2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-31
Asriani Asraini ◽  
Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami ◽  
Zainuddin Losi

The research aimed to determine and analyze the competition of candidate pairs and the effect of decisive elite on the candidate pairs in obtaining votes in the 2015 Regional Head Election in Majene Regency. The research was a qualitative study with descriptive analysis type conducted in Majene Regency. The informants were determined using purposive sampling method. The data were obtained through in-depth interview and library study. The data were analyzed using rivalry concept, capital strength approach, decisive elite concept, and exchange theory. The results of the research indicate that each candidate pairs competes with each other by maximizing the owned capital strength. Fahmi Massiara – Lukman victory is obtained because they are able to accumulate modalities, i.e. symbolic capital, financial capital and social capital. Rizal Sirajuddin – Mulyadi Bintaha pair is the second in obtaining votes by maximizing financial capital, and social capital. Arifin Nurdin – A. Irfan pair is the third as they do not maximizing financial capital, and the only have cultural capital. The involvement of elites in the 2015 Regional Head Election in Majene Regency has impact on candidate pairs in obtaining votes. The effects of decisive elites determine political position, title of nobility, and the owned financial ability. Decisive elites have interest in supporting the candidate pairs, i.e. to facilitate the vote in Majene in governor election of West Sulawesi.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 01
Harge Trio Widodo

The purpose of this research is to identify and describe the shape of social capital that exist in the centers of craft bags and suitcases Tanggulangin. Identify the role of social capital in improve the effectiveness of employees in the center of bags and suitcases craft Tanggulangin. Identify the use of social capital by craftmen in their business development. Sampling method used in this study are done by purposive, decide the informant by selective informant. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis. The result showed that social capital is formed in the industrial centers of bags and suitcases Tanggulangin started from family, relatives, neighbors and their friends, and grow together with local habit. The role of social capital to form a network, a sense of trust, social norms, leadership, and solidarity among employees and craftsmen in Tanggulangin. The benefits of social capital in the industrial centers of bags and suitcases in Tanggulangin found to form a good mutual cooperation among them, the knowledge transfer, and maintained good communication. Efforts to increase social capital is done by sharing the workload and remuneration managed transparently and in accordance with the capabilities and contributions of employees.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-173
Fathimatuz Zahra ◽  
Muhammad Ghufron

Differences are part of dynamic phenomenon of human communities that interact with each other. Because, religion as a source of inspiration for the creation of ethics, justice and sosial life as its main mission. Sunni and Syi’ah as historial facts for muslim in Indonesia. Both mazhab that have contributed in the process of indigenization of Islamic Nusantara. Now, these both mazhab are often bumped in difference. Escalation of conflict between the two increased until burning occurs and expulsion of Syi’ah groups at some places such as Sampang, Madura. This research is portraits occur in the Sunni-Syi’ah social space at Candi village Banjaran, Jepara. Researching dynamic of two communities Sunni-Syi’ah social relation at the Banjaran Village is established in a harmonious interaction, mutual respect in difference, upholding the values of peace and humanity. The result of this research showed the description of the development tolerance of both parties maintain brotherhood ukhuwah Islamiyah, through intercommunity of civic networks cultivation mutual trust in the pattern of negotiation and cooperation patern. As well as develop the power of social capital, cultural capital and symbolic capital in some activities that involve each other.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 393-409
Terese Mendiguren Galdospin ◽  
Irati Agirreazkuenaga Onaindia ◽  
Koldo Meso Ayerdi

Ongoing downsizing in the media sector has sparked a new start-up culture in the field of journalism. Over the past few years an increasing number of news organizations seeking to leverage social and symbolic rather than financial capital and cultivate employee as well as audience loyalty have entered the market (Wagemans, Witschge and Deuze, 2016). This paper examines El Diario ( and El Confidencial ( Qualitative methods involving the on-site observation in their newsrooms and semi-structured interviews with their journalists were employed. Findings indicate that both see themselves as alternative news providers whose emphasis El Diario draws heavily upon the symbolic capital of its founder Ignacio Escolar, El Confidencial, has banked primarily on its social capital.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-96
Yerik Afrianto Singgalen ◽  
Titi Susilowati Prabawa

The silver handicrafts industry in the Celuk Village is growing rapidly along with the development of Bali's tourism sector. The number of tourists visiting Bali has increased from time to time and it affects the increase of souvenir purchases number, including silver-crafts. Celuk Viillage is a traditional Balinese village that has changed into a tourist attraction with its trademark in the form of gold and especially, silver. The sustainability of the silver handicraft industry in Celuk Village is supported by the harmony of the collaboration between entrepreneurs and craftsmen in running the business. This research found that the Celuk Village silver handicrafts industry shows ability to develop and maintains its business, also to face many different challenges. The entrepreneurs and craftsmen in Celuk Village not only from local residents but also include migrants from outside Bali. This paper describes the habitus, realm, capital (social, cultural, economic and symbolic capital) and practice through Pierre Bourdieu’s perspective. The explanation is based on the empirical experience of local and migrant populations as craftsmen and entrepreneurs when pioneering, developing, and maintaining silver-craft business in Celuk. The research found that different from the locals, who can utilize social capital and cultural capital when pioneering, use economic capital when developing business, then symbolic capital in sustaining business, the access of the migrants to economic capital and symbolic capital is very limited. Therefore migrants use social capital and cultural capital when pioneering, developing and sustaining their business. Regarding to Bourdieu, the difference findings between local and migrants in Celuk Village shows that there is a fight over resources (capital) in the realm, and it forms a new habitus which is differentiation in social stratification between locals as dominant and migrant entrepreneurs as subordinate entrepreneurs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-44
Noer Apptika Fujilestari

This research reviews about how Sri Hartini – Sri Mulyani couple optimize their political capital in the winning of Klaten General Election in 2015. The triumph of Sri Hartini– Sri Mulyani has a huge political capital influence. There are some important fundamental  considerations, such as: First, Sri Hartini – Sri Mulyani is a figure who is known in Klaten folk because both of them are the wife of the former Regent of Klaten. Second, Sri Hartini – Sri Mulyani is carried by the winning party of general election that is PDIP and supported by some qualify parties for general election as Nasdem, PPP, Hanura and PKS. Third, Sri Hartini – Sri Mulyani has a high financial which is strength enough. The theory which is used in this research is theory of the political Capital of Pierre Bordieu. This research uses descriptive research methods with qualitative approaching. As for the result of this research is Sri Hartini – Sri Mulyani is a couple with the highest capital accumulation than other spouses. From the four political capitals that consist of economic capital, social capital, cultural capital and symbolic capital Sri Hartini – Sri Mulyani couple has a very strong social capital than other candidate, especially in terms of the network that supports both,  network of non formal and formal. PDIP as the party which brings SriHartini – Sri Mulyani is the party with the highest base mass in Klaten. in other hand, the popularity of Sri Hartini – Sri Mulyani as the wife of a former Regent of Klaten and as political figure of women who be able to take the sympathy of the citizens to choose Sri Hartini – Sri Mulyani as head of their  region. The solidarity of political parties and civic organizations that support the role of klaten local elites are able to muster the mass votes to win the couple Sri Hartini – Sri Mulyani in Klaten Election 2015. Key words : political capital, ekonomic capital, social capital, cultural capital, simbolic capital.

Meify D. Louhenapessy ◽  
Jardie A. Andaki ◽  
Florence V. Londong

Abstract This study aims to: 1) Identify the social capital in the venture with Purse seine fishing in Aertembaga Bitung City. 2) Describe the aspects of social capital in businesses with Purse seine fishing in Aertembaga Bitung City. The method used in this research is a survey method. Data collection techniques focused on in-depth interview technique (in-depth interview). In-depth interviews, will use language and terms that apply in the community with a family approach, so as to understand the context of the social capital impact business continuity Purse seine. The data were then processed and analyzed descriptively. Descriptive analysis method is the method used to analyze data in ways that describe or depict the data that has been collected as it is without intending to apply to general conclusions or generalizations.Results of research and discussion can be concluded: 1) Social capital on respondents Aertembaga Purse seine in Bitung: trust, social norms and social interaction. 2) Social capital plays an important role in efforts to purse seine fishing in terms of access to capital resources, human resources and sales of catches, in social interactions rely on the trust that has been built to form a social norm. Keywords: business management, humpback grouper hatchery, fish seed beach office Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) Mengidentifikasi modal sosial pada usaha penangkapan ikan dengan Purse seine di Aertembaga Kota Bitung. 2) Menjelaskan aspek modal sosial pada usaha penangkapan ikan dengan Purse seine di Aertembaga Kota Bitung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode survei.Teknik pengumpulan data terpusat pada teknik wawancara secara mendalam (in-depth interview). Wawancara mendalam, akan menggunakan bahasa dan istilah yang berlaku dalam masyarakat dengan pendekatan kekeluargaan, sehingga dapat dipahami konteks dampak modal sosial terhadap keberlanjutan usaha Purse seine. Metode analisis deskriptif merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data dengan cara mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan data yang telah terkumpul sebagaimana adanya tanpa bermaksud membuat kesimpulan yang berlaku untuk umum atau generalisasi. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan : 1) Modal sosial pada responden Purse seine di Aertembaga Kota Bitung yaitu kepercayaan, norma sosial dan interaksi sosial. 2) Modal sosial berperan penting dalam usaha penangkapan ikan dengan purse seine dalam hal akses sumberdaya modal, sumberdaya manusia dan penjualan hasil tangkapan, dalam interaksi sosial mengandalkan kepercayaan yang telah terbangun membentuk norma sosial. Kata kunci : manajemen usaha, pembenihan kerapu tikus, balai benih ikan pantai

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Rossy Capriati ◽  
Purwaningsih Purwaningsih

ABSTRACT: Strategies and Struggles of Street Vendors in Pasar Pagi Village, Samarinda City. This thesis stems from my curiosity about the reasons these actors choose street vendors as their realm of work. As well as regarding field practices and competition between fellow business actors from relatively small to relatively large capital. Practices in the field of actors in the realm of business do not only rely on material capital but also on social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic capital as a form of strategy for the actors to maintain their business. Street vendors, as businessmen with relatively small capital, are not only competing with fellow street vendors, but also with large capital owners. The strategy used by street vendors is to collect capital and convert their capital even though their capital is relatively small. There are various forms of capital and habitus that are owned by street vendors. This is all as a support for the actors to be able to continue to survive in this realm. The street vendor is a practice from the flow of life that is not on their side. The minimal material capital and the exclusion of these actors with large investors make them more struggling and have a strategy to be able to maintain their business. ABSTRAK: Strategi dan Perjuangan Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kelurahan Pasar Pagi Kota Samarinda. Skripsi ini bermula dari rasa ingin tahu saya tentang alasan para aktor ini memilih pedagang kaki lima sebagai ranah pekerjaan yang mereka jalani. Serta tentang praktik lapangan dan persaingan antara sesama pelaku bisnis dari yang bermodalkan relatif kecil sampai yang bermodalkan relatif besar. Praktik di lapangan para pelaku di ranah bisnis nyatanya bukan hanya mengandalkan modal material saja melainkan juga modal social, modal budaya dan modal simbolik sebagai bentuk strategi para actor dalam mempertahankan usahanya. Pedagang kaki lima sebagai pelaku bisnis yang bermodalkan relative kecil nyatanya bukan hanya bersaing dengan sesame pedagang kaki lima akan tetapi juga dengan para pemilik modal-modal besar. Strategi yang digunakan para pedagang kaki lima dari mengumpulkan modal dan mengkonversikan modal mereka lakoni walupun modal mereka relatf kecil. Bentuk variasai-variasi modal dan habitus yang dimiliki oleh pedagang kaki lima beraneka ragam. Ini semua sebagai penunjang para aktor untuk dapat terus bertahan dalam ranah ini. Pedagang kaki lima merupakan praktik dari arus kehidupan yang tidak memihak kepada mereka. Modal material yang minim serta tersisihkannya para aktor ini dengan para pemodal besar membuat mereka lebih berjuang dan memiliki strategi untuk dapat mempertahankan usaha mereka.

PCD Journal ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 63
Mohtar Mas'oed ◽  
Amalinda Savirani

This paper aims to map out practices of political financing in Indonesia from the political to the socio-historical perspective. Arguing about the party financing and the corruption of politicians and the parties, this paper also proposes about strategies at the individual level for performing financing politics, as well as factors that help to explain their performance. It compares cases in three different periods of Indonesian history: the post-independence, the Suharto (New Order) era, and reformasi after the fall of Suharto in 1998. This paper discusses and analyses the financing politics belonging to the political and socio-historical perspective, the issue of financing politics, the results of mapping students theses from three universities in Java together with relevant papers by LIPI (the Indonesian Sciences Institute), and directly presents three case studies of individual performing financing politics. Two of the case studies concern with politicians from the post-independence and Suharto era, while the third concerns a member of the city of Solo's local parliament. This paper shows how financing politics would be no longer relevant, as the cultural capital, political capital, and social capital also may contribute in supporting one's political career.

2020 ◽  
pp. 146144482093325 ◽  
Daniel Calderón Gómez

Based on Bourdieu’s theory, this article focuses on the third-level digital divide in relation to offline outcomes of Internet use. Based on 30 in-depth qualitative interviews with young people in Madrid, we analyzed the mechanisms used to convert three main forms of capital—economic, cultural, and social—into digital capital (DC) and the subsequent reconversion of DC back into the three main forms of capital. We conclude that economic capital is the most basic form of digital inequality, imposing material barriers to access. Cultural capital is transformed into DC through people’s techno-socialization, while social capital is converted into DC by means of social practices and social support. DC can be retransformed into each of the three main forms of capital: to economic capital by means of professional networking and access to goods; to cultural capital through access to knowledge; and into social capital by the differential management of social ties.

2011 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
pp. 112-124
Katharine Sykes

This paper uses Bourdieu’s model of the three forms of capital — economic capital, social capital and cultural capital — to explore the complex relationship between the spiritual and temporal spheres described in medieval hagiographical texts. It focuses on the vita of Hugh of Avalon, Bishop of Lincoln, composed in the early thirteenth century during a period of important procedural developments in the process of papal canonization. This paper argues that the two necessary prerequisites for canonization by the beginning of the thirteenth century, namely miracles and sanctity of life, can be analysed as forms of symbolic capital, which could be transformed into material goods through the mechanism of divine providence. Thus sanctity — in particular, a reputation for ascetic behaviour — was not merely a form of capital: it was also the mechanism through which one form of capital could be transformed into another.

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