scholarly journals Implementasi pemasaran digital berbasis website sebagai strategi kenormalan baru Dusun Srumbung Gunung pasca Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Evi Maria ◽  
Suharyadi Suharyadi ◽  
Rini Kartika Hudiono

Covid-19 has an impact on the decrease in trading activity in Dusun.Srumbung Gunung, because marketing activities still rely on physical stores. The purpose of community service activities is to develop a Pasar Dusun website and train website administrators welcoming the new normality. This activity was carried out with a descriptive approach using two methods. First, mentoring was done to start the Website of Pasar Dusun. Second, the training of administrators who are in charge and responsible for managing trade transactions that occur on the website of Pasar Dusun was carried on. The result of this activity is the availability of a Dusun Market website that can be accessed on Since, August 13, 2020 to September 19, there have been 9 successful trade transactions on the website of Pasar Dusun with a total of 165 products sold. This shows the contribution of digital marketing to increase the income of villagers after Covid-19. The results of the training of administrators, website managers have been able to maintain and update information related to buying and selling activities on the website of Pasar Dusun.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Rizal Ula Ananta Fauzi ◽  
Dian Citaningtyas Ari Kadi ◽  
Galuh Kristyangga Setyo Ernanda ◽  
Permai Triwidya ◽  
Silvy Adhelia

Abstract This study aims to fulfill duties in community service activities in order to help the community in solving problems related to MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises). The place for community service activities is in the Ekawira UMKM Gallery which provides various regional souvenirs from Kare Village, Kare District, Madiun Regency, East Java. Ekawira UMKM Gallery is chaired by Mrs. Hesti Purwanti. One of the products produced at the Ekawira UMKM Gallery is typical curry pia. This product is neatly packaged and already has a brand, but the marketing is only sold in the area around the Kare area, not yet out of town or through existing social media. This is a problem faced by these MSMEs. Therefore, the purpose of holding this community service is to help the Ekawira UMKM Gallery in marketing its products, by providing several sales/promotion media solutions to make it easier in terms of marketing. The marketing solution provided is by doing digital marketing, how to promote it through social media such as Instagram, creating a page on Facebook and creating a product website for the Ekawira UMKM Gallery which aims to make this product known by many people and more consumers who buy it.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi tugas dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat agar bisa membantu masyarakat dalam memecahkan masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah). Tempat kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berada di Galeri UMKM Ekawira yang menyediakan aneka oleh-oleh daerah khas Desa Kare, Kecamatan Kare, Kabupaten Madiun, Jawa Timur. Galeri UMKM Ekawira diketuai oleh ibu Hesti Purwanti. Salah satu produk yang di hasilkan di Galeri UMKM Ekawira adalah pia khas Kare. Produk ini sudah di kemas dengan rapi dan sudah memiliki merek, namun  pemasarannya hanya dijual di daerah sekitar daerah Kare saja, belum sampai keluar kota maupun melalui media sosial yang ada. Hal ini menjadi masalah yang dihadapi oleh UMKM tersebut. Karena itu, tujuan diadakan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk membantu Galeri UMKM Ekawira dalam memasarkan produknya, dengan memberikan beberapa solusi media penjualan/promosi untuk mempermudah dalam hal pemasaran. Solusi pemasaran yang diberikan yaitu,dengan melakukan digital marketing caranya mempromosikan melalui media sosial seperti instagram, pembuatan laman pada facebook dan pembuatan laman web produk Galeri UMKM Ekawira yang bertujuan agar produk ini di ketahui oleh banyak orang  dan lebih banyak lagi konsumen yang membelinya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Nurhuda Nurhuda ◽  
Elana Era Yusdita ◽  
Herlin Rosalina Febriyanti ◽  
Handoko Endro Seputro

<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong><em> The purpose of this article is to describe the results of implementing ideas through community service activities in answering the problem of inorganic waste at Mloko Sewu tourist sites, accompanied by steps and procedures for implementation. This article writing method uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The solution was given in the form of a smart rubbish concept with the final result in the form of a photo corner that has been realized in the Mloko Sewu tour. The application of the smart rubbish concept is expected to provide tourists with education on how inorganic waste should be handled in smart and creative ways, so that this concept can become a tourism identity especially in Mloko Sewu tourism.</em></p><p><strong><em>K</em></strong><strong><em>eywords</em></strong><em>: <strong>Rubbish Recycling, Photo Spot, Outreach Program, Tourism Village</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong>. Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil implementasi gagasan melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam menjawab permasalahan sampah anorganik di lokasi wisata Mloko Sewu, disertai dengan langkah serta prosedur pelaksanaannya. Metode penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Solusi yang diberikan berupa konsep smart rubbish dengan hasil akhir berupa photo corner yang telah terealisasi di  wisata Mloko Sewu. Penerapan konsep smart rubbish ini  diharapkan mampu  memberikan nilai edukasi kepada para wisatawan tentang bagaimana sampah anorganik selayaknya harus ditangani dengan cara-cara cerdas dan kreatif, sehingga konsep ini dapat menjadi identitas wisata khususnya di wisata Mloko Sewu.</p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: <strong>Daur Ulang Sampah, Spot Foto, Pengabdian Masyarakat, Desa Wisata</strong>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Saptaningsih Sumarmi ◽  
Suryo Wisnu Wicaksono ◽  
Dindo Wahyu Prakoso ◽  
Dwi Alrasta Lutfionesti ◽  
Koko Endra Saputra ◽  

<p class="StyleAuthorBold"><strong><em>Abstract</em><em>. </em></strong><em>Vinyl crafts Jogja in Code hamlet, Trirenggo, Bantul district, still produces products according to orders and markets products traditionally. This service activity aims to provide knowledge to digital marketing, online media creation, and implementation assistance.</em><em> The method of implementing community service activities is carried out offline and online, by combining theory and practice, and showing assistance in program implementation until it is successful. A program that offers training and mentoring related to digital marketing, logo creation is the solution offered to solve problems that have been identified. The result of this activity is that producers are able to create online media for digital marketing, have company logos, create marketplace stalls on Instagram and Facebook. The conclusion of this activity is digital marketing can be a solution to increase the marketing reach of Vinyl Jogja crafts.</em><em></em></p><p class="abstrak" align="left"> </p><p class="abstrak"> </p><p class="abstrak"><strong>Abstrak</strong>. Kerajinan Vinyl Jogja di dusun Code, Trirenggo, kabupaten Bantul, masih memproduksi produk sesuai pesanan, dan memasarkan produk secara tradisional. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengenalan tentang <em>digital marketing</em>, pembuatan media <em>online</em>, dan pendampingan implementasinya. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan secara daring dan luring, dengan mengkombinasikan teori dan praktik, serta dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan implementasi program sampai berhasil. Program pemberian pelatihan dan pendampingan terkait <em>digital marketing</em>, pembuatan logo menjadi solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang sudah diidentifikasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah produsen mampu membuat media online untuk <em>digital marketing</em>, memiliki logo perusahaan, membuat lapak <em>marketplace </em>di Instagram dan <em>facebook</em>. Kesimpulan kegiatan ini adalah <em>digital marketing</em> dapat menjadi solusi untuk peningkatan jangkauan pemasaran kerajinan Vinyl Jogja. <strong><em></em></strong></p><div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: -54px; top: 385px;"> </div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-168
Mira Veranita ◽  
Ramayani Yusuf ◽  
Yuda Sahidin ◽  
Rini Susilowati ◽  
Dian Candra Fatihah ◽  

Abstract   There are many problems faced by MSMEs due to the Covid-19 pandemic, even though MSMEs have a large enough contribution to national economic growth. Even though several types of businesses have actually experienced development, in general, MSMEs have been greatly affected. MSMEs must be able to adapt to the changes that occur, between innovating and utilizing digital marketing in running their business, especially in marketing their products. To support the digitization of MSMEs so that they are able to adapt to these changes, community service activities are carried out. This digital literacy is in a webinar format using the Zoom Meeting and Youtube Streaming application, which was attended by 147 participants, MSME owners, observers and academics from various cities in Indonesia. Activities run smoothly, with materials delivered by academics and practitioners in their fields. The participants were quite enthusiastic because the delivery was clear and interesting, so that the feedback obtained was quite satisfying, although there were still a few shortcomings.   Keywords: Branding, Digital Marketing, Literacy, MSMEs   Abstrak   Banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi UMKM akibat pandemi Covid-19, padahal UMKM memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Meskipun beberapa jenis usaha benar-benar mengalami perkembangan, namun secara umum UMKM sangat terpengaruh. UMKM harus mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi, antara berinovasi dan memanfaatkan digital marketing dalam menjalankan usahanya, khususnya dalam memasarkan produknya. Untuk mendukung digitalisasi UMKM agar mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan tersebut maka dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Literasi digital ini dalam format webinar dengan menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Meeting dan Youtube Streaming yang diikuti oleh 147 peserta, pemilik UMKM, pemerhati dan akademisi dari berbagai kota di Indonesia. Kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar, dengan materi yang disampaikan oleh akademisi dan praktisi dibidangnya. Peserta cukup antusias karena penyampaiannya jelas dan menarik, sehingga feedback yang didapat cukup memuaskan walaupun masih ada beberapa kekurangan.   Kata kunci: Brand, Digital Marketing, Literasi, UMKM

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 652-659
Rezhania Jelly Kriteria

This study aims to determine and analyze how the application of digitalization of marketing in Small and Medium Enterprises Coffee Amadanom in Dampit District, Malang Regency. This research is a research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Researchers want to do research with a natural background or according to the existing context. The researcher wants to reveal the facts related to marketing management in an effort to digitize marketing in the Amadanom Coffee Small and Medium Enterprises, Dampit District. Sources of research data obtained through interviews and observations on six specified informants. The results showed that online marketing activities were carried out very well in UKM Tani Harapan. Offline and online marketing play a role in supporting business marketing. The application of online marketing has a significant impact on increasing income every year. With the implementation of digital marketing, the company's goals are easier to achieve and facilitate integration with other companies. It can be concluded that the application of digital marketing not only facilitates marketing activities carried out by business units but also improves the cooperative relationship between these business units and other business actors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Miguna Astuti ◽  
Tati Handayani

This study aims to carry out community service activities (ABDIMAS) to provide knowledge of e-marketing so that participants are able to recognize, understand and apply e-marketing in marketing their products so that they can advance their business. There are 67 micro, small and household craft industries in Citeras village, but their e-marketing activities did not reach 5%. The method of this ABDIMAS activity is a participatory method through training and mentoring activities where the implementation is evaluated using questionnaires and measured based on the criteria and indicators that have been made and the service team provides pocketbooks for deeper guidance. The results of this service are (1) a high level of participation from the Citeras village office and communities that have MSME businesses that fully support the Community Partnership Program. This can be seen from the willingness of the village to facilitate the event and also be seen from the enthusiastic arrival of the participants during training and mentoring.(2) All participants of the Community Partnership Program stated that the Community Partnership Program activities were very beneficial for their business and some of them hoped that the Community Partnership Program activities would be carried out routinely with the same material, especially in the mentoring section (APPLICATION).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-82
Deris Dasmawan ◽  
Kevin Afandi ◽  
Nusyifa Tassya Puspitasari ◽  
Septy Anggrelia ◽  
Krisna Damayanti ◽  

The purpose and objective of holding a training webinar with the theme of implementing digital marketing in attracting consumer interest in the era of the covid-19 pandemic in community service activities in the Ketapang village is to help people who have difficulties in doing marketing for their products in the era of the covid-19 pandemic where they can use social media by using attractive designs to attract consumers. Government policies such as PPKM during the pandemic often make business owners worry about their business. They are afraid that their business will not go well, because it is important to use social media to market their products to attract consumers, even if not directly. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 333
Galang Abdul Aziz ◽  
Nadila Al Azhar ◽  
Fauzan Aufa Pradiva ◽  
Oryz Agnu Dian Wulandari

ABSTRAKUMKM di Indonesia saat ini memiliki pengaruh yang besar dalam membantu meningkatkan kemajuan bangsa. Perkembangan UMKM tersebut, dapat berkembang jauh lebih pesat apabila UMKM dalam pemasarannya mengikuti perkembangan saat ini yaitu dengan menggunakan digital marketing agar dapat terjangkau diberbagai wilayah bahkan hingga ke tingkat Internasional. Kegiatan pemasaran dapat dinilai berhasil apabila produk yang dijual dapat menembus pasaran hingga ke tingkat Internasional. Pemanfaatan dengan menggunakan digital marketing dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan media sosial, marketplace, website sebagai media dalam melakukan berbagai transaksi baik  promosi, menjual produk maupun digunakan sebagai kegiatan transaksi jual – beli bagi pelaku usaha. Kabupaten Banyumas terdapat berbagai UMKM salah satunya adalah pengrajin sandal bandol. Pemasaran sandal bandol di Kabupaten Banyumas saat ini masih menggunakan cara tradisional, sehingga masih banyak masyarakat di Indonesia yang belum mengetahui bahkan mengenal produk sandal bandol. Mitra dari kegiatan pengabdian kami yakni pengrajin Sandal Bandol C’KER di Kabupaten Banyumas milik Bapak Subandi. Tujuan dari pengabdian kami yaitu untuk mengembangkan pemasaran digital bagi pengrajin sandal bandol agar dapat meningkatkan penjualan serta pendapatan bagi pelaku usaha dengan cara membuat wadah promosi dengan memanfaatkan media sosial yang sudah ada serta platform yang telah kami miliki. Metode yang kami gunakan yaitu dengan melakukan wawancara secara daring dikarenakan situasi covid saat ini untuk memperoleh hasil dari perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pendampingan oleh DASI GANDA. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kami setelah melakukan pendampingan kepada pengrajin sandal bandol selama 4 bulan yakni bulan april sampai dengan bulan juli adalah adanya peningkatan penjualan serta respon positif dari masyarakat untuk mengenal jauh produk sandal bandol. Hasil tersebut diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dengan mitra yakni Bapak Subandi yang menyatakan bahwa sebelum dilakukan pendampingan oleh DASI GANDA dengan sistem penjualan secara offline, dapat menjual sandal bandol dalam 1 bulan sebanyak 4-6 buah tetapi setelah dilakukan pendampingan oleh DASI GANDA, dalam 1 bulan dapat menjual Sandal Bandol C’KER sebanyak 8-10 pasang sandal bandol. Kata kunci: UMKM; pemasaran digital; sandal bandol. ABSTRACTUMKM in Indonesia currently have a big influence in helping to improve the progress of the nation. The development of these UMKM can develop much more rapidly if UMKM in their marketing follow current developments, namely by using digital marketing so that they can be reached in various regions even to the international level. Marketing activities can be considered successful if the products being sold can penetrate the market to the international level. Utilization using digital marketing can be done by utilizing social media, marketplaces, websites as media in carrying out various transactions, both promotions, selling products and being used as buying and selling transactions for business actors. Banyumas Regency has various UMKM, one of which is a bandol sandal craftsman. Currently, the marketing of bandol sandals in Banyumas Regency still uses traditional methods, so that there are still many people in Indonesia who do not know or even know about bandol sandals. The partner of our service activities is the Sandal Bandol C'KER craftsman in Banyumas Regency owned by Mr. Subandi. The goal of our service is to develop digital marketing for bandol sandal craftsmen in order to increase sales and income for business actors by creating a promotional platform by utilizing existing social media and the platforms we already have. The method we use is to conduct online interviews due to the current covid situation to obtain results from differences before and after assistance by DASI GANDA. The result of our service activities after mentoring bandol sandal craftsmen for 4 months, from April to July, is an increase in sales and a positive response from the community to get to know the bandol sandal products. These results were obtained from the results of interviews with partners, namely Mr. Subandi, who stated that before assistance by DASI GANDA with an offline sales system, he could sell 4-6 bandol sandals in 1 month but after assistance by DASI GANDA, within 1 month sells C'KER Bandol Sandals as many as 8-10 pairs of bandol sandals. Keywords: UMKM; digital marketing; bandol sandals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 39

The Community Service Partner in this activity is Rapi Sari Furniture which engages in the business of producing and buying furniture items. Rapi Sari Meubel is one of the SMEs that has been very long established in the city of Banjarmasin, which is more than 30 years. However, the marketing activities are still very minimal and still conventional. For this reason, training needs to be given on the importance of using digital marketing so that the marketing system can be better, to expand the scope of its business targets and to support better sales activities. In addition, partners are also given assistance in creating accounts in digital media (Google Business and Google) along with how to optimally manage digital media for the promotion of MSME business needs. The resulting outputs are in the form of Google business and Google accounts, scientific articles published in national journals, and activity reports. The method used in thisis activity by provide training in the form of lectures and giving tutorials / practices directly creating accounts in digital media for the MSME.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Endi Sarwoko ◽  
Iva Nurdiana Nurfarida ◽  
Ninik Indawati ◽  
Moh. Ahsan

Abstrak — Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dilaksanakan di Desa Petungsewu Kecamatan Wagir Kabupaten Malang sebagai Desa Mitra, dengan fokus pada pemberdayaan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) dupa. Masalah yang dihadapi pengrajin dupa di desa Mitra adalah masih menghasilkan dupa mentah, kesulitan pemasaran sehingga pendapatan usaha masih rendah. Tujuan program adalah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat pengrajin dupa melalui diversifikasi produk yaitu menghasilkan produk dupa wangi kemasan, dan penerapan strategi pemasaran produk dengan pola kemitraan. Metode yang diterapkan adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan produksi dupa wangi kemasan, penciptaan merek dagang, dan merintis kemitraan dengan pelaku usaha dupa yang sudah berhasil. Pelatihan dan pendampingan dilaksanakan sebagai bagian dari pengembangan hasil produksi atau diversifikasi produk, sehingga tidak hanya memproduksi dupa setengah jadi, tetapi mampu menghasilkan produk jadi dikemas dan siap dijual. Pola kemitraan yang dilakukan dengan cara perdagangan umum dalam bentuk kerjasama pemasaran, produk dari pengrajin dupa dari desa mitra disetorkan kepada pelaku usaha mitra untuk dijual. Hasil kegiatan pengrajin dupa sudah mampu menghasilkan dupa wangi kemasan dengan merk Gunung Katu sebagai produk unggulan, produk dupa wangi Gunung Katu mulai dikenal pasar, dan memperoleh nilai tambah usaha berupa peningkatan pendapatan.Abstract — Community service activities are carried out in Petungsewu Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency as Mitra Village, with a focus on empowering incense micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The problem faced by incense craftsmen in Mitra village is that it still produces raw incense, marketing difficulties so that business income is still low. The aim of the program is to increase the income of the community of incense craftsmen through product diversification, namely producing fragrant incense packaging products, and implementing a product marketing strategy with a partnership pattern. The method applied is training and mentoring the production of fragrant incense packaging, creating trademarks, and initiating partnerships with successful incense businesses. Training and assistance are carried out as part of the development of production or product diversification, so that not only producing semi-finished incense, but able to produce finished products that are packaged and ready for sale. The partnership pattern is carried out by means of general trading in the form of marketing cooperation, products from incense craftsmen from partner villages are deposited to partner business actors for sale. The results of the incense craftsman activity has been able to produce incense fragrance packaging with the Gunung Katu brand as a superior product, Gunung

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