2015 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 196
Badrudin Badrudin

The Principles of Islam requirehuman to maintain  and improve their moral values BuT in fact, many  Moslems  face problems of moral deteriora tion, crisis of beliefs, and moral decadence that happenin all aspects of life. This moral deterioration is often associated by  the  experts  of  education  with the failure of educat ion. The failure of education relates to the education system that has various components that affect each other. The elements needed in the education system are the goal of education , educators, students, tool s,  and  natural  surroundings. The results of this study indicate that the essence of  spiritual  learning obligations according to Syaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilaniy is araising the total of  truth towards  Allah SWT's path.  The aims of the learning areto implement knowledge and clean  the heart (tazkiyyah al-nafs) from worldly characters and the lust of dirtiness to ma'rifatullah. Spiritual educators are  those who  practice  the law of Allah, clean the heart and  guide  students to the  safety of life  in the Hereafter . Learners constantly face Allah and obey Him, do not meet the call besides Allah, listen  to  the  call  of  Allah  and implement everything stated in the Qur ·an  and  the  Prophet tradition. Teaching method used is the method of mau'izhah, sima',  ahwal ,   and   muhasabah  fial-nafs (introspection). Educational materials are  based  on  the  basics  of  spiritual education in the Qur'an, the Prothet tradition. and the opinion of Muslim religious leaders who have noble characters and integrate science.  Moral education  is  the core of Islamic education. The implications of the spiritual educational thought of Syaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilaniy toward the reality of Islamic education in Indonesia is the emphasis of moral education that leads to a balance relationship  between  the  exoteric  and esoteric aspects of the learning process.


This Paper tries to describe about the ancient teaching of Tamilnadu. How the education system was established by the early Tamils? And how one person become a teacher in the earliest and what are the names given to them and what are the tools used for the teaching. The earliest education based on moral development. Moral values are much needed “to inspire, propel, and equip the learners with adequate skills, awareness, and values was taught. However, this paper tries to answer for the origin of the Tamil alphabet and how the bardic culture and Thymesian culture evolves in ancient education. and also this paper deals how the scribal culture helps us for the teaching.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Najwa Mu'minah

Degradation of moral consciousness, especially in the politic and Indonesian government bureaucracy, in recent times that was pictured by various anomalies and immorality, such as a corruption, has become a negative “cultural norm”, which seem very difficult to be controlled. The condition of national spirit and morality suggested the need of redevelopment of model of character education (character building) as a national healing. Imam Zarkasyi implemented several principles of character building in the Pesantren of Darussalam Gontor. He taught his pupils on the basis of the virtues of the excellences with refer to the Panca Jiwa and the Four Mottos of Modernity of the Pesantren as their living values. His reformative efforts in the context of contemporary Islamic education are actually intended to the development of character, in other words, “character building”, by implementing the principle of the Golden Mean of Ibn Miskawaih. Some aspects of Zarkasyi's principles of education that might be supportive for developing the national character education program, and still relevant for today are: firstly, moral education should have the leadership insights; secondly, moral education should have the objective moral values as the teleological purposes; thirdly, moral education should be built through the best environment, in order to be optimized and efficient; and fourthly, moral education curriculum should be integrated and comprehensive. So, the Zarkasyi's concept of character building, and the education movement became the concept of character education that quite mature and should be extracted by our nation.

Umi Muzayanah

AbstractThe existence of Kuttab in Indonesia has recently begun to grow and develop in several regions. Starting with the establishment of Kuttab Al-Fatih in Depok and then opened branches in 22 cities, other Kuttab began to appear, one of them was Kuttab Al Jazary Surakarta. This research aims to describe the education system of Kuttab Al Jazary, including curriculum and learning methods that represent Classical Islamic education. Using qualitative methodologies, this study obtained several findings. First, the education system in Kuttab Al Jazary consists of Qur'anic education, moral education, and science education. The three education systems are representations of classical Islamic education that were implemented in the Kuttab at the beginning of Islamic development. Secondly, the learning method applied is dominated by the halaqah method especially for learning the Alquran, while the classical approach is used for learning syar'i and science. AbstrakKeberadaan Kuttab di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini mulai tumbuh dan berkembang di beberapa wilayah. Berawal dari berdirinya Kuttab Al-Fatih di Depok yang kemudian membuka cabang di 22 kota, kuttab-kuttab lain pun mulai bermunculan, salah satunya adalah Kuttab Al Jazary di Surakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sistem pendidikan Kuttab Al Jazary, mencakup kurikulum dan metode pembelajaran yang merepresentasikan pendidikan Islam Klasik. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Pertama¸ sistem pendidikan pada Kuttab Al Jazary terdiri dari pendidikan Alquran, pendidikan adab, dan pendidikan ilmu. Ketiga sistem pendidikan tersebut merupakan representasi dari pendidikan Islam  klasik yang diterapkan di kuttab-kuttab pada awal perkembangan Islam. Kedua, metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan didominasi oleh metode halaqah khususnya untuk pembelajaran Alquran, sedangkan metode klasikal dilakukan untuk pembelajaran ilmu syar’i dan ilmu umum.

el-Tarbawi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-64
Fikri Abdul Aziz ◽  

Basically, the real purpose of Islamic education is to produce moral students. The problem is that in Islamic Education there are still many moral deviations committed by people of various backgrounds and ages in Indonesia. Islamic education has not fully led to moral education. The purpose of this study was to determine the biography and thoughts of 'Athiyah al-Abrashyi in education, and the concept of moral education for students. This research method is library research. The results of this study indicate that the educational basis of 'Athiyah Al-Abrasyi brings the concept of a learning process that leads students to become adult humans. To achieve the true goal of Islamic education, 'Athiyah al-Abrashyi offers a concept of educational thought that can be used as a reference for education in Indonesia today.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Firman Sidiq ◽  
Rahman Mantu

Abstract: Moral education is the initial foundation for forming and creating a better and quality life. In addition, it can also develop human attitudes to become more perfect, so that they have a positive impact on life and are always open to good and closed from all forms of evil. Furthermore, with the values of moral education will certainly have a positive impact on various aspects and elements of life, moral education can be interpreted as a process of internalizing moral values into oneself. In order to be firmly planted in the mindset, speech, actions, and interactions with God, humans and nature. In addition, moral values can also form trancendental-spiritual vision, sociological vision and ecological vision. Thus, these values can be inherent in themselves so as to form a culture of behavior and character. Departing from the background of the thoughts described above, this article is directed at reviewing and constructing Bisri Mustofa's thinking with a focus on studies on the values of moral education contained in Bisri Mustofa's Tafsir al-Ibriz. The factors behind the author chose Bisri Mustofa's interpretation because he was an Indonesian native, so the interpretations made by him would certainly be very interactive with the social realities that exist on Indonesian soil, which would greatly help writers in their efforts to benefit the education world in Indonesia especially Islamic education, and will be able to answer various problems that exist in the world of education today. Abstrak: Pendidikan akhlak merupakan landasan awal untuk membentuk dan menciptakan kehidupan yang lebih baik dan berkualitas. Selain itu, dapat juga menumbuh kembangkan sikap manusia agar menjadi lebih sempurna, sehingga berdampak positif bagi kehidupan dan selalu terbuka bagi kebaikan dan tertutup dari segala bentuk keburukan. Lebih lanjut, dengan adanya nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak tentunya akan berdampak positif juga pada berbagai aspek dan unsur kehidupan, pendidikan akhlak dapat diartikan sebagai proses internalisasi nilai-nilai akhlak ke dalam diri. Agar tertanam kuat dalam pola pikir, ucapan, perbuatan, serta interaksinya kepada Tuhan, manusia dan alam. Selain itu, nilai-nilai akhlak dapat pula membentuk visi trancendental-spiritual, visi sosiologis dan visi ekologis. Sehingga, nilai-nilai tersebut dapat melekat dalam diri sehingga membentuk budaya perilaku dan karakter. Berangkat dari latar pemikiran yang telah penulis uraikan di atas, maka artikel ini diarahkan untuk mengkaji dan mengkonstruk pemikiran Bisri Mustofa dengan fokus kajian pada nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak yang terkandung dalam Tafsir al-Ibriz karya Bisri Mustofa. Adapun faktor yang melatar belakangi penulis memilih tafsir Bisri Mustofa karena ia merupakan orang asli Indonesia, sehingga tafsir yang dibuat olehnya tentu akan sangat interaktif dengan realitas sosial yang ada di bumi Indonesia, yang hal tersebut akan dapat sangat membantu penulis dalam upaya memberikan manfaat terhadap dunia pendidikan di Indonesia khususnya pendidikan Islam, serta akan dapat mampu menjawab berbagai problem yang ada dalam dunia pendidikan dewasa ini.

Сергей Абрамов ◽  
Sergey Abramov

This paper considers the paradoxically currently existing in the field of patriotic education in Russia. The paradoxically, in essence, is a set of contradictions caused by two major factors. From one side, there is a demand for a well-organized system of patriotic education that enables individuals to develop on the bases of spiritual and moral values traditional for the domestic society. This factor is of vital importance for the existence of the State of Russia. On the other side, the current domestic education system encourages development, largely uncontrolled, of individuals with obvious cosmopolitan attitudes and signs of colonial or semi-colonial mindset. This factor contributes to the risk of disintegration of Russia. The paper discusses the nature of the paradox and how it is seen from the spiritual and moral education perspective. The author attempts to resolve the paradox by justifying the need to accept such notions as "patriot" and "patriotic education" as defined within the context of the Orthodox-based pedagogical approach.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Mila Hasanah

ABSTRACTThe development of Islamic educational thinking, has sketched ideas varied, ranging from the classic to the modern era. Thought modern Islamic education is a critical response on global Western secular civilization. The negative influence is the dualism of the education system that applies to Muslims, namely the Western education system and the system of Islamic education. Western education system is so powerful that its influence is a threat to Islamic education. Therefore, efforts are integral formation system is a must. Al-Faruqi and Al-Attas trying to bargain a solution in the form of Islamization of science, which differ in terms of strategy Islamization of science, if Al-Faruqi in social sciences while Al-Attas on the humanities. Typology thought al-Faruqi and Al-Attas is inseparable from social background and cultural nuances where both activity and appreciate their ideas. Key Word: Modern Islamic Educational Thought, Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi and Syed Muhammad Al-Attas Naquif

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Asfiati Asfiati

The curriculum is very strategically used as guidelines for the implementation of learning activities, which included a guide to the interaction between teachers and learners. Development and curriculum development in Islam refers to the changes in the field and the subject matter as well as the change of time, the essence of the curriculum in the educational aspects of the macro objectives. Islamic religious education curriculum Post Undang-Undang RI Nomor 20 Year 2013 on National Education System played a role important in recognizing the importance of moral education and cultural values culture based on moral values and rules that divine principle that is Almighty.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
Muthoifin Muthoifin ◽  
Didin Saefuddin ◽  
Adian Husaini

<p>Education is the guidance in the growth of children's lives so that they can achieve salvation and happiness. Education must have a vision and a noble mission; the vision is far into the future beyond time and space, while the mission of Islamic education is on accordance to the concept of Tawheed, so that it will always relevant in every time and all conditions. Education should be based on divine revelation (al-Qur'an and al-Hadith). If education is not guided and does not display the spirit of the two ideologies, the education can be mentioned as a strange education. The focus of this research is the profile of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, his educational thought based on the perspective of Islamic education review, the research is focused on the aspects of the conception of education issues, including: basic, content and education systems. The objective was to determine the level of Ki Hadjar Islamic educational perspective. The research method used is the libraries research. By approaching to the history (Historical Approach) and biography of Ki Hadjar. While the data collection consists of primary and secondary data sources. Techniques of data analysis was using content analysis (content analysis), descriptive, comparative and inductive. These data were then analyzed for the conclusions drawn from the phenomena, with the steps: topic selection, collection of data sources, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the study. 1, the concept of education Ki Hadjar focused on aspects of guidance to children in order to achieve happiness based on the nature of nature. This is not consistent with the concept of Islamic education that focused on aspects of worship and Tawheed based on divine revelation. 2, Ki Hadjar�s basic education is the principle Pancadarma (five principles), which of the five principle is explicitly no principle of divinity, it is contrary to basic Islamic education which is based on al-Quran and al-Sunnah. 3), the Content or the essence of Ki Hadjar�s education is character, humanism, freedom, natural culture. It is also incompatible with the core content of Islamic education Faith-monotheism, worship and noble character divine revelation. 4) Ki Hadjar�s education system, good goals, curriculum, methods, teachers, students and the evaluation does not lead and is tied to the value of faith and worship, it is also not in line with the Islamic education system has always associate with both religious values. 5, Ki Hadjar�s educational thought is nationalist-secular. Nationalists, because based on the culture of the nation, while secular because it is not linked with the spirit of the teachings of Islam (monotheism). Recognizing the importance of education, the study recommends to the government, the union and the school administrators Tamansiswa, should give attention and progressive education by applying basic, content, objectives, methods and curriculum grounded in a principled framework and closely linked to religion and morals of Islam and develop Ki Hadjar faith-based thinking piety.</p><p class="keywords">Keywords� education concept, education objectives, Islamic education, character education, character, akhlaq, values, morality</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 317 ◽  
pp. 02020
Wachyu Nur Fauzy

This paper discusses moral education in Miyori no Mori anime. Moral education exists in this anime as a teaching about the importance of conserving nature. Miyori no Mori is an anime about Miyori, an 11 years old girl who moved from Tōkyō into the Komori countryside. Miyori, as the chosen guardian by the yōkai forest spirit of the Komori’s forest, attempts to protect the countryside forest from a corporation that wants to build a dam inside the forest by destroying the whole forest area and jeopardizing the countryside. Representations of conserving nature in the anime can be observed through the conveyed moral values message explicitly and implicitly present in this anime. This paper aims to explain the conveyed messages of the Japanese moral education inside the anime for the importance of maintaining the core value belief by protecting the nature in between society to conserving nature. This paper methodology uses sociology of literature, the primary data object of this paper taken from the anime’s characters interaction, behaviours, and conflicts by descriptive analyzing then reinterpret, represent, and conclude the analysis of moral education importance for conserving nature. The results suggested that Japanese’s moral values and environmental ethics are represented.

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