scholarly journals Analyzing English Pronunciation Skills of Indonesian Bilingual School Teachers Using Phonetic Transcription

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Lusiana Sari Rahayu ◽  
Barli Bram ◽  
Dyah Ayu Kusumawardani

 This paper analyzed English pronunciation skill of teachers in one of Indonesian bilingual schools which apply a combined curriculum to provide high quality of education. The teachers are demanded to have good English proficiency. Pronunciation is considered to be crucial in English speaking skill since the teachers have the responsibility to teach Cambridge International Primary Program (CIPP) subjects, such as Math, English and Science. It is to give good examples in pronouncing words and not to mislead the students during the content delivery in teaching. Fifteen homeroom teachers involved as participants in the research. It considers their having essential role in developing the students’ English abilities and become a model to speak English despites their various English abilities since they graduated from non-English departments. The researchers used the recordings of the testing instrument involving 15 teachers and a questionnaire to collect data. Findings showed the words best, both, first, high, question, sure, table, television, with and wrong were frequently mispronounced by the teachers.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 37-42
М. Бершадский ◽  
M. Bershadskiy ◽  
А. Кузнецова ◽  
A. Kuznecova

In order to develop scientifi c mechanisms for improving the quality of education based on the organization of professional interaction of school teachers at the workplace, a comprehensive study of the current state, forms and trends of professional interaction of teachers at the workplace was carried out, as well as a comprehensive analysis of best Russian and foreign experience in the fi eld of professional interaction of teachers’ place, the activities of teams of teachers. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions were drawn on the relevance of the development of professional interaction practices of teachers and models of organizing teams of school teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 56
Delsika Pramata Sari ◽  
R Ati Sukmawati ◽  
Harja Santana Purba ◽  
Dimas Maulana Muhammad ◽  
Syahril Hanla Azis

Kualitas pendidikan sangat bergantung pada kualitas pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan guru di kelas. Optimalisasi proses pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan penggunaan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu sangat penting melatihkan penggunaan google classroom kepada para guru. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan penggunaan google classroom untuk mengoptimalkan proses pembelajaran di SMK ISFI Banjarmasin, dan menghasilkan modul google classroom. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah para guru SMK ISFI Banjarmasin. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini, antara lain memberikan pelatihan pengetahuan mendasar mengenai penggunaan google classroom, memberikan gambaran pengalaman bagaimana penggunaan google classroom secara sistematis dalam pembelajaran, serta menghasilkan modul google classroom. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan modul google classroom yang digunakan oleh para guru dalam pelatihan. Selain itu, kegiatan ini berkontribusi meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan guru dalam penggunaan google classroom sebagai media pembelajaran. Penggunaan google classroom diharapkan dapat membuat proses pembelajaran menjadi menyenangkan, sehingga berdampak positif terhadap hasil belajar siswa, serta meningkatkan kualitas kinerja guru. The quality of education is very dependent on the quality of learning carried out by teachers in the classroom. The optimization of the learning process can be done by integrating the use of technology as a learning medium. Therefore it is very important to train the use of google classroom to teachers. Community service aims to provide training in using google classroom to optimize the learning process at SMK ISFI Banjarmasin and produce a google classroom module. The target of this activity is Banjarmasin ISFI Vocational School, teachers. The methods used in this activity include providing training in basic knowledge about using google classroom, providing an overview of experiences on how to use google classroom systematically in learning, and producing a google classroom module. This activity produces a google classroom module that is used by teachers in training. In addition, this activity contributes to increasing teacher knowledge and ability in using Google classroom as a learning medium. The use of google classroom is expected to make the learning process enjoyable so that it has a positive impact on student learning outcomes while improving the quality of teacher performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Neni Hermita ◽  
Tommy Tanu Wijaya ◽  
Naila Fauza ◽  
Eva Astuti Mulyani ◽  
Jesi Alexander Alim ◽  

Efforts to developing the quality of education is empowering educators. Positive activities that accommodate teachers to improve the quality of education are the activities of the Community of Practice (CoP). Community of Practice (CoP) or KKG in Indonesia Context is a forum for professional development for primary school teachers, and one of which is improving teacher performance. The effectiveness of the CoP really needs to be studied in depth. Therefore, a study was conducted on the role of CoP in improving the performance of primary school teachers in Riau Province. The method is a quantitative descriptive study, which describes the role of CoP activities in improving teacher performance in Riau through quantitative data. The research was carried out in May-August 2020. The participant was elementary schools’ teachers in Riau Province. The data source is the primary school teachers totalling 60 people. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that there are several roles of CoP activities in improving teacher performance, among others: through CoP teachers can discuss in construct learning tools, teachers were able to arrange lesson plans for active learning based on analysis of student needs, learning materials are arranged based on various learning sources, using media active learning, analysing evaluation test and conducting assessments according to active learning and student abilities.

Zbigniew Czaja

This paper is an attempt to present an overview of the most common and notorious consonant-related mispronunciations committed by Polish learners of English, which result mainly in a foreign accent, but also occasionally cause confusion or misunderstandings. Apart from identifying the errors, I will try to indicate possible sources of the “favoured” substitutions, as well as suggest a number of practical solutions to solve these errors. Making improvements in the areas discussed below is of paramount value if a near-native pronunciation is to be attained, since at the segmental level it is the consonants that are the basis of a native speaker’s pronunciation. For this and other reasons, I will argue that the consonants should be given the greatest care at least by professionals such as English teachers and interpreters, whose English should be near-native not only for the benefit of their students and clients, but also for greater ease and better quality of communication among the entire English speaking community.

Mitesh Gala

<p class="Body"><em>The quality assurance of secondary education helps secondary school students realize their full human potential and helps them take appropriate place in society as productive, responsible and democratic citizens. In the present day, in national and international perspectives, quality is the top of most agenda. Quality of education has significant impact and invaluable contribution to the area of development.</em></p><em>Education and academic quality can mean different things to different people, depending on their perspective, role and context and, in part because of this, quality is notoriously difficult to evaluate. The question of how to do this has been pursued for many years. Nevertheless, the goal of improving educational quality is agreed by all and stimulated further by educationist across the world.</em>

Petra Patria D Paramita

<p>In order to get qualified teachers and meet the needs of teachers in schools, it is necessary to establish a teacher recruitment system. Teacher recruitment is an important step in teacher management because from this process teachers will be screened and then later placed in school. Qualified teachers from this process will ensure the quality of education in the school. There are two paths of recruitment for public school teachers: through government test (CPNS) and schools internal recruitment. The purpose of this research is to examine whether these two processes produce different teacher qualities and be able to get teacher who can comply with the requirement specified by the law.</p><p> </p><p> </p><center><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></center><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77
Eliana Setyanti

The teacher is the party most often accused of being the person most responsible for the quality of education. Teachers who have the ability in four teacher competencies, will be able to show better performance. A teacher's competence will also be better, if accompanied by a strong achievement motivation. Competence that is accompanied by the achievement motivation will affect the performance of teachers in all fields that are done. This research was conducted to obtain empirical evidence about the presence or absence of the influence of teacher competence and achievement motivation simultaneously and significantly to the performance of Certified Public Elementary School teachers in Kendal District, Kendal District. The population in this study were all certified elementary school teachers in the Regional Education Unit of the Kendal District, who were civil servants. While the sample selection method used is random sampling. Data about the variables in this study were obtained using a scale instrument (questionnaire). The data that has been collected will be analyzed with the classic assumption test and hypothesis test. To test the hypothesis in this study, multiple regression analysis was used. The results showed that the competence and achievement motivation did not significantly influence the performance of certified teachers. Abstrak Guru merupakan pihak yang paling sering mendapat tudingan sebagai orang yang paling bertanggung jawab terhadap kualitas pendidikan. Guru yang memiliki kemampuan dalam empat kompetensi guru, akan dapat menunjukkan kinerja yang lebih baik. Kompetensi seorang guru juga akan lebih baik, jika dibarengi dengan adanya motivasi berprestasi yang kuat. Kompetensi yang dibarengi dengan adanya motivasi berprestasi akan mempengaruhi kinerja guru dalam segala bidang yang dikerjakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang ada tidaknya pengaruh kompetensi guru dan motivasi berprestasi secara simultan dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru SD Negeri yang Bersertifikasi di Kecamatan Kendal, Kabupaten Kendal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu semua guru SD Negeri yang bersertifikasi di UPTD Pendidikan Daerah Kecamatan-Kabupaten Kendal, yang berstatus sebagai PNS. Sedangkan metode pemilihan sampel yang digunakan adalah random sampling. Data tentang variabel-variabel dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa skala (angket). Data yang telah terkumpul akan dianalisis dengan uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesis. Untuk menguji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini, digunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi dan motivasi berprestasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja guru bersertifikasi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-127
Abdul Rahman Singkam ◽  
Syaiful Rochman ◽  
Fitra Youpika

This research aims to analyse the impact of motivation and perception of the society on the quality of education in Enggano island: one of the 111 outermost islands in Indonesia. Despite lacking of supporting facilities is still a main problem of education in Enggano, non-physics (motivation and perception) data are expected to provide alternative solution. Data in this research was collected by using semi-open questionnares to all qualified respondents. 579 quetionnaires in total were fulfilled by six categories of respondents: the students of elementary-, junior- and senior high school, teachers, parents, and the village leaders. Our results show that the motivation of students in Enggano is sufficiently high: 78 out of 100, while the perception of parents and teachers to education is on the medium level: 65 out of 100. The village leaders have graded the quality of education in Enggano on 5.6+0.17 out of 10. Besides of the medium level on perception, a low integrity among the teachers also contributed to the backwardness of eduaction in Enggano.MOTIVATION AND PERCEPTION OF ENGGANO ISLAND COMMUNITIES ON EDUCATION. This research aims to analyse the impact of motivation and perception of the society on the quality of education in Enggano island: one of the 111 outermost islands in Indonesia. Despite lacking of supporting facilities is still a main problem of education in Enggano, non-physics (motivation and perception) data are expected to provide alternative solution. Data in this research was collected by using semi-open questionnares to all qualified respondents. 579 quetionnaires in total were fulfilled by six categories of respondents: the students of elementary-, junior- and senior high school, teachers, parents, and the village leaders. Our results show that the motivation of students in Enggano is sufficiently high: 78 out of 100, while the perception of parents and teachers to education is on the medium level: 65 out of 100. The village leaders have graded the quality of education in Enggano on 5.6+0.17 out of 10. Besides of the medium level on perception, a low integrity among the teachers also contributed to the backwardness of eduaction in Enggano.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. 57
Sudarno Shobron ◽  
Suyanto Suyanto

The performance of school teachers be one of the important factors in improving theschools quality. Certified teachers in Ibtidaiyah Elementary School of Muhammadiyah SudungBlora include planning and implementation of education quality development has been carriedout effectively and efficiently. It is characterized by the realization of the development of theimplementation of learning and learning outcomes in accordance with the vision and missionof the madrassa. support Factor in improving education quality management are 1) Availabilityof adequate learning media and support ongoing learning activities; 2) The interest andenthusiasm of students is increasing in participating in learning activities; 3) Preparation ofteachers in teaching is increasing; 4) The climate in the classroom learning environment moreconducive; 5) There is full support of the school community, society, and government; 6) Suppliedfacilities for picking up the students to and from school by teachers. Inhibiting factors inimproving the quality of education management in MI Muhammadiyah Sudung are 1) Lackof facilities to support the library and its contents; 2) Many teachers who are still miss match(not in accordance with the latest science education qualifications); 3) Lack of infrastructureeg. UKS room, and laboratory, so it is still a hard time in learning practices.Keywords: teacher performance; certification; management quality; education.Abstrak: Kinerja guru disekolah menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam meningkatkanmutu sekolah. Guru bersertifikasi di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Sudung KabupatenBlora meliputi perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pengembangan mutu pendidikan telahdilakukan secara efektif dan efisien. Hal ini ditandai dengan terwujudnya pengembanganpelaksanaan pembelajaran dan hasil pembelajaran sesuai dengan visi dan misi madrasah. Fakorpendukung dalam meningkatkan manajemen mutu pendidikan ialah 1) Tersedianya mediapembelajaran yang memadai dan menunjang berlangsungnya kegiatan belajar mengajar; 2)Minat dan semangat siswa semakin meningkat dalam mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran; 3)Persiapan guru dalam pembelajaran semakin meningkat; 4) Iklim lingkungan belajar dalamkelas yang semakin kondusif; 5) Adanya dukungan penuh dengan warga sekolah, masyarakat,dan pemerintah; 6) Disediakan fasilitas antar jemput siswa saat berangkat dan pulang sekolaholeh guru-guru. Faktor penghambat dalam meningkatkan manajemen mutu pendidikan di MIMuhammadiyah Sudung ialah 1) Kurangnya fasilitas pendukung perpustakaan beserta isinya;2) Tenaga pengajar masih banyak yang miss match (tidak sesuai dengan kualifikasi ilmupendidikan terakhir); 3) Kurangnya sarana prasarana misalnya ruangan UKS, dan laboratorium, sehingga masih kesulitan saat praktek pembelajaran.Kata Kunci: kinerja guru; sertifikasi; manajemen mutu; pendidikan.

2019 ◽  
Vol IV (III) ◽  
pp. 179-186
Ghulam Hyder ◽  
Muhammad Arshad ◽  
Iftikhar Ahmad Baig

There is a rapid increase in demand for education across the country. Consequently, the trend of educating children in private sector schools is expanding. This article provides an overview of the teachers of private and public schools regarding commercialization of education at elementary level. A self-developed questionnaire was followed for data collection. No significant difference was found in the perceptions of both sectors teachers regarding positive attitude of parents towards private sector, high socio economic status of private sector students and low and high emphasis of commercialization of education in rural and urban areas respectively. Public school teachers views for acceptability of fee structure and promotion of quality of education for commercialization of education are significantly more positive than private school teachers. It is recommended that government should develop proper mechanism to regulate the private sector in the area of fee structure, overall quality of education and affordable for everyone.

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