2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1(63)) ◽  
pp. 50-69
Анна Владиславовна ПОПОВА

The development of digital technologies at the end of the 20th century has led to the emergence of a new generation of human civilization – Generation Z. The members of the former possess a number of peculiarities that influence the development of a learner’s personal potential. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rapid transition towards distance learning, the widespread use of digital education and the spread of artificial intelligence technologies. The task of the teaching staff is to level the negative features of new generations of students and, above all, clip (tag) thinking. Purpose: based on the analysis of the cognitive abilities of the Generation Z, the author proposes didactics and methodology of the interactive system of legal education that can take into account students’ analytical abilities associated with the development of clip thinking. Methods: the author uses empirical methods of comparison, description, interpretation as well as theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic. Special scientific methods such as comparative-legal and legal-dogmatic are used. Results: on the basis of a comparative legal analysis of scientific literature, the author defines the concept and features of a new educational virtual communication system for legal education with a view to forming a worthy member of civil society at the current stage of the development of the rule-of-law state in Russia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 12100
Victor Linkin ◽  
Zinaida Lusegenova ◽  
Galina Pulenko

The authors set a goal to analyze the problems of contemporary legal education in Russia in the presented research. The necessity of legal education in interdisciplinary and cross-sector interaction with other humanities are identified, and only when these connections are established, it is possible to get into inter-scientific relations. The most extreme issues of the activities of law faculties in various types of educational institutions - in departmental and multidisciplinary institutions were considered, using the example of the influence of various approaches to training future employees of the judiciary. The influence of the educational institution affiliation on the educational process and the issues of deployment the teaching staff are considered, the differences in teaching practical skills in these types of educational institutions are also demonstrated. The authors identified two types of problems - internal and external. Internal - the problems of the educational institutions themselves, external - the problems of implementing the educational policy of the state. Unfortunately, the authors state the unwillingness of the teachers themselves to change because of the rapidly modifying social relations. The absence of a critical attitude, first of all to oneself, causes a false illusion of normality and acceptability. Resulting from the analysis of the entity of the problems, the necessity of initiating changes from the educational institutions and teachers is understood, and not from the state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 69-70
A.V. Bezrukov ◽  
I.V. Teplyashin ◽  

The article considers the qualitative characteristics of the current state and development of higher legal education through the prism of professional activities of participants in the educational process. The main approaches to the establishment of criteria and indicators of professional activity of the teaching staff are highlighted. Promising directions of modernization of indicators of functioning of the educational organization are offered. The authors emphasize that the transparency and objectivity of indicators of the functioning of law schools and research and teaching staff can act as a vector for the modernization of higher education in general.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
Romaniv Khrystyna ◽  

Social changes, development of legal support system, improvement of public life quality advance new demands on legal education and legal profession, in particular. Level of lawyers training at higher educational institutions requires search for new information methods and tools that should be used both in the training process at the level of providing relevant methodological material and in the course of legal sciences delivery, including provision of a law student with appropriate basis for independent training. Advanced technologies, the ICT, should contribute to creative potential of students, their professionalism and ability to perform legal tasks the students will actually deal with in their practice being simulated during learning process. It has been detected that the style and nature of educational process shapes students' attitude towards the chosen occupation and models the future of professional activities, so in order for law students to understand prospects of future professional activities, it is necessary to create appropriate psychological and pedagogical conditions.Such pedagogical conditions that shape professionalism of law students and the efforts of the state and higher education institution should be directed at, shall include: enriching legal information content and enhancing its importance through introduction of ICT; directing educational process to development of law values and moral guidelines by law students; special training of teaching staff with appropriate legal and informational competence; appropriate methodological support, which would include information technology; reproduction of situations using ICT, which would be as close as possible to the real ones; organization of communication between a student and a teacher, including using ICT; ensuring continuity of knowledge improvement through independent work; stimulating development of students' active legal position by creating single information and educational environment. Keywords: information and communication technologies, legal education, information society, legal consciousness, competence, legal information, legal knowledge

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-189
Pati Kazihanovna Ramazanova ◽  
Zumhurizhat Abdullaevna Gadjiyeva

The article reveals the problems that arise during the preparation of law specialists. Moreover, the increasing number of universities are not able to resolve the situation. The authors analyze the reasons of deterioration of the quality of law education. An attempt to identify gaps in the field of law education has been made, as only proper diagnosis of the disease allows you to select effective treatment. In order to reform law education, it is necessary to involve members of the community who will watch the process of the university optimization, establish contacts between the faculties and various organizations. It is necessary to be more exacting to the teaching staff. The core problem is a drop in the quality of secondary education. The reforms have had a negative impact on the educational process. The opportunity to graduate for a fee leads to a further devaluation of education, to the unprecedented scale of corruption in educational institutions, to the rapid increase in the number of low-grade law schools and faculties producing ignoramuses with lawyer diplomas from year to year. Unjustified multiplication of the university branches has not led to either an increase in competition between them or to improvement of the quality of law education in our country. A serious drawback in preparation of future lawyers is a lack of attention to the practical aspect of the training, as a result, having textbook knowledge only, the students getting down to real work experience a kind of inferiority complex. Ways of optimization of legal education aresuggested.

Tatiana Kadlubovich ◽  
Darina Chernyak

The article deals with the value orientations, attitudes, life views of modern students - representatives of Generation “Z”, for whom digital technologies are an everyday reality. The experience of working with students during class and independent work is given. The authors, based on the latest research, prove that the modern generation with its peculiarities needs new creative methods and teaching methods that will take into account the specifics of cognitive activity of modern youth, its values, needs, psychological characteristics and technical skills. It is necessary to change not only teaching and learning methods, but also the style of communication between the subjects of the educational process, the form of presentation of information, knowledge, preparation of a new type of educational and methodical literature, active use of information and communication technologies.

O. Yu. Strelova ◽  
E. N. Stepanova ◽  
A. N. Grebenyuk

The need for basic training in toxicology of students of pharmaceutical universities and departments of toxicology is justified. The experience of teaching toxicology and medical protection to students of the St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy was analyzed. Academic teaching staff were trained in the methodology of teaching toxicology, and a participated in the preparation of the all-Russian textbook «Toxicology and Medical Protection» (2016) and three tutorials for students of medical and pharmaceutical universities. It is shown that in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation, toxicology issues are included in the curriculum of a complex discipline «Life Safety. Emergency Medicine» as a stand-alone module. Students study toxicology in the fifth year having received a good basic training in medical, biological, and professional disciplines in previous years. For realization of cognitive and creative activity of students in the educational process, modern educational technologies are used which make it possible to improve the quality of teaching and to use school time more efficiently. The potential of using algorithmic workbooks, interactive forms of training, test control, case-method for facilitating the perception of theoretical knowledge and improving the quality of practical skills development is demonstrated. Results of the anonymous questionnaire survey, in which 153 of 198 students who studied toxicology and medical protection in the autumn semester of the 2017/2018 academic year participated, are reported. It was shown that more than 80% of the students surveyed are convinced of the need to study toxicology during the undergraduate training of specialists of pharmaceutical profile and positively assessed the methodology of teaching toxicology that is performed at the St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy.

2021 ◽  
Vitalii Panok ◽  
Iryna Tkachuk

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic may have hit the education industry the hardest, but the socio-psychological effects of quarantine are still poorly understood. A group of scientists from the Ukrainian SMC of practical psychology and social work of the NAES of Ukraine has conducted a study of the socio-psychological problems that have arisen for teaching staff of general secondary education establishments in the context of the pandemic. Purpose. The research was carried out during the implementation of the scientific topic «Overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the activities of the psychological service of the educational system» on the order of the National Research Fund of Ukraine. Design\approach\methodology. The study was conducted by interviewing educators through Google forms. Most of the questions contained a 10-step scale. In processing the data, all respondents’ answers were grouped into 5 categories: "yes", "more likely to", "more likely not", "no", "don’t know/it’s hard to say". The survey was attended by 3,209 teaching staff from general secondary education institutions from all regions of Ukraine, 45% from urban areas, 55% from rural areas; among which 92% were women and 8% were men. Results. Among the results, researchers highlighted the difficulties and fears of educators caused by the pandemic. The fears and complexities of the profession were distributed as follows. 1. The fear of getting infected (infecting family members) is common to 78.2% of the surveyed. 40.9% of the interviewed felt this fear to the greatest extent. However, 9.3% found those fears irrelevant. 2. Problems associated with the use of ICT in educational activities (lack of competence) — 53.2%. Among those, 22.2% have major difficulties and 31% have minor difficulties. Only 15.7% consider themselves fully competent. 3. 73% of educators noted difficulties in involving children in distance learning. This was the main problem for 12.8% of respondents. 4. «It is difficult to adhere to all anti-epidemic requirements in an educational institution to protect students» — 69.5% stated that this is one of the most significant problems of professional activity. 5. Emotional exhaustion, loss of emotional balance, excessive fatigue. 58.7% said that the problem was significant, of which almost 18% said it was very significant. 6. 51.1% of respondents indicated that they were unable to communicate with students' parents regarding monitoring the quality of their students' knowledge. Of these, 8.7% rated it with the highest score. 7. Health related difficulties (consequential of COVID-19). 31.2% of educators consider this problem to be relevant, while 8.9% rated it as very relevant. 30.4% of those interviewed denied the existence of such a problem. Conclusions Taking into account the results of the study, the most relevant areas in the work of the psychologists in the educational system are the following: ● prevention among educators and students of the COVID-bullying; ● working with negative emotional states of participants in the educational process and increasing their stress tolerance; ● providing socio-educational assistance to children and families in difficult life situations, and forming positive life prospects. Keywords. COVID-19 pandemic; pedagogues; social-psychological problems; fear of getting infected; emotional exhaustion

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-56
Bakhytzhan Akhmetov ◽  
Valery Lakhno ◽  
Asselkhan Adranova ◽  
Baurzhan Kassymbergebayev ◽  

This article discusses the problems of ever-increasing demands on the organization and quality of the educational process on the part of society. Today there are new opportunities for the comprehensive development of students of the XXI century, new, more effective information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular cloud- oriented learning environments (COLE), are developing rapidly. The problems of the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for designing a cloud-oriented educational environment of the university and the justification of the structural scheme of its interaction with the methodological center of the ministry based on the use of cloud technologies are analyzed. It is necessary to introduce such models of the learning environment, which will allow to fully satisfy the demands of teaching staff on the organization and conduct of classes of a new type, the activation of educational activities of students, the formation of digital competence and the comprehensive development of personality. Such opportunities are provided by the use of a cloud-based educational environment of the university.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (8) ◽  
pp. 4-10
Barakhsanova E.A. ◽  
Gotovtseva O.G. ◽  
Smetanina T.A.

The article is devoted to the actual pedagogical problem-the development of online e-learning in the conditions of digitalization of modern society. This problem is considered taking into account the increasing importance of electronic educational resources in improving the efficiency of the organization of the educational process in a remote interactive mode. The role and significance of the factors influencing the development of e-learning are presented: technical and organizational and methodological support of the educational process, the appropriate level of digital competence of the teaching staff, personal motivation of students. The results of recent studies conducted among students of the Pedagogical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University (hereinafter-the University) and the Arctic Institute of Culture and Art (hereinafter-the Institute) for a complete picture of the state of network learning among students studying at the Institute and university, reflecting the main characteristics of the current state of digitalization of education. Based on the primary data of the study, the current problems are identified: the lack of contact interaction between the participants, which determines an individual, differentiated approach; compliance with personal conditions (motivation of the student); access to electronic sources of information; increase in the number of independent tasks in the absence of constant feedback from students, etc. The article reflects the approaches to determining the place of online e-learning in the system of professional training of future specialists using modern technologies in the organization of the educational process. The analysis of the obtained results shows that in order to implement the tasks of network learning, namely, the practical mastery of digital competence, training should be aimed at developing students ' sustainable interest in network learning.

Руслан Юрьевич Павлов

Актуальность статьи связана с поиском новых способов и методов повышения эффективности борьбы с преступностью, оперативного раскрытия преступлений, а также с набирающим популярность среди криминалистов направлением «криминалистического мышления», овладение навыками которого будет способствовать наиболее полноценному и объективному расследованию уголовных дел. Проблемным в настоящее время является недостаточное качество следствия и необходимость повышения когнитивных способностей следователей (дознавателей). Задачей исследования являлось выявление факторов, влияющих на развитие и формирование криминалистического мышления следователей. Цель работы - провести анализ составных частей процесса становления следователя и особенностей его практической деятельности, влияющих на когнитивные способности с точки зрения криминалистики, путем изучения и сравнения имеющихся материалов по данной тематике. Анализу подвергнуты личностные качества следователя, особенности образовательного процесса и влияние опыта на результаты работы, а также факторы, сопутствующие следственной деятельности (организация труда, уровень стресса, нагрузки и т. д.). Результат проведенного исследования выражен в определении проблемных факторов, влияющих на формирование криминалистического мышления следователя (дознавателя) и возможных путей их преодоления, важности такого мышления, которое остается знанием, постоянно сориентированным в сторону практики. The relevance of the article is related to the search for new ways and methods to improve the effectiveness of the fight against crime, the prompt detection of crimes, as well as the trend of «forensic thinking», which is gaining popularity among criminalists, mastering the skills of which will contribute to the most complete and objective investigation of criminal cases. Problems at present are insufficient quality of investigation and the need to improve the cognitive abilities of investigators (inquirers). The task of the study was to identify factors that influence the development and formation of forensic thinking of investigators. The purpose of the work is- to analyze the components of the process of formation of an investigator and features of his practical activities affecting the cognitive abilities in terms of forensics by studying and comparing existing materials on this topic. The analysis is subjected to the personal qualities of an investigator, the peculiarities of the educational process and the impact of experience on the results of work, as well as factors associated with the investigative activity (organization of work, stress and stress levels, etc.). The result of the study is expressed in the definition of problematic factors affecting the formation of forensic thinking of an investigator (inquirer) and possible ways to overcome them, the importance of such thinking, which remains knowledge, constantly oriented towards practice

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