2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Nuah Perdamenta Tarigan ◽  
Christian Siregar ◽  
Simon Mangatur Tampubolon

Justice that has not existed and is apparent among the disabilities in Indonesia is very large and spread in the archipelago is very large, making the issue of equality is a very important thing especially with the publication of the Disability Act No. 8 of 2016 at the beginning of that year. Only a few provinces that understand properly and well on open and potential issues and issues will affect other areas including the increasingly growing number of elderly people in Indonesia due to the increasing welfare of the people. The government of DKI Jakarta, including the most concerned with disability, from the beginning has set a bold step to defend things related to disability, including local governments in Solo, Bali, Makassar and several other areas. Leprosy belonging to the disability community has a very tough marginalization, the disability that arises from leprosy quite a lot, reaches ten percent more and covers the poor areas of Indonesia, such as Nusa Tenggara Timur, Papua, South Sulawesi Provinces and even East Java and West Java and Central Java Provinces. If we compare again with the ASEAN countries we also do not miss the moment in ratifying the CRPD (Convention of Rights for People with Disability) into the Law of Disability No. 8 of 2016 which, although already published but still get rejections in some sections because do not provide proper empowerment and rights equality. The struggle is long and must be continued to build equal rights in all areas, not only health and welfare but also in the right of the right to receive continuous inclusive education.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 282
Supriatin Supriatin ◽  
Bambang Soedijono Wiraatmadja ◽  
Emha Taufiq Luthfi

Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat (yang selanjutnya disebut BLSM) adalah kompensasi yang diberikan pemerintah kepada orang miskin guna mengurangi beban ekonomi yang semakin menekan kehidupan mereka, sebagai akibat naiknya harga BBM yang membawa dampak membubungnya harga kebutuhan pokok. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya kasus yang menyatakan bahwa penyaluran BLSM tidak tepat sasaran, ada BLSM yang diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat tidak mampu secara ekonomi, namun terkadang masih ada masyarakat kaya yang juga menerimanya khususnya di kabupaten Indramayu, hal tersebut menyulitkan pihak penyeleksi dalam mengadakan penyeleksian calon penerima dana BLSM ini untuk itu dibuat sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan penerima BLSM di kabupaten Indramayu dengan menggunakan metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Memberikan usulan untuk prioritas penerima BLSM agar tepat sasaran dan dapat membantu pemerintah kabupaten indramayu dalam pengambilan keputusan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan menggunakan metode AHP, maka dapat dihasilkan suatu alternatif pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan penerima BLSM yang efektif yang dapat menyaring 39% masyarakat yang seharusnya tidak mendapatkan BLSM.Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat (BLSM) is the compensation given by the government to the poor in order to reduce the economic burden of an increasingly pressing their lives, as a result of rising fuel prices impact soaring prices of basic necessities. This research is motivated by the many cases which states that the distribution BLSM not on target, there BLSM not intended for economically disadvantaged communities, but sometimes there are people who also receive particularly rich in Kabupaten Indramayu, it is difficult for the selectors to selection of recipients of funds held BLSM made to the decision support system in determining the recipient BLSM in Kabupaten Indramayu using Analytic Hierarchy Processahp (AHP) method. The purpose of this study is to provide the proposed recipient BLSM priority for the right target and can help local governments indramayu in decision making. Based on the analysis by using the method of AHP, it can produce an alternative decision-making in determining effective BLSM receiver that can filter out 39% of the people who should not get BLSM.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-182
Enny Agustina

Purpose of the study: This article aimed to analyze the implementation of the regional government and administrative sanctions in Indonesian regional regulations. Methodology: The research method used is normative legal research. The data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive technique. Main Findings: The final results showed that the type of relationship between the central and the local governments does not reduce the right of the local people to participate (freely) in the implementation of the regional government. The relationship between the central government and the regions did not diminish the rights of the people. Applications of this study: Local government sanctions and administration in Indonesian regional regulations. Novelty/Originality of this study: The task of the government is to realize the state’s objectives as formulated in the unveiling of the Constitution 1945 of the Republic of Indonesia, and this duty is a comprehensive task. This requires the regulations to direct the implementation of governance that is more in line with the expectations and needs of the community (citizen-friendly).

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-101
Suparno Suparno ◽  
Karmanis Karmanis ◽  
Alexius Sunaryo

Republic of Indonesia is a democratic country which means all matters in the country must be based on the wishes of the people. Successful democracy in a country can be judged by the implementation of direct, general, free, and secret elections. The people have the right to determine their government so that people have valuable values in a democratic country. In this study, researchers formulated the government strategy in political education as an effort to increase public participation in realizing a democratic system in Semarang City. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted in Semarang City, Central Java. The implementation of a political education by the Semarang City government has not been maximized. Based on the results of the research, the provision of information for the implementation of public political participation, especially the young age grouphas not been running optimally. Second, the Media (political parties) as an aggregation of the public interests, must be more active in building communication systems, one of which is by gathering public aspirations in public consultation forums. Third, the implementation of political activities are in various methods, such as social activities, seminars, studies, socialization and training, and coaching, those implementations are determined according to the right conditions, scheduled and routine, but do not rule out the possibility of activities adapted to existing conditions. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Betha Rahmasari

This article aims to find out the developmentidea or paradigm through village financial management based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. In this study, the researcher used a normative research methodby examining the village regulations in depth. Primary legal materials are authoritatuve legal materials in the form of laws and regulations. Village dependence is the most obvious violence against village income or financial sources. Various financial assistance from the government has made the village dependent on financial sources from the government. The use of regional development funds is intended to support activities in the management of Regional Development organizations. Therefore, development funds should be managed properly and smoothly, as well as can be used effectively to increase the people economy in the regions. This research shows that the law was made to regulate and support the development of local economic potential as well as the sustainable use of natural resources and the environment, and that the village community has the right to obtain information and monitor the planning and implementation of village development.

_______ Naveen ◽  
_____ Priti

The Right to Information Act 2005 was passed by the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) Government with a sense of pride. It flaunted the Act as a milestone in India’s democratic journey. It is five years since the RTI was passed; the performance on the implementation frontis far from perfect. Consequently, the impact on the attitude, mindset and behaviour patterns of the public authorities and the people is not as it was expected to be. Most of the people are still not aware of their newly acquired power. Among those who are aware, a major chunk either does not know how to wield it or lacks the guts and gumption to invoke the RTI. A little more stimulation by the Government, NGOs and other enlightened and empowered citizens can augment the benefits of this Act manifold. RTI will help not only in mitigating corruption in public life but also in alleviating poverty- the two monstrous maladies of India.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Zainal Asikin

This research is aimed at exploring an appropriate solution for various conflicts in land use, particularly in optimizing the utilization of the neglected land in Gili Terawangan, Lombok Island.  This solution is required to avoid potential horizontal conflicts among people, companies and government since 1993. Conflict over land in Lombok Island in general and Gili Terawangan particularly shows several factors; first, the wrong policy in the area of land (especially in tourist areas); second, the infirm attitude of the Party and the Government Land Office in the enforcement of laws; third, the jealousy of Gili Terawangan natives as cultivators; fourth, less responsibility employers (who acquire cultivating right); fifth, the absence of law protection for Gili Terawangan natives; sixth, the arrogant attitude of law enforcement officers. The comprehensive and final resolution to the conflicts of land use could only be achieved if: (i) the people, who already control and use or manage the land from time to time, are provided certainty on managing and optimizing the land based on the principles of welfare, justice, equity, efficiency and sustainability; (ii) the selection and determination of the companies that will be granted the right to cultivate (HGU) and the right to build (HGB) should be conducted based on the transparent principle. In this respect, the government could establish an independent team that involves all components of society and higher education.Key words: land dispute, tourism area, agrarian law.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Fitri Yanti ◽  
Nunung Krisnawati

The background of this thesis is an increasing number of legislators Batam from Chinese citizens, at the 1999 elections, there were two people who passed to the DPRD Kota Batam, in the elections of 2004 increased to four Chinese citizens who become legislators Batam. It is not independent of their role during the sitting in the legislature as a representative of the people. This study aims to clarify the role of Chinese citizens who sat as a legislative member in Batam 1999-2009This research is a qualitative research, the historical method with the approach of political science. Steps historical research include: first heuristic, there are two sources of data are primary data and secondary data, primary data in this study is a member of the legislative representatives of the Chinese community, Chinese people, community leaders and members of the Commission, the secondary data taken from any books , newspapers and other documents, the authors do critique source consisting of external criticism and internal criticism, the three researchers to interpret, fourth historiography.The results in this study explained that the role of the Chinese community as a member of the legislature in Batam years 1999-2009, the first legislative function is set statutorily in the form of local regulations (Perda), the second control function or supervise the activities of local government in implementing legislation has been agreed , of these control functions legislators have the right to ask questions, interpellation, questionnaires and motions, the three other functions related to the budget or APBD that has been agreed with the local governments when the plenary session.  Keywords: legislative member, chinese societyLatar belakang penelitian ini adalah terjadinya peningkatan jumlah anggota DPRD Kota Batam dari warga Tionghoa, dimana pada pemilu tahun 1999 terdapat dua orang yang lolos menjadi anggota DPRD Kota Batam dan  pada pemilu tahun 2004 mengalami peningkatan menjadi empat orang. Hal ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari peran mereka selama duduk di legislatif sebagai wakil rakyat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran warga Tionghoa yang duduk menjadi anggota legislatif di Kota Batam tahun 1999-2009.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif historis dengan pendekatan ilmu politik.Adapunlangkah-langkah penelitian historis meliputi: pertama heuristik, di dalamnya terdapat dua sumber data yaitu data primer dan data sekunder, data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota legislatif dari perwakilan masyarakat Tionghoa, masyarakat keturunan Tionghoa, tokoh masyarakat dan anggota KPU, data sekunder diambil dari buku-buku, koran dan dokumen lainnya.Kedua, kritik sumber yang terdiri dari kritik ekstern dan kritik intern.Ketiga, interpretasi dan keempat, historiografi.Hasil dalam penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa peranan warga Tionghoa sebagai anggota legislatif di Kota Batam tahun 1999-2009,  pertama fungsi legislasi yaitu mengatur undang-undang dalam bentuk peraturan daerah (Perda), kedua fungsi kontrol atau mengawasi kegiatan pemerintah daerah dalam menjalankan Perda yang telah disepakati, dari fungsi kontrol ini anggota DPRD memiliki hak untuk bertanya, interpelasi, angket dan mosi, ketiga fungsi lainnya yang berkaitan dengan anggaran atau APBD yang telah disepakati bersama pemerintah daerah saat sidang paripurna. Bermainnya peran-peran  tersebut dengan baik, semakin menambah nilai kepercayaan warga Tionghoa  memilih dari kalangan mereka untuk pemilu selanjutnya. Kata Kunci: anggota legislatif, masyarakat tionghoa, kota batam  

2018 ◽  
pp. 178-189
Grishma Soni ◽  
Prachi V. Motiyani

As we all know that food is the basic Human necessity, without which no one can survive. Making food available for all the people in the world is now days becoming a complex issue. The availability food is decreasing as a result of increase in population that will result in food insecurity or malnutrition. Indian constitution interprets the right to food as part of right to life, which is fundamental human right. Change in climate, the impact of globalization, Global Warming, Carbon dioxide emission from fuel etc. also affects the right to food of many people. This paper examines the situation prevailing in India and looks into the obligations and initiatives by the government of India to ensure Right to Food and make suggestions for addressing the issue and examines the possible way to make the scheme workable to achieve food security.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-319
Norita Azmi ◽  
Salawati Mat Basir

Issues related to the disabled right in the country continue to attract criticism and debate, as implementation is very slow and weak. The disabled have the right to live like other normal people, which includes protection in times of danger and emergency. One of the important mechanism for the care of the disabled is through legal means. The government has signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as part of its efforts to empower and protect this minority group. As such, the government has taken the initiative to enact the Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 and ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2010 as one of the government’s commitments in complying with international human rights conventions as long these do not against the Federal Constitution. This article aims to uncover and analyse the legal provisions in Malaysia relating to the disabled and their right to live, as stated in the Federal Constitution and relevant legal provisions. In essence, this shows that Malaysia, as a member of the UN, is bound to adopt international laws and treaties on human rights if these do not violate local norms and values. At the end of the discussion, some ideas are presented as solutions for the government to improve the issue of disabled persons so that in the eyes of the world, Malaysia will be recognized as one of the countries that cares for and defends its disabled, in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2008.

Nico Steytler

This chapter argues that democratic local government embeds the culture of democracy at grassroots: as the government closest to the people, it establishes a culture of responsiveness, transparency, and accountability more readily and effectively than by holding national leaders to account. Local democracy can also be used strategically when a country seeks to move from an authoritarian or military regime to democracy. Furthermore, it provides space for political inclusivity—an argument with particular relevance in ethnically diverse societies, where a winner-takes-all paradigm of competition at the national level typically results in the marginalization of geographically concentrated losers. Finally, local government allows for experimentation in different forms of inclusive politics, be they representative or participatory. However, although most African countries have adopted decentralization policies, the dividends are meagre. Local government is but feebly equipped to play a democracy-constituting role: operating in a constrained constitutional environment, central governments have generally not allowed local governments the opportunity to hold regular free and fair elections and thereby play a role in democratization. Despite these findings, there is also some evidence that on occasion local democracy has indeed played such a role and thus enhanced democratic participation.

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