2012 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
Г. П. Поліщук

При написанні статті автор переслідував мету висвітлення переходу української школи у тридцятих роках до предметної системи навчання, яка мала стати базисною основою побудови нової політехнічної школи. Вона передбачала озброєння підростаючого покоління системою теоретичних знань, достатніх для продовження навчання у вищих навчальних закладах та формування практичних навичок і вмінь, необхідних для швидкого опанування робітничими професіями. Це зумовлювалося завданнями розбудови держави у 30-ті роки ХХ століття. Ключові слова: система навчання, предметне навчання, політехнічна школа, теоретичні знання.  Writing this article the author aimed to illuminate the transition of the Ukrainian school in thirties to the subject system of education, wish had become the basis of  creation of a new politechnic school. It foresaw the younger generation’s arming  with the system at theoretical knowledge sufficient enough for continuation of studying in higher educational establishments and forming practical habits and skills  necessary for a quick mastering working trades. It followed from the state-building tasks in thirties of the ХХ century. Key words: system of education, subject of teaching, polytechnic school, teoretical knowledge.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2019) (2) ◽  
Jurij Perovšek

Key words: State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, National Government of SHS in Ljubljana, National Council of SHS in Zagreb, Confederate statehood of Slovenia in State of SHS, United Slovenia Abstract: The state of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs (State of SHS), which was established by the Habsburg Yugoslavs upon their secession from the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy on October 29, 1918, met all the criteria required by international law for the emergence and existence of states. It was a real state union and next to the Kingdom of Serbia the second predecessor state of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, which was established o December 1, 1918. With the emergence of the State of SHS, the experience of their confederate statehood began for the Slovenians. Its factor was the first Slovenian national government, the National Government of SHS in Ljubljana (the National Government), which had all the authority in Slovenian lands and independently decided on the territory's political, social, cultural, economic, and military development. This position of Slovenian lands in the State of SHS was also recognized by the National Council of SHS in Zagreb, the supreme authority in the State of SHS, which transferred the exercise of its supreme authority for the Slovenian territory to the National Government in Ljubljana. Confederate national statehood is a key acquisition that defines the importance of the State of SHS in recent Slovenian historical development. With its creation, the first Slovenian state-building experience came to life.

2019 ◽  
pp. 158-169

The article analyzes the development of the regulatory framework of the institution of certification, starting with the Lithuanian charters to the present day. It is noted that at various historical stages, the definition of the content of the medical examination as a means of obtaining information about the crime and the person who committed it was approached in different ways, but it was always considered in connection with the examination. This emphasizes the affinity of the methods that were used during the examination and medical examination. The specificity of the examination was determined by the subject of inspection – the body of a living person. Sometimes examination was called inspection of objects and a corpse, and in some cases, the tasks of the examination included determining the state of the human body, its age, etc. Analysis of the regulatory regulation of the examination at various stages shows that standards have always been provided to ensure the rights and interests of the person being examined. In the first place, this concerned the examination of persons of a different gender than the investigator, referred to persons who could carry it out, in order to protect the honor and dignity of the person being examined. The article analyzes the legislation of different periods in the history of the USSR and some countries that emerged after its collapse in terms of the purpose of the medical examination. It is noted that the purpose of certification in the Code of Criminal Procedure of these states is not determined equally. In some, as in Ukraine, the goal is to establish on the human body traces of crime and special signs. In others, the objectives of the examination include the establishment of a state of intoxication or other properties that are relevant to the criminal case. Article examines the issue of the possibility of compulsory examination of the person; the opinions of various groups of authors and their justification are given; Additional arguments are given about the necessity and possibility of compulsory examination of a suspect, victim, witness who refuse to voluntarily pass it, after using the available means and methods of persuasion. Attention is drawn to the fact that the investigator or the prosecutor should not be deprived of the opportunity to establish the truth and protect the rights and interests of the victim of the crime, due to the fact that for some reason he does not want this. Key words: examination, regulation, subject of examination, human properties.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (34) ◽  
N. Bhinder

The article explains the notion of modernization of professional training of future border guard officers, reveals its types and levels, substantiates the necessity of learning the experience of Indian higher educational military establishments. Besides the author outlines the scientific and methodical recommendations on modernization of professional training of future border guard officers at the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi considering the experience of higher military educational establishments of the Republic of India. The recommendations are to be considered at the level of Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the management of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, teaching staff of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, the faculties management and the course officers, and the cadets themselves. Key words: modernization, professional training, recommendations, foreign advanced experience, future border guard officers, higher military educational establishment

Ю. М. Оборотов

В современной методологии юриспруденции происходит переход от изучения состо­яний ее объекта, которыми выступают право и государство, к постижению этого объек­та в его изменениях и превращениях. Две подсистемы методологии юриспруденции, подсистема обращенная к состоянию права и государства; и подсистема обращенная к изменениям права и государства, — получают свое отображение в концептуальной форме, методологических подходах, методах, специфических понятиях. Показательны перемены в содержании методологии юриспруденции, где определяю­щее значение имеют методологические подходы, определяющие стратегию исследова­тельских поисков во взаимосвязи юриспруденции с правом и государством. Среди наи­более характерных подходов антропологический, аксиологический, цивилизационный, синергетический и герменевтический — определяют плюралистичность современной методологии и свидетельствуют о становлении новой парадигмы методологии юриспру­денции.   In modern methodology of jurisprudence there is a transition from the study the states of its object to its comprehension in changes and transformations. Hence the two subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence: subsystem facing the states of the law and the state as well as their components and aspects; and subsystem facing the changes of the law and the state in general and their constituents. These subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence receive its reflection in conceptual form, methodological approaches, methods, specific concepts. Methodology of jurisprudence should not be restricted to the methodology of legal theory. In this regard, it is an important methodological question about subject of jurisprudence. It is proposed to consider the subject of jurisprudence as complex, covering both the law and the state in their specificity, interaction and integrity. Indicative changes in the content methodology of jurisprudence are the usage of decisive importance methodological approaches that govern research strategy searches in conjunction with the law and the state. Among the most characteristic of modern development approaches: anthropological, axiological, civilization, synergistic and hermeneutic. Modern methodology of jurisprudence is pluralistic in nature alleging various approaches to the law and the state. Marked approaches allow the formation of a new paradigm methodology of jurisprudence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 221-235 ◽  
Daniella De Paula Chiesa ◽  
Mário Antônio Sanches ◽  
Daiane Priscila Simão-Silva

O estudo do Planejamento familiar, no contexto da bioética, abre-se para diversas perspectivas, entre elas a valorização dos seus diferentes atores. Situado neste contexto o artigo tem como objetivo identificar o perfil de gênero na produção científica sobre Planejamento Familiar no Brasil, entre 2000 e 2014, assim como a área de formação e especialização dos autores. Foram utilizadas metodologias que permitiram mapear o estado da arte do tema estudado, a partir de uma revisão da literatura. O resultado da pesquisa identifica que a produção científica sobre Planejamento Familiar no Brasil se compõe de perfil destacadamente feminino (71,76%). Dos 73 artigos analisados, 42 (57,53%) o foco do tema está direcionado à mulher assim como evidencia-se a área de ciências da saúde com maior concentração das publicações do tema.  Este aspecto da pesquisa abre para uma realidade complexa onde se buscam criticamente as razões para a pesquisa em Planejamento Familiar ter ênfase na mulher e ser um tema de relevância nas ciências da saúde.Palavras-chave: Produção científica, Planejamento Familiar, Gênero.  ABSTRACT: The study of Family Planning, in the context of bioethics, opens to diverse perspectives, among them the appreciation of their different agents. Situated in this context the article aims to identify the profile of gender in scientific literature on Family Planning in Brazil, between 2000 and 2014, as well as the area of training and specialization of the authors. Methodologies were used which allowed to map the State of the art of the subject studied, from a review of the literature. The results found identify that the scientific production on Family Planning in Brazil is formed with a outstandingly female profile (71,76%). Of the 73 articles examined, 42 (57.53%) the focus of the topic is directed to women as well as showing the health sciences area with highest concentration of publications. This aspect of the research opens to a complex reality where we seek critically the reasons for Research in Family Planning have emphasis on woman and be a topic of relevance in health sciences.Keywords: Scientific Production, Family Planning, Gender.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Muhamad Isnaini ◽  
Busmin Gurning ◽  
Edy Setia

This study deals with politeness strategies in political language. The aim of the study is to describe how Indonesian politicians realize politeness in their language. The subject was taken nine parties who have representatives. They come from different parties: Democrat, Golkar, PDIP, PKS, PPP, PKB, PAN, Gerindra and Hanura. Data were classified and verified with reference to the criteria of politeness strategies as determined by Brown & Levinson (1987); cover the bald on record strategy, positive strategy, negative strategy and off-record strategy. The finding show that there were four types of politeness strategies used by Politicians in different of types of illocutionary acts; positive strategy, bald on record strategy, negative strategy, and off-record strategy. The most dominant type of politeness strategies used was positive strategy. The most dominant type was due to fact that speakers in interaction try to get closer the hearers. They use the group identity marker in addressing someone so there is no distance relationship between the speaker and hearer. They also gave the reasons when they speak in order to satisfy the hearer. Key words: politician; political language; politeness strategy

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Tuti Andriani Siregar ◽  
Didik Santoso ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan

This study deals with the improvement of the students’ achievement in reading comprehension through advance organizer strategy. The objectives of this research were to improve the students’ achievement in reading comprehension as well as the process of learning reading comprehension by using advance organizer strategy.  The subject of the study was grade XI IPA 2 Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Binjai consisting of 33 students. The data of this study were obtained by using test, observation sheets and interview. This research was conducted in two cycles because in the pre-test (without treatment), the average of the students’ score was 59,24. In the first cycle test, it was 74,30. It is lower than the minimum passing grade, and if is viewed from the observation sheets, the situation of the learning process hasn’t met the criteria of the success. So the writer continued to the second cycle. There was a significant progress on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension in the second cycle, and the average of the students was 82,94. The students were more active and enthusiastic in following the lesson. Therefore, the teaching reading comprehension through advance organizer strategy can improve the students’ achievement in reading comprehension quantitatively and qualitatively. Key words:  improving, reading comprehension, advance organizer strategy.

2014 ◽  
pp. 83
Sabino de Juan López

RESUMEN En el artículo se ofrece una reflexión en torno a la educación y valores. Tras una referencia a los diferentes sentidos en que se puede plantear el problema en función de la forma como se puede entender la relación entre los dos sustantivos “educación” y “valores”, la reflexión se centra en algunos problemas relacionados con los valores en cuanto contenidos de la educación. Primeramente se refiere al problema del criterio en función del cual determinar los valores de la educación, concluyendo en que el criterio no podía ser ni de carácter a priori, ni empírico, sino “sintético”. A continuación, se afronta el problema del principio, de la fuente de los valores, o la concreción del criterio de los valores de la educación, entendiendo que éstos deberían ser determinados a partir del sujeto de la educación. Se concluye con la referencia a una exigencia de los valores de la educación, la configuración de una totalidad unitaria e interactiva. Palabras clave: educación, valores, fuente de valores, integración, cultura EDUCATION AND VALUES ABSTRACT The article offers a reflection on education and values. After a reference to the different senses in which one can pose the problem in terms of how you can understand the relationship between the two nouns “education” and “values”, reflection focuses on some problems related to the values in the contents of education. First, it concerns the problem of the criterion against which to determine the values of education, concluding that the criterion could be neither a priori in nature, not empirical, but “synthetic”. Herein, the problem of principle is faced, the source of values, or the realization of the criterion of the values of education, understanding that these should be determined from the subject of education. It concludes with the reference of a requirement of the values in education, setting up a unitary and interactive whole. Key Words: education, values , power values , integration, culture

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