scholarly journals Technological aspects of using an electronic simulator in the process of mastering foreign language professional communication by future bachelors in the field of training “38.03.04 State and municipal administration”

2020 ◽  
pp. 135-141
Elena A. Sentishcheva

The article reveals the content of the concept „electronic simulator”, reflects the educational potential of this distance learning tool, the application of which facilitates the process of training bachelors in the field of training „38.03.04 State and municipal administration”. The author considers the main theoretical and functional aspects of its use, structural components, as well as the main advantages of its application in comparison with traditional approaches to training in vocational foreign language education. The article is an educational and methodical support of the process of mastering the professionally oriented foreign language communication by future bachelors in the field of „State and Municipal Administration” based on the application of electronic simulator, namely, types of tasks and support. This study also highlights the pedagogical conditions that are the most important component of the developed technology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-129
Vera B. Tsarcova ◽  

The article is devoted to one of the problems of foreign language education – the definition of the role of interpretation in preparing students of special (language) directions to participate in the dialogue of cultures. Interpretation is considered as a phenomenon and as a way of comprehending reality, which allows the subjects of the dialogue of cultures to reach mutual understanding. The main characteristic of interpretation, which is necessary for the purposes of foreign language education, is its psychological character. It is determined by the psychology of the author, the psychology of the work, as well as the psychology of the reader-interpreter. It is proved that the interpretation of a work of art, which has universal, historical and personal plans, has huge epistemological and axiological possibilities. They activate the entire educational potential of interperetation (educational, developmental, cognitive, and educational). Russian Russian poet A. A. Fet (1820–1892) uses the poem “Wir saßen am Fischerhaus” by the famous German poet and publicist Heinrich Hein (1797–1856) and the translation of this poem into Russian to illustrate the interpretation technology. The poem is considered as a space of personal meanings of the author. They are the ones that are subject to interpretation and bring the reader-interpreter back from the poet's world to the modern real world. And the real world is full of unexpected cultural facts, closely related to the content of the work of G. Heine, with distant Lapland and the life of modern lapps. Thus, interpretation is presented as an educational strategy. Together with the strategies of contextualization, philologization and argumentation, it ensures the achievement of the main goal of foreign language education – the creation of an individual who can act as a genuine subject of the dialogue of cultures. The article also emphasizes the importance of the teacher as the organizer of the educational process and the subject of the dialogue of cultures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-83
A. Ye. Bizhkenova ◽  
D.M. Kabenova ◽  
Z.S. Takuova ◽  
M. Adilkhanuly ◽  

In the system of foreign language education in Kazakhstan,English is a priority at all levels of education. English is the language which is chosen by parents as a foreign for their children in preschool age. This article is devoted to the study of the status and current issues of teaching English in Kazakhstan. It is based on the results of a practical survey of eighth grade students of some secondary schools, as well as on observation of the educational process. During a visit to English classes and after conversations with school teachers, the problematic aspects of the learning process were identified. The article provides an overview of modern methods and principles of classes’ organization, contains recommendations for solving theidentified problems. The authors of the article also tried to find out the desire of students to learn not only English, but also other foreign languages, because according to the state regulatory documents, students at school have the right to choose a foreign language, which they want tolearn. The desire to communicate in a foreign language, readiness for foreign language communication, the role ofEnglish language in the student’s life, the main activities in foreign language lessons were some of the key issues, that were considered in this scientific work.

Liudmila Konyakhina ◽  
Lora Yakovleva ◽  

The article discusses a number of issues related to developing the linguistic persona and intercultural competency and focuses on educational ideas, strategies, technologies, and practices that embody intercultural approaches to foreign language education. To ensure the high quality of foreign language education, our priorities must include the development of competences in the area of professional communication in foreign languages. In that regard, the article identifies pedagogical conditions conducive to fostering the socio-cultural competence and the successful development of the learner’s linguistic persona. The authors present mechanisms of implementing the said pedagogical conditions in the following areas: a) developing communication skills and competencies of foreign language instructors; b) modeling situations with communication barriers in diverse ethnocultural environments; c) acquiring and selecting ethnocultural information; d) integrating in-class and out-of-class activities in a foreign language; and e) establishing a good rapport between an instructor and her students. The authors go on to describe the methodological basis for designing the content of foreign language programs, identify optimal approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages, and reflect on the context of the intercultural paradigm in university-level foreign language education.

Irina Aleksandrovna Berdnikova

The author emphasizes that the world integration processes put forward qualitatively new require-ments to professionals. In this regard, one of the tasks of an educational process is training highly qualified personnel able to conduct business and professional communication in a foreign language. The present study substantiates the importance of foreign language skills for internal affairs officers. It is noted that possessing these skills will allow inter-nal affairs officers to solve problems in the sphere of law enforcement at an international level. The study focuses on the fact that the pedagogical efficiency of teaching foreign language professional commu-nication to police office candidates and postgradu-ate students at the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is achieved due to the application of the communi-cative method and consideration of andragogical principles of foreign language education of adults.

R. V. Drazhan ◽  
A. S. Pazonova ◽  
E. S. Gluhih

This article is devoted to the issues of foreign language training of future marine transport engineers and the topicality of their possession of foreign language professional communicative competence at the level needed to resolve professional problems in the process of employment. This work proves the necessity of improving the quality of foreign language training by means of additional educational programs and advanced courses on Marine, Business, Professional English, the purpose of which is to apply oral and written communicative skills in situations of business and professional communication in arranging and carrying out an international transportation, operation and management of water transport, as well as forwarding and agency services for ships. Following a competencybased approach, the goals, objectives and results of the development of programs of additional and professional foreign language education are clearly defined in accordance with the requirements of international, professional and educational standards and the results of training are given on examples of specific courses. The research results presented in the article can be used in development and implementation into the educational process the professional foreign language communication programs using e-learning and distance learning educational technologies. The authors emphasize the importance of social partnership with the employer in order to continuously monitor his requests and requirements for the graduate.

Елена Николаевна Григорьева ◽  
Анжелика Геннадьевна Абрамова ◽  
Татьяна Юрьевна Гурьянова

Обучение диалогической речи на иностранном языке является одной из ключевых проблем иноязычного образования в силу доминирования данного вида речевой деятельности в ходе иноязычной коммуникации. Авторы статьи анализируют современное состояние вопроса обучения диалогу на английском языке, основные теоретические и практические аспекты обучения диалогической речи: особенности диалога как вида речевой деятельности, систему упражнений для обучения диалогу-расспросу на английском языке. Материалом исследования послужили труды по методике обучения устной речи на иностранном языке (В. Л. Скалкин, Е. Н. Соловова, М. Л. Вайсбурд, И. Л. Бим, М. В. Гайлит, Я. Яноушек, Г. В. Рогова, Н. П. Грачева). В ходе исследования на основе анализа экзаменационных ответов выпускников 9 и 11 классов на основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ) и единого государственного экзамена (ЕГЭ) авторы статьи выявляют наиболее типичные ошибки и затруднения учеников в заданиях, предполагающих ведение условного диалога-расспроса на английском языке и ответы на вопросы коммуникатора. В статье также приводятся практические результаты проведенного эксперимента по апробации разработанного авторами комплекса упражнений для обучения условному диалогу-расспросу на английском языке в школе, основанного на применении визуальных опор и сочетании индуктивного и дедуктивного подходов к обучению диалогу. Teaching a dialogical speech in a foreign language is one of the key problems of foreign language education due to the dominance of this type of speech activity in the course of foreign language communication. The authors of the article analyze the current state of the issue, the main theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of teaching a dialogue: features of dialogical speech, system of exercises for teaching dialogue in English. The research material is based on the works on methodology of teaching oral speech in a foreign language (V. L. Skalkin, E. N. Solovova, M. L. Weisburd, I. L. Bim, M. V. Gailit, Ya. Yanoushek, G. V. Rogova, N. P. Gracheva). In the course of the study, basing on the analysis of the Basic State Exam and Unified State Exam results, the authors identify the most typical mistakes when making a dialogue in English. The article also presents the practical results of experimental work on testing the set of exercises for teaching dialogical speech in English at school, based on the use of visual aids and a combination of inductive and deductive approaches to teaching a dialogue.

Т.А. Танцура

В статье рассматриваются основные направления иноязычного образования в вузе в настоящее время. Автор указывает на общую тенденцию трансформации иноязычного образования за рубежом и в отечественном образовании. Создание единого европейского государства и открытие границ способствовали росту мобильности профессиональных кадров, что вызвало потребность в высоком уровне знания иностранного языка для повседневного и профессионального общения. Актуальность статьи заключается в изучении проблемы внедрения интегрированного обучения профильных дисциплин посредством иностранного языка в вузе. Автором отмечается тот факт, что несмотря на возможность активизации процесса обучения профильным дисциплинам и одновременного совершенствования знаний и навыков иностранного языка, в настоящее время лишь небольшое количество вузов внедряют интегрированное обучение. В статье определяются трудности и преимущества введения обучения на основе предметно-языкового интегрированного обучения. The article deals with the main directions of foreign language education at the university at the present time. The author points to the general trend regarding to transformation of foreign language education abroad and in Russia. The creation of the European union and the opening of borders contributed to the growth of the mobility of professional personnel, which caused the need for a high level of a foreign language knowledge for everyday and professional communication. The relevance of the article is to study the problem of implementing integrated teaching of specialized disciplines through a foreign language at a university. The author notes the fact that despite the possibility of activating the process of teaching specialized disciplines and simultaneously improving the knowledge and skills of a foreign language, only a small number of universities are implementing integrated training currently. The article defines the difficulties and advantages of introducing training based on subject-language integrated learning.

Елена Николаевна Григорьева ◽  
Елена Сергеевна Семенова ◽  
Вера Петровна Зайцева

Обучение письменной речи на иностранном языке является одной из задач иноязычного образования в силу растущей популярности данного вида речевой деятельности в ходе коммуникации, реализующейся в процессе профессионального и личного Интернет-общения в социальных сетях, по электронной почте.Авторы статьи освещают основные теоретические и практические аспекты обучения письменной речи студентов языковых факультетов вуза посредством веб-квеста: особенности письма как вида речевой деятельности, систему упражнений для обучения письменной речи на английском языке.В ходе исследования преподаватели анализируют основные платформы для создания веб-квеста, выявляют их преимущества и недостатки при работе над обучением иноязычной письменной речи. В статье также приводятся практические результаты экспериментальной работы, проведенной со студентами языкового факультета вуза, в ходе которой был апробирован разработанный составителями комплекс упражнений для обучения письменной речи на английском языке на основе веб-квестов. Teaching writing in a foreign language is one of the tasks of foreign language education because of the growing popularity of this type of speech activity in the course of foreign language communication, implemented through professional and personal Internet communication in social networks, e-mail.The authors of the article cover the main theoretical and practical aspects of teaching writing with the help of web quest: peculiarities of writing as a type of speech activity, the system of exercises for teaching writing in English.In the study the authors analyze the main platforms for creating a web quest, identify their advantages and disadvantages when working on teaching foreign language writing. The article also presents the practical results of the experimental work, during which a set of exercises developed by the authors for teaching writing with the help of web quests was tested.

Mary G. Evdokimova

We discuss issues related to rethinking the general status of a textbook as the main aid of teaching, its place and role in the system of teaching a foreign language (FL) at non-linguistic universities. A retrospective analysis of the main trends in the development of the concept of the foreign language textbook, the history of the transformation of its forms, functions and signific-ance is given. The increasing role of modern multimedia textbooks and integrated digital linguistic educational environments as an alternative to the traditional textbook is shown. The need for the textbook authors to take into account modern scientific and methodic ideas about the target, con-tent and procedural aspects of foreign language education is proved. The increasing relevance of intra-university publications is shown. An integrative methodology is proposed as a guideline for the development of the concept of a modern foreign language textbook at a non-linguistic university. The productivity of integrating profession-oriented foreign language training, the competence-based, communicative and intercultural approaches is substantiated. The contextual approach is considered as a way to actualize the profession-oriented vector of teaching foreign language at a non-linguistic university. It is shown that the implementation of the contextual approach requires that departments of foreign languages at non-linguistic universities of various profiles should specify the content of teaching a foreign language, in order to identify and clarify the features of professional communication of the specialists of a particular profile. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only purely scientific and technical/ontological (subject context), but social, communicative, organizational aspects of communication (social context) as well. Summing up the results of the undertaken analysis, the author formulates the requirements for the content and structure of a modern textbook. A forecast is presented regarding the most probable directions of evolution of a foreign language textbook for non-linguistic universities.

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