Pengaruh Penghargaan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada CV. Dino Manunggal Karsa Bogor

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 17
Dedy Mulyadi ◽  
Didik Purwanto

The question of compensation in addition to sensitive to be driving someone to worl due to an effect on morale and discipline employees. Therefore , any  agency or any organization should be able to provide compensation equal to the workload  to create a workforce that efficient and effective manner can be realized. Amaore than that, the company’s goal to improve performance. Performance assessment is a subjective process that involves human judgments. Thus, performance assessment is very likely wrong and very easily influonced by sources that are not actual, so it must be taken into account and considered reasinable. Frformance appraisals are considered  to meet the target if it has a good impact on new employees who rated their performance. Simple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 12:00 data processing obtained tegression equation Y = 0,487 X 74 + with an explanation of X = award, 74 = constant, 0.487 = coefficient awards, and Y = performance based on simple linear regression equation in case of increase of one unit of the  performance award will be increased 0.487 units. If company policy negates the performance award will remain at a constant rate (74) units . (A) Test results obtained thitung significant constants of (12.574) > t table for (1.960 then reject Ho constanta significant meaning. (B) significant Test award coefficient t count the results obtained by (2.164)> t table foe (1.96) then reject Ho the mean coeffent of appreciation affect the performance . (C) correlation coefficient analysis is done by calculating the product moment corration (pearson)  to test  whether or not a strong  relationship between the variables X  dan Y , based on the results of cakculations with SPSS  table valuse obtained by calculating the  correlation coefficient r (0.3100> r on the table for a = 0,05 (0.291) then reject Ho, which means there is a relationship of respect for performance. When we enter these valuse in the table shows the interpretation of the correlation coefficient between the interval from 0.20 to 0.399 which has a low relationship

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 226
Maksimus Bisa

ABSTRACTThis study is descriptive analitik, aims to describe the relationship of perceptions about the physiotherapy profession with the motivation to learn students of the Academy of Physiotherapy UKI. Data collection through questionnaires to students of Physiotherapy Academy UKI level 1, 2, and 3 with a sample of 53 students, then give a score of each statement of questionnaire.The result of correlation analysis shows that p = 0,584> α (0,05) ho is accepted, so there is no significant relationship between the two variables. To measure the closeness and intensity of the relationship between the two variables, test of correlation coefficient and simple linear regression. The result of correlation coefficient test (r) obtained by -0,077, lies below the value of -0.30 (very weak) thus can be said there is no relation between perception about physiotherapy profession with motivation learn student Akfis UKI. Result of linear regression analysis obtained equation: Y = 73,52 + (-0,088) X. This means that every 1 point decrease of perception value will influence motivation value equal to 0,088 times.Keywords: Perception, motivation, physiotherapy profession, and learning achievement. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik, bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan persepsi tentang profesi fisioterapi dengan motivasi belajar siswa Akademi Fisioterapi UKI. Pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner kepada siswa Fisioterapi Academy UKI tingkat 1, 2, dan 3 dengan sampel sebanyak 53 siswa, kemudian memberikan skor masing-masing kuesioner pernyataan. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa p = 0,584> α (0,05) ho diterima, sehingga tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kedua variabel tersebut. Untuk mengukur kedekatan dan intensitas hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut, uji koefisien korelasi dan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil uji koefisien korelasi (r) diperoleh sebesar -0,077, berada di bawah nilai -0,30 (sangat lemah) sehingga dapat dikatakan tidak ada hubungan antara persepsi tentang profesi fisioterapi dengan motivasi belajar siswa Akfis UKI. Hasil analisis regresi linier diperoleh persamaan: Y = 73,52 + (-0,088) X. Artinya setiap 1 titik penurunan nilai persepsi akan mempengaruhi nilai motivasi sebesar 0,088 kali.Kata kunci: Persepsi, motivasi, profesi fisioterapi, dan prestasi belajar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Saprudin ◽  
Bayu Hartono

This study aims to determine how much influence the debt, working capital turnover has on the profitability of PT Sekar Bumi Tbk. Debt is proxied by DER, working capital turnover is proxied by WCT, while profitability is proxied by ROA. Based on the nature of the data used in this study is a type of quantitative research. Samples were taken, namely PT Sekar Bumi Tbk with the objectof research of 2013-2018 financial statements. Linear regression analysis was used in this study, with the help of SPSS software for Windows 20.0. The results of this study explain that partially DER has a significant effect on ROA, and has a very strong relationship of 83.9%. WCT has no significant effect on ROA, and has a very weak relationship of 18.4%. However, simultaneously DER and WCT has a significant effect with a contribution of 70.8% to ROA. So companies need to pay attention and consider how much effective the use of debt as a source of funding for the company.

2019 ◽  
pp. 150-162
Betniar Purba

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of employee welfare on employee morale at PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) Medan, for the development of science, especially in the field of human resource management, as a reference in conducting further research. The total sample of the study was all members of the population of 30 people. The type of data used are primary and secondary data, data analysis methods are used simple linear regression analysis. From the results of the research and discussion, the tcount is 7.767 with a significance level of 0.000, so H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. That is, employee welfare has a significant effect on employee morale at PT. Jiwasraya Insurance (Persero) Medan, can be received at a 5 percent significance level. The simple linear regression equation obtained is Y = 0.773 + 0.696X. That is, employee welfare has a positive effect on employee morale at PT. Jiwasraya Insurance (Persero) Medan. This can be seen from the regression coefficient which is positive. The value of the correlation coefficient (R) is 0.826, meaning that employee welfare has a strong relationship with employee morale at PT. Jiwasraya Insurance (Persero) Medan. The determinant coefficient value (R Square) is 0.683, meaning that employee morale can be explained by employee welfare of 68.3% while 31.7% is explained by other factors such as promotion and incentive. Suggestions given as material for consideration to the leadership of the company is to increase employee morale, the company should pay attention to the welfare of employees by providing official housing facilities and increase family benefits to employees. It is better for the company to increase employee morale by giving awards to the best performing employees, such as promotion and incentives.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 193-199
Zahra Fithri Maiyuriyda ◽  
Sofyan Samsudin ◽  
Irwan Kadir

Abstrak. Biro perjalanan wisata merupakan salah satu usaha pariwisata yang sangat mendukung perkembangan pariwisata. Sama seperti usaha lainnya yang memiliki tujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar sebagai tolak ukur dari kesuksesan usahanya, biro perjalanan wisata juga harus berhasil menjual paket wisata sebagai produk usahanya dalam jumlah yang tinggi. Untuk tercapainya tujuan ini maka biro perjalanan wisata harus melakukan berbagai kegiatan promosi dan mengeluarkan sejumlah biaya untuk melakukan kegiatan tersebut. Pasir Putih Adventure adalah salah satu biro perjalanan wisata di Sabang yang aktif dalam melakukan promosi usahanya baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis ini adalah analisis regresi linier sederhana, analisis koefisien korelasi, koefisien determinasi dan uji-t. Analisis linier regresi sederhana menunjukkan bahwa Y = 28,401+0,015X (jika biaya promosi sama dengan nol maka penjualan paket wisata meningkat sebesar 28,401), nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,662 (hubungan antar kedua variabel kuat), koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,439 dan nilai uji-t adalah thitung ttabel = 4,147 1,717 , artinya promosi pada biro perjalanan wisata Pasir Putih Adventure berpengaruh secara positif terhadap jumlah penjualan paket wisata.The Effect of Promotion on Tour Package Sale (A Case Study on Pasir Putih Adventure Travel Bureau In Sabang)Abstract. Travel bureau  is one of the tourism businesses that strongly supports the development of tourism. Just like any other business that has the goal of gaining big profits as a benchmark for its business success, travel agency must also succeed in selling tour packages as a product of their business in high numbers. To achieve this goal, the travel bureau must carry out various promotional activities and spend a number of costs to carry out these activities. Pasir Putih Adventure is one of the travel bureau in Sabang that active in promoting its business both nationally and internationally. The methods used in this analysis is simple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, coefficient of determination and t-test. Simple linear regression analysis shows that Y = 28,401 + 0,015X  (if the promotion costs equal to zero then the tour package sales increase by 28,401), the correlation coefficient value is 0,662 (the relationship between the two strong variables), the coefficient of determination is 0,439 and the t-test value is tsearch ttable = 4,147 1,717 meaning that the promotion of the Pasir Putih Adventure travel bureau has a positive effect on the number of the tour package sale.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-84
Adil Fadillah ◽  
Rini Syarif

In the implementation of products marketing, a company is usually bound to use marketing concept of product, price, place, and promotion to achieve marketing goal. Promotion supports marketing activities in order that the marketing programs will be able to proceed as expected. The purpose of this study is to determine which types of discount programs implemented by the company, to find out the factors influencing purchase decision by consumers, and to know the effect of discount program on purchasing decision at PT Ramayana Bogor Trade Mall. Data analysis technique used by the author is statistical analysis , i.e. simple linear regression analysis, simple linear correlation coefficient, and hypothesis test. Based on the analysis, it’s gotten simple linear regression equaty. Contant 30,451 states that if there is no discount program, the purchasing decision will be 30,451. Coefficient regression 0,148 states that any additional increase/decrease in discount program for a unit will result an increase/decrease of dependent variable (Y) as high as 0,148, with constant as high as 30,451. The correlation between discount variable and purchasing decision variable counted by using correlation coefficient is o,161 or 1,6%. This shows that there is a very low correlation between discount program and purchasing decision. Based on hypothesis test,  t-statistics obtained from  t-table is 1,695, while t-table is 1,645. Therefore, t-statistics > t-table (1,695 > 1,645 at α = 0,05), with the result that Ho is refused and H1 is accepted. Thereby discount program influences purchasing decision insignificantly. Significance level of correlation coefficient yields figure 0,110. Because of probability is above 0,05, the correlation between discount program and purchasing decision is not significant. It’s found out that r-square coefficient is 0,026 or 2,6%, the rest is 97,4%, due to other causes which are not observed by the author. It shows that there is low correlation between discount variable and purchasing decision. Based on this analysis it can be concluded that discount program has no significant correlation toward purchasing decision.   Keywords:discount program; purchasing decision

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Endang Haryati ◽  
Yuni Arti Maysaroh Pane

<p class="8AbstrakBahasaIndonesia">This study aims to determine how much influence and relationship between office layout on employee performance at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Medan. The population is 20 people and uses saturated samples. Data collection using questionnaire method tested with several methods of data analysis. The results of this study proved by testing the hypothesis that is: Test Validity and Reliability, Test T, Coefficient R and Coefficient R2 and Simple Linear Regression Analysis that indicates that the influence between office layout on employee performance. Based on Simple Linear Regression Analysis obtained equation Y = 16,638 + 0,684X, and if assumed every increase of office layout for unit then will improve employee performance equal to 0,684. Based on the analysis of product moment correlation obtained both variables have a strong relationship. Based on the analysis of determination, between office layout on employee performance of 41.0% means that the office spatial has an influence on the performance of 41.0%, while the remaining is 59.0% explained by other variables not discussed in this study. Based on the T-Test, it is explained that partially, the regression coefficient used is significant. In conclusion, that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, which means there is a strong and significant influence between office layout on employee performance at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Medan.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-154
Munardi Munardi ◽  
Damanhur Damanhur ◽  
Mulyana Fitri

This study aimed to determine the effect of productive endowment on community welfare in Matang Panyang. This study used primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 30 respondents who were selected using the Purposive sampling technique. The data analysis method used was a simple linear regression method with the help of EVIEWS. Based on the test of the correlation coefficient of 0.837835, it showed that productive endowment had a strong relationship to improve community welfare. Based on the coefficient determination test, it showed that productive endowment had an effect of 70.19% on community welfare. From the results of the study, it revealed that productive endowment (X) significantly influenced the welfare community (Y). Based on the t-value of 8.120918 and the t-table value of 2.04841 with a significant level of 0.0000, it concluded that these tests accepted Ha and rejected Ho.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 033
Fitria Elvi

Employee performance for the company as the last measure of the success of a personnel department dam has a strong relationship with the goals and success of a company. With the existence of compensation pemeberian then expected every employee feel satisfied with company kebiajakan and will impact to good work performance also.This study wanted to prove the influence of compensation on employee performance at hotel in ketapang city (Ketapang Kalimantan Barat). Based on previous research and related to the supporting theory put forward by experts by using SPSS 21 program, as a tool of statistical data processing.This type of research is Causal explanatory is a type of research that aims to determine the pattern of relationships between variables as a hypothesis testers. This research was conducted in the town of Ketapang Kalimantan Barat. With some population and 60 hotel employees as sempel in this research with data analysis using simple linear regression analysis technique.Based on the data processing using simple linear regression proved that the variable (X) compensation effect positively and significantly to the variable (Y) Employee performance at the hotel in ketapang city (Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat). 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Khosim Nur Zaman

Some problems that occur in students related to conformity or join in related to the influence of groups or other parties, conformity related to high risk relationships, such as deviating and discussing the law, this research seeks to find an acceptable fix in a group that is categorized as an appropriate action (part of it). the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of group conformity to the distorted discussion of students looking at the forms of group conformity in students, how to deviate obtained from conformity including bullying, extortion, smoking, beating and canceled cheating during exams, this study uses quantitative research methods in terms of the level of explanation, this study also uses associative forms of causal relations with other objectives to apply the process of confrement to group variables. There are independent and variable variables el in this study are: 1) group conformity 2) deviant motivation, data collection techniques using questionnaires, data collection methods are done by giving separate questions, or asking for help, respondents respond, loosen in the form of data, data analysis of this study is a technique simple linear regression analysis with the help of the SPSS program. based on the results of the analysis of data techniques with the simple linear regression analysis method the conformity to complaints contributes to 0.069 at the significance level (p <0.05). between group conformity to deviate, in other words the hypothesis is accepted

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