Specific functions of the concept of game activity in physical education of children in children

V. Pasichnyk ◽  
M. Pityn ◽  
V. Zgoba ◽  
V. Pasichnyk ◽  
O. Kolobych ◽  

In preschool age there is a formation of the child's personality, the formation of his physical and spiritual culture - the basis of harmonious development, as the beauty of the human soul and healthy body. Today, one of the main tasks of improving preschool education is to raise a harmoniously developed, perfect, healthy child, able to fully realize their spiritual, physical, intellectual and moral capabilities. An important area of ​​physical education of preschool children is the use of various forms and tools for their harmonious development, among which an important place is given to play activities Purpose: to characterize the specific functions of the concept of play activities in the physical education of preschool children. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature sources, induction and deduction, abstraction, comparison, classification and systematization. Results: specific functions are indicated as a certain category of system approach. It is represented by independent properties and has the purpose of describing the system of game activity within the physical education, which should be carried out to achieve the generalized goal. The group of specific functions of the concept of play activity in physical education includes the competence, interdependence, effectiveness and density, which are largely implemented by the author's concept and justified by us and implemented depending on the specifics of play in the relevant group of educational institutions. The fundamental changes taking place in the modern cultural and educational space, social demands and needs confirm the idea of the priority of childhood as the most responsible period of personality development. It is in preschool age that the formation of a child's personality takes place, the formation of his physical and spiritual culture - the basis of harmonious development, as the beauty of the human soul and a healthy body.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-21 ◽  
G.G. Kravtsov ◽  
E.E. Kravtsova

In the article, developing preschool education is considered in the logic of game activity. The authors followed L.S. Vygotsky is considered an imaginary situation as the criterion for the game and distinguishes two-positional nature as its essential characteristic. The article proves that the game in cultural-historical psychology has characteristics similar to the zone of proximal development. Developing preschool education is considered from the point of view of creating conditions for the formation and development of bi-subjectivity. According to the authors, developing preschool education should solve three problems - the task of forming psychological readiness for playing activity, the task of learning the game, and the task of using the game as a learning tool. There are two patterns that determine the developmental nature of learning at preschool age - this is the creation of situations in which the child should realize a strong-willed effort and purposeful development of a central psychological neoplasm.

Nataliia Otroshchenko ◽  

The article emphasizes that the child's readiness for school is one of the most important tasks of education and upbringing of preschool children, its solution in conjunction with other tasks of preschool education allows to ensure the holistic harmonious development of children of this age. Older preschool age is characterized as a stage of mental development of children from 5 to 7 years. The leading type of activity is play, and the central formation is the acceptance of the inner position of the student. The indicators of preparation for school of older preschool children are generalized, we classify them into the main types of components of readiness for school, which include physical, intellectual and psychological (personal) readiness, the latter is also divided into communicative, emotional and motivational. It is summarized that these indicators are the main ones during the selection of children for school, their psychodiagnostic examination; determine the level of readiness of the child and allow to plan the prospects of children's development in the future, as well as opportunities for their socio-psychological adaptation in school.

Viktoriya Pasichnyk ◽  
Maryan Pityn ◽  
Ivan Hlukhov ◽  
Kateryna Drobot

Child-centered education seeks to purposefully use play activities in the educational process, as it creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort for preschool children, and due to its natural qualities, this phenomenon is endowed with great pedagogical potential that promotes the development of physical, mental, social, spiritual personality. Purpose of the article: characterize the backbone functions of the concept of playfulness in the physical education of children of the preschool age. Methods of preliminaries: theoretical analysis and publicity of literary sources, induction and deduction, abstract, interpretation, classification and systematization. Result: the day is visibly the day and the day of the playfulness in the educational process of everyday life to the foundation of preschool education. The function is assigned as a category of the system approach. Vona is represented by independent authorities and their assigned descriptions of the system of gaming activity at the boundaries of physical education to the foundation of preschool education, which is guilty of working for the achievement of public awareness. Prior to the group of foreign functions of the concept of game performance at the basis of physical development of the preschool education, it was introduced, which is an attribute of belonging, proponated by us on audio looks, and the value of the Up to the whole group of functions, the development, entertaining, communication, diagnostics, correction and socialization have been obtained.

2020 ◽  
pp. 158-160
Салтанат Кошалиева

Аннотация: Бул макалада мектеп жашына чейинки балдардын ден соолугун чыңдоодо оюн технологиясын пайдалануунун өзгөчөлүктөрү талкууланат. Метепке чейинки курак баланын дене-бой жана психикалык ден соолугунун пайдубалын түптөөнүн чечүүчү этабы болуп саналат. Бул мезгилде органдардын ургаалдуу өнүгүшү жана организмдин функциялык системасынын калыптанышы жүрүүдө. Акыркы жылдары мектепке чейинки балдардын ден соолугунун начарлаганы туруктуу тенденцияга айланып, оорулуу балдардын саны көбөйүүдө. Мектеп жашына чейинки балдардын психикалык жана сүйлөө жөндөмдөрүн оюн аркылуу жакшыртып, жаңы механизмдерин иштеп чыгуу жагы каралган. Бала бакчанын негизги милдети - баланы өз алдынча жашоого даярдоо, жакшы адаттарга багыттоо менен тарбиялоо иши макалада каралган. Түйүндүү сөздөр: Ден соолук, бала бакчада, дене тарбия, элдик оюндар, тарбиялоо, ден соолукту чыңдоо, иш пландар, жаш муундар, коюлган талаптар, педагогикалык шарттар. Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются особенности использования игровых технологий в оздоровлении дошкольников. Дошкольный возраст является решающим этапом в формировании фундамента физического и психического здоровья ребенка. В этот период идет интенсивное развитие органов и становление функциональных систем организма. Наметившаяся в последние годы устойчивая тенденция ухудшения здоровья дошкольников, увеличение количества детей с нарушениями психического и речевого развития, диктует необходимость поиска механизмов, позволяющая изменить эту ситуацию. Основная задача детского сада - подготовить ребенка к самостоятельной жизни, дав ему для этого необходимые умения, навыки, воспитав определенные привычки. Сегодня в дошкольных учреждениях уделяется большое внимание здоровье сберегающим технологиям, которые направлены на решение самой главной задачидошкольного образования – сохранить, поддержать и обогатить здоровье детей. Ключевые слова: Здоровье, детский сад, физическое воспитание, народные подвижные игры, физические упражнения, общеобразовательная школа, учащиеся, воспитание, оздоровление, подрастающее поколение, предъявляемые требования, педагогические условия, теория и практика физического воспитания, подвижные игры. Abstract: This article discusses the features of the use of game technologies in the rehabilitation of preschoolers. Preschool age is a crucial stage in the formation of the Foundation of physical and mental health of the child. During this period there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. The steady tendency of deterioration of health of preschool children outlined in recent years, increase in number of children with violations of mental and speech development, dictates need of search of the mechanisms allowing to change this situation. The main task of the kindergarten is to prepare the child for independent life, giving him the necessary skills, bringing up certain habits. Today, preschool institutions pay great attention to health-saving technologies, which are aimed at solving the most important task of preschool education – to preserve, support and enrich the health of children. Key words: Health, kindergarten, physical education, folk outdoor games, physical exercises, secondary school, students, education, rehabilitation, the younger generation, the requirements, pedagogical conditions, theory and practice of physical education, out-door games.

Daniela Buciu ◽  

The problem of prophylaxis of various deficiencies of the skeletal bone of preschool children and first of all of the spine, as a basic pillar in their development, was and remains in the sights of specialists in the field of physical education and sports. It has been shown experimentally that the means of physical education can and must be a basic support in terms of spinal deficiencies prophylaxis, especially in children of preschool age, in this case the age of 6-7 years. It is at this age that the first symptoms occur related to the appearance of one or another spine deficiency. If no direct action is taken, with the application of specific means to eliminate or reduce the occurrence of these deficiencies, the situation may become much more serious and much more difficult to resolve. In this case, a series of means of physical education are proposed in the form of complex exercises and dynamic games, which have been used successfully in the training process of preschoolers aged 6-7. At the same time, the influence of the prophylaxis process of spinal deficiencies on the level of physical development of the contingent given by children was researched.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Pestereva T.N.

The study examines the aspect of the formation of speech in preschool children, as a unity of imitation and creativity. According to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education: «The speech development of children includes the possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; the enrichment of an active vocabulary; the development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monological speech; the development of speech creativity; the development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, understanding by ear texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for literacy training» [3]. The «Concept of Preschool education» notes that «Imagination is the basis for the active participation of a child in various types of activities. It is included in the composition of already known forms of thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative). On the basis of imagination, children develop the first manifestations of a creative attitude to reality» [4]. The article considers the views of teachers and methodologists on the speech development of preschool children. The method of speech development of preschool children is also described: the «Binomial fantasy» method. Binomial fantasies are used in two areas of the development of imagination and logic of thinking: - To generate ideas for new objects or the transformation of an existing object; - To get ideas for writing fairy-tale or fantastic stories (speech creation). The article reveals the algorithm of work according to the method, in accordance with two directions. The prospect of the research the theoretical substantiation of the unity of imitation and creativity in the formation of speech in preschool children.

Lilia Gonchar

It’s a well- known fact that beautiful and correct movements are formed in the young age. In the future on this basis it will be easy to master more complex movements and actions, including sports. Purpose of the research. On the ground of analyzed literature we are to determine the means of rhythmic gymnastics, which are aimed at the formation of movements culture and to develop the program of PT classes of 5-6 years old children in conditions of institutions of preschool education of Ukraine. Methods of the research: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, Internet resources and educational programs, and pedagogical supervision of the educational process in several preschool educational establishments and in the sport school of Olympic reserve in rhythmic gymnastics. The research results. We analyzed 6 kindergarten programs. One of the tasks is the development of the ability to correctly use the acquired motor experience in independent motor activity. In our opinion, it is the means of rhythmic gymnastics that will be effective for solving this problem. Among the variety of means of rhythmic gymnastics we offer to identify basic and auxiliary ones, as the most effective for the formation of movements culture of preschool children in conditions of preschool education. Music and motor games improve the emotional background of the lesson, aesthetic behavior of preschoolers and creative skills. Summary. So Rhythmic gymnastics exercises is a universal means for forming the culture of movements of preschoolers because this sport has aesthetic and technical components of performing exercises, namely beautiful posture, beautiful head turn, and the ability to perform movements together and gently. Prospects for further research. To develop a set of exercises for the formation of a "culture of movements" for senior preschool children with the use of means of artistic gymnastics in the conditions of preschool educational institutions.

Vitaliy Kantarzhi

Craft therapy (or ergotherapy) in a physical rehabilitation of children with musculoskeletal system disorders has a great importance both as a method of overcoming existing motor disorders and as the basis for the future successful socialization of these children. In the available literature, the issues of craft therapy use in combination with physical education of pre-schoolers in various institutions of preschool education are insufficiently and non-systematically covered. This makes this article relevant. The article discusses the methodological possibilities of using the author's work simulator the "Ant" for the correction of hand dysfunctions of pre-schoolers by means of physical education and craft therapy. The main technical characteristics of the simulator and the features of its manufacture are presented. The characteristics of the "Ant" versatility and its multifunctionality are given, which ensures the success of its use in a kindergarten of any kind. The properties of the "Ant" stand for improving the psychophysical development of pre-schoolers are listed. The formulated methods of using the “Ant” simulator and the methodological techniques for correcting the main hand functions of the pre-schoolers (tested in the process of the ascertaining experiment) have a particular value. The main methods included the ones as follows: game stimulation, objectivity (subject-manipulative activity), instrumental logic, hand-eye coordination, an individually differentiated approach to the correction of hand disorders of children by means of physical education and craft therapy. Each of the listed methods includes a number of methodological techniques that increase the effectiveness of corrective instrumental-subject manipulations. The prospects of further research in this area are seen in the elaboration of new work simulators for preschool children suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system alongside the creation of the necessary methodological support for their effective use.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 289-297
Margarita Levkova ◽  
Alina Misjura ◽  
Evgeny Gusinets ◽  
Margarita Levkova ◽  

Physical education is the main objective of physical education in preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. This is an integral part of the successful improvement of a diversified personality, both in the field of physical culture and in the connection with other areas of life. In this regard, the issue of increasing the level of formation of physical education knowledge, an integral part of the cognitive component of personal physical education, is currently very relevant in the education system at all its levels. The modern system of preschool and general secondary education in the field of physical education is aimed at creating knowledge and ideas about physical culture among pupils as a part of the general human culture, revealing and developing child’s physical abilities and, in general, increasing pupils’ interest in sports. Currently, new views and theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of physical education of preschoolers are emerging. Many experts in this field believe that it is possible to form an interest in physical culture in special conditions of kindergarten or out-of-school visits to sports sections. Other researchers see a solution to this problem in increasing the number of physical education classes or in educating the physical culture of the individual in a home environment. However, there is no generally accepted position in this regard. Purpose: to determine the physical needs, motives and values for physical culture of elementary schoolchildren attending day-care centers. Materials and methods: the organization of the study is represented by conducting a diagnostic questionnaire through test tasks developed by the authors, compiled taking into account the age characteristics of older preschool children on the basis of the Preschool Center for the Development of a Child in Chechersk. Results: the results of the study revealed the general level of formation of the cognitive component of personal physical education of older preschool children, as well as the most learned types of five basic physical education knowledge in boys and girls of preschool age: about physical exercise, health, personal hygiene, physical opportunities, the Olympic movement. Girls were found to have a higher overall level of physical education than boys in testing physical capabilities and the Olympic knowledge. Conclusion: without a balanced system of physical education knowledge a child cannot be an active and interested participant in physical education. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, it is very important for a teacher to understand not only the structure and content of this most important component of personal physical culture, to know the mechanisms for its formation, but also to possess the method of its diagnosis. Keywords: cognitive component; senior preschoolers; physical education knowledge; personal physical education; physical culture of the individual; physical education environment; physical education thinking.

L. I. Khasanova ◽  
S. I. Petrova

The paper discusses the issues of teaching nationality languages of Russia to preschool children, taking the Udmurt language and culture as an example. The relevance of the study is dermined by the scientific data according to which ethnic stereotypes in behaviour are formed most intensively in preschool age. Getting acquainted with new cultures and languages is particularly important for preschool education in multinational regions as it prevents the development of ethnocentric personalities. The paper aimed at a detailed analysis of the didactic and substantive content of the educational programme “Zarni bugor” (“Golden ball”) (hereinafter referred as the Programme) with the elements of teaching the Udmurt language to children from 4 to 7; the Programme is to be realised within three years in the Russian group of kindergarten № 5 in the town of Agryz, Republic of Tatarstan. The novelty of the Programme lies in introducing the Udmurt language (along with Tatar and Russian) into the educational process of the kindergarten. The research methods are theoretical (the study of academic literature on the problems of intercultural education in a multi-ethnic region) and empirical (observation and behavioral analysis of preschoolers). The system of exercises included into the Programme, its content, the forms and methods of teaching preschoolers present a consistant didactic material for teaching the Udmurt language and culture in this age group. The programme is expected to provide a high level of intercultural competence corresponding to the age of children, it is supposed to arouse their interest in the Udmurt language and culture, make them open for perception of other cultures.

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