scholarly journals Sistem Perancangan Web Penjualan Material Bangunan Pada PT Bangun Tiara Teknik

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-118
Bani Siregar ◽  
Firstianty Wahyuhening Fibriany

Web-based information systems technology is one of the media information that is efficient and effective in the dissemination of information that can be accessed by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Currently, many companies are already making use of web-based information systems technology to help his efforts in promoting his company, to introduce its product, getting consumers more, making transactions faster and provide satisfying service for consumers. PT. Bangun Tiara Teknik is a company engaged in the field of building materials. Sales system that exists today of PT. Bangun Tiara Teknik is still done manually, where starting from the process of supply of goods, the ordering of merchandise, the deals, the creation of shipping documents, to reporting, so it takes a lot of time and in create a document and are still often goes wrong in terms of record keeping and input data by the sales section. The results of the design of this web-based information system is the best solution to solve the problem. Error logging orders can be minimized and reporting can be done appropriately.  Therefore, the authors are interested in making the design of information system of sales with web-based  at PT Bangun Tiara Teknik. With web-based computerized system allows the addition of a number of consumers to purchase the desired product, consumer satisfaction against the speed and accuracy of orders as well as reporting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Syaidina Nurfi

Abstrak: Kini perkembangan teknologi menjadi semakin pesat begitupun sistem informasi yang berfungsi untuk menjalankan berbagai kegiatan dalam sebuah perusahaan. Penggunaan teknologi yang semakin maju dapat membantu sebuah perusahaan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih cepat, tepat, dan efisien. CV. Putra Karya Baja adalah sebuah industri untuk konstruksi menggunakan besi baja dan bahan bangunan. Sistem informasi dan manajemen data untuk inventori produk di CV. Putra Karya Baja masih dilakukan secara manual, mulai dari pencatatan produk yang masuk dan produk yang keluar serta pembuatan laporan, sehingga terjadi penumpukan berkas, memungkinkan terjadi kesalahan dalam pengolahan data, sulit untuk memantau stok barang dan menghambat pemberian informasi stok barang. Dengan begitu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu perlu dibuat sebuah sistem informasi mengenai inventori barang berbasis website dengan metode waterfall sebagai langkah dalam mengembangkan sistem di mana terdiri dari identifikasi untuk kebutuhan, desain pada sistem, penerapan dan pengujian, dengan pemrograman menggunakan PHP dan MySQL sebagai databasenya. Sistem inventori untuk barang bisa dilakukan pengaksesan oleh admin. Admin dapat menambah data, menghapus data, mencari data, dan merubah data. Sedangkan user hanya dapat melihat pelaporan barang, customer, transaksi barang, dan mengubah password. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu Sistem Informasi Inventori Barang pada CV. Putra Karya Baja Berbasis Web. Dengan tersedianya sistem ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah manajemen data dan pembuatan laporan menjadi lebih akurat.   Kata kunci: inventori barang, metode waterfall, sistem informasi.   Abstract: Now the development of technology is becoming increasingly rapid as well as information systems that function to carry out various activities within a company. The use of increasingly advanced technology can help a company get information more quickly, precisely, and efficiently. CV. Putra Karya Baja is an industry for construction using steel and building materials. Information systems and data management for product inventory at CV. Putra Karya Baja is still done manually, starting from recording incoming and outgoing products and making reports, resulting in accumulation of files, allowing errors in data processing, difficulties in monitoring stock items, and hindering the provision of stock information. That way the solution to overcome these problems is that it is necessary to create an information system regarding website-based inventory with the waterfall method as a step in developing a system which consists of identification for needs, design on the system, application and testing, by programming using PHP and MySQL as the database. The admin can access the inventory system for goods. Admin can add data, delete data, search data, and change data. Meanwhile, users can only view the reporting of goods, customers, goods transactions, and change passwords. The results obtained are the Goods Inventory Information System at CV. Putra Karya Baja Web-Based. With the availability of this system, it is hoped that it can simplify data management and make reports more accurate.   Keywords: the inventory of product, waterfall method, information system.

2019 ◽  
intan rahmayuni

Writing this article aims to find out how employees respond to web-based management information systems carried out by organizations or companies. Website-based Management Information System is a system that stores all information that will be needed by a company or organization, as a support for the success of employee work to be more effective and efficient, and helps a leader or manager in making decisions. And what is meant by employee performance is the ability and effort of an employee who will be measured from his work. With this Website-based Management Information System, it is expected to make it easier for employees to obtain information quickly and precisely.

Tito Budi Raharto ◽  
Teuku Muhammad Fawaati ◽  
Oktavia Nilasari

Libraries are part of the learning resources that should be owned by every school or college. Because learners easily find the information or knowledge through library. With the development of technology make people think to be able to work more effectively and efficiently. One of them is to make the conventional system to a computerized system. The website by utilizing the facilities connected to the internet. libraries can be more effective and efficient in searching and ordering books. In this research, I have designed a web-based information systems using programming languages PHP MySQL. With this system, is expected to address the various needs of the user to search for books and book as well as facilitate the administration in the circulation of borrowing books and preparing reports. From the research that has been conducted on these results the authors implement in Designing Library Information System Web-Based in Lampung Provicial Library.

Edy Susena ◽  
Edy Susanto ◽  
Dwi Iskandar ◽  
Muhamad Handi Stiawan

CV Galerindo Nusantara company still uses manual methods in the recruitment process, namely prospective employees must come to the company to apply for work and still use paper so that companies need a computerized system that can facilitate employee recruitment activities. Based on these problems the authors seek solutions to make it easier for companies to overcome these problems. In developing this system, the author uses the waterfall method, namely the work of a system that is carried out sequentially or linearly. The results of the web-based employee recruitment information system at CV Galerindo Nusantara which was created by the author are to produce a system that can make it easier for prospective employees and companies to carry out computerized employee recruitment activities as well as time efficiency and make it easier for prospective employees to access information systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Ari Febrianto ◽  
Popon Handayani

The development of the world's auto industry that is very significant, promoted demand for spare parts and fitting services. In improving the performance of a company can take advantage of science and information technology. To date CV. The lasting success of this Triumphant doing marketing and promotion with the conventional way i.e. waiting for buyers or service users come in and out of the mouth to the mouth, it needs a breakthrough promotions and delivery information more effectively and efficiently. In the system of bookkeeping results in sales of products and services still use the system manually, that is only written in the great book. In this case the company workshop lathe takes innovation to change the bookkeeping systems still using manual systems into a computerized system for fast and accurate results. Based on the foregoing, required a data processing information system design and means of promotion in the workshop, then writers interested in creating a system of web-based services lathe using the programming language PHP and MySQL with the waterfall method for CV. Successful Perennial Jaya so that later the party workshop will be able to easily do the promotion and inputting data 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Pudji Widodo ◽  
Khasanah Arum Wijayanti

Today's information technology has developed very quickly. A fast, precise and accurate information system is needed now. CV. Mulya Jaya is a company engaged in the sale of building iron. During this time, employees are still having trouble making notes and sales reports that are still done manually. Therefore CV. Mulya Jaya really needs an information system that can help to simplify the process of making notes and sales reports.For this reason the researcher tries to make the Final Project on Designing Web-Based Iron Sales Information System on CV. Mulya Jaya Yogyakarta, which until now has not been computerized. Administration system CV. Mulya Jaya is currently still done manually. It is possible that there was an error during the process of making notes and sales reports. Design of Web-Based Iron Sales Information System in CV. Mulya Jaya Yogyakarta is one of the right and best solutions to solve a problem that exists in this company, and with a computerized system can achieve an appropriate, fast and accurate activity in supporting activities in this company.Keyword: Design, System, Information, Sales, Iron.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-95
T Pradita ◽  
A Mubarok

The development of services has developed into the internet media, to make it easier for customers and employees in managing a job. In the problem of Lucky Photo, which covers services including printing, sales, stock of goods, purchases, and reports are not effective properly. The researcher aims to develop a service system entitled Service Information Systems at Lucky Photo. By building a web-based application, a waterfall method is needed to become a benchmark for the creation of a service information system, so the results will be obtained on a web-based application system to demand progress in a company, including services that become easier, easier customer service in conduct transactions, generate reports, and process customer data. So it can be concluded that with the construction of a new Service Information System it will be easier to make transactions, make it easier for customers, create reports, and process customer data that is embedded in the Mysql database which will become a well-systemized report.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-82
Ahmad Fauzi ◽  
Dewi Wulandari

Abstract: In this era of globalization, information technology is speeding up. In managing the information required good technology because the information has a greatvalue for a company. And computer technology today with its increasingly sophisticated processing speed has enabled the development of computer-based information systems. Problems that exist in Kauman Apothecary is about the data processing that is still done manually, ranging from the admission process of incoming drugs, drugs out, often the absence of matching stock between the data with the original drug, as well as in making reports that still use microsoft excel. The design of the system is described by UML modeling, drug sales information system on web-based pharmacy kauman intranet this is the best solution, can improve the quality of data processing drugs in pharmacies kauman. And with the creation of this information system, can help simplify data processing moreleverage, while keeping data safe and minimize the data kerangkapan. The design of web-based drug sales information system is made using PHP and MySQL.Keywords: Information System, Sales, Kauman PharmacyAbstrak: Dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, teknologi informasi melaju dengan cepatnya.Dalam mengelola informasi dibutuhkan teknologi yang baik karena informasi mempunyai nilai yang besar bagi suatu perusahaan. Dan teknologi komputer sekarang ini dengan kecepatan prosesnya yang semakin canggih telah memungkinkan pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis komputer. Masalah yang ada pada Apotek Kauman yaitu mengenai pengolahan data-datanya yang masih dilakukan secara manual, mulai dari proses penerimaan obat masuk, obat keluar, sering tidak adanya kecocokan stok antara data dengan obat aslinya, serta dalam membuat laporan yang masih menggunakan microsoft excel. Perancangan sistem digambarkan dengan pemodelan UML, sistem informasi penjualan obat pada apotek kauman berbasis web intranet ini merupakan solusi yang terbaik, dapat meningkatkan kualitas pengolahan data obat di apotek kauman. Dan dengan dibuatnya sistem informasi ini, dapat membantu mempermudah pengolahan data lebih maksimal, sekaligus menjaga data tetap aman dan meminimalisir adanya kerangkapan data. Perancangan sistem informasi penjualan obat berbasis web ini dibuat menggunakan PHP dan MySQLKata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Penjualan, Apotek Kauman.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-99
Sutejo Sutejo

Abstrak- Dunia sistem informasi terdapat banyak model sistem informasi, kaitan pasar dengan sistem informasi geografis adalah untuk memberikan berbagai macam informasi, terutama letak geografis pasar tersebut. Pentingnya informasi ini memberi banyak inspirasi terhadap pembuat model untuk merancang sistem-sistem yang mendekati dunia nyata. Model sistem informasi juga diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai alat prediksi kejadian di masa depan dengan mendasarkan pada data yang ada pada masa lalu dan masa sekarang. Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) ini di rancang untuk mengumpulkan data, meyimpan dan mengubah data, serta menganalisis objek beserta data geografis yang bersifat penting untuk di analisis. GIS yang disajikan dengan berbasis web pada perancangan ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat pemberian informasi kepada masyarakat luas. Hasil penelitian dengan pemodelan UML (Unified Modelling Language) sangat membantu dalam proses perancangan sebuah sistem informasi geografis pasar tradisional serta aplikasi sistem informasi geografis pasar tradisional berbasis web ini dapat digunakan sebagai sarana informasi pasar, khususnya bagi para calon pedagang yang ingin berdagang di salah satu pasar tradisional yang ada di Kota Pekanbaru. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi Geografis, Web, Pasar Tradisional, Pemodelan, UML. Abstract- The world of information systems provides many models of information systems, the link of market with a geographic information system is to provide various kinds of information, specially the geographical markets. The importance of this information gives a lot of inspiration for the model makers to design systems that approximates the real world. Model of information system is also expected to be used as predictors of future events by basing on the existing data on past and present. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is designed to collect data, store and modify data, and analyzing object along with geographic data which is important for analysis. GIS is presented with a web based on this design can also be used as a tool to provide information to the general public. The results of research by modeling UML (Unified Modeling Language) is very helpful in the process of designing a geographic information system of traditional markets as well as the application of geographic information system web-based traditional market can be used as a means of market information, especially for potential traders who want to trade in one of the traditional markets in the city of Pekanbaru. Keywords: Geographic Information Systems, Web, Traditional Market, Modeling, UML.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 18-27
Fajaria Nur Aini ◽  
Melyana Nurul Widyawati ◽  
Bedjo Santoso

This study aims to produce a preeclampsia diagnostic system online and to determine the difference in the speed of time required to diagnose preeclampsia using a web-based information system with a manual system. This research method is to arrange a framework with a quasi experimental research design with a post test only with control group. This research was conducted at the Community Health Center. The results showed that the majority of respondents were healthy pregnant women namely in the intervention group of 20 pregnant women (30.30%) and in the control group of 15 pregnant women (22.73%). The smallest number of diagnoses is in the case of superimposed preeclampsia. Web-based information systems are also able to increase diagnostic speeds to 7.21%. Statistical test results using the Independent T-Test obtained a P-value of 0.041 <0.05 (α). Conclusion, there is a difference in the time of diagnosis of preeclampsia using a web-based information system with a manual system.   Keywords: Diagnosis, Preeclampsia, Information Systems, Web

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