2021 ◽  
pp. 61-68
Loboda O.Ye.

In order to reveal this phenomenon the article analyzes the concepts such as “project”, “project method”, “project learning technology” from the standpoint of different approaches of scientists. Determined that project learning technologies are a scientifically and methodologically sound process of achieving predictable results,aimed at optimal development of intellectual and creative abilities of future professionals, which provides systematic planning of this process, its content and phased management.Reasoned the possibilities of using in the process of professional training of future teachers-musicians among modern interactive music-pedagogical technologies the intellectual-creative project technologies of teaching, based on educational-cognitive material of musical art, involvement of concepts of developmental learning, intellectual-creative content, as well as actual needs of professional education.The basis of intellectual and creative project learning technologies is the intellectual and creative project activities of students, based on interaction with the teacher. The following activities ensure the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills by students, which is most consistent with the paradigm of personality-oriented education, and also contributes to the intensification of the process of development of intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers. The practical implementation of intellectual and creative project learning technologies can occur through the implementation of different types of projects: research, artistic, media and educational, the essence of which is considered in the study. The organization of research projects involves predetermined certain stages of work, deliberate structure, purpose, relevance of research, social significance, methods, including experimental methods of processing results. Artistic and creative projects are based on the chosen concept, semantic material, which is based on the educational and cognitive material of art culture and different types of arts: music, pictorial, theatrical, etc. Media-educational projects are based on media forms and means of creating an intellectual and creative product and its functioning.In order to test the hypothesis of positive use of project learning technologies in the educational process and their influence on the development of intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers within the experimental study was developed a special course “Project learning technologies for development of intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers”.Key words: project, project method, project learning technologies, intellectual and creative project learning technologies, development of intellectual and creative abilities, future music teachers, process of professional training, higher education institution of art direction. З метою розкриття зазначеного феномену у статті проаналізовано такі поняття, як «проєкт», «метод проєктів», «проєктна технологія навчання» з позицій різних підходів науковців. Визначено, що про-єктні технології навчання – це науково та методично обґрунтований процес досягнення прогнозова-них результатів, спрямований на оптимальний розвиток інтелектуально-творчих здібностей майбутніх фахівців, що передбачає системне планування цього процесу, його змістовне наповнення та поетапне управління із застосуванням на практиці.Обґрунтовано можливості використання в процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх педагогів-музикантів серед сучасних інтерактивних музично-педагогічних технологій інтелектуально-творчих проєктних технологій навчання, що засновані на навчально-пізнавальному матеріалі музичного мистецтва, залученні концепцій розвивального навчання, інтелектуально-творчому змістовому наповненні, а також урахуванні актуальних потреб професійної освіти. Основу інтелектуально-творчих проєктних технологій навчання складає інтелектуально-творча проєк-тна діяльність студентів, заснована на взаємодії із викладачем. Така діяльність забезпечує набуття студентами фахових знань та вмінь, що найбільше відповідає парадигмі особистісно-орієнтованої освіти, а також сприяє активізації процесу розвитку інтелектуально-творчих здібностей майбутніх педагогів-музикантів. Практична реалізація інтелектуально-творчих проєктних технологій навчання може відбуватися шляхом реалізації різних типів проєктів: пошуково-дослідницьких, художньо-творчих, медіа-освіт-ніх, сутність яких розглянуто у дослідженні. Організація пошуково-дослідницьких проєктів передбачає заздалегідь визначені певні етапи роботи, обмірковану структуру, мету, актуальність дослідження, соціальну значущість, методи, у тому числі експериментальні методи обробки результатів. Художньо-творчі проєкти ґрунтуються на обраній концепції, змістовому матеріалі, що заснований на навчально-пізнавальному матеріалі художньої культури та різних видів мистецтв: музичного, образотворчого, театрального тощо. Медіа-освітні проєкти ґрунтуються на медійних формах і засобах створення інтелектуально-творчого продукту та його функціонування.З метою перевірки гіпотези про позитивний вплив проєктних технологій навчання на розвиток інтелектуально-творчих здібностей майбутніх педагогів-музикантів у межах експериментального дослі-дження розроблено спецкурс «Проєктні технології навчання з розвитку інтелектуально-творчих здібностей майбутніх педагогів-музикантів». Ключові слова: проєкт, метод проєктів, проєктні технології навчання, інтелектуально-творчі проєктні технології навчання, розвиток інтелектуально-творчих здібностей, майбутні педагоги-музиканти, процес професійної підготовки, заклад вищої освіти мистецького спрямування.

Ольга Лобода

The article examines and substantiates the structural components of independent work as an effective pedagogical condition, which ensures the development of intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers. The author distinguishes the following key structural components: methodical, musical performance, and field-research. With its particular specialization, each component contributes to the constitution of an integral unity in achieving the development of intellectual and creative abilities. The study substantiates the essence of each of the presented components. It has been proven that the methodical component performs the function of the basic components in the structure of independent work. Methodical training contributes to the effective qualifications process as well as selection of techniques, methods, and exercises to improve professional training. Musical performance is considered as a process that determines the development of intellectual and creative abilities of future music instructors by forming intellectual and creative thinking through the use of different ways of cognitive activities. Also, the musical performances of the future music teachers during independent work involves solving a number of creative tasks. At the same time, you need to use interactive teaching methods that are aimed at optimizing the educational process. The field-research component provides students with artistic creativity as well as pedagogical skills, which contributes to the enrichment of their intellectual potentials and formation of research thinking, as a result, expanding their analytical, intellectual and creative skills. Within the research component, it has been assumed that the formation of research skills contributes not only to the research culture, but also to the highest level of development of intellectual and creative abilities for upcoming music teachers.

Marianna A. Sukholova

The study of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the stage image of vocal teachers is a topical issue in the context of improving the quality of professional music education in Ukraine, as well as in the world. The purpose of the article is to study the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of the stage image of the future vocal teacher in the process of his professional education. The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical methods of scientific knowledge (analysis and synthesis, classification method, comparative method). Also, in the context of this study, a theoretical analysis of scientific sources was conducted. The article highlights and substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the stage image of a vocal teacher in the process of professional education: the creation of models of their own future based on the activation of “I-real” and “I-ideal”; providing motivation for performing and creative stage selfrealization of future specialists; application of personality-oriented models and learning technologies aimed at developing the student's individuality and providing conditions for the development of their abilities and creative self-realization in professional activities; diversification of practical forms of organization of the educational process It is emphasized that the basis of the stage image is a combination of personal and professional characteristics and psychological archetypes, which are the basis of image formation, which should correspond to the character of the vocalist the best human qualities and powerful informational-creative potential of the person. It is emphasized that according to the personality-oriented concept of education, priority is given to the development of personality, rather than the learning process, which is an important aspect in the process of forming the stage image of personality. The practical value of the work is that the results of the study can be used to increase the efficiency of the educational process, as well as to improve the professional qualities of vocal teachers

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (47) ◽  
pp. 293-300
Larisa M. Zakharova ◽  
Nataliya Y. Maydankina ◽  
Tatiana A. Chibisova ◽  
Ekaterina S. Subbotina ◽  
Victoria S. Zakharova

The modern sociocultural situation of the development of society involves taking into account all aspects of human life in the educational process. Are our students - future preschool teachers - ready to build their activities taking into account socio-cultural aspects. The authors consider the characteristic of readiness, highlighting motivational and value-based component (awareness of the importance of their process, readiness for continuous improvement and professional development, highlighting the values of professional activity), activity-technological component (knowledge of the ways of interaction with the subjects of the pedagogical process, design of the educational and educational process, the use of modern teaching tools (IT), information and knowledge component (knowledge of the specifics of preschool childhood, modern trends in the development of society and education, learning technologies). The study shows the insufficient level of development of the 2nd and the 3rd components of the readiness of future teachers. The proposed methods of professional training of future teachers of preschool education are associated with the use of business games, conducting master classes, studying the technological component of the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (45) ◽  
O. Loboda

The article suggests and substantiates the model of the development in the intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers. The concept of “model” is analyzed and its essential characteristics are identified in the works of leading scientists, theorists of the philosophy of science and in pedagogical research. The content core of the proposed model defines four interrelated components: motivational-target, content-procedural, analytical-cognitive, personal-creative. The methodological basis of the design block of the presented model are system, activity-organizational, synergetic, competence-based and personality-oriented approaches. The characteristic features of the criteria and their indicators are clarified and justified. The following criteria are identified: professional-motivational, cognitive-informational, search-research, creative-productive. Three levels of the development in the intellectual and creative abilities are highlighted – low (indifferent), medium (motivated) and high (creative), which holistically reflect the implementation of the process of the development in the intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers in the process of professional training.Key words: Model, Pedagogical Conditions, Approaches, Structural Components, Criteria, Indicators, Levels, Development of Intellectual and Creative Abilities, Future Music Teachers, Professional Training.

Іван Дерда

The article analyzes various interpretations of the concepts “competence”, “professional competence”, “teacher-musician’s professional competence”. The article highlights the scientists’ views on the issue of future teachers-musicians’ professional competence developing during professional training. It is determined that the formation of professional competence implies a comprehensive, harmonious development of the future teacher-musician who has not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills and abilities.The author notes that one of the most important subjects in the content of special disciplines at art faculties is voice staging. During which students master vocal techniques, singing breathing, diction, emotional and dynamic expression, stage skills, etc. The main principles in solving musical and pedagogical issues of vocal education are the harmonious development of musical and creative abilities of vocal students in the process of developing general vocal culture, comprehensive development of individual qualities of vocalists.The study of scientific works allowed us to determine the essence of the concept of “professional competence of the future teacher-musician”, which includes a system of theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities, experience, pedagogical abilities, important personal and professional qualities to ensure the successful self-realization of the future teacher in music education. The prospects of scientific research on the introduction of innovative learning technologies into the educational process, the search for ways of creative self-realization of experts in the art industry with an emphasis on personal and professional development have been outlined.

Oksana Bartkiv ◽  
Evheniya Durmanenko ◽  
Oksana Smalko

Abstract. In the article reveals the effectiveness of using the method of visualization of the content of educational material in pedagogy. The aim of this article is an analysis of methods of visualizing the content of educational information in pedagogical classes during the study of the topic “Project Learning Technologies”. During a scientific search the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, modeling are used. It is emphasized, that one of the effective ways of activating students' educational activity is visualization of educational material, the active use of which in the educational process allows to move away from the passive perception of the content by the future specialists to the active mastery of it; visualization provides intensification of the educational process, formation and development of students' critical and visual thinking. Visualization is defined as ways of clearly covering the content of educational material in a structured form by means of diagrams, tables, graphs, frames, etc., which will contribute to the effective acquisition of the system of competences by the acquirers of education. In the process of teaching of course "Pedagogy" students are best developed active creativity, critical thinking, when using traditional ways of visualizing the content of educational material (flowchart, graph diagram, logical circuit (sequence of processes), table, etc.) and the newest (denotation) graph, frame, intellectual and strategic maps, cluster, etc.). The ways of visualization of the content of educational material on pedagogy (denotation graph, frame, intellectual maps) in the course of studying the topic "Technology of project training" are revealed. The variants of visualization of the content of the educational material on the project technology of training with the help of a frame, a denotation graph, and intellectual maps are offered. Summed up, that visualization of the content of educational material on pedagogy allows to solve a number of pedagogical tasks, namely: to promote intensification of learning; to activate educational and cognitive activity of students; to develop critical, creative and radiant thinking; duplicate verbal information in a figurative way, establishing causality between pedagogical concepts and phenomena; to shape visual literacy and visual culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (195) ◽  
pp. 128-133
Igor Spinul ◽  
Elena Spinul ◽  

In recent decades, modern ballroom dancing as an artistic phenomenon is spreading around the world. During the twentieth century, the society formed a clear idea of ​​ballroom dancing as a folk dance (waltz, tango, etc.) and sports competitions of ten standardized ballroom dances. However, in recent times, modern ballroom dancing is increasingly fighting for the right to recognize it as an independent phenomenon of choreographic culture, given the original system of means of expression, which distinguishes it from other types of ballroom choreography (sports and household) and stage forms of folk dance. Modern society places high demands on the professional training of future teachers in the field of culture and art. Fundamental knowledge of philosophy, pedagogy and psychology, ethics and aesthetics, other sciences help to organize the educational process with its main purpose, didactic, educational, developmental tasks, traditional and interactive methods, learning technologies and organizational forms determined by the teacher in accordance with modern requirements. put forward by the «Law of Ukraine on Higher Education» and state educational standards. The process of training a specialist in the field of ballroom dancing is based on the presence of practical training, adjustment, consolidation of movements and skills of the teacher, because without in-depth analysis of body movements in various dance performances, the idea of ​​ballroom dancing Constant quality control and the creation of individual tasks will promote self-analysis of the student, his understanding and understanding of the importance of the balance between mental activity, physical and spiritual development. In the article the author explores the specifics of teaching modern ballroom dancing in higher education; defines the essence, criteria, requirements of choreographic and performing skills as a competence. The characteristics and features of the teacher-choreographer, his personal qualities are presented.

2020 ◽  
pp. 97-104
Kateryna Osadcha

The article is based on a review of scientific and methodological literature, it analyzes the existing models of future teachers’ professional training for tutoring. The aim of the article is to design a model of future teachers’ professional training for tutoring in the information and educational environment of the institution of higher education. As a result of scientific analysis, carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, theory and practice of tutoring, training for tutoring in Ukraine and abroad, the components of training for tutoring have been identified (target, philosophical, theoretical-methodological, informative-processual, criteria-evaluative, resultative). Each component of the designed model has its implementation in the information and educational environment. This model is a set of information and communication technologies (distance learning technologies, general purpose ICT and ICT for tutoring support), which are integrated into the educational process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 2
V. D. Lobashev ◽  
A. A. Talykh

Introduction. The use of the frame approach in modern constructions of the educational process allows you to optimize energy consumption in the system of communication and learning, achieving an acceptable learning intensity. The logic of presentation of educational material when using the frame approach most fully corresponds to and optimizes the algorithms of the primary stages of filling in knowledge bases.Materials and methods. The experimental study was conducted at the Department of technology, fine arts and design of the Institute of pedagogy and psychology of Petrozavodsk state University. The following research methods were used: observation, systematization, analysis and synthesis, generalization and comparison. Scientific publications in periodicals and methodological materials on the use of the frame approach developed at universities were used as informative sources.Results. The article considers some features and problems of presenting educational information in the form of: frame-frames (reference notes), frame-schemes and frame-algorithms used, for example, in the process of studying technological operations: drilling, turning, filing, when performing course design tasks, organizing thematic conferences, etc.the use of the frame approach in professional training in higher education in pedagogical and engineering areas and specialties becomes Especially relevant.Discussion and Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, methodological recommendations for using the frame approach in the system of technological education are presented. Frame organization of all aspects of the learning process largely solves the problem of intensification of the learning process, including attracting the potential of fractal theory and practice of building innovative learning technologies.

Oksana Tovkanets

The article substantiates the training of specialists in education management in Ukraine. The Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine in the field of knowledge 07 «Management and Administration», specialty: 073 «Management» of the second (master's) level, which partially regulates professional training in the field of management, in particular in the field of education management, is analyzed. It is emphasized that socio-economic changes in Ukraine, the processes of globalization and integration of the world community, Ukraine’s intentions to enter the European educational space have necessitated the modernization of the system of professional training of future professionals. The principles of providing the educational labor market with highly qualified specialists in education management are highlighted: the national idea of higher education, focusing on filling the content of vocational training with the latest materials, the introduction of modern innovative learning technologies based on a high level of informatization of the educational process; development of professional training of specialists in education management in the context of development trends in global education systems, in particular European ones. Professional competencies in many educational programs are defined as the preservation of moral, cultural, scientific values and increase the achievements of society, the use of various types and forms of physical activity to lead a healthy lifestyle, demonstration of knowledge of theories, methods and functions of management, modern concepts of leadership, skills to identify problems and justify management decisions, organizational design, interaction, leadership, teamwork, situation analysis and communication in various areas of the organization, independent work, flexible thinking, openness to new knowledge, critical thinking and self-criticism. It is concluded that the conceptual ideas for the training of specialists in education management are the ideas of humanistic education, which reflect the recognition of personal rights of educational entities, focusing on the personification of their relationships and interactions based on the acceptance of mutual responsibility for the modeling the educational context.

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