2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 121
Ratih Christiana ◽  
Gatot Noor Effendi ◽  
Yustina Kristiani ◽  
Eni Andayani ◽  
Komisah Komisah ◽  

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas keterampilan konseling pada layanan bimbingan kelompok Guru BK di SMK dengan menerapkan open class. Responden penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling yang bekerja di SMK yang memiliki kualfikasi masa kerja minimal 4 tahun, berpendidikan minimal S1, bersedia melakukan rangkaian kegiatan lesson study dan bersedia menjadi guru model pada open class layanan bimbingan kelompok. Instrumen penelitian berupa hasil evaluasi dan refleksi konseli, hasil wawancara, hasil dokumentasi, hasil observasi dari peneliti, kolega bimbingan dan konseling, dan catatan penelitian. Metode penelitian menggunakan PTBK dengan rancangan jenis eksperimen model Kurt Lewin, pengujian analisis data berupa reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian adalah dari aspek keterampilan konseling yang diteliti salah satunya adalah mind skill mampu diterapkan oleh seluruh Guru BK, namun terdapat 2 guru BK yang perlu melatih kembali aspek action skill dan 1 lagi guru BK memerlukan latihan pada communication skill

2018 ◽  
Nofrion Nofrion

Artikel ini ditulis untuk menjelaskan hasil penerapan Kolaborasi Berbasis Lesson Study dalam Praktik Lapangan Mengajar Geografi Lanjut (PL-MGL) bagi mahasiswa Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Geografi, Universitas Negeri Padang. Melalui kolaborasi berbasis Lesson Study dengan melaksanakan tiga pilar utamanya yaitu “Plan, Do dan See” diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon dosen profesional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yang melibatkan empat orang mahasiswa Program Magister Pendidikan Geografi, FIS, UNP dan satu kelas mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Geografi pada mata kuliah Geografi Sosial. Satu orang mahasiswa bertindak sebagai dosen model dan tiga orang lainnya sebagai observer pembelajaran. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data kompetensi dosen dalam pembelajaran (capaian kinerja dosen) yang dikumpulkan dengan lembar observasi pembelajaran serta data pelaksanaan pembelajaran sebagai bahan refleksi yang dikumpulkan dengan lembar refleksi pembelajaran “three ways conference”. Dosen model melaksanakan pembelajaran (open class) sebanyak empat kali pertemuan yang diawali dengan kegiatan “plan” dan diakhiri dengan kegiatan “see” yang dihadiri oleh tiga orang observer dan satu dosen penilai dan pembimbing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa capaian kinerja dosen model dalam pembelajaran meningkat dari pertemuan 1 sampai ke pertemuan 4 serta mulai pertemuan kedua, dosen model sudah berhasil melewati batas minimal nilai kelulusan yaitu 70. Ditinjau dari kolaborasi peserta dalam kegiatan juga sangat baik. Hal ini terlihat dari kesungguhan peserta mengikuti semua tahap-tahap pembelajaran serta kontribusi mereka dalam kegiatan refleksi yang ditulis di lembar refleksi pembelajaran dan dibahas dengan teknik “three ways conference”. Mahasiswa PL-MGL berpendapat bahwa kegiatan seperti ini sangat positif bagi mereka. Walaupun membutuhkan waktu yang lebih banyak dan energi yang lebih besar, namun mereka mendapatkan pelajaran yang sangat bernilai. Hal ini juga diapresiasi oleh ketua Program Studi Magister pendidikan Geografi sebagai suatu langkah positif dalam mengembangkan kompetensi calon dosen secara kolaboratif sehingga terwujud komunitas belajar yang efektif.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33 ◽  
Purwati Purwati ◽  
Jeinne Mumu ◽  
Benidiktus Tanujaya

This research was the qualitative research that aimed to improve students understanding of junior high mathematics study. In accordance with the object to be studied, then this research is done in 3 times open class consisting of the plan, do, and see for each cycle, with the subject of research was the students of mathematics education department of FKIP UNIPA whom contracting subjects junior mathematics studies. To improve students understanding of the material, implementation of peer tutor methods was continuously modified based on the findings of each cycle. Based on the results of the implementation of Lesson Study as much as 3 cycles obtained the concluded that the learning outcomes of learners used peer tutor approach that modified each cycle has a significant increase. This was evident from students who answered the test correctly given at the end of each meeting. In the first cycle, from 27 students only 4 who can answer the test correctly that is equal to 14.81%, the second cycle, from 27 learners only 10 which was able to answer the test correctly that was equal to 37,04%, whereas in cycle III, from 26 students 21 students able to answer correctly that was equal to 80,77%

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Insar Damopolii ◽  
I Iwan

Lesson study has been carried out on V semester students in microbiology courses in the Biology Education and Teaching and Education Faculty Study Program, University of Papua, in the odd semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. The lesson activity of this study aims to improve the process and quality of biology learning. The activities carried out were the activities of the lesson team of biological studies consisting of model lecturers and observers. Lesson Study activities are carried out as many as four open classes, each open class consists of four stages of activity, namely: plan, implementation, observation and reflection or see. Each stage of producing planning (Chapter Design, Lesson Design, RPS and assessment instruments). The learning process is carried out through the application of the Two Stay Two Stray type (TSTS) cooperative learning model. Data obtained through observations by observers. The results obtained in the open class activities show that: (1) increasing student activity, creativity and independence, (2) students' understanding of concepts that are considered difficult to improve, and (3) the quality of microbiology learning increases (4) Learning cooperative type TSTS through lesson study activities (LS) can enhance collaboration and discussion between members of the lesson study team in planning and implementing learning, as well as reflection on learning activities (5) Can improve lecturer professionalism because initially lecturer-centered learning turns into learning centered on college student

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-91
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Roro Eko Susetyarini ◽  
Wahyu Prihanta ◽  
Firdiani Yuliana

The main task of the teacher in the learning process is to lead participants to achieve their learning goals. Thus, teachers are required to always improve the quality of their learning, one of which is through the Lesson Study Learning Community (LS-LC). The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of the Lesson Study Learning Community in SD (Sekolah Dasar-Primary School) Junrejo I, in “the 24-hour clock” material. This qualitative research employed a single case study and explained it naturally. The respondents were one teacher and 28-second graders. There were three stages in the implementation of lesson study, namely: plan, do and see. The data collection technique were using documentation and unstructured interview. The data were analyzed in a quantitative and qualitative description. The findings in the planned activity were the collaboration of teachers and lecturers in innovating and creating chapter and lesson design of “the 24-hour clock” material, considering the characteristic of students. In the open class (do the activity), the students were conducting discussions and observations. During learning, the students were comparing digital and non-digital clocks while lecturers and teachers were observing the learning process. In the seen activity, the observation result from teachers and lecturers were revealed. The implementation of Lesson Study Learning Community in grade II SD Junrejo I, on the material "24 hour time" had been going well. But the results shown that students were able to understand the material as much as 60%, students were able to collaborate in groups 45%, student’s expression was happy, excited, motivating, and cheerful, as much as 90%. It needs replanning with changes in seating arrangements, group arrangements, and group members

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 479
Thamrin Thamrin ◽  
Indra Maipita ◽  
Saidun Hutasuhut

AbstrakTerjadinya pergeseran paradigma pembelajaran dari “teacher centered” ke “student centered“ menjadikan peran guru di kelas berubah, dari peran yang hanya penyampai informasi kepada peran sebagai perantara.Kurangnya kompetensi guru dalam perencanaan, pelakasanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 menjadi masalah utama dalam pengabdian ini. Untuk mengatasi hal-hal tersebut guru perlu melakukan Lesson study dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran, mengaktifkan siswa belajar sehingga guru dapat melakukan review terhadap kinerjanya, dapat digunakan sebagai masukan untuk memperbaiki kinerjanya sehingga termotivasi untuk selalu berinovasi menjadi guru yang profesional. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarkat ini adalah membantu guru-guru mata diklat produktif di sub rayon SMK N 7 Medan dalam mengatasi beberapa masalah yang sedang dihadapi. Selain beberapa masalah tersebut, permasalahan khusus yang dihadapi oleh guru adalah kurangnya keterampilan guru dalam merancang dan menerapkan inovasi pembelajaran yang efektif dan menyenangkan. Target khusus dari kegiatan pengabdian dihasilkannya ; 1) RKBM yang sudah terstandar; 2) Tersedianya bahan ajar berbasis IT; 3) model-model pembelajaran berbasis Audiovisual; dan 4) Adanya dokumentasi pelaksanaan Open Class dengan menerapkan berbagai model pembelajara Rencana kegiatan pengabdian yang akan dilakukan antara lain ; 1) Pendampingan Penyusunan RKBM Berbasis Kurikulum 2013; 2) Pendampingan Pembuatan media pembelajaranberbasis IT; 3) Pendampingan penyusunan model-modelpPembelajaran berbasis Audiovisual; dan 4) Open Class.Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SMKN 7 Medsan. Pemilihan lokasi kegiatan ini didasarkan atas sarana dan prasarana yang sangat mendukung yang dimiliki oleh SMKN 7 Medan untuk melakukan pendampingan.Kata kunci : Kompetensi guru, lesson study, sub rayon SMKN 7AbstractThe shift of learning paradigm from "Teacher centered" to "student centered" makes the role of teacher in the class has changed, from a role that is merely a transmitter of information to an intermediary role. The lack of teacher competence in planning, implementing and evaluating the learning of the 2013 curriculum becomes a major problem in this devotion. To overcome these things teachers need to do Lesson study in developing activate student learning so that teachers can do a review of its performance so it can be used as an input to improve its performance and motivated to always innovate to be a professional teacher. The purpose of this community service is to help teachers productive eye training in sub rayon SMK N 7 Medan in overcoming some of the problems being faced. Besides, the specific problem faced by teachers is the lack of teacher skills in designing and implementing effective and enjoyable learning innovations. Special targets of devotion activities resulted; 1) standardized RKBM; 2) Availability of IT-based teaching materials; 3) Audiovisual based learning models; and 4) Existence of Open Class implementation documentation by applying various model of learning Plan of activity of dedication to be done, among others; 1) Assistance for the Formulation of RKBM Based on Curriculum 2013; 2) Mentoring The making of IT-based learning media; 3) Assistance in the preparation of Audiovisual based learning models; and 4) Open Class.This activity was implemented in SMKN 7 Medan. The Selection of the location is based on facilities and infrastructure that is very supportive of SMKN 7 Medan to provide the assistance.Keywords: Teacher competency, lesson study, sub rayon SMKN 7

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Chairunnisa Chairunnisa ◽  
Supriadi Supriadi ◽  
Nurdin Rahman

The research about the balancing of redox reaction on chemistry subject has been done. This research was conducted on class XII IPA8 SMA Negeri 2 Palu with 28 of the student, in the first semester of the academic year 2014-2015. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative in which data processing use percentages and rating scale. The data is collected by observation sheets, questionnaires, and documentation. Implementation of lesson study on class XII IPA8 SMA Negeri 2 Palu is conducted in three meetings time (open class) with 3 phases; plan, do and see, respectively. Based on the results obtained every meeting by the researcher, the data activity of students is rising by 54.93, 59.86, and 74.30%. Furthermore, at the third meeting, the data obtained is an excellent category which means the student’s activity in the lesson study was increased. These prove that through the lesson study can increase the activity of the learning process of students. In addition, based on the data analysis of the student’s learning outcomes during three meeting times is increased. Average of completeness of student’s learning outcomes of every meeting is 67.85, 85.71, and 100%, respectively. Again, these prove that the student’s learning outcomes by classical can be increased through the lesson study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 216
Suci Frisnoiry ◽  
Faisal Faisal ◽  
Naeklan Simbolon

Program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menggunakan “Corong Kabataku” sebagai media efektif pada pembelajaran berhitung di Sekolah Dasar (SD), khususnya di Kec. Medan Selayang Kota Medan. Hal ini dilakukan berdasarkan analisis permasalahan yang dialami mitra pada pembelajaran berhitung di SD, antara lain: (1) media yang digunakan guru hanya media gambar saja dan siswa hanya difasilitasi untuk mengamati, (2) guru belum mampu membuat alat peraga sendiri, di mana pada umumnya guru hanya menggunakan media-media yang sudah ada di sekolah dan diperoleh dengan cara dibeli, (3) guru umumnya menggunakan RPP yang langsung diadopsi dari internet tanpa menyesuaikan dengan kondisi di sekolahnya, dan (4) penilaian berhitung umumnya dilakukan berdasarkan hasil saja tanpa disertai dengan penilaian proses penemuannya. Solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra di atas antara lain: (1) pendampingan penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), (2) Pendampingan manajemen kelas, (3) pendampingan penilaian otentik, (4) pendampingan cara membuat media “Corong Kabataku”, (5) pendampingan cara menggunakan media “Corong Kabataku”, (6) simulasi dalam bentuk lesson study, (7) open class/real teaching penggunaan media “Corong Kabataku” pada pembelajaran berhitung, (8) monitoring dan evaluasi, dan (9) tindak lanjut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, rata-rata tingkat keberhasilan program pengabdian adalah 88,5% dengan kualifikasi Sangat Baik (SB).Kata kunci: Corong Kabataku; Berhitung; Sekolah Dasar.AbstractThis service program aims to improve teacher competency in using the "Corong Kabataku" as an effective media in learning to count in elementary schools, especially in Kec. Medan Selayang, Medan. This is done based on an analysis of the problems experienced by partners in numeracy learning in elementary schools, including: (1) the media used by teachers are only drawing media and students are only facilitated to observe, (2) teachers have not been able to make their own teaching aids, where at teachers generally only use media that are already in school and are obtained by purchase, (3) teachers generally use lesson plans that are directly adopted from the internet without adjusting to the conditions in their schools, and (4) numeracy assessments are generally based on results alone without being accompanied with an assessment of the process of discovery. Solutions to the problems faced by the partners above include: (1) assistance in preparing Learning Implementation Plans (RPP), (2) Classroom management assistance, (3) authentic assessment assistance, (4) assistance in how to create a "Corong Kabataku" media, ( 5) mentoring how to use the "Corong Kabataku" media, (6) simulations in the form of lesson studies, (7) open class / real teaching use of the "Kabataku Funnel" media in numeracy learning, (8) monitoring and evaluation, and (9) actions continued. Based on the results of the analysis, the average success rate of service programs is 88.5% with Very Good qualifications.Keywords: Corong Kabataku; Counting; Elementary School.

Saiful Saiful ◽  
Hobri Hobri ◽  
Mohammad Tohir

This research aims to analyze students' metacognition in learning mathematical problem solving based on Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC) if reviewed from reflective and impulsive cognitive styles. The research method employed in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection is done by observation, tests, interviews, think aloud and documentation. The test is given to 30 students when an open class in class VII of MTs Miftahul Hidayah. Based on the test results, students are grouped into two in reviewed from reflective and impulsive cognitive styles. Three students were selected from each group to be interviewed and deepened through a think-aloud technique. The form of data analysis is classified into induction and reduction theory. The results of this research indicates that 18 students (60%) have reflective cognitive styles and 12 students (40%) have impulsive cognitive styles. Reflective cognitive style students, the scores obtained are better by using a relatively long time and can do aspects of metacognition well. While the scores obtained by impulsive cognitive style students are lower with the use of the time that is relatively faster and unable to perform aspects of metacognition well.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-97
Magfirah Thayyib

The understanding of group dynamics is a challenging field. It is quite often that the interaction and energy between students in the group present in negative pattern or less healthy. Lesson study is considered to be a suitable way to cope with that group dynamics problem. The objectives of this research are to describe the pattern of group dynamics in Theory of Translation class and outline the efforts done for the betterment of group dynamics through Lesson Study. The research was conducted in class 3A of third semester of English Language Education Study Program. The data of group dynamics were obtained from the observers’ sheets. While the data of the efforts done for the betterment of group dynamics were obtained from plan and reflection discussion notes, and a checklist of application. In analyzing the data, the first data were presented descriptively and made into inferences. The second data were grouped and described; then their effectiveness was analyzed qualitatively. Based on the result of the research, it is found that the group dynamics in Theory of Translation class from open class 1 – 4 went through a betterment. The efforts done for the betterment of group dynamics were distributing job and responsibility within group, delivering the whole instruction of group activities in the beginning and checking for students understanding, and providing worksheet for group work and learning media for each group.

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