scholarly journals Diversification of processed yellow pumpkin products (Cucurbita Moschata) in efforts to develop household culinary businesses

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 370-376
Siti Khadijah Hidayati Nasution ◽  
R.B.Moh Ibrahim Fatoni

The development of SMEs in the culinary in Medan has increased every year. Market opportunities provide SMEs to grow. Diversification in food processing can be done by adding pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata) into food dough food so that it becomes a different product from those in the market. YAAHFTICS is a SMEs which is engaged in culinary, especially birthday cake, pizza, roll cake and others. Mitra has been established since 2015. Partners rely on marketing through social media Instagram. In running the business cycle, partners experience several major problems. Starting in terms of business financial management, product diversification to the problem of quantity production. The aim of the Community Service Program activities is that Partners can increase their production capacity so that they can increase their income, able to produce diversified processed products from pumpkins, and able to determine product prices with optimal profit. The method of activity used is the delivery of production equipment, the practice of using production equipment to increase production capacity, the practice of making diversified processed pumpkin products and monitoring the production and sales processes. The results of the oven and mixer grant in this service activity can increase the partner’s production capacity product. After counseling the importance of product diversification and the practise of diversification of pumpkin processed pumpkin products, the partner have been able to diversity their processed pumpkin products. And the partner  have been able to determine product prices with optimal profit after the partner has been given training in determining the cost of goods sold.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 529-540
Hesti Nuraini ◽  
Evi Andriani ◽  
Dewi Suranti

CAPACITY BUILDING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE KERUPUK BALOK INDUSTRY THROUGH A COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM IN BUKIT PENINJAUAN II VILLAGE, SUKARAJA DISTRICT, SELUMA DISTRICT, BENGKULU. Bukit Peninjau II Village, Sukaraja Subdistrict, Seluma Regency, has very good potential for the development of small industries, especially home industries in the food sector. One of the small industries in Bukit Peninjauan II Village is the block cracker processing industry which was started in 1995 and currently has 8 business units, including the Usaha Maju and the Raos Echo Community. The team together with partners agreed on several issues faced by partners, including the lack of knowledge (soft skills) and skills mastered by partners regarding product diversification technology, packaging techniques, production equipment and knowledge about financial management. The aim of the Community Partnership Program is to improve partners' skills in the field of product diversification, improvement of packaging and labeling techniques, application of drying system mechanization technology, and increasing partner knowledge in the field of financial management of small industries. The results of the activity show that the product of processed cracker diversification has been formed in the Usaha Maju and the Raos Echo Community, with 3 variants namely original, spinach and carrots crackers. Furthermore, improvements have also been made to the quality of packaging and labeling, through training and providing assistance with labeling equipment. To overcome the problem of drying which has so far been using sunlight, the team provided cabinet drying assistance to the two partners.

2010 ◽  
Vol 1245 ◽  
Subhendu Guha ◽  
Jeffrey Yang

AbstractThe last decade has witnessed tremendous progress in the science and technology of thin film silicon (amorphous and nanocrystalline) photovoltaic. The shipment of solar panels using this technology was about 200 MW in 2009; based on announcement of new or expanded production capacity, the shipment is projected to grow ten-times in the next 3-5 years. The key factor that will determine the wide-scale acceptance of the products will be the cost of solar electricity achieved using this technology. Efficiency of solar modules and throughput of production equipment will play a key role. In this paper, we discuss our roadmap to improve the product efficiency and machine throughput.

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Suratna Suratna ◽  
Adi Soeprapto ◽  
Susanta Susanta ◽  
Simon Pulung Nugroho

Hargomulyo Village is one of the villages in the Kokap Kulonprogo District of Yogyakarta which has high agricultural potential. Agricultural management efforts are mostly carried out by women. The Mekar Mandiri Women Farmers Group is a forum consisting of a group of farmer wives or female farmers in Hargomulyo Village who have activities in the agricultural sector in utilizing agricultural resources to work together to increase farm productivity and the welfare of its members. In carrying out its activities, the Mekar Mandiri Farmer Group has several obstacles: (1) Limited insight and skills in developing the potential of agricultural products into processed products with higher economic value; (2) Limited production equipment capable of processing agricultural products into processed products; (3) The low involvement of young people in the development of agricultural products. The solutions offered through these Community Service activities include: (1) training to broaden the horizons and increase the capacity of the community in managing local agricultural products-based processed products, (2) Facilitating the procurement of business equipment, (3) Assisting in applying for home industry permits and trademarks, and (4) Assistance in the manufacture of packaging designs for agricultural snack products. This Community Service activity is expected to increase the insight and capacity of the Mekar Mandiri Women's Farmer Group in processing agricultural products into processed products with higher economic added value.Arifin dan Biba, Arsyad, 2016, Pengantar Agribisnis, Mujahid Press, BandungBPS Kabupaten Kulonprogo, 2020, Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Kabupaten Kulonprogo Menurut Lapangan Usaha 2015-2019, Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Kulonprogo.Craig, Gary, 2007, Capacity Building: Something Old, Something New..?, Critical Public Policy, 27(3):335-359Hermanu, Bambang, 2016, Implementasi Izin Edar Produk PIRT melalui Model Pengembangan Sistem Keamanan Pangan Terpadu, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Multi Disiplin Imu dan Call for Papers Unisbank (SENDI_U) ke-2, Unisbank Semarang, 425-435.Hudayana, Bambang,  Pande Made Kutanegara, Setiadi, Agus Indiyanto, Zamzam Fauzanafi, Mubarika Dyah F.N., Wiwik Sushartami, dan Mohamad Yusuf, (2019), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) untuk Pengembangan Desa Wisata di Pedukuhan Pucung, Desa Wukirsari, Bantul, Bakti Budaya, 2(2):99-112Irrubai, Mohammad Liwa, 2015, Strategi Labeling, Packaging, dan Marketing Produk Hasil Industri Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Monjok  Kecamatan Selaparang Kota Mataram Nus Tenggara Barat, Society Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan IPS Ekonomi, Edisi XIII:15-30.Mukhtar, Syukrianti dan Nurif, Muchamad, 2015,  Peranan Packaging dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Produksi terhadap Konsumen, JSH : Jurnal Sosial Humaniora, 8(2):181-191 Mustanir, A, Hariyanti Hamid, Rifni Nikmat S, (2019), Pemberdayaan Kelompok Masyarakat Desa dalam Perencanaan Metode Partisipatif, Jurnal Moderat, 5(3):227-239Rahmadanih, Sitti Bulkis, Andi Amrullah, Rusli M.Rukka, M.Arsyad, (2015),  Strengthening Institutional Modelof Women-Farmers Group in Developing Household Food Diversification, International Journal of Agriculture System (IJAS), 3(1): 29-40Yuliana, Dina, (2017), Pemberdayaan Perempuan oleh Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP) melalui Kelompok Wanita Tani “Mekar Asri” di Dusun Mekar Mukti Desa Pasirmukti Kecamatan Cineam Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Dinamika : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara, 4(3):417-423.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 683-686
Onan M Siregar ◽  

Community service activities aim at increasing the competitiveness of fostered partners in dealing with market developments. The potential of developing frozen food UMKM products is still very open because it is very popular among many people in the City of Medan. Royal Food also experiences the same thing as most UKMKs in Medan, which generally have limited human resource quality of education. The workforce in UKMK is dominated by workers with low education and do not have good financial management and the low utilization of technology. This community service activity was carried out over a period of six months. Activities carried out in the form of socialization and counseling to partners, training in business development and marketing, safe and hygienic production practices and designing more attractive packaging, carrying out production and marketing to partner monitoring and evaluation. After getting a touch of good design, proper management, modernization of production equipment, attractive promotional media, UMKM Royal Food is able to experience business development with increasingly high sales and more competitive products.

Sugeng Mulyono ◽  
Nyoman Susipta

Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dirancang guna mengoptimalkan kinerja pengrajin miniatur kapal kayu melalui peningkatan kemampuan dalam tatakelola keuangan, pemasaran dan modernisasi peralatan produksi. Sektor kerajinan ini mempunyai prospek usaha yang baik, mengingat tingkat persaingan rendah, pasar terbuka luas, efisien dalam proses produksi dan mampu menyerap tenaga kerja di Pedesaan. Efisiensi dapat dicapai karena sebagian material produksi memanfaatkan limbah pabrik. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini menggunakan perpaduan pelatihan, pendampingan dan bantuan peralatan produksi. Pelatihan merupakan kegiatan penyampaian materi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan bidang tatakelola keuangan dan pemasaran. Selanjutnya dilakukan pendampingan untuk mengimplementasikan materi pelatihan dan sekaligus monitoring perkembangan pengrajin. Selain itu, untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi, maka perlu diberikan bantuan peralatan produksi sebagai bagian dari upaya peningkatan kinerja bisnis. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan pengrajin dalam tatakelola keuangan dan pemasaran, meningkatkan efisiensi proses produksi serta meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk.ABSTRACTThis community service activity is designed to optimize the performance of wooden boat miniature craftsmen through capacity building in financial management, marketing and modernization of production equipment. This handicraft sector has good business prospects, given the low level of competition, wide open market, efficient in the production process and able to absorb labor in the countryside. Efficiency can be achieved because some production material utilizes factory waste. The method of implementing this service uses a combination of training, assistance and production equipment assistance. Training is an activity to deliver material to improve knowledge and skills in the field of financial management and marketing. Further assistance was made to implement training materials and simultaneously monitor the development of craftsmen. In addition, to increase the quantity and quality of production, it is necessary to provide production equipment as part ofefforts to improve business performance. This service activity has succeeded in increasing the knowledge and skills of craftsmen in financial and marketing governance, improving the efficiency of the production process and increasing the quantity and quality of products.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Siswanto Imam Santoso ◽  
Siti Susanti ◽  
Heni Risqiati ◽  
Agus Setiadi ◽  
Suryani Nurfadillah

Beberapa penelitian terdahulu berhasil membuktikan bahwa produk mi instan yang diperkaya bayam menunjukkan tingkat penerimaan panelis yang cukup baik. Namun demikian, munculnya tambahan biaya akibat fortifikasi bayam yang secara langsung dapat mengakibatkan peningkatan harga produk, belum dikaji secara jelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan usaha dari mi bayam. Penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan mi bayam (mi dengan fortifikasi ekstrak bayam). Selanjutnya semua komponen biaya terkait operasional produksi mi bayam dicatat sebagai informasi dalam melakukan analisis Break Event Point (BEP) dan Benefit per Cost Ratio (B/C ratio). Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa harga pokok BEP produk sebesar 3 kemasan dengan rasio B/C sebesar 1,9. Dapat disimpulkan kegiatan usaha produksi mi bayam layak secara ekonomis untuk dijalankan ditinjau dari BEP dan B/C ratio. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberi informasi bahwa mi bayam berpotensi sebagai bisnis baru di bidang pangan fungsional khususnya diversifikasi produk olahan mi yang menyehatkan (mi fungsional).Business Potency of Spinach Noodle as a Product Diversification of Healthy NoodleAbstractPrevious study successfully proved that spinach fortified instant noodle showed a fairly good panelist preference. However, the emergence of additional costs due to spinach fortification which can directly lead to an increase in product prices has not been clearly assessed. This study was aimed to get more insight the level of business feasibility on the spinach noodle. Study was initiated by spinach noodle production (spinach extract fortified noodle). Furthermore, all of production cost was documented as data source for analyzing Break Event Point (BEP) and Benefit per Cost (B/C) ratio. The result showed that the cost of BEP product was 3 pack with B/C ratio equal to 1.9. It can be concluded that business activity of the spinach noodle was feasible economically to carry out. This study was expected to provide information about potency of spinach noodle as a new business in functional food field especially diversification of healthy noodle processed products (functional noodle).•••••

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-143
Tedi Budiman

Financial information system is an information system that provides information to individuals or groups of people, both inside and outside the company that contains financial problems and information about the flow of money for users in the company. Financial information systems are used to solve financial problems in a company, by meeting three financial principles: fast, safe, and inexpensive.Quick principle, the intention is that financial information systems must be able to provide the required data on time and can meet the needs. The Safe Principle means that the financial information system must be prepared with consideration of internal controls so that company assets are maintained. The Principle of Inexpensive, the intention is that the cost of implementing a financial information system must be reduced so that it is relatively inexpensive.Therefore we need technology media that can solve financial problems, and produce financial information to related parties quickly, safely and cheaply. One example of developing information technology today is computer technology and internet. Starting from financial problems and technological advances, the authors make a website-based financial management application to facilitate the parties that perform financial management and supervision.Method of development application program is used Waterfall method, with the following stages: Software Requirement Analysis, Software Design, Program Code Making, Testing, Support, Maintenance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 89-95

This article of the topic is due to the fact that accounting for the cost and financial management system of the enterprise is currently of particular importance and is carried out in a strict manner. When conducting accounting, the following procedures are used: search for compliance of the company's data on accounting and the regulatory framework; study of documentation; finding and forming errors during the audit. Such meth-ods are solved by the rules: evaluation of arithmetic operations; monitoring of inventory; analysis of cash flow in the enterprise; notification of certain persons about the completed economic and accounting operations; interviewing employees orally; assessment of cash flow according to documents; implementation of economic analysis aimed at studying the movement of funds of the enterprise.

2012 ◽  
Vol 102 (3) ◽  
pp. 575-579 ◽  
Edward P Lazear ◽  
James R Spletzer

Hires occur for two reasons - to grow a business and to replace those who have left (churn). Churn is an important part of employment dynamics, allowing workers to move to their most productive use. We present evidence on churn from the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS). Churn is procyclical. During the 2007-09 recession, four-fifths of hiring reductions are associated with reduced churn, not with reductions in job creation. We estimate that the cost of reduced churn is about two-fifths of a percentage point of GDP annually throughout the three-and-one-half year period since the beginning of the recession.

2018 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
pp. 159-169
Muna H. Haroun Abdelhamed

AbstractLegumes seem to have been cultivated and to have formed an essential part of the human diet during the Greek and Roman periods. This paper examines the cultivation of pulses in Cyrenaica during the Hellenistic era. It considers the regional production capacity for legumes to meet local needs and argues the involvement of different kinds of pulses in interregional commerce alongside cereals and other dry grains. This study has been implemented via investigating Hellenistic epigraphic evidence from Cyrene. It has traced the cost of pulses mentioned in inscriptions of the fourth and third/second centuries BC and compared them with that of wheat and barley. Pulses and cereal costs indicated by Diocletian's ‘Edict on Maximum Prices of AD 301’ have also been investigated to assess the general trend of their prices over time. The examination demonstrates that varieties of pulses were produced in Cyrenaica during the Hellenistic era and were likely as significant as wheat and barley. It also indicates that they were probably traded from the region alongside other dry commodities.

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