scholarly journals Model Desain Apotik Hidup bagi Keberlanjutan Pemanfaatan Pengolahan Sampah Organik Rumah Tangga di Desa Ciangsana, Kabupaten Bogor

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 582-589
Silia Yuslim ◽  
Etty Indrawati ◽  
Dwi Indrawati ◽  
Olivia Seanders

Ciangsana Village, Gunung Putri sub-district, Bogor district has carried out independent waste management. There are two waste banks there, the Cantik waste banks in RW 20 and the Cinta Waste Bank in RW 21. This waste bank has also spurred local communities to process organic kitchen waste independently, but the processing results in the form of compost require more use. Continue to maintain its sustainability, especially in RW 20. The Community Service Program (PkM) majoring in Landscape Architecture coordinate and consult to create a living apothecary design model on the land around Bank Cantik and explain making it and structuring it into a park in activities counseling. The benefits felt from this PKM activity can be seen based on a questionnaire distributed to PKM participants: representatives of the Waste Bank management, PKK women, and RW management (RW heads and secretaries). The results of this PkM show that of all the participants' statements, 96% described that modeling was beneficial for the participants. Still, one participant did not need assistance in applying the design model in the field.

Arie Kusuma Paksi ◽  
Nanik Prasetyoningsih

Program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menguatkan gerakan pengelolaan sampah di Pedukuhan Sembung dan Kembang, Kabupaten Sleman. Apalagi berdasarkan hasil penelitian awal terdapat 10 persen program bank sampah yang tidak aktif. Melalui serangkaian kegiatan pengabdian, yang melibatkan penyuluhan, workshop, kunjungan lapangan dan monitoring, dan fokus pada pengenalan dan penguatan prinsip shadaqoh demi tujuan sosial keagamaan dalam pengelolaan sampah, berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan motivasi para pengelola bank sampah di Pedukuhan Sembung dan Kembang. Hal ini berarti program pengeloaan sampah perlu menekankan spirit tujuan sosial keagaamaan sehingga mendapat dukungan dari banyak pihak terutama warga sekitar. Kata kunci: Penguatan, Pengelolaan, Sampah kering, Kesehatan lingkungan, Pemanasan global ABSTRACT This community service program aims to strengthen the waste management movement in Sembung and Kembang Villages at Sleman Regency. Moreover, based on the results of initial research, 10 percent of the waste bank program is inactive. Through a series of community service activities, which involve counseling, workshops, field visits and monitoring, and focus on introducing and strengthening the principles of shadaqoh for the sake of socio-religious goals in waste management, influencing the level of knowledge and motivation of the waste bank managers in Sembung and Kembang Villages. local people. This means that the future waste management program needs to emphasize the spirit of social and religious goals so that it gets support from many parties, especially the local communities. Keywords: Strengthen, Management, Dry waste, Environmental health, Global warming

Made Yaya Sawitri ◽  
Dewa Ketut Suryawan ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Putri Risa Andriani

The Caga Traditional Village, which is located in Pejeng Kangin Village, Tampak Siring District, is one of the traditional villages that is currently seriously developing the village's potential as a tourist village. One of the efforts to improve that is now being promoted is regarding the cleanliness of the village. However, currently there is no comprehensive system capable of managing most of the waste generated by villagers. This village already has a waste bank but it only manages around 30% of the total waste generated. Organic waste which is much larger in quantity is still dumped in the "teba" or backyard. Another problem is the presence of residual waste, which has so far been collected and then transported to a landfill (TPS). The problem raised in this "community service program" is the public's ignorance of government policies regarding waste management and the proper procedures for managing waste from sources. Therefore, to support the government's efforts in realizing a waste management system from sources and to support the efforts of traditional villages to develop their potential as a tourism village, education on waste management from sources in the traditional village of Caga, Pejeng Kangin was implemented. Activities that have been carried out include the socialization of government regulations regarding waste processing at the source, optimization of waste banks, and processing of organic waste using the composting method. The implementation of Waste Processing from the Source by the Traditional Village of Caga, Tampaksiring District, Gianyar " received a good reception from the community and full support from the management of the Caga Traditional Village.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-80
Iwan Riswana ◽  
Didi Rukmana ◽  
Sitti Bulkis

ENGLISHTrash bank is a place for sorting and collecting of trash that can be recycled or reused which has economic value. This research aimed to formulate the strategy of trash bank development in the settlement of Pati Regency. This research used descriptive method with quantitative and qualitative approach (mix method). The data were collected through observation, interviews, and document study. The research was conducted in Pati Regency. The result indicates that the sustainability level of trash bank in Pati Regency is at 60%. It means that the trash bank system is considered normal. There are 6 groups which are influential and have interests in the trash banks that are Environmental Office of Pati Regency, Village Government, customers, collectors, scavengers and the community. The main strategies that can be used in the development of trash banks are: 1) encouraging Environmental Office of Pati Regency to provide training and ready to accommodate and to buy the trash products; 2) Along with village government, environmental office conduct socialization of proper waste management and optimization of waste bank management. INDONESIABank sampah adalah tempat pemilahan dan pengumpulan sampah yang dapat didaur ulang dan atau diguna ulang yang memiliki nilai ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari strategi pengembangan bank sampah pemukiman di Kabupaten Pati. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Pati. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan telaah dokumen. Data diolah dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aspek keberlanjutan bank sampah di Kabupaten Pati berada pada angka 60% yang berarti sistem bank sampah dianggap wajar. Terdapat enam kelompok yang berpengaruh dan berkepentingan terhadap bank sampah, yaitu Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Pati, pemerintah desa, nasabah, pengepul, pemulung dan masyarakat. Strategi utama yang dapat digunakan dalam pengembangan bank sampah adalah : 1) mendorong Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Pati untuk memberikan pelatihan dan siap menampung serta membeli produk kerajinan sampah; dan 2) bersama Pemerintah Desa melakukan sosialisasi terkait pengelolaan sampah dan pengoptimalan manajemen bank sampah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Santi Andriani ◽  
Achmad Zainuddin ◽  
Amrina Rosyada ◽  
Ali Shofyan

The partner of this program is the village’s business institution (Bumdes) in Karangayar Welahan Jepara named Bumdes Bima Sakti. The main issues are: 1) lack of awareness and knowledge of partners in waste management; and 2) lack of partner creativity in waste-based product innovation. The purpose of this community service program is to increase awareness, education, and also the creativity of partners in waste management and product innovation. The methods used are socialization, training, and evaluation. The results of this program are: 1) creation of waste-based products; 2) The results of the partner evaluation questionnaire regarding the program are very good with an average percentage of 90%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Abdul Rahim ◽  
Ibrahim Ibrahim ◽  
Nur Indah Mansyur

ABSTRACTThis community service activity aims to provide education about household waste utilization through waste banks in schools. The method used in this community service activity is training and mentoring on how to use waste and manage waste through a waste banks. The results of this activity show: (1) increasing students' insights about household waste utilization by composting and liquid fertilizer training; (2) students and schools get experience on waste bank management; (3) through the management of a waste banks, transactions that occur reach Rp.2,231,030 in SMP Negeri 2, and Rp. 138,000 at SDN 08 Tarakan. The evaluation of this activity is based on the number of customers and the value of the transaction. So the model of managing a waste banks in junior high schools can be applied, but it is not recommended for primary schools in Tarakan City. Keyword: Waste, School, waste banks. ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi tentang pemanfaatan sampah rumah tangga melalui bank sampah di sekolah. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini yakni pelatihan dan pendampingan bagaimana pemanfaatan sampah dan pengelolaan sampah melalui bank sampah. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan: (1) meningkatnya wawasan siswa tentang pemanfaatan sampah rumah tangga dengan pelatihan kompos dan pupuk cair; (2) siswa dan pihak sekolah mendapatkan pengalaman tentang pengelolaan bank sampah; (3) melalui pengelolaan bank sampah, transaksi yang terjadi mencapai Rp 2.231.030 di SMP Negeri 2, dan Rp. 138.000 di SDN 08 Tarakan. Evaluasi kegiatan ini berdasarkan jumlah nasabah dan nilai transaksi. Jadi model pengelolaan bank sampah di SMP dapat diterapkan, namun tidak direkomensasikan untuk sekolah dasar di Kota Tarakan. Kata Kunci: Sampah, Sekolah, Bank Sampah.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 760-763
Enny Istanti

The issue of waste management is still a thorny problem for Indonesia. This is because most of the waste produced by households still ends up in the Final Disposal Site (TPA). Meanwhile, the capacity of landfills, especially in big cities, is getting full. In fact, it is not easy to find land to open a new TPA to accommodate the garbage collected from the community. The purpose of this community service is to teach the residents of Kepuh Village to process household dry waste. The qualitative method used in this activity uses socialization and guidance. The stages in data analysis using qualitative methods are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the discussion in this community service are [1] Implementation of Waste Bank Socialization at the Chairman's House [2] Dry waste collection [3] Waste sorting at Residents' Houses and [4] Implementation of waste bank at Village Hall. The conclusion is that people do not understand the effect of dry waste disposal on the environment, fostering independence with dry waste processing practices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Rasyid Hardi Wirasasmita ◽  
Baiq Desi Dwi Arianti ◽  
Muhammad Zamroni Uska ◽  
Yosi Nur Kholisho ◽  

This Community Service program aims to socialize the Zero Waste (ZW) environmental program and to train the community to manage waste (used goods) into goods that can be recycled using an Android-based application. The methods used are lectured and demonstrations (hands-on training). For education on the Zero Waste environmental program through the Zero Waste application, training through demonstrations or direct training (practice). The location for implementing this community service is in Lengkok Lendang hamlet, Tembeng Putik village, East Lombok regency, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) province. So far, at Tembeng Putik, there has never been any training on Waste Management and the Zero Waste environment program, so that public knowledge and awareness about environmental health are still low. The results obtained are the formation of this knowledge about the Zero Waste environment's importance, and the community can make or manage waste into more valuable finished goods

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-87
I Made Arya Budhi Saputra ◽  
I Nyoman Rudy Hendrawan ◽  
Deviana Deviana

ST. Kertha Budi Luhur is the youth organization of the Kayumas Kelod traditional banjar which was founded around 1995. One of the social activities of the Sekaa Teruna is to focus on environmental and waste issues. Related to the issue of waste ST. Kertha Budi Luhur plans to establish a waste bank. The waste bank is an alternative solution that can be done by the community in terms of waste management or management. Waste banks can increase public participation to care more about the waste they produce daily, besides that, with the existence of waste banks, the community can get economic value feedback. Therefore, in this community service, socialization and training were carried out on how to form a waste bank. This community service activity is broadly divided into initial socialization activities aimed at providing initial information about waste banks and technical training activities aimed at providing a more detailed explanation of the waste bank operations, from sorting waste to working with garbage collectors. Increased awareness of waste management by 85% of ST members Kertha Budi Luhur after the training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Umrotul Malikah ◽  
Darjati . ◽  
Demes Nurmayanti

Waste management is one of the problems that needs to be prioritized in preserving the urban environment. The Randegan Final Disposal Site in Mojokerto City is unable to accommodate the volume of waste,  one of the programs by carrying out Waste Bank activities based on Law Number 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management.  The purpose of this study is to evaluate the planning, organization, implementation, and supervision of waste bank management in Mojokerto City.This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with interview techniques, field observations and Document Search. The data are grouped based on internal and external environmental factors that exist in the waste banks in 3 (three) sub-districts of Mojokerto City, totaling 25 waste banks. The data obtained were analyzed using SWOT. The results showed that the Strength factor was 1.316 Weakness was 1.361. Opportunity 1.730440232. and Treat 1.147155115. The difference in the total score of the Strenght and Weakness factors (-) is 0.045. The difference in the total score of the Opportunity and Treath factors (+) is 0.583. Position in Quadrant III means that the organization is in a weak position but has a lot of opportunity. The strategy that must be applied in the management of waste banks in Mojokerto City is the WO (Weakness-Opportunity) Strategy, is a combination of internal weakness factors with external opportunity factors.

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 143 ◽  
Edy Suyanto ◽  
Endriatmo Soetarto ◽  
Sumardjo Sumardjo ◽  
Hartrisari Sari Hardjomidjojo

Government policy in waste management nowadays does not consider the aspect of environment and local wisdom. Whereas, community support either good will or political will is needed. This research was conducted in Purwokerto by applying qualitative (triangulation) and quantitative (survey, AHP) method. The result shows that keriganpattern-based green community participation in green waste management including institution, empowerment, activities, cooperation, and funding is not effectively implemented. The policy model of green community-based green waste management to support green city reveals that AHP indicates the green community participation is the main aspect to take into account. The policy strategy to be done should consider green community,the local wisdom revitalization of kerigan pattern, extend waste bank, city park, tree bank, management revitalization, socialization of ‘picking up waste’ movement, waste deposit, waste insurance by emphasizing on ecoliteracy, ecodesign, and mental revolution

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