2021 ◽  
pp. 100-104
Moroz O.L.

The article specifies the peculiarities of professional communicative activity of future seafarers. Professionally-oriented communicative competency is defined as a fundamental component of the professional training of seafarers which, in turn, suggests that the key objective of language training in higher maritime educational institutions is the formation and development of all the components of this complex phenomenon. It is argued that the development of the effective model of professionally-oriented communicative competency formation of future seafarers and the selection of the adequate teaching methodology is doomed to failure if all the aspects and peculiar features of professional communication are not taken into thorough consideration. It is determined that the peculiar features of maritime sphere specialists’ activity predetermine distinctive requirements to professionally-oriented communication of those working in shipping industry. It is proved that Maritime English can for sure be determined as professional sub-language because it, first of all, serves for the specific needs satisfaction of one certain, independent, self-sufficient area of human activity and, at the same time, it has distinctive peculiar features at each level of teaching-learning process.Extensive review and thorough analysis of statutory and requirements documents which are straightforwardly connected to the organization of the professional communication at sea provided for the conclusion that laconism, clarity and accuracy together with the zero tolerance towards the discrepancy are acknowledged as the key fundamental requirements to professional communication of seafarers, as the safety of navigation, human life and environment depend greatly on their timely, unambiguous and laconic communication. It is determined that because of the fact the professional communication usually occurs in the condition of press of time and psychological tension, the linguistic peculiarities of standard maritime phraseology are the following: the minimum use or even complete omission of the functional words, such as articles and auxiliary verbs (a/an, the, am/іs/are etc.). Besides, it is stated out that due to the possible interferences while communicating by means of radiotelephone and VHF it is recommended not to use the shortened forms which are so typical for common spoken English. And, finally, one more specific feature of the professional communication of future seafarers when using VHF is the requirement to use specific word markers to specify the type of the message or the end of the phrase or the conversation.Key words: professionally-oriented communication, professional sub-language, maritime phraseology, verbal markers, linguistic scope of the text. У статті визначено особливості професійно-мовленнєвої діяльності фахівців морської галузі. Професійно-орієнтована комунікативна компетенція визначається як важлива складова частина професійної підготовки морських фахівців, отже, ключовим завданням мовленнєвої підготовки у закладах вищої освіти є розвиток усіх складових частин цього феномена. Стверджується, що розроблення ефективної моделі формування професійно-орієнтованої комунікативної компетенції майбутніх фахівців морської галузі та підбір адекватної методики її викладання є неможливими без урахування усіх аспектів та осо-бливостей професійної комунікації. Визначено, що специфіка сфери діяльності представників морської галузі зумовлює певні вимоги до професійно-орієнтованого мовлення морських фахівців. Доведено, що морську англійську мову можна визначати як підмову спеціальності, оскільки вона, по-перше, обслуговує спеціальну, окрему, самодостатню галузь діяльності, а також має свої специфічні особливості на всіх рівнях вивчення.Ретельний аналіз нормативних документів, безпосередньо пов’язаних з організацією комунікації на морі, дав змогу дійти висновку про те, що стислість, ясність, точність та недопущення різнотлумачень є основними базовими вимогами щодо професійного мовлення фахівців морської галузі, адже від їх своєчасної, лаконічної і недвозначної комунікації залежить безпека судноплавства, життя людей та навколишнього середовища. З’ясовано, що, оскільки спілкування зазвичай відбувається в умовах дефіциту часу та психологічного напруження, то до суттєвих лінгвістичних особливостей стандартної морської фразеології належать перш за все мінімальне використання або навіть опущення вживання функціональних лексичних одиниць, таких як артиклі та допоміжні дієслова (a/an, the, am/is/are тощо). Крім того, визначено, що з огляду на можливі технічні перешкоди під час здійснення радіозв’язку та можливі шумові перешкоди під час особистого спілкування рекомендується уникати скорочених форм, які є типовими для повсякденного англомовного спілкування. Нарешті, особливістю професій-ного мовлення морських фахівців під час здійснення радіозв’язку є обов’язкове використання вербальних маркерів на позначення типу повідомлення та завершення фрази.Ключові слова: професійно-орієнтоване спілкування, підмова спеціальності, професійна фразеологія, вербальні маркери, лінгвістичне наповнення тексту.

10.29007/bfgg ◽  
2018 ◽  
Ana Bocanegra-Valle

This paper explores how intercultural awareness is raised in Maritime English (henceforth, ME) higher education courses and, particularly, how the “intercultural dialogue” (Council of Europe, 2008) is fostered in ME materials. Interculturality and its impact upon the maritime profession is a major concern for the shipping industry as multilingual and multicultural crews prevail aboard ships. Four teaching/learning resources have been targeted: the latest ME textbook (Grice, 2012), a web-based ME learning tool (MarEng, 2007-2010), a recently launched online platform offering ME learning materials (SeaTALK, 2015), and the latest edition of a full Model Course programme on ME (IMO, 2015). The results obtained help to assess if, and to what extent ME language teaching materials serve as “mediators of intercultural communicative competence” (Rico Troncoso, 2012: 130), providers of intercultural awareness, facilitators for intercultural encounters and creators of “spaces for intercultural dialogue” (Council of Europe, 2008: 46). Conclusions are expected to further research into intercultural dialogicity and provide researchers in other languages and ESP fields with guidance for assessing the presence of intercultural-related features in their own course materials.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-94
Adelija Čulić-Viskota

Maritime affairs imply multinational/-cultural/-lingual work environments, and maritime students’ relative attitude should be investigated and the awareness raised. A research was undertaken with the 1st-year students of the Faculty of Maritime Studies (FMS) in Split, aiming at getting to know their cultural profile and their views of otherness. This is an essential starting point for the education of tolerant and knowledgeable seafarers, able to foresee possible problems arising in intercultural contacts, e.g. of a ship´s crew, and to deal with them if they should arise. Even before the introduction of multicultural elements into the university education of seafarers, some shipping companies had recognized the problem in an early stage and started undertaking individual initiatives to build respect and tolerance among crewmembers on board their ships originating from different national and cultural backgrounds. Since new nationalities are constantly entering the shipping industry scene, maritime students should be taught to: firstly, recognize the otherness and respect the different shapes it takes, and secondly, recognize the importance of the English language, not only as the occupational language in shipping and means of their professional communication, but also as their social life mediator in their working and living environment. A possible approach to this topic is proposed by an instructor of English for specific purposes in the maritime domain. It is through language that various attitudes presented by different nationalities in a variety of settings can best be illustrated.

Анна Владимировна Подстрахова

В статье рассматриваются вопросы формирования у студентов-юристов универсальных компетенций в процессе обучения профессионально-ориентированному иностранному языку. Предлагаются пути оптимизации процесса обучения иностранному языку на примере курса «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере» в рамках специальности «Правовое обеспечение национальной безопасности». The paper focuses on the problem of students` universal skills development while teaching foreign languages for professional communication. Ways to enhance efficiency of teaching/learning are proposed and tested among the students specializing in “Legal Support of National Security”.

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 731-738 ◽  
Isabel Silva de Jesus ◽  
Edite Lago da Silva Sena ◽  
Luana Machado Andrade

OBJECTIVE: to describe the perception of lecturers and undergraduate nursing students regarding the dialogic experience in the informal spaces and its relationship with training in health.METHOD: experiential descriptions were collected in the context of a public university in the non-metropolitan region of the state of Bahia, Brazil, using open interviews. These descriptions were analyzed according to the principles of the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.RESULTS: it was revealed that the informal spaces contribute significantly to the construction of knowledge and professional training strengthening teaching and promoting the re-signification of the subjects' experience.CONCLUSION: it is evidenced that the dialogic experience has relevancy for rethinking the teaching-learning process in the university, such that the informal spaces should be included and valued as producers of meanings for the personal and academic life of lecturers and students, with the ability to re-signify existence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 802-806 ◽  
Teodor Savov ◽  
Valentina Terzieva ◽  
Katia Todorova ◽  
Petia Kademova-Katzarova

The information and communication technologies (ICT) have penetrated into almost all areas of human life. They have a dual impact on education – increase learning efficiency and train students actively to use innovations. We assess this impact by examining teachers’ experience with innovative tools in Bulgarian schools. In an anonymous online survey, we investigate their opinions on the issues related to technology integration in contemporary classrooms. The research shows that educators appreciate the benefits of technology implementation in the teaching-learning process, but they need a single structured system encompassing all technological resources and tools. This work proposes a conception for a smart classroom – an innovative learning environment that can establish and control suitable conditions for education as well as to impact the instructional process directly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (87) ◽  
Liudmyla Ushakova ◽  

The culturological direction of professional training of future foreign languages teachers as one of pedagogical conditions of formation of linguoculturological competence is considered and substantiated. The culturological direction of professional training of future teachers is focused on the priority of the role of culture in human life, especially in education. The education system is considered as a social institution for the development of individuality as a subject of culture. Given that culture is an individually mastered spiritual values, the purpose of education is to create a person as an individuality: the development of his spiritual strength, abilities, needs, education of morally responsible and socially adapted person. Thus the content of education is culture, and the way to introduce such content in the professional education of future foreign languages teachers in particular is a culturological approach, which involves close interaction of language and culture, namely language awareness as a cultural phenomenon and promotes intercultural consciousness. The linguistic personality is the bearer not only of spiritual, but also of national and cultural values, which form the central part of the national picture of the world, having different ways of linguistic expression. Consciousness is the acquired quality of personality and social system of knowledge, fixed in the language. Therefore language as a cultural phenomenon in such case appears as the means of forming the consciousness and mentality of the linguistic personality, as well as an indicator of the level of its formation. Multicultural consciousness is the ability of the person to perceive, understand and comprehend the phenomena of the multicultural world that based on self-awareness of the subject of culture through the unity of representations and knowledge about the peculiarity of cultures, systems of their values, necessary for interaction with representatives of other nationalities, solving professional problems in terms of intercultural interaction relying on cooperation and tolerant behavior. The essence of culturological direction in the professional training of future foreign languages teachers is close to the essence of linguoculturilogical competence, which is based on the relationship of language as a cultural phenomenon and linguistic personality as a representative of culture, and therefore a certain national consciousness. This can along with other pedagogical conditions ensure the success of the formation of linguoculturilogical competence of future foreign language teachers.

Ganna Ralo

About 100 years have passed since the first classes of percussion instruments appeared. In the early days, when professional training intended for percussion performers dated to, teachers faced a large number of problems, in particular, lack of a full set of percussion instruments in the classroom, the availability of instructive, educational, pedagogical and concert repertoire alongside scientific and methodological literature. As a result, the work of the first educators was based, first of all, on their personal pedagogical experience and many years of performing practice. In this regard, the appearance of the first teaching aids was a milestone in the development of professional training in playing percussion instruments. For a century-long period, not so much educational and methodological literature has appeared, which was conditioned by a number of objective and subjective factors. At the same time, each methodological manual has taken its rightful place in the development of teaching methods for playing the percussion instruments. However, time is relentlessly moving forward and, unfortunately, today, they have become less in demand, as they do not always meet the modern requirements and approaches to teaching how to play the percussion instruments. Today, Ukrainian scientists and teachers have free access to a large amount of information. Therefore, they have an opportunity to familiarise themselves with interesting developments of our foreign colleagues. However, in most cases, they cannot be used in domestic pedagogical practice, as they are not adapted to the current realities of the educational system of Ukraine due to various socio-economic and cultural factors. Thus, the issues related to the need to search for the most effective forms, methods, and approaches to teaching how to play the percussion instruments is of particular importance and relevance. The article is devoted to the methods based on the playing form of instructions which are used in schools of aesthetic education and, in particular, at the classes of percussion instruments. The purpose of the work is to present new promising areas in teaching percussion playing, based on the author’s pedagogical practice. These methods were used in the study: analysis, observation, deduction and induction. The following issues are considered in the article: the influence of learners’ age characteristics on the choice of teaching methods, the essence of the group form of training and its importance for activating the pedagogical process, traditional and non-traditional approaches to teaching / learning, as well as the analysis of the methods that are widely used in the author’s teaching practice at the classes of the percussion instruments playing. As a result of the study, some new ideas were proposed related to the training at the initial stage and the ways of their implementation by introducing the methods of collective listening, imitation, “playing with the ball”, “sweet tooth”, etc. into the pedagogical practice.

Liubov Kostyk ◽  
Tetiana Babiuk ◽  

The problem of communication in the information society is one of the most important. First of all, it is related to the educational sphere, because it aims at providing a comprehensive preparation of a person for the modern life in the world of various connections, communicative opportunities of social relations. Professional communication is the main form of the pedagogical process, the productivity of which is determined by the goals and values of communication accepted by all its subjects as the norm of individual behavior. It is revealed in the process of joint communication activity of people (subject-subject interaction), mediated by the exchange of information, in the process of which each of its participants acquires universal experience, social, pedagogical, communicative, moral and other values, knowledge and ways of communicative activity. He identifies, reveals and develops his own mental qualities, is formed as a person and as a subject of communication. In this sense, communication, communicative activity are important factors in a person’s mental development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 1167
Layres Canuta Cardoso Climaco ◽  
Juliane Dos Santos Almeida ◽  
Ivana Santos Ferraz ◽  
Stela Almeida Aragão ◽  
Ana Cristina Santos Duarte ◽  

RESUMOObjetivo: relatar a experiência vivenciada por discentes do curso de mestrado sobre a realização de uma oficina de práticas integrativas e complementares em saúde, com enfoque na Terapia Comunitária Integrativa (TCI). Método: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência. Deu-se o estudo a partir da disciplina Processo Ensino-Aprendizagem cuja proposta de avaliação consistia na realização de uma oficina desenvolvida na semana de Enfermagem com 13 pessoas. Apresentaram-se os resultados em forma de relato. Resultados: percebeu-se, mediante a experiência da execução da oficina, que os participantes, embora inseridos na área da saúde, seja enquanto formação acadêmica ou atuação profissional, detinham um conhecimento vago acerca da temática das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares. Conclusão: tornou-se tal prática gratificante e exitosa na medida em que redimensiona e possibilita a ressignificação de fundamentos diante da produção do conhecimento na área da saúde, ao considerá-lo enquanto um processo dinâmico e não estático. Descritores: Terapias Complementares; Saúde; Educação Superior; Saúde Pública; Capacitação Profissional; Educação Continuada. ABSTRACTObjective: to report the experience of students of the master's degree course on the realization of a workshop on integrative and complementary practices in health, focusing on Integrative Community Therapy (ICT). Method: it is a descriptive study, type of experience report. The study was based on the discipline Teaching-Learning Process whose evaluation proposal consisted of a workshop developed in Nursing week with 13 people. The results were presented in the form of a report. Results: it was perceived, through the experience of the execution of the workshop, that the participants, although inserted in the health area, either as an academic or professional activity, had a vague knowledge about the theme of Integrative and Complementary Practices. Conclusion: it has become such a rewarding and successful practice insofar as it resizes and enables the re-signification of foundations in the production of knowledge in the health area, considering it as a dynamic and non-static process. Descriptors: Complementary Therapies; Health; College education; Public health; Professional Training; Continuing Education.RESUMEN Objetivo: relatar la experiencia vivenciada por discentes del curso de maestría sobre la realización de un taller de prácticas integrativas y complementarias en salud, con enfoque en la Terapia Comunitaria Integrativa (TCI). Método: se trata de un estudio descriptivo, tipo relato de experiencia. Se dio el estudio a partir de la asignatura Proceso Enseñanza-Aprendizaje cuya propuesta de evaluación consistía en la realización de un taller desarrollado en la semana de Enfermería con 13 personas. Se presentaron los resultados en forma de relato. Resultados: se percibió, mediante la experiencia de la ejecución del taller, que los participantes, aunque insertos en el área de la salud, sea como formación académica o actuación profesional, tenían un conocimiento vago acerca de la temática de las Prácticas Integrativas y Complementarias. Conclusión: se ha convertido en tal práctica gratificante y exitosa en la medida en que redimensiona y posibilita la resignificación de fundamentos ante la producción del conocimiento en el área de la salud, al considerarlo como un proceso dinámico y no estático. Descritores: Terapias Complementarias; Salud; Educación Superior Salud Pública; Capacitación Profesional; Educación Continua.   

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-49
Shamima Parvin ◽  
Md Ahsan Habib ◽  
Humayun Kabir Talukder ◽  
Rukshana Ahmed

Introduction: Faculty development has become an essential part of any medical college for effective teaching-learning session. Centre for Medical Education (CME) has been organizing ‘teaching methodology’ workshop to train up the medical teachers in Bangladesh as a part of the faculty development programme. Objectives: To assess the students’ views regarding teaching performances of the teachers who had attended the workshop of CME. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in thirteen selected medical colleges of Bangladesh. Students’ opinions were collected by a structured questionnaire of 5-point Likert scale that included 13 separate positive statements regarding teaching performances. For each statement, the mean score was calculated and interpreted as, excellent ≥ 4, Good ≥ 3 to ≤ 4, satisfactory ≥ 2 to ≤ 3, unsatisfactory ≤ 2. But mean score ≤3 indicates deficit aspect of performances. Results: According to students’ aggregated views, teaching performances of 15% teachers were excellent, 51% were good, 25% were satisfactory and 9% were unsatisfactory. Conclusion: The trained teachers are not practising the expected standards in the tutorial classes in all aspects. Initiatives should be taken to pay more attention to deficit aspect of performances. Journal of Armed Forces Medical College Bangladesh Vol.14(1) 2018: 46-49

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