V. Dokalenko
R. Kharytonenko ◽  
D. Derkulskyi ◽  
O. Kravchenko ◽  
V. Smolenskyi ◽  

The presence of crisis tendencies in the issues of establishing and changing the boundaries of the territories of territorial communities and settlements has been stated. It was emphasized that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted 24 orders on the definition of administrative centers and approval of the territories of territorial communities. As a result, 1,469 territorial communities have been established in the country (including 31 territorial communities in the uncontrolled territory within the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts). Such situations lead to the fact that a significant number of administrative-territorial units do not have established boundaries, which in turn makes it impossible to achieve the development goals of territorial communities and settlements. At the same time, the boundaries of most territories of territorial communities and settlements are not established, and when changing boundaries there are issues that require a better system of legal documents that would regulate scientifically sound establishment (change) of boundaries affecting community regulation of environmental and economically acceptable use lands. A number of changes to the legal documents are proposed, such as: preliminary registration in the SCC of project boundaries of territorial communities and settlements, obligations for certified land surveying engineers to verify the intention to establish (change) boundaries. It is proposed to establish (change) the boundaries taking into account the principles of "public administration", namely: the principle of self-organization of civil society and the principle of feedback.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Feruza Yuldasheva ◽  

The purpose of this article is to study theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of public service. The author has researched a significant list of Soviet and modern legal literature devoted to topical issues of the institute of public service. The main concept of this article is that the institute of public service is considered by us from the standpoint of consistency. The author's definition of the concept of "public service" is proposed. In addition, the article presents various concepts of understanding the concept of "public service". At the same time, the author draws attention to the fact that there is no unified normative establishment of the legal concept of "public service" in the domestic legislation. The conclusions are based on the analysis of the experience of foreign countries.Keywords: public service, civil service, public service, public administration, types of public service

Iryna Wilchinska ◽  
Oksana Oliinyk

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the possibility of applying foresight methodology for the preservation of traditional socio-cultural values as an important element of innovative development.  Given the interdisciplinary nature of the problem, the methodology of the study is based on the complex-integrative combination of theoretical approaches of a number of sciences, in particular, cultural studies, public administration, as well as general scientific methods of system analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, and sub. The scientific novelty is connected with an attempt to outline theoretical and practical aspects of the importance of forsite methodology in preserving the traditions from the projection into practical measures of the state in this sphere. Conclusions. The forsite methodology - as a strategy of public administration of forsite on the basis of forward-thinking - is intended to promote the effectiveness of social development. The actual advance is the innovative mechanism that can, on the one hand, ensure the dynamics of development, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, ensure social stability on the basis of previous achievements and resources, which are analyzed and form (simulate) the idea of ​​a new scenario. At the same time, the results of forsite should be reflected in practical recommendations on the definition of promising directions of the state's cultural policy, in particular regarding the introduction of new forms of support for the activities of various components of the socio-cultural sphere. Key words:  traditional socio-cultural values,  transformations, innovations, culture, forsite methodology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (522) ◽  
pp. 134-145
I. V. Yaroshenko ◽  

Each country forms its own systems of territorial organization of power and public administration, which occurs under the influence of the national, historical, geographical, natural, economic, social, cultural, demographic and other features. Considerable attention of researches of scholars and practitioners was paid to the creation and functioning of the territorial community. The choice of theoretical approaches and models of the territorial community influences the efficiency of the functioning of the local self-government system, the ability to fulfill the assigned powers, to ensure a high level of quality of life of citizens and sustainable development of the territory. Studies of global and domestic experience allow to systematize the accumulated knowledge on this issue, which makes it possible to offer a national system of public administration at both the central and the local levels using the best theoretical and practical developments of the countries of the world. Formation of the definition of the concept of the territorial community was carried out over a long historical period under the influence of versatile scientific judgments, ideas, theoretical approaches, practical research. The analysis and study of foreign and domestic experience on this issue is characterized by various formulations, views, principles, signs, etc. regarding the formation and functioning of territorial communities. In parallel with the phrase «territorial community», researchers use other names, such as commune, territorial communion, territorial collectivity, local co-partnership, socio-territorial community, etc. The lack of currently generalized scientific opinion regarding the specification of the content of a certain term, the variety of volumes and approaches to its interpretation confirms the expediency of further research on this topic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 138-149

The article substantiates the conclusions that the subject of modern administrative law and process in Russia is a complex multifaceted legal phenomenon that includes various social relations. The basis of the constitutional model of the subject of modern administrative law and process is public relations in the field of protecting the rights and freedoms of the individual by limiting discretion and arbitrariness in public administration, the development of institutions of judicial and public control over the activities of public administration as well as various public relations regarding the formation of the architecture of public power, direct implementation of administrative law enforcement activities in the field of public administration, the creation and direct participation of domestic subjects of public administration in the activities of international organizations endowed with administrative powers in the field of interstate interaction and coordination, supranational administrative regulation, control in the field of protecting national and global interests in ensuring security, economic and cultural development of various states and peoples

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (6-7) ◽  
pp. 54-63
S. S. Volynets

The study systematically presented and analyzed approaches to defining the content of the concepts of «politics», «state policy», «promotion», «development» and «civil society», whose internal characteristics and intrinsic features integrate the term «state policy to promote the development of civil society». The study emphasized that the definition of «state policy of promoting the development of civil society» is still lacking at the legislative level, in public administration and in the national social sciences.The study emphasized that the wording of the concept «state policy of promoting the development of civil society» will allow to distinguish this direction of state policy among others, to avoid misunderstanding of its content, conceptual uncertainty, inaccurate or incorrect formulation of its goals, tasks, directions and measures.Summarizing approaches to the definition of «state policy», the study presented its characteristics and main components. The study noted that civil society is one of the most controversial phenomena today, which occupies a central place in the researches of many social sciences. The study highlighted stages in the evolution of the views of thinkers and scholars on the interpretation of civil society. The study defined the main variants of modern understanding of civil society and proposed the author’s approach to its definition.On the basis of the analysis, the author formulates his own understanding of the concept of «state policy promoting the development of civil society» and outlines directions for further scientific research.

2019 ◽  
pp. 19-25
Кравченко Р. А.

The article based on scientific views of scientists the theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the terms «public administration» and «organizational and legal principles of public administration».In this paper was attempted to definite the terms «risk of emergencies», «emergencies risk reduction», «natural and man-made emergencies risk reduction». It is noted that the process of introducing best international experience in disaster risk reduction in Ukraine will require a rethinking of the main categories in this area.Taking into account national and the world approaches to issues of disaster risk reduction the author made an attempt to formulate of the author's definition of «organizational and legal principles of public administration of natural and man-made emergencies risk reduction».

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-126
Марина Орап

У  статті  висвітлено  методологічні  та  практичні  засади  вивчення  онтогенезу  соціального  інтелекту. Складність вивчення даного соціально-психологічного феномену пов’язана із дотичністю його  до багатьох явищ, які описують умови успішності соціальної взаємодії особистості. Проаналізовано наявні  теоретичні   підходи   до   визначення   змісту   та   структури  соціального  інтелекту,   до   взаємозв’язку  останнього  з  іншими  видами  інтелекту.  Визначено,  що  дослідження  соціального  інтелекту  молодших  школярів слід здійснювати на основі розуміння останнього як здатності, що виникає на базі комплексу  інтелектуальних,   особистісних,   комунікативних   і   поведінкових   рис,   що   зумовлюють   прогнозування  розвитку  міжособистісних  ситуацій,  інтерпретацію  інформації  і  поведінки,  готовність  до  соціальної  взаємодії і прийняття рішень. Здійснене пілотажне емпіричне дослідження прогностичних можливостей  дітей  молодшого  шкільного  віку  продемонструвало  наявні  позитивні  кореляційні  зв’язки  між  рівнем  розвитку здатності до передбачення найбільш адекватного сценарію розвитку подій у соціальній ситуації  та рівнем розвитку мовленнєвого досвіду. Найбільш тісний взаємозв’язок виявлено між рівнем розвитку  здатності  передбачати  адекватну  вербальну  відповідь  у  ситуації  комунікації  та  рівнем  розвитку  мовленнєвої компетентності та мовленнєвої діяльності дітей молодшого шкільного віку. Таким чином,  були зроблені попередні висновки про наявність взаємозв’язку між мовленнєвим досвідом та прогностичним  можливостями у складі соціального інтелекту дитини молодшого шкільного віку The  article  outlines  the  methodological  and  practical  principles  of  studying  the  ontogenesis  of  social  intelligence. The complexity of studying this socio-psychological phenomenon is associated with its attractiveness to  many  phenomena  that  describe  the  conditions  for  the  successful  social  interaction.  The  existing  theoretical  approaches to the definition of the content and structure of social intelligence, to the interrelationship of it with  other types of intelligence are analyzed. It is determined that research of social intelligence of junior pupils should  be carried out on the basis of the understanding of this kind of intelligencer as an ability that based on a complex of  intellectual, personal, communicative and behavioral features. This complex predetermines the forecasting of the  development  of  interpersonal  situations,  the  interpretation  of  information  and  behavior,  readiness  for  social  interaction  and  decision-making.  The  research  of  the  prognostic  possibilities  of  primary  school  children  demonstrated the positive correlation between the level of development of the ability to predict the most adequate  scenario of the development of events in the social situation and the level of development of speech experience. The  closest relationship is found between the level of development of the ability to provide an adequate verbal response  in the context of communication and the level of development of speech competence and speech activity of children  of junior school age. Thus, was done a conclusion about the existence of a relationship between speech experience  and prognostic possibilities in the social intellect of a child of junior school age.   

Olga Mykhailоvna Ivanitskaya

The article is devoted to issues of ensuring transparency and ac- countability of authorities in the conditions of participatory democracy (democ- racy of participation). It is argued that the public should be guaranteed not only the right for access to information but also the prerequisites for expanding its par- ticipation in state governance. These prerequisites include: the adoption of clearly measurable macroeconomic and social goals and the provision of control of the processes of their compliance with the government by citizens of the country; ex- tension of the circle of subjects of legislative initiative due to realization of such rights by citizens and their groups; legislative definition of the forms of citizens’ participation in making publicly significant decisions, design of relevant orders and procedures, in particular participation in local referendum; outlining methods and procedures for taking into account social thought when making socially im- portant decisions. The need to disclose information about resources that are used by authorities to realize the goals is proved as well as key performance indicators that can be monitored by every citizen; the efforts made by governments of coun- tries to achieve these goals. It was noted that transparency in the conditions of representative democracy in its worst forms in a society where ignorance of the thought of society and its individual members is ignored does not in fact fulfill its main task — to establish an effective dialogue between the authorities and so- ciety. There is a distortion of the essence of transparency: instead of being heard, society is being asked to be informed — and passively accept the facts presented as due. In fact, transparency and accountability in this case are not instruments for the achievement of democracy in public administration, but by the form of a tacit agreement between the subjects of power and people, where the latter passes the participation of an “informed observer”.

Martha Ivanivna Karpa

The article reveals the main features of the competence approach in the practice of European public administration. The features of the competence approach in public administration are determined on the basis of analysis of the basic concepts of public administration. In the dynamics of the formation and development of popular theories of interaction between state and local authorities, such as the theory of a free community, community (public) and public and state (the theory of municipal dualism), we can trace a number of characteristic features of a competency approach, which manifests itself both through the general theoretical relations and manifestations, and through the practice of coexistence of public authorities. There is a problem of definition and distribution of public functions as a prerequisite for defining and shaping the competences of public institutions. An important issue in the context of a competent approach is the institutional consolidation of functions in the context of the existence of the basic models of territorial organization of power. In each of the varieties of the Governance concept (Responsive Governance concept, Democratic Governance concept, Good Governance concept), the specifics of the use of competencies are defined. The archetypal symbols in the European public administration are singled out using the analysis of competence in public administration in its main constituents. A brief description of the archetypal aspect of European public administration is given. The main components of competence are shown in connection with the existing archetypal symbols and the characteristic trends of their development. Their connection is shown according to the scheme “the entity component (who?) — the object component (what?) — the administrative component (how?) — the basis (in what environment?)”. Concerning the trends of development of a competence approach in the context of practice and theory of public administration, it is determined that modern concepts of public administration are characterized by shifting the balance between state and public institutions to the sphere of common goals and tasks, and thus responsibility. The joint activity of all subjects of society requires new forms of cooperation, definition of the spheres and subjects of each entity’s activity for effective cooperation, distribution of functions and competences of the entities, formation and consolidation of their status characteristics.

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