The Zoning System for Strategy Development of SMEs Go Online: A Literature Review

2018 ◽  
Sumitro Sarkum

This study aims to figure out what the relationship of empowerment of SMEs through methods of zoning as marketing strategy of SMEs in two different markets (offline and online). The zoning strategy with information and communication system integrated brings together socialization and promotion in a market. This system can help the government in taking and formulating policies to unite SMEs in a new market by not leaving the old market. The method in this study uses qualitative descriptive. There are three propositions produced in this initial research, the first; Offline and online marketing is very relevant for SMEs in Indonesia. Second; marketing information system is access for SMEs to find out the demand or market needs both domestically and internationally. And third; The zoning system can be used as an online development strategy for SMEs to synchronize two different markets, namely offline and online. Further research is needed to validate the propositions found, to generate hypotheses and empirical evidence, we recommend using mix methods for future research.

2019 ◽  
Ronal Watrianthos

This study aims to figure out what the relationship of empowerment of SMEs through methods of zoning as marketing strategy of SMEs in two different markets (offline and online). The zoning strategy with information and communication system integrated brings together socialization and promotion in a market. This system can help the government in taking and formulating policies to unite SMEs in a new market by not leaving the old market. The method in this study uses qualitative descriptive. There are three propositions produced in this initial research, the first; Offline and online marketing is very relevant for SMEs in Indonesia. Second; marketing information system is access for SMEs to find out the demand or market needs both domestically and internationally. And third; The zoning system can be used as an online development strategy for SMEs to synchronize two different markets, namely offline and online. Further research is needed to validate the propositions found, to generate hypotheses and empirical evidence, we recommend using mix methods for future research

2019 ◽  
Ronal Watrianthos

This study aims to figure out what the relationship of empowerment of SMEs through methods of zoning as marketing strategy of SMEs in two different markets (offline and online). The zoning strategy with information and communication system integrated brings together socialization and promotion in a market. This system can help the government in taking and formulating policies to unite SMEs in a new market by not leaving the old market. The method in this study uses qualitative descriptive. There are three propositions produced in this initial research, the first; Offline and online marketing is very relevant for SMEs in Indonesia. Second; marketing information system is access for SMEs to find out the demand or market needs both domestically and internationally. And third; The zoning system can be used as an online development strategy for SMEs to synchronize two different markets, namely offline and online. Further research is needed to validate the propositions found, to generate hypotheses and empirical evidence, we recommend using mix methods for future research

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Youstiana Dwi Rosita

ABSTRAK Rumah sakit adalah institusi penyedia jasa layanan kesehatan, Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro sebagai salah satu Rumah Sakit milik pemerintah kabupaten Bojonegoro. Sebagai pusat rujukandari beberapa rumah sakit di daerah Bojonegoro dan sekitarnya. Dalam penelitian ini menggunkan suatu pen dekatan dengan analisis SWOT yang merupakan langkah awal dari suatu perencanaan strategi pengembangan yang dimulai dengan identifikasi masalah, tujuan organisasi sampai pada menimbang kekuatan dan kelemahan sendiri serta peluang dan ancaman dari luar dan juga melakukan beberapa langkah penting yang menunjang pemasaran atau pengembangan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan Populasi dalam penelitian ini populasinya adalah pasien rawatinap dan pasien rawat jalan sebanyak 200 orang responden Sampel merupakan sebagian atau wakil populasi yang diteliti. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan sampling pertimbangan (Judgement Sampling) Dari hasil pendekatan dengan analisis SWOT perlunya pelaksanaan atau realisasi dari struktur organisasi yang menempatkan farmasis dalam farmasi klinik, peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia, serta perlunya penambahan fasilitas berhubungan dengan IPTEK untuk kegiatan pelayanan farmasi baik secara manajerial maupun ke arah farmasi klinik. Kata Kunci : Farmasi, Analisis SWOT ABSTRACT The hospital is an institution health care providers, Regional General Hospital Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro as one of the government-owned hospital Bojonegoro. As the center rujukandari several hospitals in Bojonegoro and the surrounding area. In this study using the approach with a pen SWOT analysis is the first step of a development strategy planning which starts with the identification of the problem, the purpose of the organization came to weigh their own strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats from the outside and also did some important steps to support the marketing or development. This research is a case study using qualitative descriptive study design and population in this study population was rawatinap patients and outpatients as many as 200 people respondent sample is partially or representative of the population studied. In this study, using sampling considerations (Judgement Sampling) From the SWOT analysis approach with the need for the implementation or realization of the organizational structure that puts pharmacists in clinical pharmacy, improving the quality and quantity of human resources, as well as the need for additional facilities related to science and technology for good pharmaceutical service activities managerially and in the direction of clinical pharmacy. Key Words : Pharmacy, SWOT Analysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 37
Ikhwan Syahtaria ◽  
Sukarno Sukarno ◽  
Ali Mashudi ◽  
Edy Widodo

Sea transportation is a major factor connecting the islands of Indonesia which has strategic and important value in supporting the sustainability of the national economy. Along with the government's policy on the sea highway program and the development of the domestic shipping industry, the growth of the commercial fleet, especially vessels, is currently experiencing rapid progress. In supporting the government program and the demand for reparation and procurement of new ships in domestic production, readiness is required from the shipyard. However, the current condition of the shipyard is only able to meet 83% of the demand for new shipbuilding so that the shipyard still needs to be developed in order to improve its capabilities, so that it can meet the needs and be able to carry out its functions in accordance with the progress of shipping technology. In this study discusses the strategy of developing shipbuilding using qualitative descriptive methods and quantitative SWOT analysis. In this case study shipyard development strategy by increasing the ability of shipyards to meet the demands of ship building by increasing supporting facilities and accompanied by increasing the ability of human resources in the mastery of science and technology. Besides also by conducting cooperation with the domestic shipping industry in the procurement of supporting partsKeywords: Shipyard, Maintenence, SWOT Analysis, Developmen Strategy

AdBispreneur ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Andi Munandar

ABSTRACTThe implementation of “business not as usual” on the MP3EI 2011 – 2015 was held to optimize the potential of regional commodities that can increase the regional values. This research was conducted to search for the potential of UMKM in developing the potential commodities of Lampung province. The problems related to the commodities development consists of setting up the potential commodities which as based on the production copacity, so that it is difficult for those local governments to stimulate the coomdities development.The research method was qualitative method and data collected through   literature reviews and analysis of competitive advantage. The results of the research were 1) there are high potential of UMKM development, 2)UMKM should be developed in accordance with the local culture and regional commodities, 3) UMKM plays an important role in solving the social problems such as creating employment, 4) the development of human resources, technology, capital, marketing, information and management plays an important role in the development micro business, 5) the natural resources, human resources, and the world market in the global era would be a high potential if it is designed and the initiation strategy consists of the government network, NGO, private institution, individual and groups, which is managed effectively. Keywords : strategy, business institutions, competitivve advantages   STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN DAN KEUNGGULAN BERSAING LEMBAGA BISNIS UMKM TERHADAP PEMBANGUNAN DAERAH ABSTRAKPenerapan “business not as usual” pada MP3EI 2011-2025 dilakukan dengan menggali dan mengoptimalkan potensi unggulan daerah yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji potensi Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) dalam mengembangkan komoditas unggulan di Provinsi Lampung. Permasalahan terkait dengan pengembangan komoditas unggulan yang hanya didasarkan pada kapasitas produksi, sehingga menyulitkan bagi pemerintah daerah untuk menstimulir pengembangan komoditas unggulannya.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif  dan data yang dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur dan analisis keunggulan bersaing. Hasil penelitian adalah, Pertama; potensi pengembangan UMKM di daerah sangat besar. Kedua, pengembangan UMKM harus dilaksanakan sesuai dengan budaya lokal dan potensi yang dimiliki oleh daerah yang bersangkutan. Ketiga, sektor UMKM ini sangat berperan dalam menanggulangi masalah sosial di daerah dengan penyerapan tenaga kerja yang sangat tinggi. Keempat, peranan peningkatan SDM, pemanfaatan teknologi, akses permodalan, akses pemasaran, akses informasi, dan manajemen sangat penting dalam mengembangkan usaha mikro. Kelima; Sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia serta pasar dunia  yang semakin terbuka pada era global merupakan potensi  besar jika disain dan strategi replikasi yang meliputi kerjasama jaringan (network) pemerintah, LSM, lembaga swasta dan individu maupun kelompok dikelola secara efektif dalam bentuk kemitraan. Kata kunci :strategi,lembaga bisnis, keunggulan bersaing,

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 188
I Putu Widhi Eka Julyantara ◽  
I Nyoman Sunarta

Melasti beach is a tourist attraction of the beach that is just starting to develop. Melasti Beach still in development in the governance by the village of Ungasan and yet the existence of a management system. Melasti beach is located in Ungasan, South Kuta, Badung Regency, has the potentialities are wonderful and interesting to develop. The assumption behind this is based on the chosen research topic "melasti Beach Development Strategy as a tourist attraction in the village of Ungasan, South Kuta, Badung Regency. Data types and data sources that are used i.e. qualitative data, primary and secondary data. Data collection done by way of observation, unstructured interviews, study kepustakan, documentation, research instrument is the guidance interview. The analysis of the data used is descriptive qualitative data analysis with the use of tourism potential and analysis approach to SWOT analysis which clearly sets forth the findings based on the issues examined with accurate data sources. In the results of this research demonstrating that the Melasti Beach has the potential of nature is very beautiful, it also has the potential of culture as well as potential human or artificial to developed, capable of attracting tourists visit. Although still in the development phase is already visited by tourists and foreigners to the archipelago. The conclusions from the results of Shore Development Melasti is need for management systems, many still lack facilities to complement the tourist attraction due to the lack of funds and contributions from the Government is still waiting for him. Keywords: Tourist Attraction, Tourism Potential, Strategy Development

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
I Made Suarditya ◽  
I Nyoman Sunarta

The research aim is to determine development strategy of Banjar Samu as a tourism village. This research used qualitative and quantitative data with source from primary and secondary data. Observation, interview and documentation are data collection techniques. The sample method used purposive sampling while data analysis used descriptive qualitative and SWOT analysis.  Based on the results, the research indicate is that Banjar Samu have tourism potential which is consisted of natural potentials include panorama of rice fields and water springs. While the potential of culture include: community activities, hospitality and attitude of mutual cooperation, temples: building architecture and religious activity, sacred art of barong landung and another arts entertainment such as joged bumbung, arja, gambelan geguntangan, as well as local craft communities such as wood carving, silver handicrafts, yoga-meditation activity and sekaa such as sekaa gong,  joged, geguntangan, arja, angklung, subak and sekaa santi. Based on the analysis of SWOT Matrix, the results obtained by SO strategies are improving the quality of tourism potential and establish tourist activity. ST strategy is improving the security services. WO strategies are increasing cooperation with the government college, arranging some promotion. WT strategies are providing education and establish a tourist village management system immediately.   Keywords: Tourism Potential, Strategy Development, TourismVillage

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
Lailatul Azizah

ABSTRAKKabupaten Pasuruan, Kecamatan Tosari merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki potensi keunggulan ekonomi berupa kekayaan sumber daya alam untuk dikembangkan yaitu sektor pertanian holtikultura yang memiliki peran penting dalam mensuplay kecukupan gizi bagi masyarakat komoditas holtikultura diantaranya sayuran (kentang, bawang prei, brokoli, kubis dan sawi) namun potensi yang tinggi tersebut tidak didukung oleh kemudahan akses untuk menjual atau memasarkannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Peneliti akan menggambarkan tentang keadaan lapangan dengan tujuan untuk menemukan formulasi strategi pengembangan kontribusi usaha pertanian holtikultura dengan  menggunakan analisis SWOT. Dari hasil analisis kuadran Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) Dan External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) diperoleh gambaran bahwa “ kontribusi usaha pertanian holtikultura dikecamatan Tosari memiliki daya kompetitif yang rendah untuk menghadapi ancaman dari kawasan Agropolitan yang lainnya. Oleh karena itu strategi yang memfokuskan pada mekanisme dan optimalisasi pertanian serta pasar sasaran (target market). Adapun langkah yang perlu diambil diantaranya memperbaiki sarana dan prasarana infrastruktur (Assebilitas), memberi pembinaan dan penyuluhan kepada para petani, bekerjasama melakukan pola mitra antara pemerintah, sektor swasta dan petani atau pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) untuk melakukan kegiatan On farm dan Of fram yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan pasca panen kemana hasil produksi akan dibawa dalam bentuk mentah atau olahan.  Kata Kunci : strategi; pengembangan; pertanian holtikultura dan kesejahteraan    ABSTRACT Pasuruan Regency, District Tosari is one of the areas that has the potential for economic advantage in the form of natural resource wealth to be developed, namely the horticultural agricultural sector which has an important role in supplying nutritional adequacy for horticultural commodities including vegetables (potatoes, leek, broccoli, cabbage and mustard greens) but the potential is this height is not supported by the ease of access to sell or market it.  This research is a quantitative research. Researchers will describe the situation in the field with the aim of finding the formulation of a development strategy for the contribution of horticultural farming using a SWOT analysis.  From the results of the quadrant analysis of Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) and External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS), it is found that "the contribution of horticultural farming in Tosari sub-district has low competitive power to face threats from other Agropolitan areas. Therefore a strategy that focuses on the mechanism and optimization of agriculture as well as the target market (target market). The steps that need to be taken include improving infrastructure facilities and infrastructure (Assebility), providing guidance and counseling to farmers, working together to make partnerships between the government, the private sector and farmers or stakeholders to carry out related On farm and Off fram activities. with post-harvest management where the products will be brought in raw or processed form.  Keywords: strategy; development; horticultural agriculture and welfare

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Langgeng R. Putra ◽  
Lely Indah Mindarti ◽  
Firda Hidayati

Micro, Small And Medium Enterprise Development Strategy of Creative Economy Leather In Magetan (Study At Magetan Industry And Trade Office). In the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises leather crafts needed a good strategy to foster a more positive direction. The government, ie related agencies and related stakeholders are expected to provide solutions in every problem that exists. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze and provide the right strategy formula to develop Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises leather crafts. The method chosen in this research is SWOT with score card. Field findings indicate that there are problems related to the development of production, human resource development and marketing. Keywords: Strategy, Development, UMKM, Leather Craft

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
Sukesi Sugiyanto

The existence of modern market toward traditional market is not only becomes the attention for the government of Balikpapan city but it has been becoming national issue that also get serious notice from the central government, so that central government publishes President Role No. 112 Tahun 2007 about structuring and developing relationship of central shopping traditional market and modern shop. So that’s why the existence of modern market needs a considerable study in order to be known how about the influence of its existence toward traditional market’s seller. This study is done to identify the position of traditional market and modern market from the institutional aspect and valid legislation point of view, knowing the effect of modern market’s presence toward traditional market work, and to arrange a concept of work ensnaring of ritel trading that can be applied to traditional market.            This is study is done in theterritoryofBalikpapancity. To support the growth and the development of both trading device that is traditional market and modern market, in order to both of them don’t turn out each other so the things that need to be done by The Government of Balikpapan city, controlling the location of modern market, controlling the modern market’s management, ensnaring traditional trader, and increasing the institutional of market. Key word: traditional market, modern market, and ensnaring traditional trader.

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