2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
pp. 1
Nasrun Nazaruddin ◽  
Rahmat Hidayat ◽  
Ricco Andreas

Hajj becomes part of the fifth pillar of faith after the creed, prayer, fasting, and alms. Hajj and Umrah are required for those who are powerful (capable), each man or woman once in a lifetime. In general, the Indonesian Muslim community performs the Hajj and Umrah to the Grand Mosque in Makkah through Hajj and Umrah travel. The number of devotees of Umrah pilgrims in Indonesia is so much the main attraction for entrepreneurs in the field of travel. This study uses a qualitative approach and is a type of field research (Field Research) and compares the pilgrimage and umrah services of PT. Makkah Multazam Safir and Al-Madinah Tour & Travel in Bandar Lampung which together are business entities that provide services or providers of Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage services in Baitullah. Two different data presentations will provide us with valid information regarding a program and services offered to prospective pilgrims in need. From the analysis that will be done will minimize errors in the future.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-55
Abdur Rakib

This research basically is to find the position of ‘urf as one of the theories that can provide legal changes in an authoritative-inclusive way to fiqh in the word khalwat in the definitive aspects of syar'iyyah in relation to culture of riding with fiancees in the Madura area. As an external consideration in cultural studies, ‘urf is one of the continuous theories with the discussion of adat to determine law in an authoritative-inclusive manner. In this study using a type of field research (field research) because it involves empirical data that views law as a set of behaviors, actions, and reality. In addition, also library research (library research) to obtain data about a norm while reviewing theories with a qualitative approach because it cannot be obtained by mathematical or numerical statistical procedures, so that it can contain about people's lives (culture), history, ethics, social movements , or family system. From the process of analyzing the meaning of khalwat using the theory of ma'na al-haml with the consideration of 'urf in which there are several elements of maslahat, this study concludes that' urf can change the position of Islamic law by combining consideration of several conditions through the process of changing meaning used in redefining the word khalwat. So as to enable culture to be engaged during the engagement period as happened in the Sumenep and Madura communities in general as a consideration of ‘valid urf. Keywords: Relationship in Engagement, ‘Urf, and Madura.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 401-414
Dr. Indradeep Verma Et al.

As Artificial Intelligence(AI) is emerging in this century,it can be seen as it is going to take most of the humans’ tasks soon.Artificial Intelligence is widely used in all the fields whether it is medical field,research field,automatic vehicle system,Business models of market,weather forecasting and much more.If the future prospects of AI to be highlighted, then the main focus are on how AI will impact on lifestyle of people and how will our society and industries going to change.In this research paper,the AI growth and its applications will be highlighted in three phases.In the first phase the past events of AI and its growth is discussed,the second phase covers the present event and applications of AI and in the last phase,the future(after 10 years) aspects and its applications will be highlighted.As the world is growing in the fast pace and the information technology field is shaping every context of market and research.

Achmad Abdul Munif ◽  
Mokh. Fakhruddin S ◽  
Tatak Winata

This study began with the OME AKE learning model applied at MTs Al-Arief Jati Gili Genting Sumenep Madura, students were active in learning, even academic and non-academic achievements of students were very good. The study of this research is the application of the OME AKE learning model in MTs. Al-Arief Jate Gili Genteng Sumenep. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of field research (field research). Steps The application of the OME AKE learning model in increasing the learning activeness of students at MTs Al-Arief Jate-Gili Genting-Sumenep runs according to the educational process standards. In learning, it refers to the syntax that is determined, with the first steps being learning orientation, modeling, topic exploration, analysis and problem solving, communicating the results and evaluation. The implementation of the OME AKE learning model in increasing student learning activeness is in children's learning being invited to do orientation or introduction to learning material, especially from the aspect of knowledge, after that children play a role according to their respective tasks, the children then analyze the material in detail, after the analysis is done then the results are conveyed to his friends in the form of presentations in groups and in class, the teacher then gives an evaluation of the process and results of the students. Students actively learn: such as paying attention (visual activities), listening, discussing, students 'readiness to ask questions, students' courage, listening and solving problems (mental activities).  

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Muhammad Baehaqi

This paper is intended to discuss business spirituality in the Muslim community which gives a significant contribution in building the existence of the ethics of Muslim business in the global market. The Muslim community is a strength of business that is taken into account because of the breadth of the number, as well as its increase in terms of growth. The approach used is a qualitative approach by revealing secondary data that has been previously released by other authors and submitted in the form of narrative articles. This paper provides a setting for the recognition of "Muslim hubs" as the development of new insights in Muslim business literacy in creating the meaning of collaboration between the business entities involved. A concept map to offer more specific characteristics, motivations, and market potential of Muslim business businesses.

2012 ◽  
Eva Zahratul Wardah

<div><p>Tradisi adu tumper adalah suatu tradisi temu pengantin anak sulung. Anak sulung yang dimaksud adalah anak yang masing-masing berstatus sebagai anak sulung di dalam keluarganya masing-masing. Ritual ini dilakukan untuk mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan dikemudian hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan tata cara dan simbol-simbol yang digunakan dalam upacara adu tumper. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam jenis penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Selain itu dalam ritual tersebut juga disertai dengan adanya suatu kepercayaan dan keyakinan akan mendapatkan keselamatan apabila menjalankannya, yang menyebabkan timbulnya kesyirikan dalam masyarakat. Oleh karena itu tradisi ini dalam Islam dikategorikan ke dalam ‘Urf fasid (rusak), karena banyak bertentangan dengan aturan hukum Islam. Adu Tumper tradition is one of first child meeting process within marriage.</p><p>First child, in this context, is bride or groom who is the first chil in her or his family . The ritual is practice to protect unwanted bad luck in the future. This research is conducted to know and to describe procedure and symbols using in Adu Tumper tradition. It is a field research with qualitative approach. This research uses data collecting technique such as interview, observation and documentation. The result shows that the practicing of that tradition, with the belief that they will get safety if they practce it, causes people to belief more than one God (musyrik). Therefore, Adu Tumper tradision is categoryzed as bad custom (Urf fasid) because it contradicts with Islamic law.</p><p>Kata kunci: Tradisi Adu tumper, masyarakat Using, Pengantin Anak Sulung</p></div>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Suryadi Suryadi ◽  
Maslahatun Nikmah

This article discusses the pattern of fostering deviant behavior that occurs among students. This research took place in Islamic boarding school to become one of the institutions of education that is fairly old in the Indonesian nation. In addition, Islamic boarding schools are also known as institutions to deepen knowledge and foster student morals. Therefore, each boarding school has a different pattern of coaching. This study uses field research (field research) with a descriptive qualitative approach. The aim is to be able to describe the results of the analysis in detail. This problem attracts the attention of the writer to examine the pattern of guidance of students in controlling deviant behavior. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the factors causing deviant behavior of students are influenced by the family environment, boarding schools/schools and peers. As for the pattern of fostering santri in controlling deviant behavior in the boarding school of ar-Risalah, the village uses three coaching patterns, namely a preventive pattern, a repressive pattern and a curative pattern. Patterns of prevention are carried out to keep the delinquency from happening. Repressive patterns when students have deviant behavior so there must be consequences for the students. And curative control pattern is given if the pattern of preventive and repressive can not be a solution in controlling deviant behavior of students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Arbanur Rasyid

<p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Tulisan ini bertujuan menganalisis dinamika pelaksanaan sertifikasi halal pada produk makanan dan minuman di Kota Medan, Padangsidimpuan dan Sibolga. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh dari observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan teknik reduksi, display dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada setiap elemen terkait kehalalan produk makanan dan minuman ditemukan beragam masalah yang menjadi kendala pelaksanaan sertifikasi halal di tengah masyarakat di ketiga kota yang diteliti. Di antara masalah itu adalah keterbatasan wewenang dan dana pada MUI (LP-POM) untuk melakukan sosialisasi sertifikasi halal, lemahnya kesadaran hukum produsen untuk menyikapi keharusan sertifikasi halal pada produknya serta lemahnya pemahaman masyarakat Muslim tentang perlunya memperhatikan dan mewaspadai kehalalan produk makanan dan minuman yang dikonsumsi.</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The Dynamics of Halal Certification Implementation in Food and Baverage in Medan, Padangsidimpuan and Sibolga. This paper aims to analyze the dynamics of the implementation of halal certification in food and beverage products in the respective cities. This type of research is field research with a qualitative approach. Sources of data was obtained from observation, in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively with reduction, display and verification techniques. The results showed that in each element related to the halal food and beverage products found a variety of problems that constrained the implementation of halal certification in the society in all three cities. Among those problems are the limited authority and funds at the MUI to disseminate halal certification, the lack of legal awareness of producers to address the need for halal certification on their products and the limited understanding of the Muslim community about the halal food and beverage products consumed.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> MUI, sertifikasi halal, pola konsumsi</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 220
Rima Mustika Sewi ◽  
Dewi Ulya Mailasari

<p align="justify"><em>This paper aims to describe the development of collaboration skills in early childhood through traditional games of bakiak, dhakon, and cublak-cublak suweng. This paper is absed on research using a qualitative approach and field research, where the researcher goes directly to the field to find the data. Data collection techniques were carried out by observing 24 students in a kindergarten, and 2 teachers who played the traditional games together, and by interviewing the two teachers and three participants. The results showed that the development of collaboration skills in early childhood through traditional games of bakiak, dhakon, cublak-cublak suweng was supported by the characteristics of games that were fun, challenging, familiar, and carried out together. The manifestation of the development aspects of collaboration in the traditional games is by fostering participation, patience, communication, solidarity, and self-confidence. These five aspects are important in supporting collaboration skills in children in the future.</em><em></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 287-300
Muhammad Taufan Djafri ◽  
Syandri Syandri ◽  
Aswar Aswar ◽  
Zulkarnain Alim Said

The purpose of this study was to discover the Ma'rate customary law in marriage according to the perspective of Islamic law. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of field research (field research) and uses a normative and socioanthropological approach. The results of the study show that Ma'rate customs are never separated from the combination of culture and Islamic law. Ma'rate in the Islamic perspective has three elements of value, namely; 1) Moral values (in Ma'rate custom the host is obliged to honor guests such as providing food); 2) Cultural values (Ma'rate custom is no longer by its implementation as in the beginning, and this change is seen from the equipment that must be provided, where Ma'rate custom is now only an effort to preserve tradition); and 3) The value of worship (in the Ma'rate custom there are activities to pray for the bride and groom and humans in general). If the community can maintain Islamic values and not fall into sin, then Islamic law shows that the Ma'rate custom can be carried out on the condition that it does not conflict with the Qur'an, the sunnah of the prophet, and the rules of ushul fiqh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 207
Ahmad Nilnal Muna

<p align="center">Abstrak</p><p>Praktik gadai saat ini masih juga terjadi kendati sistem perbankan dan sistem permodalan perbankan maupun turunannya sudah begitu masif dan begitu banyak jumlahnya serta semakin memudahkan. Tak terkecuali apa yang dilakukan masyarakat Japan kecamatan Dawe kabupaten Kudus. Praktik ar-Rahn dengan menggadaikan kebun maupun sawah sebagai jaminan tetap ada dan subur di masyarakat pedesaan.</p><p>Studi mengenai praktik mu’amalah khususnya gadai di kalangan masyarakat menjadi penting adanya untuk mengukur dan mengetahui bagaimana praktik ar-rahn di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Sudah sesuai dengan tuntunan fiqih mu’amalah atau tidak.</p><p>Pada penelitian ini penulis berfokus pada praktik gadai perkebunan yang dilakukan di masyarakat Desa Japan Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus. Melalui penelitian lapangan (<em>field research</em>) dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yakni pendekatan penelitian yang tidak menggunakan perhitungan angka-angka dalam menguji kebenaran datanya. Oleh karena itu masalah dalam penelitian kualitatif masih bersifat sementara, tentatif, dan akan berkembang atau berganti setelah peneliti berada di lapangan. Lokasi dalam penelitian ini adalah berada di Desa Japan Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus. Sementara waktu penelitian ini adalah mulai Januari sampai Maret tahun 2021.</p><p>Penelitian ini ingin mengungkap praktik gadai perkebunan praktik gadai perkebunan yang dilakukan di masyarak Desa Japan Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus. Apakah praktik tersebut sudah sesuai dengan kaidah dalam fikih muamalah dan bagaimana solusinya.</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong>Fiqih Muamalah Study about pawn practice in Japan Dawe Kudus </strong></p><p>The current practice of pawning is still occurring even though the banking system and banking capital system and its derivatives are already so massive and so many in number and making it easier. The people of Japan, Dawe sub-district, Kudus district were no exception to this. The practice of ar-Rahn by mortgaging gardens and rice fields as a guarantee of existence and fertility in rural communities.</p><p>The study of mu'amalah practices, especially pawning among the community, is important to measure and find out how ar-rahn practices in the community. It is in accordance with the guidance of fiqih mu'amalah or not.</p><p>In this study the authors focused on the practice of plantation pawning carried out in the community of Japan Village, Dawe District, Kudus Regency. Through field research (field research) with a qualitative approach, namely a research approach that does not use numerical calculations to test the correctness of the data. Therefore problems in qualitative research are still temporary, tentative, and will develop or change after researchers are in the field. The location in this research is in Japan Village, Dawe District, Kudus Regency. Meanwhile, the time of this research is from January to March 2021.</p><p>This study aims to reveal the practice of plantation pawning in the practice of plantation pawning in the Japanese village community, Dawe District, Kudus Regency. Is this practice in accordance with the rules in muamalah fiqh and what is the solution</p>

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