scholarly journals Implementasi Kebijakan Penerbitan Izin Usaha Mikro Kecil di Kecamatan Teluk Nibung Kota Tanjungbalai

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-130
Muhammad Ali ◽  
Arif Nasution ◽  
Siti Mardiana

The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the policy for issuing permits for micro and small businesses in the Teluk Nibung District Office. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, according to Nawawi (2010: 57) Qualitative descriptive research is research that seeks a causal relationship between two or more variables of several populations or samples with random sampling techniques and uses research instruments in data collection to test hypotheses / allegations that have been set with several questions. The results of the study found that publishing was still very slow and used a long time and inadequate supporting facilities. The next problem is that communication between the implementor and the community of micro and small business actors is still lacking, where the socialization carried out by sub-district officials to the community has not been maximized so that most micro and small business actors do not know what benefits can be enjoyed from the business permit, and even some the community of micro and small businesses do not yet know about the policy that the making of micro and small business permits can already be done at the District / Kelurahan office.

Muhammad Riban Satia ◽  
Risma Wati

Implementation of micro and Small Business license (IUMK) in Pahandut Sub-district of Palangka Raya has been running since the year 2015. To facilitate the community to obtain this micro and Small business license, the government made a policy that the community can take care of in the district office where the business is located. And also to facilitate the licensing process, by means of management free micro and Small business license. This micro and Small business license policy aim to facilitate the public in obtaining their business legality and easy access to capital. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to know how its implementation is the communication aspects in the policy of micro and small business licenses in the district Pahandut. For the theory of communication, the theory is derived from the opinions of some experts, among them the theory of Kathleen K. Reardon. While the indicator used to determine the success of the policy using the approach expressed by George C. Edward III, among others is the aspect of communication. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. While the data collection methods use observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using models submitted by Miles and Huberman, consisting of data reduction, data display (data presentation), and conclusion drawing/verification (withdrawal of conclusions/verifications). The results revealed that the implementation process of micro and small business permit policy in the district Pahandut Palangka Raya city goes well but less maximum. This is because there are micro and small businesses who do not have the license and insufficient resources and some actors who still do not understand the flow of micro and small business licenses.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-54
Wempi Feber

To find out the performance of government officials in the implementation of public services at the Tajung Palas Tengah Sub-district office in Bulungan Regency and to find out the supporting factors and hamper the performance of government officials in implementing public services at the Tajung Palas Tengah Village Office in Bulungan Regency. Type of qualitative descriptive research. Informants were Head of Village, Secretary of Kelurahan, Head of Government Office, Kasi Kessos and community economy Kasi empowered the community, and Community leaders were two people. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that the performance of public services at the Tanjung Palas Tengah Sub-District office in Bulungan Regency has gone well. Productivity Kelurahan employees carry out duties in accordance with their respective duties, and are able to complete tasks in a timely manner in accordance with community demand. The performance shown by the obedience of the kelurahan employees in carrying out their tasks has gone well. Obedience includes obedience to time, kelurahan employee code of ethics, adherence to leadership, and obedience in completing tasks. Employee performance in cooperation is good. Cooperation supports the implementation of good service because it supports each other and shares work according to their duties and functions. Employees are responsible for serving the community. Supporting factors for public service performance at the Tanjung Palas Tengah Village office are the ability of employees to provide good public services. Cooperation with employees, cooperation supports the success of urban village officials in providing good public services. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 368-385
Yulia Anggraeni ◽  
Lia Maulia Indrayani ◽  
Ypsi Soeria Soemantri

In the early time of the president’s announcement about the first patient infected the Coronavirus in Indonesia, a governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, uploaded the information of the president’s announcement in his Instagram account @ridwankamil. The Instagram post received many comments as responses from his followers. Regarding the issue, this study aims at seeing the netizens' responses to the news about the first patient who infected the Coronavirus in Indonesia, Ridwan Kamil posted on Instagram through the theory of expressive speech act. In this research, the researchers used qualitative descriptive research. The instruments of this research are observation and document. Random sampling is used as a Data collection technique. The researchers organizes the data by choosing the comments on Ridwan Kamil’s Instagram posting randomly, then the researchers tried to find out, selected, and classified the expressive speech acts used by netizens. The last, researchers explained the result of the analysis. As a result, the researchers found that the responses given by netizens on Instagram contained an expression of wishing, expression of complaining, and expression of protest. Through the comments written by netizens, they tries to give the aspiration to the government to solve the problems that citizens complained or protested about the COVID-19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-49
Nirma Alfiani ◽  
Dede Setiawan ◽  

Medical records as evidence of health services have an important role in proving law including forms on medical records that have specific functions and meanings in each item. One of which is an operating report that is the contents of an everlasting or perpetuated medical record. The purpose of this research is to know a deeper overview of the completeness of the medical record on the Operation report form at the Sumber Waras Hospital of Cirebon Regency.  The type of research used is descriptive research. Data collection techniques using an observation method with the research instrument sheet Checklist. Simple random sampling techniques. The sample in this study is the medical record of the operating patients in the Cirebon district source Waras Hospital as much as 72 medical record documents.  The results of the medical record in the Operations report form there are 11 documents (15%) a fully stocked and 61 documents (85%.) that are not fully stocked.  The conclusion obtained in this study is that the minimum medical record service standard at Sumber Waras Hospital in Cirebon Regency is not in accordance with Kepmenkes number 129 of 2008.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23

This study aimed to describe the value of cohesion and coherence contained in the translation of the Qur'an surah Al Zalzalah. This study was a qualitative descriptive research, research data collection techniques using three techniques namely, inventory, rading and understanding, and record keeping. The data analysis used the coding of data, classification data, and the determination of the data. The results showed that the cohesion markers used in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: 1) reference, 2) pronouns, ie pronouns second person, and third, the relative pronoun, the pronoun pointer, pen pronouns and pronouns owner, 3 ) conjunctions, namely temporal conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and conjunctions koorelatif, and 4) a causal ellipsis. It mean that there was a coherence in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: the addition or addition, pronouns, repetition or repetition, match words or synonyms, in whole or in part, a comparison or ratio of conclusions or results. Keywords: Cohesion, Coherence, sura Al Zalzalah AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai kohesi dan koherensi yang terdapat dalam terjemahan Al-Qur’an surah Al Zalzalah. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan tiga teknik yakni, inventarisasi, baca simak, dan pencatatan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengodean data, pengklasifikasian data, dan penentuan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemarkah kohesi yang digunakan dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: 1) referensi, 2) pronomina, yaitu kata ganti orang kedua, dan ketiga, kata ganti penghubung, kata ganti penunjuk, kata ganti penanya dan kata ganti empunya, 3) konjungsi, yaitu konjungsi temporal, konjungsi koordinatif, konjungsi subordinatif, dan konjungsi koorelatif, dan 4) elipsis kausal. Sarana koherensi yang terdapat di dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: penambahan atau adisi, pronomina, pengulangan atau repetisi, padan kata atau sinonim, keseluruhan atau bagian, komparasi atau perbandingan simpulan atau hasil.Kata Kunci: Kohesi, Koherensi, surah Al Zalzalah

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 232-243
Tria Maryani ◽  
Soenar Soekopitojo ◽  
Titi Kiranawati

Tengger tribe has a dish that is served on special occasions ceremony. The special occasion ceremony held by the Tengger tribe is inseparable from the culture and Hindus’s religion which is the majority religion of the Tengger tribe. Argosari Village is one of the villages that still carries out all special occasion’s ceremonies related to custom and religion. This village is in Lumajang Regency. This research was using qualitative descriptive research, with data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The data source was obtained from interviews with five informants are the Dukun Pandhita of Argosari village, Mangku village, and society’s Argosari. Data analysis is performed interactively with steps such as reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification and to check the validity of finding with member checking methode to Dukun Pandhita. The results of the research which is identifiying the special occasion dishes of Tengger tribe, there are 6 groupings dishes based on staple foods such as rice, side dishes such as omelette, fried chicken, fried noodles. Vegetable dishes include jangan benguk, jangan kentang. Snacks consist of pepes, pasung, jenang abang, apem, juadah, tetelan. The beverages such as tea and coffee. Dandananan such as gedhang ayu, pencok bakal. Masyarakat suku Tengger mempunyai hidangan yang disajikan pada upacara kesempatan khusus. Upacara kesempatan khusus yang dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat suku Tengger tidak terlepas dari kebudayaan dan agama Hindu yang merupakan agama mayoritas suku Tengger. Desa Argosari merupakan salah satu desa yang masih melaksanakan semua upacara kesempatan khusus yang berkaitan dengan adat maupun keagamaan, Desa ini terletak di Kabupaten Lumajang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sumber data diperoleh dari wawancara dengan lima informan yaitu Dukun Pandhita teraktif dengan langkah reduksi, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Pengecekan temuan dilaksanakan dengan member checking kepada Dukun Pandhita. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat 6 pengelompokan hidangan yang disajikan pada kesempatan khusus, yaitu makanan pokok antara lain nasi, hidangan lauk pauk berupa telur dadar, ayam goreng. Hidangan sayuran antara lain jangan benguk, jangan kentang. Sedap-sedapan yang terbagi menjadi jajanan telesan berupa pepes, pasung, jenang abang, apem, juadah, tetelan dan jajanan garingan seperti matari

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Sabrina Nuraisyah ◽  
Risma Delima Harahap ◽  
Dahrul Aman Harahap

The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of internet media on students' learning interests in State Senior High School 2 South Rantau during Covid-19. Internet media has a very important role to foster students' learning interest during COVID-19. This research is qualitative descriptive research where the data source of this research is students. The tools used in collecting data are questionnaires and documentation. The sampling techniques used in this research are purposive. Samples from this study were students of grade XII Science-1 and XII Science-2, each class of 32 students. The results of the poll for learning interests showed that the utilization of internet media is in a high category of 52.3%. Interest in utilizing internet media to learn is in a very less supportive category of 32.5%. Students' desire to learn was in the less good category of 8.7%. Student involvement in learning is in a very supportive category of 6.5%. The results of this study show that there is a positive and negative impact of internet media on students' learning interests

Novita Nurul Aini ◽  
Mohammad Mukhlis

One of the studen learning goals mathematics is mathematical reasoning for outcomes training student to solve the problems. One of the problems faced by students is word questions. There are several students responses in dealing with word question which is known as Adversity Quotient. This research aims to describe the students' problem solving skills in system of three-variable linear equations subject based on Polya's theory in terms of Adversity Quotient. This is a qualitative descriptive research with three subjects of students class X IPA 1 SMAN Arjasa Jember, there are one climber student, one camper student and one quitter student. These subjects took purposive sampling with consideration according to the results of questionnaire scores that meet each of the criteria of Adversity Quotient. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires, tests, interviews and observations. The validity test used is technical triangulation. Data analyzed through data condensation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that student with the type of climber was able to meet all the indicators of problem solving in the problem of the word questions which included indicators of understanding the problem, planning the solution, carrying out the plan of solving and re-checking. Camper type student met all indicators of problem solving except at the re-checking stage. Quitter type student in completing word questions met the stage of understanding the problem and planning the solution, while the stage of carrying out the plan and re-checking is not fulfilled by the quitter student.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Qurrotul Ainin Sholikhah ◽  
Himatul Aliyah

Abstract. This research was conducted to determine the urgency of Dawud fasting for women from a physio-psychological perspective. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research, by making direct observations or observations. The target of this study is to determine the urgency of Dawud fasting in women from the perspective of physio-psychology and Sufism for students of the Jagad Alimussirry Islamic boarding school. The data collection technique was carried out by means of interview and literature review. Meanwhile, for data analysis, the  researcher used an interactive model from Miles and Huberman and to test the validity of the data,the researcher  used Triangulation technique. The results obtained that the habit of Dawud Sunnah fasting for women could make them accustomed to be able to introspect (muhasabah) their own mistakes, be patient and sincere, motivate oneself to think positively and optimistically, be empathetic towards others and adapt well to the environment. Dawud fasting is very important and suitable for the fair sex. By not leaving Lillahita'ala's intention to worship, it will automatically train a variety of things that can guide a women in facing every problems in their life as well as making a women special not only physically but also psychologically and spiritually.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Yesi Nurmaliza ◽  
Edy Susanto ◽  
Diah Selviani

ABSTRACT Vocational High School (SMK) S 8 Grakarsa Bengkulu which is located on Jl. Adam Malik Km 8, Kel. Sido Mulyo, Kec. Gading Cempaka, Bengkulu City. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The data collection technique in this study was by means of Observation, Interview, Questionnaire and Documentation, when teaching students the teacher went through (3) stages, namely the initial, core and closing stages of using learning media, knowing the concept of learning media, who used learning media, the stages of making learning media and internal and external factors that were found when video-based learning media were applied, in the implementation of learning in the room, students were seen to be active and enthusiastic in participating in learning because the teacher used video-based media by sending videos via android with an attractive display and media on when learning takes place, so that learning is interesting and good.

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