of therapeutic Murottal Al-Qur’an, the mean value of systole blood pressure was obtained 157 mmHg, on the statistical test was obtained score p-value 0,000 (˂0,05), the mean value of diastole blood pressure after intervention is 88,19 mmHg, on the statistical tests was obtained score p-value 0,000 (˂0,05) it means there is the effect of therapeutic Murottal Al-Qur'an Surah Ar-Rahman toward decreased  blood pressure in elderly hypertensive patients in PSTW Budi Luhur Jambi City. It is conclused that respondents who were given therapeutic murottal Al-Qur'an experienced a decrease in blood pressure. It is expected to PSTW Budi Luhur Jambi City to applying non-pharmacological therapies such as the therapeutic Murottal Al-Qur'an Surah Ar-Rahman to reduce blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2129-2133
Yanuar Sultan Pramana ◽  
I Isytiaroh

AbstractOne way to increase milk production is by doing oxytocin massage. This scientific paper aims to find out the description of oxytocin massage therapy to increase breast milk in postpartum mothers. It is a literature review with 3 articles taken from google scholar. Oxytocin massage, postpartum, and breast milk are the keywords. All are full-text, the first article published in 2016, the second one was in 2019, and the latter was in 2020. The result shows before applying the therapy, the average value of milk breast production was 10.02 ml, and it was 17.2 after applying the therapy with difference of the production was 7.18 ml. It means there was an increasing in producing breast milk. Therefore, nurses are suggested to apply this therapy on postpartum mothers.Keywords: oxytocin massage, postpartum, breast milk producing AbstrakSalah satu cara untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI yaitu pijat oksitosin. Tujuan karya tulis ilmiah ini yaitu mengetahui gambaran terapi pijat oksitosin untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu post partum. Berdasarkan literature review Metode dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah literature review dengan subyek literature review yang digunakan yaitu 3 artikel yang diambil dari laman jurnal google scholar dengan kata kunci “pijat oksitosin”, “post partum” dan “produksi ASI”. Berupa fulltext dan pada artikel pertama terbit pada tahun 2016, artikel kedua 2019 dan artikel ketiga tahun 2020. Hasil dari ketiga artikel menunjukan bahwa sebelum dilakukan pijat oksitosin terdapat nilai rata-rata produksi ASI 10,02 ml dan setelah dilakukan pijat oksitosin didapatkan bahwa terdapat nilai rata-rata produksi ASI 17,2 ml dengan perbedaan produksi ASI 7,18 ml sehingga terdapat adanya peningkatan produksi ASI. Simpulannya adalah terapi pijat oksitosin dapat meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu post partum. Saran untuk tenaga kesehatan diharapkan dapat menerapkan terapi pijat oksitosin untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu post partum.Kata kunci: pijat oksitosin, post partum, produksi ASI

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