scholarly journals Community Participation in Providing Information on Circumstances, Needs and Attitudes in Preparation District Government Annual Work Plan (DGAWP) Sekadau Regency West Kalimantan Province in 2019

Martoyo Martoyo ◽  
Bima Sujendra

The local government work plan is a translation of the medium-term regional development plan for a period of 1 (one) year. In the process, however, the regional government of the Sekadau Regency was able to accept only a small part of the community's proposals when drafting. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze how community participation in the preparation of the Sekadau Regional Government Work Plan in West Kalimantan Province in 2019. The research method used in this study was a qualitative method. The results of the participation of the Sekadau Regency community in providing information on conditions, needs and attitudes in the preparation of the Sekadau regency local government work plan in 2019 have not received a good response from the government, as shown by the many community proposals, but the The community still does not know whether the proposal has been accepted or not accepted by the government. The conclusion of this study is the participation of the Sekadau Regency community in the preparation of the Sekadau Regency local government work plan in 2019, which has not yet received a good response.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-16
Bima Sujendra

Public Participation in Local Government Planning Work Pontianak province of West Kalimantan in 2016 was chosen because the researchers are encouraged by the phenomenon of community participation in implementation RKPD Musrenbang for the preparation of the proposal is still lacking and many people who do not direalisaikan. To that end, the general research problem is formulated: "How can public participation in the Development Plan Local Government of West Kalimantan Province Pontianak Year 2016". The study design used a qualitative approach. The results showed that community participation in providing information about the conditions, needs and attitudes in preparation RKPD 2016 that have not responded by the City Government through Bapedda, community involvement in the preparation and planning preparation RKPD Year 2016 in order to generate trust and a sense of community has also not been successful optimally, and public participation in the utilization of democratic rights in the implementation of Musrenbang RKPD still lacking, so the implementation of the present society Musrenbang more impressive work in vain or simply fulfill a formality or a mechanism to meet the requirements set out in legislation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-19
Yue Sokseleuy

This article discusses the implementation of fisheries policies related to local government management. The results show that the Cambodian government needs to pay attention to incentives for local entrepreneurs. As a manager, the district government has the authority to carry out the functions delegated to him from the provincial government. Likewise with regents who have many tasks, it is necessary to delegate part of their authority to the officials below them. In implementing regional government policies that focus on implementation, it will indirectly improve the performance of fisheries management policies. Empowerment of fishermen should also be directed to provide alternative solutions for fishermen during the dry season. The hope is that fishermen who are poor and vulnerable to being categorized as poor can improve their welfare. In the government system, top level management gives authority to lower management to carry out certain functions. It's been done well. Potential fishery resources need to be managed legally in the form of regional political decisions. Political decisions that are translated into district regulations are a form of local government policy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Rasyidah Nadir ◽  
Hasyim Hasyim

This study aimed to examine the effect of the use of information technology, human resources and competencies on the quality of local government financial statements by the  accrual based government accounting standards  as interverning variable on the Government of Barru. Accrual accounting standards as defined in Regulation 71 of 2010 (PP No.71 Tahun 2010) concerning the Government Accounting Standards, and more technically set in Regulation 64 of 2013 (Permendagri No.64 Tahun 2013) concerning the Government Accounting Standards Implementation of Accrual Based On Local Government. The method used is descriptive survey. Samples were employees in the accounting / financial administration of the region on regional work units (SKPD) and Regional Financial Management Officer (PPKD) within the scope of local government Barru district. Methods of data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. Data were analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that the utilization of information technology have significant effect on the quality of financial statements Barru district government through the implementation of accrual based government accounting standards, while the competence of human resources has no significant effect on the quality of financial statements Barru district government through the implementation of accrual based government accounting standards.Keywords: Information Technology, Human Resources and   Competencies, Accrual Based Government Accounting Standards, Quality of Local Government Financial Statements.

Media Iuris ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 251 ◽  
Galih Arya Prathama

The increase of regional capacity in managing the needs of Regional Development accompanied by the Delegation of Authority from Central Government to Regional Government, has implications in increasing the need for Development Funds, while the Regions can’t continue to rely on the fulfillment of these needs to the Central Government. In response to this, in implementing Autonomy, the Regions are given additional Authority of Financial Management. Such authority, creates demands for the Regions to be creative and focused in achieving the Government Goals that have been established.,As an effort to execute duties and functions of Regional Government in the form of Regional Financial Management, then a region must be able to recognize the potential and explore all the resources it has. Local Government is expected to dig deeper related to the potential derived from its own financial resources, especially in order to meet the needs of government financing and development in the region, one of them through Local Own Revenue as one of the main sources of Regional Financial Reception. Independence of Local Own Revenue for a Regional Government, giving positive support to the ability of the region in meeting the needs to build the region. Thus, the greater source of income derived from the potential owned by a region, the more freely the area can accommodate the needs of community without the interest of Central Government which is not in accordance with the needs of people in the region.

Bayu Panji Aji

The increasing rate of population growth and economic development occurring in the Curup Tengah District, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu has led to the increasing waste generated. This can lead to declining environmental quality in the region, especially the situation is aggravated by inadequate handling and waste management systems are implemented by the Regional Government. Therefore, the required real effort in resolving the existing problems of waste such as by increasing community participation in waste management.  This study aims to determine how community participation in waste management in the Curup Tengah District. This participation may take the form pasrtisipasi community in local government policy decisions about waste management. Pasrtisipasi other forms of society can be seen by taking out the trash in the space provided, do not throw garbage in open dumps, as well as by not burning waste not in accordance with the technical requirements for waste management.  Results of analysis showed that public participation in policy-local government on waste management in the Curup Tengah District, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu was well with the average value of respondents' answers to the questionnaire was 3.83, Participation of the community by removing trash in places that have been prescribed or provided in the Curup Tengah District, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu was well with the average value of respondents' answers to the questionnaire was 3.91, with community participation does not throw garbage in the open field in the Curup Tengah District, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu was well with the average value of respondents' answers to the questionnaire is 3.77, and the participation of the community by not burning waste not in accordance with technical requirements for waste management in the Curup Tengah District, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu was well with the average value of respondents' answers to the questionnaire was 3.69. This shows that the general public's Participation in the Waste Management at Curup Tengah District, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu was well with the average value of the respondent's answer was 3.8.  Keywords: participation, community, garbage

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Dicky Dwi Wibowo ◽  
Agus Tinus

Abstract: The regional government is at the forefront of sustainable development. Through policies issued by local governments can help improve the quality of education at the Madrasah level. The study aims to describe 1) a comparison of education policies by the Nganjuk Regional Government. 2) The authority of education policy providers by the Nganjuk regional government. 3) positive and negative impacts of the comparison of government policies on the implementation of Madrasah education. This research uses qualitative research with a descriptive-analytic approach. Data collection techniques are done using observation, interviews, and documents. Data analysis of the results of the study was carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and concluding (data verification). The results of the study show that (1) Problems and comparisons of educational policies namely regarding the qualifications of the establishment of schools and madrasas, and differences in the admission schedule for new students that are still not aligned between the Education Office and the Nganjuk Ministry of Religion Office due to the centralization and decentralization of the government system. (2) The authority exercised by the Education Office and the Regional People's Representative Assembly Commission 4 does not affect Madrasas (3) The positive impact is that madrasas can choose students who are superior and can meet the ceiling set by the government. The negative impact is that madrasas are said to be a factor in merging schools and the lack of local government attention to madrasas.Keywords: School, Madrasa, Educational Policy, Local Government Abstrak: Pemerintah daerah menjadi ujung tombak dalam pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Melalui kebijakan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah daerah dapat membantu peningkatkan mutu penyelenggaraan pendidikan di tingkat Madrasah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang1) perbandingan kebijakan pendidikan oleh Pemerintah Daerah NganjukDalam Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Madrasah. 2) Kewenangan penyelenggara kebijakan pendidikanMadrasah oleh pemerintah daerah Nganjuk.3) dampak positif dan negatif dari perbandingan kebijakan pemerintah terhadap penyelenggaraan pendidikan Madrasah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara serta dokumen. Analisis data hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan (verifikasi data). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Permasalahan dan perbandingan kebijakan pendidikan yaitu mengenai kualifikasi jarak pendirian sekolah dan madrasah, dan perbedaan jadwal penerimaan siswa baru yang masih belum selaras antara Dinas Pendidikan dan Kantor Kementerian Agama Nganjuk dikarenakan sentralisasi dan desentralisasi sistem pemerintahan. (2) Kewenagan yang dilakukan Dinas Pendidikan dan DPRD Komisi 4 tdak berpengaruh kepada Madrasah (3) Dampak positif yaitu madrasah mampu memilih siswa yang unggul dan bisa memenuhi pagu yang telah ditentukan oleh pemerintah. Dampak negatinya adalah madrasah dikatakan sebagai faktor penggabungan sekolah dan masih kurangnya perhatian pemerintah daerah terhadap madrasah.Kata kunci: Sekolah, Madrasah, Kebijakan Pendidikan, Pemerintah Daerah

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-126
Hadi Jauhari ◽  
Yuliana Sari ◽  
Evada Dewata

The lack of optimal implementation of Good Governance and the use of information technology is thought to affect the quality of government financial reports. For this reason, this research is intended to determine the relationship between the application of Good Governance, the use of information technology and the reliability of the financial statements of the regional government of South Sumatra Province. The study population was employees of 40 Regional Apparatus Organizations in South Sumatra Province. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, and 120 respondents are obtained consisting of heads of departments, treasurers of offices, administrators of finance or accounting, and staff of finance at the Regional Apparatus Organization of South Sumatra Province. The collection method uses a questionnaire distributed from May-June 2019. The results of the study show that Good Governance does not have a significant effect on the reliability of local government financial reports.  On the contrary,  the use of information technology has a significant positive effect on the reliability of local government financial reports. The results of this study have implications for the Regional Government of South Sumatra Province as a Good Governance agent in the government to commit and consistently utilize information and accountable technology in transparent financial reporting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-2015
Lala Novikasari ◽  
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain

Performance measurement is very important in evaluating the performance of local government officials or organizations in their efforts to provide services to the public. This study soughts to provide an overview of the financial performance of the Sukabumi City Government as a region that has won the Unqualified Audit Opinion from the BPK-RI in five consecutive years. The research was conducted using a descriptive quantitative approach. Regional financial ratios were used to measure the financial performance in question. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it was found that the Sukabumi City Government was quite capable of financing development or operations in the government by self-financing; PAD has always increased from year to year; Others Legal PAD has the highest contribution in contributing to overall PAD revenue; the level of dependence of the Sukabumi City Government on the source of transfer income on average was in the "MEDIUM" category; the achievement of the annual target of the Sukabumi City Government's PAD has been very effective; and the capital expenditure ratio in the Sukabumi City Government was still low below the average capital expenditure ratio in the regional government.

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Era Nandya Febriana ◽  
Jayus Jayus ◽  
Rosita Indrayati

Indonesia is the Unitary State. It is understood that within a unitary state, the central government operates a high state sovereignty. In order not to be arbitrary, the activities of the central government are supervised and limited by the constitution. The government which is divided from the Central Government to the Regional Government included Regional Autonomy therein, as well as the authority of the Regional Government, is on duty to manage the Regional Property. In carrying out its authority as an administrator of local property, there are still many abuses or omissions committed by the local government in operating its authority in managing regional property, such as the negligence of the Regional Assets, the misuse of authority in the revocation of rights already granted by the regional government on the right to use of local property, using local property for personal interest. In the management of regional property required planning, implementation, and supervision by the local government in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the constitution. Keywords: Authority, Local Government, Management of Regional Property

Rezky Kinanda ◽  
Roberta Zulfhi Surya

The DMIJ program is a noble program from the Indragiri Hilir Regency Government to advance the villages in this district. The community is a welfare target as well as an element driving the success of the DMIJ program. This program is one of the government's flagship programs to advance villages in Inhil Regency. There are not many scientific studies have specifically addressed this program. There are actors who must work together in order to achieve the goal of this program. In addition, the factors that influence the success of this program must be maximized by these actors and implemented in a sustainable manner. This journal explained what matters should be the District Government in order to maximize the activities that will be carried out at the Integrated DMIJ Plus. This journal discussed  how important the role of the community is in the DMIJ program and what factors can influence community participation. This journal is expected to become a consideration for the government to win the hearts of the people so that they are willing to work together to make the DMIJ program a success

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