scholarly journals Peculiarities of microbiological monitoring in the pathological status of the vegina and cervix in women of reproductive age

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-167
N.P. Dzis

Vulvovaginal and cervical infections are a risk factor of developing purulent inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, miscarriage, antenatal and intranatal infections, with frequent pathogens Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacterioides. Particular importance is given to the mix-infection as a reservoir of a large number of different potentially harmful microorganisms. The purpose of our study was to study the specific composition of microorganisms in women of reproductive age with pathological secretions from the genital tract and to determine the incidence of genitalurea / mycoplasmosis. 54 patients of reproductive age with complaint on itch, heartburn, excessive secretions from the non-slippery genital tract and / or with an unpleasant smell, which were repeated 2 or more times during the year after the treatment, were examined. During gynecological examination, the following diseases were detected in patients: erosion of the cervix in 8 (14.8%) patients, cervicitis in 6 (11.1%), cervical cyst in 2 (3.7%) women, leukoplakia in 3 (5,55%) of the surveyed. According to the results of bacterioscopy, bacterial vaginosis was detected in 4 (7.4%) patients, unspecified bacterial colpitis — 28 (51.8%), vaginal candidiasis — in 17 (31.5%). In cytological screening, CIN I was diagnosed in 9 (16.6%) subjects, CIN II in 4 (7.4%). Analyzing the results of the study conducted by the polymerase chain reaction of HPV-infection was found in 8 (14,8%), ureaplasma — in 14 (25,9%), mycoplasma — in 6 (11,1%) patients. Staphylococcus aureus 105 — 4 (7.4%), Staphylococcus epidermidis 103 — 1 (1.8%), E. coli 105 — 7 (12.9%), Enterococcus, were detected during bacteriological examination of vaginal and cervical extracts. Fecalis 106 — 9 (16.6%), Candida albicans 105 — 6 (11.1%), Clebsiela 106 — 3 (5.5%), Gardnerella vaginalis 107 —11 (20.3%), Streptococcus 106 — 5 (9.2%). Thus, diagnosed high percentage (22.2%) ureaplasmas combination with other types of conditional — pathogenic microorganisms and viruses and cervical pathology (13%), namely the combination of ureaplasma pathogenic microflora was observed in 8 (14.8%) cases of HPV — 6 (11.1%), with mycoplasma, and pathogenic microflora — 5 (9.3%) patients. In general, 35.2% of cases. Assessing the infection of reproductive age women ureaplasma and mycoplasma less with recurrent abnormal discharge from the genital tract after treatment leads to the search and introduction of modern methods of their diagnosis and treatment.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (61) ◽  
pp. 90-95
Иевлева ◽  
Nadezhda Ievleva ◽  
Пермина ◽  
Natalya Permina ◽  
Ивахнишина ◽  

Qualitative and quantitative assessment of microbes making the microbiocenosis of genital tract in women with inflammatory and proliferative diseases of cervix using Femoflor-16 test was the aim of the research. Scrapings of cervix and vaginal fornix in 100 women of reproductive age with cervicitis, vaginitis and in 31 women with cervical pseudoerosion (ectropion) were studied. The control group consisted of 35 relatively healthy women preparing for pregnancy. Cervical and vaginal dysbiosis was found in women with inflammatory diseases of cervix in 37.0% of cases, in women with pseudoerosion in 32.2% of cases. These are 3.3 (р<0.005) and 2.8 (р<0.02) times as much as in the group of healthy women preparing for pregnancy (11.1%). Dysbiosis structure was represented primarily by obligate anaerobic agents such as Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Eubacterium spp. in association with other opportunistic bacteria that are clinically most significant microorganisms colonizing female genital tract. Mycoplasma and yeast-like fungi of Candida species were found primarily with anaerobes. Aerobic and mixed dysbiosis were only found in 7% of cases in women with inflammatory diseases. Femoflor-16 test is a readily available, fast, efficient, up-to-date method enabling one to begin with early adequate antibacterial therapy and monitor it.

2017 ◽  
pp. 81-92
O.V. Romashchenko ◽  
V.M. Grygorenko ◽  
V.V. Biloholovska ◽  
L.O. Lebid ◽  

Infections of urinary tracts (IUT) occupy a priority place both in the level of their outspread and the emergence of recurrences of the disease in ambulatory and stationary practice of a doctor; they are conditioned by inflammatory process, mostly of bacterial genesis, developed in different anatomic parts of urinary system – from fascia renalis to external urethral opening and often combined with pelvic inflammatory diseases. Purpose of research: to evaluate the effectiveness of complex therapy of chronic recidivating cystitis in combination with pelvic inflammatory diseases in women of reproductive age. Materials and Methods. A complex clinical and microbiological examination of 39 women aged from 18 to 39 having chronic reccurent cystitis in combination with pelvic inflammatory diseases in the observation dynamics (before and after the course of anti-inflammatory therapy with the inclusion of Tiflox and probiotic Lactovit Forte) was carried out. Results. As a result of the carried out research the symptomatic development of chronic reccurent cystitis at the background of latent development of pelvic inflammatory diseases was established. In the etiological spectre of chronic reccurent cystitis there were more often microorganisms (mostly E.coli – 82.1%) in the monoculture of critical and high number of microbs, and in 17 (43.5%) mixt-infection was established. Concordance when establishing Chlamydia (7.7%), Mycoplasmas (5.1%), Ureaplasmas (10.3%), Candida (33.4%), and Gardnerella vaginalis (10.3%) both in the biomaterial from urethra and genitals in comparison with the spectre of clinical characteristics certified the presence of interconnection of urinary and reproductive systems, which has to be considered when conducting complex anti-inflammatory therapy. Conclusion. Treatment of chronic reccurent cystitis should be conducted considering the heaviness and level of changes in the inflammatory process both from the side of urinary and reproductive systems in a single context. Only after the clinical analysis of all factors in combination it is possible to determine the tactics of treatment of infections of urinary system in women of reproductive age with the prescription of grounded and adequate therapy. Key words: infections of lower urinary tracts, pelvic inflammatory diseases, women of reproductive age, diagnostics, treatment of acute and chronic recurrent cystitis, Tiflox, Lactovit Forte.

2016 ◽  
pp. 191-108
A.A. Sukhanova ◽  
Yu.M. Melnik ◽  
O.O. Karlova ◽  

The aim of the study: to study the efficacy and safety of use Mastofemin in the treatment of various forms of mastitis in women of reproductive age. Materials and methods. The study included 62 women of reproductive age (mean age of 33.5±2.3 years) who were screened in the Kiev city center reproductive and perinatal medicine. Women were divided into 2 groups. The first (main) group consisted of 32 patients who received the proposed treatment using herbal remedies Mastofemin 1 capsule 2 times per day for 3 months; 30 patients of the second (control) group were under observation and received no treatment. These groups were representative and homogeneous on age, clinical symptoms and sonographic characteristics. The clinical method included evaluation of complaints of patients, anamnesis, presence of concomitant gynecologic pathology, inspection, palpation of the lymph nodes and the breast and obtaining a discharge from the nipples to conduct cytological examination, which allowed excluding from the study women with suspected malignancy of the process. All the patients were performed ultrasound examination of the breast. The review was supplemented with vaginal gynecological examination and ultrasound examination of small pelvis organs to assess the condition of the uterus and its appendages, the diagnosis of gynecological diseases. Results. Summarizing obtained in this study results one should stress the positive long-term effect of applying Mastofemin for the treatment of proliferative changes of the breast in women of reproductive age. This is manifested by a decrease in the intensity of clinical signs of mastitis, consistent with the results of sonographic control. Established positive dynamics in the treatment of cystic mastitis, dectective and when combined cystic mastopathy with dectective. In the control group of patients for a given observation period (6 months) no significant changes in clinical signs of mastitis and sonographic characteristics. Regression of disease has not occurred in any of the patients, in 2 patients increased sensitivity of the breast after 6 months moved to the soreness. Sonographic characteristics of mastitis during the observation period did not change. Thus, the use of Mastofemin aimed at pathogenetic treatment of mastitis and prevention of breast cancer. Conclusion. Application of Mastofemin during the treatment of mastitis in women of reproductive age significantly improves the clinical condition of patients; reduce the subjective and objective symptoms of the disease. The positive effect of the treatment with Mastofemin proved in the case of the treatment of sonographic following forms of mastitis: cystic mastopathy, cystic mastopathy with dectectasy. Mastofemin may be the drug of choice for complex conservative monotherapy in women of reproductive age with proliferative changes in the breast, and can also be used as part of complex treatment in patients with diffuse changes of the breast when combined with hyperplastic processes of the myometrium and endometrium. Keywords: mastopathy, breast gland, herbal medicine, herbal remedies, Mastofemin.

2016 ◽  
pp. 85-89
О. Shapoval ◽  

The objective: to study the prevalence of ovarian endometriosis in women of reproductive age, the features of clinical and ultrasound picture of endometriosis. Patients and methods. The study involved 22 patients with endometriomas, the control group – 50 women gynecological and somatically healthy. Results. The incidence of ovarian endometriomas in the structure of benign tumor-like formations of ovaries is 0.62%. In 72.73% of ovarian endometriomas occur on a background of concomitant gynecological pathology. Clinically, in 77.27% of cases there is a pain syndrome, in 59.09% – algomenorrhea, in 13.64% – infertility; 18.18% of cases endometriomas remain «dumb» and proceed with the erased clinical picture. Sonologically in patients with endometriomas adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia, changes in the contralateral ovary are determined. Conclusion. Without additional methods of diagnostic gynecological examination may identify the 3 cm tumor-like formation of the ovary with different characteristics, which does not allow to differentiate endometrioma from inflammation, functional and ovarian tumors. Ultrasound can diagnose pathological ovarian formation of 1 cm, detailing the nature of the cyst. Key words: endometriosis, reproductive age, retrospective analysis, ultrasound.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Lia Artika Sari ◽  
Enny Susilawati

ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian yang paling utama di dunia, sekitar 40 wanita tiap harinya terdiagnosa kanker leher rahim. Kanker leher rahim disebabkan oleh virus HPV, infeksi HPV sendiri sering kali tidak menimbulkan gejala. Desa Suka Maju merupakan salah satu desa yang terdapat di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dan mempunyai jumlah wanita usia subur berjumlah 820 orang, namun hanya 17,11% wanita usia subur yang baru memanfaatkan pelayanan IVA.Metode: Dengan memberikan penyuluhan kepada wanita usia subur dengan (WUS) sebanyak 40 orang, dan diberikan pre dan post test untuk mengevaluasi pengetahuan wanita usia subur mengenai pemeriksaan IVA Hasil: terjadi kenaikan pengetahuan wanita usia subur di Desa Sukamaju sebesar 87,5%.Kesimpulan: Penyuluhan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan wanita usia subur terhadap pentingnya pemeriksaan IVA. ABSTRACT Background: Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the world. About 40 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every day. Cervical cancer is caused by the HPV virus, HPV infection itself often causes no symptoms. Suka Maju Village is one of the villages in Muaro Jambi Regency that has 820 women of childbearing age, but only 17.11% of women of childbearing age have just used IVA services.Methods: employed in community service was to provide counseling to women of reproductive age with (WUS) as 40 women, and then given pre and posttests to evaluate the knowledge of women of childbearing age After being given counseling on IVA examinations. In brief,Result: There was an increase in the knowledge of women of childbearing age in Sukamaju Village by 87.5 %. Conclusion: Health education can increasedthe knowledge of women of childbearing age on the importance of IVA Chencking

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Natalya Drohomyretska

Hemomicrocirculatory system – is a complex structure that reacts in every pathological process even before the clinical period and takes the first blow. The study of microhemocirculation will provide an opportunity to solve the important for practical medicine questions of pathogenesis of many diseases, as for the prevention and treatment of regional disorders of blood circulation.The objective of the research is to study the state of the hemomicrocirculatory bed (HMCB) of adventitia of varicose veins of the small pelvis (VVSP) in women with chronic inflammatory processes of the organs of the small pelvis (CIPOSP).Materials and methods of research. To evaluate the restructuring of the HMCB of adventitia of VVSP, the operating material of 12 women of reproductive age was used. Mainly, there were pieces of the ovarian vein. The study of the HMCB in the vein wall was performed by the non-injecting method of silver impregnation according to V.V. Kupriyanov. To standardize the results, the condition of the HMCB of adventitia of the venous wall in norm was studied in 5 women of reproductive age, who died as a result of various traumas.Results of the research. After the performed studies, the structural-morphological changes of the HMCB of the adventitia of the small pelvis veins were revealed. The dilation of capillaries, postcapillaries, postcapillary venules was observed. The diameter of the vessels of the HMCB of the ovarian vein adventitia was: venule – 94.21 ± 1.38 μM in comparison with the norm – 48.78 ± 1.60 μM (p<0.001); post-capillary venules – 46.76 ± 1.04 μM in comparison with the norm – 28.29 ± 1.1.01 μM (p<0.001); the capillaries were 11.22 ± 0.14 μM in comparison with the norm – 8.24 ± 0.16 μM (p<0.05), arterioles – 29.02 ± 0.76 μM in comparison with the norm – 25.19 ± 1.15 μM (p<0.01). The architectonics of the arterioles is almost unchanged. Lumen of venules is filled with formed elements. The structure of capillaries is polymorphic. The capillary net was localized and concentrated or was formed as a thick planar net, the capillaries were expanded. There were arterio-venulous anastomoses. Endothelial nuclei are shortened. In some preparations, the diameter of the arterioles corresponded to the diameter of the collection venules.  Conclusions:1. The first discovered by us changes in HMCB of adventitia of varicose veins of the small pelvis in women with CIPOSP can be one of the pathogenetic links of the development and progression of the varicose vein itself, which in turn aggravates the course of chronic inflammation.      2. The timely appointment of drugs that improve microcirculation will enable to prevent the development of dystrophic changes in the vein wall, improve the course of chronic inflammatory processes and reduce or completely eliminate the syndrome of “chronic pelvic pain”.

2012 ◽  
Vol 140 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 469-474 ◽  
Biljana Zivaljevic ◽  
Ilija Golubovic ◽  
Jelena Seratlic ◽  
Petar Nikolic ◽  
Dusan Simic ◽  

Introduction. Uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis appears in 75% women of reproductive age. The most frequent causes are Candida albicans (85-95%) or C. glabrata, and infrequently C. krusei, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. pseudotropicalis, etc. Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate efficiency and safety of fenticonazole for vaginal candidiasis treatment. Methods. Therapeutic effect of a single 600 mg fenticonasole vaginal capsule was observed in 417 women, aged 16-67, in five centers in Serbia. In all women, before the treatment, vaginal candidiasis was confirmed by testing of vaginal smear. Based on smear findings and associated symptoms observed on the 7th and 28th day after therapy administration, treatment results were evaluated. On the next day after drug application the patients recorded by using a questionnaire their own feelings on withdrawal symptoms and possible side effects in the period prior to the first control. Results. Control after seven days showed a statistically significant decrease of symptoms. In 385 women, vaginal smear was found negative to yeast and yeast blastospores. Within the first seven days after treatment 84 women had to repeat therapy due to the persistence of symptoms or positive vaginal smear. After 28 days we recorded full recovery in 392 patients, clinical improvement in eight, no change in 16, and deterioration in one patient only. Side effects were very seldom, mostly in the form of a slight redness of the vulva and vagina, and mild itching during several days. Conclusion. Our observations confirmed good efficacy and safety of fenticonazole in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52
T.  S. Prisyazhnaya ◽  
V.   A. Mikhaylyukova ◽  
I.   V. Berlev ◽  
A.   V. Malek

Background. Infection with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the leading cause of cervical cancer and its immediate precursors – squamous intraepithelial lesions. However, the persistence of HPV may not be sufficient for the occurrence of malignant transformation, and there may be other exogenous or endogenous factors that, in combination with the virus, increase the risk of developing and progressing cervical neoplasia.Objective: identification of risk factors that modulate the course of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) in women of reproductive age.Materials and methods. In 110 women aged 18 to 45 years with a diagnosis of LSIL, we evaluated the impact of risk factors (sexual behavior, reproductive function, contraceptive methods, smoking, HPV infection) on the course of the process (recovery, persistence or progression) during the 12-month follow-up period. HPV testing was performed by real-time PCR.Results. The average age of the study participants was 31.55 ± 7.17 years. Our observations showed that frequent artificial abortions, the practice of risky sexual behavior (early sexual debut, frequent change of sexual partners) increased the risk of persistence and progression of mild cervical cytological abnormalities. The use of oral contraceptives, barrier contraception and smoking did not affect the outcome of the disease.The prevalence of HPV among women with LSIL was 70.91 % (78/110). The predominant types were HPV 16 (35.45 %), HPV 33 (12.73 %) and HPV 18 (12.73 %). HPV 16 was more common in the progression group (62.50 %) than in the regression and persistence groups (14.63 % and 43.40 %, p <0.05). Progression of neoplasias was more often observed in patients with signs of multiinfection of the cervical epithelium with HPV. Single HPV infection was higher in the group of recovered women.Conclusions. The study found that a large number of induced abortions, the practice of risky sexual behavior, the presence of HPV type 16 and multiple HPV infection are factors contributing to the persistence of LSIL and progression to HSIL. These data may be useful for the management of women with mild cervical cytological abnormalities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-57
K.A. Gasparyan ◽  
V.K. Kondratyuk ◽  
I.G. Ponomareva ◽  
K.O. Kondratyuk ◽  
N.P. Dzis ◽  

Overweight and obesity play a negative role in gynecological and obstetric practicE.In women, the frequency of infectious pathology increases against the background of metabolic disorderS.The most common form of infectious vaginitis is bacterial urogenital candidiasis, in the etiological structure of which a significant role belongs to the fungi Candida albicans, as well as Candida non-albicans: C.glabrata, C.tropicalis, C.parapsilosis, C.krusei. Associations of Candida fungi with various representatives of opportunistic microflora, such as gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic, facultative-anaerobic and obligate-anaerobic microorganisms, are often formed. As a result, numerous bacterial pathogens multiply and the number of lactobacilli, which are usually part of the bacterial flora of the vagina, is significantly reduced. In bacterial vaginosis (BV), the concentration of anaerobic pathogens Peptostreptococcus sp, Gardnerella vaginalis, Peptostreptococcus Mobiluncus sp, Mycoplasma hominis can increase 100 timeS.Activation of Atopobium vaginae and Gardnerella vaginalis, which play a “key” role in the pathogenesis of BV, has been proven. The aim of the study was to study changes in the vaginal microbiome in women with candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis in order to improve existing treatment regimenS.We examined 120 women of reproductive age with overweight and obesity. The degree of microbial contamination was determined and the maximum possible spectrum of aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microflora was detected. In women with vulvovaginal candidiasis, overweight and obesity, a high concentration (lg5.8 CFU/ml) of Candida fungi was found, and in 95% of patients two-, three- and four-component associations of Candida fungi with various representatives of conditional pathogenic microflora. Lactobacillus deficiency was found in 58.3% of patients, and their complete absence – in 10.0%. Bacteriological examination of the vaginal contents of women with vaginosis and obesity revealed significant dysbiotic disorders of the vaginal microflora, three-, four- and even five-component associations of anaerobic and facultative anaerobic microflora with a predominance of anaerobeS.A low seeding level of lactobacilli (lg2.2 CFU/ml) was established. Thus, the gram-positive anaerobic and facultative anaerobic microflora of Firmicutes have a significant share in the spectrum of vaginal microflora in overweight and obese patients, in contrast to non-obese women of reproductive agE.In women of reproductive age with vulvovaginal candidiasis and obesity, in contrast to non-obese patients, a higher frequency of fungal-bacterial associations, a higher quantitative level of vaginal contamination by Candida albicans and non-albicans with a lack or general absence of lactoflora.

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