Koronarzeczywistość – o nowych złożeniach z członem "korona-" w dobie pandemii

Język Polski ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 100 (4) ◽  
pp. 102-117
Agnieszka Cierpich-Kozieł

The article focuses on the Anglicism "koronawirus" in the Polish language. Its principal aim was to excerpt the compound nouns with the productive stem "korona-", to discuss their status, and to group them into semantic fields. Among such neologisms, numerous hybrid creations, a few pseudoanglicisms, as well as one loanword were found. They can be grouped into at least 11 semantic fields referring to socioeconomic, political and cultural reality in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the Polish adjective "koronawirusowy" is discussed. As a constituent of a Polish noun phrase, it usually complies with the English sentence structure. Also, basic comparative research on the productivity of the stem "korona-", and its foreign language counterparts in Polish, English and German was conducted.

2021 ◽  
Vol LXXVII (77) ◽  
pp. 193-209

W tekście podejmowana jest problematyka ograniczeń procesu kategoryzacji klas derywatów deminutywnych oraz symilatywnych w dobie średniopolskiej. Celem opracowania było wskazanie potencjalnych przyczyn blokowania procesów kategoryzacyjnych klas historycznych deminutywów oraz symilatywów. W zakresie metodologii i ustaleń terminologicznych wykorzystano osiągnięcia tzw. „katowickiej szkoły słowotwórstwa historycznego”. Głównym źródłem materiału leksykalnego stał się trójjęzyczny dykcjonarz M.A. Troca z 1764 roku (jego III tom, z polszczyzną jako językiem wyjściowym). Świadomość lingwistyczna autora tego słownika, przejawiająca się w sposobie organizacji wyrażeń hasłowych oraz doboru ekwiwalentów wraz z definicjami, rzuciła nowe światło na sposób identyfikowania kategorii deminutywów, symilatywów, a także formacji tautologicznych przez dawnych użytkowników języka. Okazało się, że w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku żadna z tych klas nie wykrystalizowała swoich dominant, zaś czynnikiem, który mógł podtrzymywać ten stan, była obecność w języku znacznej liczby derywatów tautologicznych względem podstawy, budowanych z udziałem wielofunkcyjnych formantów z podstawowymi sufiksalnymi spółgłoskami -k- i -c-. Diminutivity, similativity and word-formation tautology in Middle Polish (illustrated with data from M.A. Troc’s Dictionary) Summary: The text deals with the limitations of the categorization process of the classes of diminutive and similative derivatives in Middle Polish. The aim of the study was to identify the potential reasons for the blocking of the categorization processes of the historical classes of diminutives and similatives. The methodology and terminology used in the paper follows the achievements of the so-called “Katowice school of historical word-formation”. The 1764 trilingual dictionary by M.A. Troc (Volume 3, with Polish as the input language) was the main source of lexical material. Based on the analysis of the presented material, one can conclude that the linguistic awareness of the lexicographer, manifested through the organization of dictionary entries and the choice of foreign equivalents and their definitions, may shed a new light on the categorical system of historical derivatives. In lack of sufficient Polish-language contexts, the translational character of lexicographic sources lets us gain information about the semantic and stylistic value of Polish lexical units on the basis of their foreign equivalents or their foreign-language definitions provided by dictionaries. The category of diminutive names in the second half of the 18th century did not yet crystallize its dominants, and the class of similative names had a similar formal and semantic status. Both classes constituted products of sets that contained derivative units, assuming a diminishing or similative function. The factor that inhibited the process of the crystallization of the dominants in the mentioned classes was the extremely high level of word-formation tautology, which did not allow language users to identify the real functions of multifunctional formants with the basic consonants -k- and -c-.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 422-433
Claudia Rupp

The last decades have seen the completion of an increasing number of qualitative comparative research projects on teaching. Challenges and benefits which might arise from a qualitative international comparative research design have been considered. However, very little has been published on challenges and benefits which may arise from using grounded theory in international comparative research projects. This article explores some of these challenges and benefits, focusing on two methodological aspects: the emergent process of developing a grounded theory and analysing data in a foreign language. In order to illustrate the argument, an international comparative PhD project is used. The project is centred on how teachers see themselves with regards to accountability reforms in England and Germany.

1977 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 47-57
A.G. Sciarone

Problems with vocabulary selection. Comparative research into the criteria which are used in selecting a vocabulary for foreign language teaching has showed that the criterion of frequency yields the best selection. The criticisms of Frequency-lists (such as: F-lists yield too few words; F-lists don't contain nouns; F-lists contain words which don't seem to be very useful) appear to be based upon an incomplete understanding of the structure of a F-list, which is, in fact, considered as an unclassified alphabetical list. This holds also for the pilot research projects on vocabulary selection initiated by the CMLVT. In order to determine the most "useful" words, the F-list has to fulfill certain conditions: 1) The corpus on which the F-list is based, must be representative of the kind of language one wants to teach. Most lists in use in teaching, among which the 'Français Fondamental, do not fulfill this condition. 2) The frequencies must be sufficiently reliable. The lower the frequency, the more accidental the composition of the list will be, and consequently, the more accidental the order of words with that frequency. Most lists, including the Français Fondamental do not fulfill this condition. 3) The F-list must contain enough words. This condition is all but neglected in the literature. The selection made from a F-list for teaching purposes is rather arbitrary. The FF selects a little more than 800 words from a F-list of about 8000, whereas Juilland selects 5000 words from a list of approximately 15.000. If the list contains too few words which fulfill the conditions 1 and 2, the result will be a lack of useful words. The criticisms of the criterion of frequency are unjustified. The criti-cism should concern the irresponsible dealing with the criterion of frequency, which yields unsatisfactory results.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 190
Sri Puji Astuti

AbstractThe purpose of darma students come to Indonesia was to learn the language and culture of Indonesia. In the context of Indonesian disrup students of darma students are still experiencing difficulties because Indonesian is a foreign language for them. The purpose of this research is to describe the error of composing sentence of darma students of Diponegoro University in 2017. Samples taken in this research was darma students. This research focuses on language errors, especially writing skills. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data source of this research is the writings of advanced students of Diponegoro University in 2017. Data collection used purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was conducted by identifying sentence errors and then classifies by mistake. The result of the research showed that the errors found are the use of affixes, the use of conjunctions and prepositions, the arrangement of sentences is too long, the sentence structure is incomplete, the improper use of diction, the errors of spelling, and the use of the word redundant.IntisariTujuan mahasiswa darma siswa datang ke Indonesia yaitu belajar bahasa dan budaya Indonesia. Dalam mempelajari bahasa Indonesia diduga mahasiswa darma siswa masih megalami kesulitan karena bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa asing bagi mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kesalahan penyusunan kalimat  mahasiswa darma siswa Universitas Diponegoro tahun 2017. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini mahasiswa darma siswa tingkat lanjut. Penelitian ini memfoluskan  pada kesalahan berbahasa terutama keterampilan menulis. Penelitian ini merupakan  penelitian  deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini berupa tulisan mahasiswa darma siswa Universitas Diponegoro tingkat lanjut tahun 2017. Pengambilan data menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi kesalahan kalimat kemudian mengklasifikasikan berdasarkan kesalahanmya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa kesalahan yang ditemukan yaitu kesalahan pemakaian afiks, pemakaian konjungsi dan preposisi, susunan kalimat terlalu panjang, struktur kalimat tidak lengkap, pemakaian diksi yang kurang tepat, kesalahan pemakaian  ejaan, dan pemakaian kata mubazir

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (8) ◽  
pp. 1687
Shahram Peyman ◽  
Vali Rezai

The present study seeks to investigate the demarcation between noun phrases (NPs) and compound nouns (CNs) in Persian at the syntax-morphology interface. This objective is accomplished through the examination of two most complex nominal patterns, viz. N + A, N + N, with special focus on boundary cases, i.e. the intermediate constructs which possess some properties of both NPs and CNs simultaneously and thus demonstrate contradictory reactions to the various NP-CN demarcation criteria. The results indicate that boundary cases ensue from partial syntactic erosion of NPs through pure lexicalization, whereby NPs turn into CNs without center-switching or category change. This study also shows that almost all boundary cases have no potential for syntactic modification of their elements. It is further demonstrated that N + A and N + N boundary cases are endocentric, head-initial constructs with optional or obligatory internal inflection as well as Ezafe. Syntactic modifiability is also introduced as the most efficient NP-CN demarcation criterion in Persian since it is the first property lost in NP lexicalization process.

1973 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Paul J. Angelis ◽  
Robert Krohn

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 169-186
Katarzyna Mroczyńska

Various works on transitivity suggest that aspectual notions may constitute semantic determinants of argument realization. Observations included in these works prompted theories implying that argument realization may be aspectually driven. Following this line of thought, this article presents the results of corpus-based studies on antipassive structure in the Polish language and makes an attempt at confirming the fact that aspectual notion may determine argument realization. The article consists of three main sections. The first one focuses on notions of aspect and various aspectual propositions distinguished in the literature on the subject, regarding the Polish language in particular. The second section, illustrated with examples extracted from the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP) and the corpus of Wielki Słownik Języka Polskiego (KWSJP), gives an overview of Polish perfectivizing verbal prefixes, i.e. a roz‑, na-, o-/ob- and u-prefix, and deals with the effect they may have on sentence structure and semantics. It also shows how the prefixed verbs combine with the marker się, which flags antipassive, i.e. is a recurring marker attested in antipassive constructions in the Polish language. In section three, an attempt is made at analyzing the interrelations between aspect and antipassive reading of a structure. As it seems that a perfective prefix used with a verb imposes certain requirements on the argument structure of the verb it combines with, we also offer a possible explanation to different aspectual requirements of verbs occurring in antipassive structures, assuming that projections coded in a verb may play a role here.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (3/2020(772)) ◽  
pp. 7-33
Władysław T. Miodunka

Part three of the paper concerning the Polish language around the world in the period 1918–2018 is dedicated to discussing academic studies analysing the process of preserving and passing on the Polish language in the countries where Polish communities have settled, dissertations on Polish-foreign bilingualism in Sweden, Brazil, Austria, Argentina, Australia, France, Germany, UK, Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine, and fi nally, studies describing teaching Polish as a foreign language, as a heritage language, and as a second language. Part one of the paper concerning the Polish language around the world in the period 1918–2018 ended with the statement that the ambitious action plans of the pre-war Polish authorities lacked the base in the form of the knowledge of the transformations of the Polish communities all over the world and aid for teaching Polish as a foreign language. Part three presents the important sociolinguistic output referring to the Polish language across the world, Polish-foreign bilingualism, and multilingualism, and fi nally, to teaching Polish as a foreign, second, and heritage language, which contributes to the fl ourishing Polish glottodidactics. There are currently no ambitious actions on the part of the state authorities addressing the evolving Polish glottodidactics, which relies on ad-hoc undertakings of university glottodidactics centres.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Emy Sudarwati ◽  
Fatimah Fatimah ◽  
Yuni Astuti ◽  
M. Faruq Ubaidillah

Anchored by the need for constructing an online assessment which is mediated by honesty as the character value for grammar mastery among undergraduate students during Covid-19 pandemic, in the present study we developed a test of English Sentence Structure (ESS) situated in an English department of a public university in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. To enact such a purpose, Design-based Research (DBR) was carried out in the study. Findings from the study showcase that the test was valid and reliable, giving it accessible portion for use in the English department. Aside from that, students also opined positively toward the use of the test in measuring their English grammar mastery. Despite these, we found that students’ score in the tryout phase is low affected by their lack of test preparation, inappropriate situated test time, and ineffective teaching and learning enactment. The paper ends with recommendation for future researchers.

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