scholarly journals Subversive Discourses in Hanan Al-Shaykh: Pushing out the Boundaries of Arab Feminism in the Novel

1970 ◽  
pp. 15-20
Salwa Ghaly

Surveying women's literature over the past two centuries, gynocriticism I has found, perhaps to our surprise, that one of the recurrent themes in the writings of both Third World and Western women has been madness. Time and again , women authors from different periods and literary traditions, with diverse cultural,ideological and epistemic affiliations and commitments, bring out this theme to demonstrate emphatically and unequivocally how the symptoms of psychologicaldisfunctionality, together with definitions of madness, are culture-produced and bound, the products of a virulently hierarchical and patriarchal symbolic order.

Patrick Saveau

This chapter demonstrates how the media representation of immigration in France is at odds with the recent production of literary works by French authors of Maghrebi origins. Referring to novels by Faïza Guène (Les gens du Balto), Saphia Azzeddine (La Mecque-Phuket), and Nadia Bouzid (Quand Beretta est morte), it shows how the concerns of the “first” and “second” generation of immigrants are a thing of the past, as these writers choose to deconstruct the usual discourse about Maghrebi-French people, inscribe their narrative in different literary traditions, and assert their place in Literature.

محمد علي غوري (Mohamed Ali Ghuri)

ملخص البحث:كان الاتجاه الإسلامي في الأدب ثالث أهم الاتجاهات التي تجاذبت الأدب، وخاصة في مجال القصة والرواية. و كان جل كتاب القصة الأوائل ذوي نكهة إسلامية إصلاحية، ومن هؤلاء نذير أحمد وسرشار وعبد الحليم شرر الذي كان له تأثير كبير في أهم الروائيين الإسلاميين في باكستان، وهو نسيم حجازي الذي تميز كأستاذه بالروايات التاريخية. وهذا النوع من الروايات هو الذي ميز الروائيين الإسلاميين أكثر من أي نوع آخر من الروايات، ومع ذلك كتب نسيم حجازي روايات واقعية ذات مستوى عالمي، وِمن أهم هذه الروايات الواقعية روايته "خاك أور خون" ومعناها: التراب والدم. وهذه الرواية كغيرها من الروايات الباكستانية التي كتبت بعد قيام باكستان عام 1947م تناولت موضوع الهجرة الكبرى والمشاكل التي نجمت عنها، فكانت محاولة نسيم حجازي والآخرين لتذكير المسلمين بما فعله الهندوس والسيخ في رجالهم ونسائهم وأطفالهم وشيوخهم، لذا فإن هذه الرواية ممنوعة من التداول في الهند التي لا تفتؤ تحاول القضاء على كل ما له علاقة بالإسلام، وما جريمة هدم المسجد البابري عنا ببعيد! ويقال عن رواية التراب والدم إنها سيرة كاتبها الذاتية، حيث أودعها أفكاره وآراءه ومواقفه من القضايا المختلفة، وقد انطلق في كل ذلك من منطلق إسلامي واضح، فأحيا بها –أي بهذا الرواية- كثيراً من المعاني الإسلامية التي كادت تغيب عن الساحة الأدبية اليوم، فهي بحق رواية إسلامية عالمية تستحق الدراسة والتحليل.الكلمات المفتاحية: الأدب الإسلامي-الأدب الأردي-رواية "خاك أور خون-المحتوى-روائع الأدب الإسلامي. Abstract:The trend of Islamic literature in the third world is the most important trends studied literature, in the area of the story and the novel. Most of novelists in the past were those with an Islamic flavor reform, as Nazir Ahmad, Sarchar, and Abdul Halim Sharar, whom had a significant impact on the most important novelists of the Islamists in Pakistan Nasiim Hijazi, who characterized as his teacher about historical novels. This kind of novels is distinguished novelists Islamists more than any other type of novels. However, Nasiim Hijazi wrote realistic novels in international level, the most important of which is “Khac or Khun” (the dust and blood). This novel, like other novels of Pakistan, was written after the establishment of Pakistan in 1947 and deals with The Great Migration and the problems that caused it. It was an attempt from Nasiim Hijazi and others to remind Muslims what the Hindus and Sikhs did with the Muslims. This novel was banned from trading in India that was trying to eliminate everything has relation Islamic. The crime of destroying the Babri mosque is not far away from the event.  It is said that the novel is as  a biography of  the author, where he includes  his ideas, his views and viewpoints from various issues, where his assumption was from an Islamic perspective, to  revive - through this novel - a lot of Islamic meanings which  are almost absent from the literary study nowadays . It is truly a global Islamic novel.ListenRead phonetically.Keywords: Islamic Literature- Urdu Literature- Novel "Khak Oor Khoon"- Contents- The Beauty of Islamic Literature. Abstrak: Pendekatan islam merupakan pendekatan ketiga yang penting yang paling mendapat perhatian dalam bidang sastera terutamanya dalam bidang penulisan cerita dan novel. Kebanyakan novel-novel yang terawal telah mendapat nafas baru menerusi pendekatan islam seperti yang yang telah dihasilkan oleh Nazir Ahmad Srchar, Abdul Halim Sharar yang telah memberi kesan yang mendalam kepada penulis-penulis yang beragama islam di Pakistan terutamanya Nasim Hijazi yang terkenal dengan penghasilan novel-novel sejarah. Genre novel berunsurkan sejarah islam Hal ini telah menaikkan nama penulis-penulis islam berbanding genre yang lain. Oleh itu, kebanyakan karya yang dihasilkan oleh Nasim Hijazi merupakan karya yang realistik bertaraf dunia terutamanya novel “Khac Orr Khan” yang bermaksud “Tanah dan Darah”. Novel ini sama seperti novel-novel lain di Pakistan yang menceritakan tentang kisah penghijrahan secara besar-besaran dan faktor-faktornya selepas penubuhan Pakistan pada tahun 1947. Penghasilan novel bergenre sejarah ini adalah satu usaha dari Nasim Hijazi dan seangkatan dengan beliau untuk mengingatkan orang islam tentang apa yang telah dilakukan oleh orang Hindu dan Sikh kepada rakyat Pakistan. Oleh yang demikian, novel ini telah diharamkan oleh kerjaan India daripada diterbitkan malah cuba menghapuskan apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan islam termasuklah merobohkan Masjid Babri. Justeru, novel “Tanan dan Darah” merupakan pengalaman penulis sendiri yang mana beliau telah melontarkan buah fikiran, pendapat dan pendirian beliau terhadap isu-isu yang berbeza dari sudut persepektif islam yang sebenar. Novel ini banyak mengetengahkan nilai-nilai islam yang sudah hampir dilupakan dalam bidang kesusateraan hari ini dan novel islam global ini layak dikaji dan dianalisa.Kata kunci: Sastera Islam – Sastera Urdu – Karya “Khak Oor Khoon” – Isi kandungan – Keindahan Sastera Islam.  

2019 ◽  
pp. 106-111
A. Buhrii

Modern American novel appears to be a type of novelistic prose, in which with the help of specific literary approach from the standpoint of conscious historicism the events with a real historical basis are recreated and discussed in the light of historical perspective. This idea is practically embodied in the novel "The Goldfinch" by D. Tartt, whose author experiments with the genre features of the novel, constructing within its boundaries her own modification using the method of reconstruction. The novel "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt has fragmented structure and numerous elements of the plot that resonate, reflecting each other and at the same time imitating the literary models of novels by Charles Dickens, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Joanne Rowling. Engaging in a dialogue with predecessors through the deliberate use of literary techniques, creating the effects of intertextuality (borrowing and recycling of themes, explicit and implicit quotations, translations, plagiarism, allusion, paraphrase, imitation, parody, dramatization, the use of epigraphs, reminiscence), D. Tartt rewrites the authors’ life-style models and literary traditions according to her own worldview, preserving the most important and instantly recognizable in the prose if each artist. Here it is expedient to speak of the hermeneutical aspect of reconstruction, which seeks to reproduce the true meaning of the realities of the past and the present, by reproducing the situation of their occurrence. By introduction into the contemporary discourse certain elements and ideas of the previous cultures, a kind of dialogue space between the past and the present is created. Thus, the modern American novel attempts to revive some of the former literary codes, as well as to rework some of the artistic conventions of the past. The balance of historical perspective, the equilibrium of the past and the present in the new novel is achieved through the organic synthesis of contemporary postmodern and traditional realist strategies.

2018 ◽  
pp. 80-89
Willi H. Hager

The Hydraulic Laboratory of Liège University, Belgium, is historically considered from its foundation in 1937 to the mid-1960s. The technical facilities of the various Buildings are highlighted, along with canals and instrumentation available. It is noted that in its initial era, comparatively few basic research has been conducted, mainly due to the professional background of the professors leading the establishment. This state was improved in the past 50 years, however, particularly since the Laboratory was dislocated to its current position in the novel University Campus. Biographies of the leading persons associated with the Liège Hydraulic Laboratory are also presented, so that a comprehensive picture is given of one of the currently leading hydraulic Laboratories of Europe.

2017 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-297
Tom Walker

Allusions to other texts abound in John McGahern's fiction. His works repeatedly, though diffidently, refer to literary tradition. Yet the nature of such allusiveness is still unclear. This article focuses on how allusion in The Pornographer (1979) is depicted as an intellectual and social practice, embodying particular attitudes towards the function of texts and the knowledge they represent. Moreover, the critique of the practice of allusion that the novel undertakes is shown to have broader significance in terms of McGahern's whole oeuvre and its evolving attempts to salvage something of present value from the literature of the past.

Sagar T. Malsane ◽  
Smita S. Aher ◽  
R. B. Saudagar

Oral route is presently the gold standard in the pharmaceutical industry where it is regarded as the safest, most economical and most convenient method of drug delivery resulting in highest patient compliance. Over the past three decades, orally disintegrating tablets (FDTs) have gained considerable attention due to patient compliance. Usually, elderly people experience difficulty in swallowing the conventional dosage forms like tablets, capsules, solutions and suspensions because of tremors of extremities and dysphagia. In some cases such as motion sickness, sudden episodes of allergic attack or coughing, and an unavailability of water, swallowing conventional tablets may be difficult. One such problem can be solved in the novel drug delivery system by formulating “Fast dissolving tablets” (FDTs) which disintegrates or dissolves rapidly without water within few seconds in the mouth due to the action of superdisintegrant or maximizing pore structure in the formulation. The review describes the various formulation aspects, superdisintegrants employed and technologies developed for FDTs, along with various excipients, evaluation tests, marketed formulation and drugs used in this research area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Miftahul Jannah

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tulisan dalam jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses runtuhnya Khilafah Turki Ustmani tanggal 3 maret 1924 dan dampaknya terhadap kehidupan umat Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah. Metode sejarah adalah prosedur sejarawan Untuk melukiskan kisah masa lampau berdasarkan jejak-jejak yang ditinggalkan pada masa lampau dengan langkah-langkah penulisan sejarah sebagai berikut: (1) heuristik, (2) kritik, (3) interpretasi dan (4) historiografi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa: Khilafah Turki Ustmani dihancurkan dengan cara menghapus sistem kekhilafahan dan menggantinya dengan sistem republik oleh seorang keturunan yahudi yaitu Mustafa Kemal Attatur. Selama 14 abad kaum muslimin hidup dalam pemerintahan Islam yang mana diterapkan hukum-hukum Islam dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan. Namun sayangnya hari itu tepatnya 3 maret 1924 secara resmi dengan bantuan Inggris, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk mengubah khilafah dengan sistem Repulik Turki dan sampai hari ini sistem tersebut masih berjalan. Runtuhnya khilafah menyebabkan munculnya persoalan kaum muslimin mulai dari kolonialisme, konflik di Negara dunia ketiga, persoalan ekonomi,politik dan sosial budaya.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Khilafah Turki Ustmani, 3 maret 1924</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>The writing in this journal aims to find out the process of the collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate on March 3, 1924 and its impact on the lives of Muslims. The method used in this study is the historical method. Historical method is the procedure of historians to describe the story of the past based on traces left in the past by the steps of historical writing as follows: (1) heuristics, (2) criticism, (3) interpretation and (4) historiography.</em></p><p><em>Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that: the Ottoman Caliphate was destroyed by removing the Caliphate system and replacing it with a republic system by a descendant of the Jews namely Mustafa Kemal Attatur. For 14 centuries the Muslims lived in an Islamic government which applied Islamic laws in all aspects of life. But unfortunately that day to be exact 3 March 1924 officially with the help of Britain, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk changed the Caliphate with the system of the Republic of Turkey and to this day the system is still running. The collapse of the Caliphate caused the emergence of problems of the Muslims ranging from colonialism, conflict in third world countries, economic, political and socio-cultural issues</em><em>.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> the Caliphate of Turkish Ottoman, March 3, 1924</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (9) ◽  
pp. 1084-1101
Tingjuan Wu ◽  
Xu Yao ◽  
Guan Wang ◽  
Xiaohe Liu ◽  
Hongfei Chen ◽  

Background: Oleanolic Acid (OA) is a ubiquitous product of triterpenoid compounds. Due to its inexpensive availability, unique bioactivities, pharmacological effects and non-toxic properties, OA has attracted tremendous interest in the field of drug design and synthesis. Furthermore, many OA derivatives have been developed for ameliorating the poor water solubility and bioavailability. Objective: Over the past few decades, various modifications of the OA framework structure have led to the observation of enhancement in bioactivity. Herein, we focused on the synthesis and medicinal performance of OA derivatives modified on A-ring. Moreover, we clarified the relationship between structures and activities of OA derivatives with different functional groups in A-ring. The future application of OA in the field of drug design and development also was discussed and inferred. Conclusion: This review concluded the novel achievements that could add paramount information to the further study of OA-based drugs.

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