Peningkatan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Materi Sistem Ekskresi Melalui Inkuiri Terbimbing Pada Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Kemalang

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Titiek Prasetyowati

This study aimed to improve the learning outcomes of class VIII E students of SMP Negeri 1 Kemalang in the 2018 2019 academic year using the Guided Inquiry learning model. This research was a class action research consisting of 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of planning. observation and reflection.  Data were taken from students who were the subject of research. The technique of collecting data using observations, written tests and documentation.  The data analysis technique used comparative descriptive.  The results showed that study stated at the first cycle of student activity were 67% and learning completeness was 73%.  In cycle II, student activity was 80 %.  Already met the performance indicators ≥75% of students achieved high activity criteria (≥ 75%).  Classical completeness increased by 87%, it has met the performance indicator, namely ≥ 85%. So it can be concluded that the guided inquiry learning model can improve student learning outcomes.  Keywords: learning activities, learning outcomes, guided inquiry

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Nini Karlina ◽  
La Sahara ◽  
Luh Sukariasih

This study aims to : (1) describe the learning activities of students in learning science especially in the study of physics on the subject matter of light and optical devices in students of class VIII Togomangura Satap Junior High School taught through the guided inquiry learning model; (2) describing the improvement of science learning outcomes in the study of the physical subject matter of light and optical devices in grade VIII students of Togomangura Satap Junior High School which are taught through guided inquiry learning models; (3) describe the increase in completeness of natural science learning, especially in the physics study of eighth grade students of Togomangura Satap Junior High School who are taught by applying the guided inquiry learning model. The subjects of this study were all eighth grade students of Togomangura Public Middle School with 18 students, consisting of 11 men and 7 women. The data collection technique was carried out by observation and student learning achievement test in the form of a description test. Data analysis techniques using descriptive  statistics. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that: (1) the learning activities of students by applying the guided inquiry learning model in each cycle tend to increase and improve in each unit of student activity. This is indicated by the acquisition of an average score of cycle I of 2,6 which belongs to the sufficient category and increased in cycle II to 3,8 which belongs to the good category; (2) science learning outcomes of students in class VIII Togomagura Satpap can be improved by applying the guided inquiry learning model to the subject matter of light and optical devices, where in cycle I is obtained an average value of 59,2 with a standard deviation of 22,9 and at cycle II obtained an average value of 65,6 with a standard deviation of 23,4; (3) completeness of science learning for students of class VIII Togomagura Satpap Junior High School taught through the use of guided inquiry learning models in each cycle tends to increase, where in cycle I the percentage of mastery learning outcomes is 27,8 % and in cycle II is 66,7 % . 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 530
Salfilla Juliana

This study is based on the low learning outcomes of students' science can be seen from the results of sciencelearning class VIII SMP Negeri 5 Siak Kecil, with grade grade average of 62.11. Therefore, the researchersprovide alternative learning with the application of guided inquiry model. SMP Negeri 5 Siak Kecil languagelesson year 2014/2015. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes of grade VIII SMP Negeri 5 SiakKecil Kecamatan Siak Kecil with the application of guided inquiry learning model. The form of researchconducted is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with 2 cycles. Based on the analysis of research data afterapplying the guided inquiry learning model, the average percentage of teacher activity in cycle I 58.75%increased to 85% in cycle II. The average percentage of student activity also increased ie 51.25% in the firstcycle increased to 81.25% in cycle II. Student learning outcomes on the basic score with the average class of62.11 and in the first cycle increased with the average class of 67.42 with the percentage increase in learningoutcomes 8.54% and the percentage of students who completed 61.53%, and in the second cycle increased. . .again with an average value of 75.80 with a percentage increase in learning outcomes by 22.04% and thepercentage of students who completed 84.61%. The results of this study indicate that the implementation ofguided inquiry learning model can improve the learning outcomes of science students of grade VIII SMP N 5Siak Kecil.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Luh Sukariasih ◽  
I Gede Purwana Edi Saputra ◽  
Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan ◽  
Andri Estining Sejati ◽  
Khaerun Nisa

The study aims to improve the learning outcomes in the field of knowledge and inquiry skill in class VIII 5 SMP Negeri 14 Kendari on the subject matter of light in atmosphere as the effect of applying the guided inquiry learning model assisted by science KIT. The method of the study used a classroom action research with research design is cycle model. The research subject is the students of class VIII 5 SMP Negeri 14 Kendari in the academic year 2016/2017 which consist of 26 students. The learning data achievements of the learners' realm were obtained through the learning result test (cycle test), the skill data of the learners were obtained through the inquiry sheet, and then was analyzed used the descriptive statistics.  Results of data analysis are: 1) learning outcomes increased from 60,31 in cycle I to 75 in cycle II; 2) the students group inquiry skill increased form average value 2.68 (enough category) in the cycle I to 3.15 (good category) in cycle II; 3) the students mastery learning percentage increase from 42.31% (11 students) in cycle I to 77% (20 students) in cycle II. It could be concluded that the implementation of guided inquiry learning model assisted by science KIT could improve the learning outcomes of knowledge and inquiry skill domain on Class VIII 5 SMP Negeri 14 Kendari in the subject matter of light in atmosphere. Keywords: guided inquiry, inquiry skills, learning outcomes,science KIT.   References Ahmadi, L. (2015). 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Fitri Siti Sundari ◽  
Elis Indrayani

APPLICATION OF GUIDED INQUIRY LEARNING MODELS TO IMPROVE MATHEMATICAL LEARNING OUTCOMESAbstract.  The purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of Guided Inquiry Learning Models to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes. The subjects of this study were fifth grade students of Lawanggintung I Elementary School, Bogor City consisting of 36 students with a composition of 20 male students and 16 female students. This research was a class action research carried out collaboratively by two cycles. The study was conducted in the odd semester of the 2019-2020 school year. This class action research was conducted in 2 cycles, in cycle one, and cycle two consisted of four main actions namely planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The results of this study indicate the assessment of the implementation of learning in the first cycle of 72.9 and 85 second cycle. Observation of changes in attitudes of students in cycle I 72 and cycle II 85.5. An increase of 13.5. Observation of changes in students' skills in cycle I 74 and cycle II 84. An increase of 10. Completion of learning outcomes in cycle I reached 36% and cycle II 89%. An increase of 53%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the application of the guided inquiry learning model can improve learning outcomes in Mathematics in fifth grade students of Lawanggintung I Elementary School Bogor. In addition, this learning model can increase the sense of conscientiousness, cooperation, and responsibility of students in the learning process.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-51 ◽  
Muhammad Naswir ◽  
Haryanto Haryanto ◽  
Fera Wati

Lack of active students in following the learning resulted in the ability of students to think in the learning process is low, let alone in the ability to think creatively. Students tend to learn by memorization, without the students finding themselves learning it. One alternative to making students actively discover their own learning is to use guided learning model of inkury. This study aims to determine the implementation of guided inquiry learning model on the ability of creative thinking, and student learning outcomes on the material nature of colligative solutions in class XII science high school Islam Al-Falah City Jambi. This research is a mixed research (mix method) by prioritizing qualitative data and then new quantitative data as primary data. The sampling technique was done by purposive sampling that was class XII IPA.1 as the sample class. The instrument used in this research is an observation sheet to see the model execution by teacher, student, and creative thinking, and essay test is used to see student learning result. Data analysis technique used in this research is 2 that is qualitative data analysis technique using Miles and Huberman obtained from observer comment on observation sheet, and quantitative data analysis technique using correlation of memoment product obtained from model implementation data by teacher, student, creative thinking , as well as data on student learning outcomes. The implementation of inquiry learning model guided by teachers and students has been done well seen the activities of teachers and students have increased each meeting. The correlation of the implementation of guided inquiry model with creative thinking ability is categorized with the value of rxy 0.43, while the ability of creative thinking with student learning outcomes is very low category with rxy value 0.17.  Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the implementation of guided inquiry learning model positively influences on the material of the colligative nature of the solution in class XII IPA.1 to the creative thinking ability of the students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-230
Hadma Yuliani ◽  
Resa Yulianti ◽  
Mariati Mariati ◽  
Cici Herianto

This study aims to determine the increase in cognitive learning outcomes of students in junior high schools in Palangkaraya using a scientific approach that uses a guided inquiry learning model, CLIS (Children's Learning in Science), and experimental methods in learning physics of simple aircraft subjects. This research uses a quantitative approach and the type of research is descriptive. The instrument used was a cognitive learning achievement test. The population in this study were all junior high schools in Palangka Raya City. In taking a sample using cluster sampling techniques, namely SMP Negeri 7 Palangka Raya and MTs An-Nur Palangka Raya. The research sample is class VIII - B in SMP 7 Palangka Raya, and class VIII-A, and VIII - B for MTs An-Nur Palangka Raya. The results of the study concluded that an increase in students' cognitive learning outcomes in junior high schools in Palangka Raya after applying an approach that uses the guided inquiry learning model, CLIS, and experimental methods obtained an average N-gain in a row of 0.47; 0.57; and 0.50. So, increasing student learning outcomes in junior high schools in Palangka Raya uses a scientific approach that uses the guided inquiry learning model, CLIS, and experimental methods in learning physics in simple aircraft subjects in the medium category.

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Febtika Reysne

Class Action Research is conducted at class VIII SMPN 4 Paringin. They are 29 research subjects (twenty-nine) who study from May to June 2014. This study aims to increase student activity and learning outcomes through the use of learning model CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) aided drawing. Where this type of research is classroom action research (PTK) which uses a model by Kemmis spiral round and Taggart consisting of four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. In this study, teachers do five stages in applying the CIRC learning model that survey, question, read, Recite, reviews. Results of research in cycle 1 mean aspects of the overall student after learning implemented using model-assisted drawing on material CIRC social institutions including low category with mastery learning only reached 55.17%. In cycle 2 all aspects of student activity on average achieve active category with learning completeness reached 86.21%. While the response of the students showed a positive result, students are helped and pleased with CIRC assisted learning model image.Keywords: CIRC learning model, student activity, and Learning Outcomes

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-184
Nely Hartika ◽  
Ira Ismeylia Saputri

This study aims to find out how the application of inquiry learning models in accounting subjects in class X AK in SMKN 4 Serang City and to find out whether the inquiry learning model can improve student learning outcomes in class X AK in Accounting Basic Subjects in SMK 4 Serang City.This research uses a class action research method which consists of two cycles.  Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing reflection.  The subjects of this study were participants in grade X SMK 4 Serang City consisting of 36 students and teachers in Accounting as a team of collaborators.  These results indicate that the Inquiry learning model can improve student learning outcomes based on cycle one, from 36 students who succeeded in getting grades above the KKM of 36.56% with an average value of 66, whereas in the second cycle there was a significant increase to be 100% with  an average value of 82.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 295
N. P. Sefnita Eka Sutarti ◽  
I M Citra Wibawa

This study aims to know the improvement of mathematics learning outcomes by applying the concrete media-based inquiry learning model in the third grade students of SD N 4 Kaliuntu in the academic year 2017/2018. This type of research was Classroom Action Research (PTK) which was implemented in two cycles. The subjects of this study were 39 students in the third grade of SD N 4 Kaliuntu in the academic year of 2017/2018. The objects of this research were the concrete media-based inquiry learning model and the learning result of Mathematics. The data in this study were collected by the test method. Data were analyzed by quantitative and qualitative analysis method. The results showed that there was an increase on the students' mathematics learning outcomes. Based on the observation result, the average value of teacher activity was 23 with good category and the average score of student activity was 51 with enough category in cycle I and there was improvement in cycle II with the average of teacher activity iof 27,5 with very category good and average student activity score of 78,5 with very good category. In addition, based on data analysis, the average percentage of students' learning achievement in cycle I was 66,67% (medium category), increasing to 85% (high category) in cycle II. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the implementation of inquiry learning model in concrete media can improve the learning outcomes of Mathematics students of third grade in SD N 4 Kaliuntu in the academic year of 2017/2018.

Jurnal PGSD ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-154
Victoria Karjiyati

This research aims to improve the activities and results of learning mathematics using the discovery learning model. This type of research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Subjects of this study was grade III B SDIT Generasi Rabbani Bengukulu. The data collection instrument used student activity observation sheets and learning outcomes tests. The data analysis technique uses arithmetic mean and the percentage of learning completeness. The results showed: 1) Teacher activity in the first cycle obtained an average of 3.38 and in the second cycle an average of 3.81, 2) Student activity in the first cycle obtained an average of 3.13 and in the second cycle an average of 3.67, 3) Learning result in the first cycle were obtained an average of 71.43 with learning completeness 64.29 %, an increase in the second cycle obtained an average value of 76.79 with 82.14% completeness learning. The conclusion of this study that the use of the discovery learning model can increase the activity and learning result of class III B students of SDIT Generasi Rabbani, Bengkulu City

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