The accessibility of BBC television to users with disabilities: from the law to user satisfaction

Victoria García-Prieto ◽  
Ignacio Aguaded

Universal accessibility to public television guarantees the fundamental right to receive media information and promotes social inclusion. British audiovisual regulations impose minimum quotas for subtitling, audio description, and sign language to make content more accessible to people with visual or hearing impairment. However, these minimum requirements do not ensure full user satisfaction. The aim of this study is to present a descriptive analysis of user satisfaction with the accessibility of BBC public television services, both linear and on demand, and collect the improvements demanded by users. The survey method was applied, interviewing 442 UK residents who were users of subtitles, audio description, and sign language, mostly people with disabilities or members of their families. The questionnaire also included qualitative questions to capture basic demands identified by the users. One of the main results is the need to improve the quality and synchrony of live subtitling, and to increase the fractions of programming with audio description and sign language. Moreover, beyond compliance with the law, it is essential to listen to the opinions of users with visual or hearing impairment to ensure that services fulfill their mission of guaranteeing audiovisual accessibility and promoting social inclusion.

Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin ◽  
Liong Kon Thai ◽  
Nuur Thaqifah Mohd Tahir

<p>This research is regarding the readiness of typical student in communication by using sign language in Hearing Impairment Integration Programme. There were 60 typical students from a Special Education Integration Programme of secondary school in Malacca were chosen as research respondents. The instrument of the research was a set of questionnaire which consisted of four parts, namely Student’s demography (Part A), Student’s knowledge (Part B), Student’s ability to communicate (Part C) and Student’s interest to communicate (Part D). The questionnaire was adapted from the research of Asnul Dahar and Rabiah's 'The Readiness of Students in Following Vocational Subjects at Jerantut District, Rural Secondary School in Pahang'.  Descriptive analysis was used to analysis the data. Mean score was used to determine the level of respondents' perception of each question. The findings showed a positive relationship between typical students towards communication medium by using sign language. Typical students were seen to be interested in communicating using sign language and were willing to attend the Sign Language class if offered.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Irene Tor-Carroggio ◽  
Sara Rovira-Esteva

Since 2010 the provision of audio description is legally required on TV in Spain. The objective of this study was threefold: to investigate the current state of the media accessibility services of Catalan-language broadcasters for viewers with sight loss in relation to current legislation; to assess user satisfaction with these services; and to gather feedback from users on non-professional services. According to our results broadcasters fail to comply with the law in terms of quantity, although users are fairly satisfied with the quality offered and are willing to explore new approaches for AD provision.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yusup Sugiarto ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto

ABSTRAKKebutuhan akan lembaga notariat tidak terlepas dari kebutuhan akan perlunya pembuktian tertulis dalam lapangan hukum perdata. Mengingat keadaan ini maka notaris tidak saja berperan sebagai orang yang membuat alat bukti autentik namun juga sebagai penemu hukum. Notaris dalam profesinya sesungguhnya merupakan instansi yang dengan akta-aktanya menimbulkan alat-alat pembuktian tertulis dengan mempunyai sifat autentik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan penandatanganan akta notaris dalam pembuatan SKMHT dan akibat hukum penandatanganan akta SKMHT oleh penerima kuasa tidak di hadapan notaris dalam perjanjian kredit pemilikan rumah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif, sedangkan sifat dari penelitiannya sendiri bersifat deskriptif analisis. Penandatanganan akta notaris oleh penerima kuasa dalam akta SKMHT dimungkinkan untuk dilakukan tidak di hadapan notaris, karena lazimnya suatu akta SKMHT ada kaitannya dengan akta perjanjian kredit yang telah dibuat terlebih dahulu oleh para pihak. Akibat hukumnya penerima kuasa dalam akta SKMHT menjadi terikat untuk mematuhi ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada dalam SKMHT.Kata kunci: notaris, akta, perdata, kredit, perjanjian. ABSTRACTThe need for notarial institutions is inseparable from the need for the necessity of verification in the field of civil law. In view of this situation the notary not only plays the role of the person who makes authentic evidence but also the inventor of the law. Notary in his profession is in fact an institution which with its deeds evokes written proof means with authentic nature. This study aims to analyse the execution of the signing of notary deed in the making of SKMHT and the effect of the signing of SKMHT deed by the power of attorney not before the notary in the mortgage agreement. The method used in this study is the normative juridical approach, while the nature of the research itself is descriptive analysis. The signing of notarial deed by the power of attorney in the deed of SKMHT is possible to be done not in the presence of a notary, because usually a deed of SKMHT is related to the credit agreement which has been made beforehand by the parties. As a result of the law the power of attorney in the SKMHT deed becomes bound to comply with the provisions contained in SKMHT.Keywords: notary, deed, civil, credit, agreement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 22001
I Nyoman Simpen ◽  
Muhammad Nur Abdi ◽  
Mochammad Fahlevi ◽  
Rinto Noviantoro ◽  

Understanding to fill the tax return, annual report tax return individual is still lacking, many taxpayers did not understand how to fill out an annual tax return, especially the tax year 2014. The objective was to investigate the influence of socialization Tax, Tax Penalties and Tax e-filing of the tax return reporting annual individual taxpayer. Sampling was done by purposive sampling method and selection of non-random manner convenience. The primary data collection method used is survey method using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple linear analysis, descriptive analysis and to test hypotheses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 4002
Heesup Han ◽  
Soyeun Lee ◽  
Bo Meng ◽  
Bee-Lia Chua ◽  
Hyungseo Bobby Ryu

Volunteer tourism is a vital formation of altruistic and sustainable tourism. This research is aimed to empirically find the relative importance of the motivation factors and the motivation realization factors for young tourists participating in the global volunteer tourism programs. The differences in the study variables across continents, gender, and frequency of participation were also scrutinized. A quantitative research approach that utilized the survey method was employed. The outcomes showed that personal development was the most vital motivator for global volunteer tourism. On the other hand, the young tourists felt that they most realized the factor of a new experience through their recent international volunteer tourism experience. The motivation factors and the motivation realization factors were consistent across the continents. Furthermore, the mean differences in the motivations, the motivations’ realization, satisfaction, and the behavioral intentions were revealed to be non-significant for the genders and the frequency of volunteer participation. By grasping the young volunteer tourists’ motivations and the experience evaluations, the volunteer programs can be advanced in consonance with their necessities and demands, which enhance the volunteer tourism experience.

Kordiana K Rangga ◽  
Indah Listiana

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><pre><em>                </em><em>Farmer groups are a forum for farmers to make it easier for farmers to carry out their farming, if the farmer group runs effectively in accordance with the goals of the group. Effective farmer groups cannot be separated from the role of group leaders. The head of the farmer group has an important role in supporting the group to achieve its group goals. Based on the background described, then </em><em>the purpose of this research are to know: the effectiveness of paddy farmer group; the leadership level of farmer group; and the relationship between leadership of farmer group leader with the effectiveness of farmer group in Sukoharjo Sub District of Pringsewu Regency. This research was conducted in Sukoharjo Sub District Pringsewu Regency, with 73 respondents of paddy farmer.  Data was collected by using survey method with descriptive analysis and using statistical non parametric test rank spearman correlation to test hypothesis.  The results showed that</em><em> paddy farmer group in </em><em>Sukoharjo Sub District had a high level of effectiveness, had a medium level of leadership of farmer group leader; and leadership of farmer group had significant relationship with farmer group effectiveness.  </em></pre><p> </p><p>Keyword:<em>  effectiveness, </em><em>farmer group</em><em>, leadership.</em></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>Kelompok tani merupakan wadah bagi petani agar memudahkan petani dalam menajalankan usahataninya, jika kelompok tani berjalan secara efektif sesuai dengan tujuan kelompoknya. Kelompok tani yang efektif tidak terlepas dari peran ketua kelompok. Ketua kelompok tani memiliki peran yang penting dalam mendukung kelompok mencapai tujuan kelompoknya. Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah diuraikan, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui: keefektifan kelompok tani padi sawah; tingkat kepemimpinan ketua kelompok tani; dan hubungan antara tingkat kepemimpinan ketua kelompok tani dengan keefektifan kelompok tani padi sawah di Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Pringsewu.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Pringsewu, dengan 73 petani responden. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survey, dengan anilisis deskriptif dan menggunakan uji statistik korelasi <em>rank spearman </em>non parametrik untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelompok tani padi sawah memiliki tingkat keefektifan yang tinggi, memiliki tingkat kepemimpinan ketua kelompok yang sedang, dan kepemimpinan ketua kelompok tani memiliki hubungan yang nyata dengan keefektifan kelompok tani.</p><p> </p>

JMIR Aging ◽  
10.2196/13939 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. e13939 ◽  
Francesc López Seguí ◽  
Marc de San Pedro ◽  
Eva Aumatell Verges ◽  
Salvador Simó Algado ◽  
Francesc Garcia Cuyàs

Background “Digital Partners” is an intergenerational information and communications technology learning project carried out in the municipalities of Vic and Centelles (Catalonia) from April to May 2018. Within the framework of the introduction of community service as a subject in secondary education, the Centre for Health and Social Studies (University of Vic) created a training space with 38 intergenerational partners (aged 14-15 years and >65 years), with the aim of improving the senior users’ digital skills in terms of use of smartphones and tablets, thus helping reduce the digital divide in the territory. Objective The aim of this paper is to evaluate the satisfaction of both junior and senior participants toward the intervention and to explore its main drivers. Methods Participants who volunteered to participate in the study were interviewed. Quantitative and qualitative data gathered in paper-based ad hoc surveys were used to assess participants’ satisfaction. Results The experience shows a broad satisfaction of both junior and senior users. The project’s strengths include the format of working in couples; randomly pairing individuals by operating system; the ability to practice with the device itself; individuals’ free choice to decide what they wish to learn, develop, or practice; and the availability of voluntary practice material that facilitates communication and learning. With regard to aspects that could be improved, there is a need to review the timetabling flexibility of meetings to avoid hurrying the elderly and to extend the project’s duration, if necessary. Conclusions This activity can serve to create mutual learning through the use of mobile devices and generate security and motivation on the part of the seniors, thus reducing the digital divide and improving social inclusion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Jamhuri Jamhuri ◽  
Zuhra Zuhra

Talak merupakan hukum yang disyariatkan bagi satu pasangan yang tidak mungkin lagi membina hubungan keluarga dengan baik. Peluang talak ini dapat dipilih oleh suami dengan memperhatikan tata cara dan prosedur yang sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Terdapat beberapa hukum yang ulama tidak padu dan berbeda pendapat, khususnya mengenai konsep talak dilihat dari sisi waktu dan jumlah penjatuhannya. Penelitian ini henda mengkaji pendapat Ibn Qayyim. Masalah yang didalami adalah bagaimana pandangan Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyyah terhadap konsep dan pengaruh hukum talak syar’i dilihat dari segi waktu dan jumlah penjatuhan talak, dan bagaimana metode istinbaṭ yang ia gunakan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pustaka, data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan cara analisis-deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menurut Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, konsep talak secara umum ada dua bentuk, yaitu talak dari segi waktu dan dari segi jumlah. Dari segi waktu, talak dilakukan saat isteri suci dan tidak digauli saat suci tersebut. Pengaruh suami yang menceraikan isteri saat haid dan telah digauli, itu diharamkan dan talak tidak jatuh. Dari segi jumlah, hak talak suami hanya ada tiga. Tiga jumlah hak talak tersebut digunakan secara bertahap, tidak bisa digunakan sekaligus. Pengaruh suami yang menceraikan isteri dengan talak dua atau tiga sekaligus, talak yang jatuh hanya dipandang satu kali. Adapun dalil yang digunakan Ibn Qayyim yaitu QS. al-Ṭalāq ayat 1, QS. al-Baqarah ayat 229, QS. al-Baqarah ayat 230, dan QS. al-Nūr ayat 6. Adapun riwayat hadis di antaranya hadis dari Nafi’ riwayat Abī Dāwud, dari Sa’di bin Ibrahim riwayat Muslim, dari Abdullah bin Ali bin Sa’ib riwayat Abī Dāwud, dan dari Ibn Wahab riwayat HR. Nasā’i. Metode yang digunakan Ibn Qayyim yaitu bayanī dan metode istiṣlāḥī. Talak is a law prescribed to one spouse that is no longer likely to foster family relationships well. The chance of this Talak can be chosen by the husband taking into account the ordinances and procedures according to Islamic law. There are some laws that scholars do not mix and differ, especially regarding the concept of Talak seen from the time and number of the allotment. This study has studied Ibn Qayyim's opinion. The issue in the matter is how Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah's view of the concept and influence of the law is seen in terms of time and the number of a bailout, and how the Istinbaṭ method he used. This research includes the research of libraries, the collected data is analyzed in a descriptive-analysis way. The results showed that according to Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, the concept of Talak, in general, there are two forms, namely Talak in terms of time and in terms of number. In terms of time, the Talak was performed during the Holy Wife and not in the holy moment. The influence of the husband who divorced the wife during menstruation and has been held, it is haraam and the Talak does not fall. In terms of numbers, the right to the husband is only three. The three total rights of the Board are used gradually, not to be used at once. The influence of the husband who divorced the wife with a two or three talak at once, a talak that fell only considered one time. The evidence that Ibn Qayyim used is QS.  al-Ṭalāq verse 1,  Qs. Al-Baqarah verses 229,  Qs. Al-Baqarah verses 230, and  Qs. Al-Nūr verse 6. The history of Hadith includes hadith from  Nafi ' History of Abī Dāwud,  from Sa'di bin Ibrahim  Muslim history, from Abdullah bin Ali bin Sa'ib  abī dāwud history, and Ibn Wahab narrated by the history of the Christian. The method used Ibn Qayyim was bayanī and the method Istiṣlāḥī. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-33
Grifito yuan Maulidina

The development of online payment systems such as the online payment point system has greatly assisted the public in processing monthly transactions such as water bills. However, in its application, this system still uses large devices such as computers and inkjet printers so that the operation takes a long time and is less efficient. Therefore, in this study, a mobile application is designed to replace the role of computers in making water bill payment transactions in the online payment point system (SOPP) of PDAM Malang Regency. The application that is connected to a database server via the internet is also integrated with a compact wireless thermal printer that can be carried anywhere and does not require ink refills so that it can speed up the transaction process and be more efficient in time, paper and space. The research method used was experimental and survey methods. The experimental method is used to test the running of the application, test the application's compatibility with the device and measure the time it takes for the application to exchange data. The survey method is used to test user satisfaction with the application.

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