scholarly journals Comparative analysis of the demand for the results of scientific activities in the field of astronomy and biotechnology

V. Arutyunov

The author emphasizes the most important role of astronomy as one of the oldest areas of research and biotechnology and as a relatively young field of basic research. Five vectors in biotechnological research are specified. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the findings of 2013–2018 in these two scientific fields on the basis of RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) databases. The analysis was accomplished with a number of scientometric indicators: publication activity of researchers, as well as citation and relevance of their findings. The dynamics of indicators of publication activity is evaluated: for astronomy, the indicators remain practically unchanged, while for biotechnology, the same indicators exceed the eponymous figures in astronomy threefold. Besides, the values were continuously increasing since 2013; and in 2017, the publication activity indicators increase by up to 25% as compared to 2013. At the same time, indicators of citation for astronomy and biotechnology, reflecting the academic community response to the research findings, as well as the demand indicators, were continuously decreasing over the 5-year period. At the same time, in terms of demand, the research findings in astronomy and biotechnology were in the top of the natural science studies during the whole period under consideration.The article includes a number of tables representing the study results. 

Valery Arutyunov ◽  
Nataliya Grishina

The authors prove, on the basis of the analysis, that no one full-scale study of scientific performance of the organizations and researchers in the natural science has been conducted in the Russia. They propose to project the study of the publication flow in about 30 disciplines within the natural sciences based on the data of the Russian Science Citation Index to analyze the performance of Russian scientists and to obtain new knowledge on leading regional scientific clusters, organizations and personalia. The findings of the study, based on the Hirsch index and other citation indicators would enable to evaluate the Russia’s contribution into the disciplines in the form of the demanded and cited study results. The data for three disciplines are presented, namely: informatics, cybernetics, and computer engineering, supplemented with the ranking lists of Russian organizations with maximum values of citation and Hirsch indexes. The article is complemented with the tables. The article is prepared through the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant No. 18-07-00036.

Bibliosphere ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 77-84
T. V. Kuznetsova ◽  
P. P. Treskova

The article contains the research results of the Central Scientific Library of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CSL UB RAS) to determine the publication activity of chemical profile institutions of UB RAS based on information retrieval system SciFinder of Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). The indicators take into account publications number, their citation rates and impact factors of journals (from the database Journal Citation Reports). The authors reveal basic research topics, scientific journals, which published the research results of scholars working at the chemical profile institutions of UB RAS more often. The article presents the results of studying citation of inventions of UB RAS’ scientific organizations in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) (Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU) and SciFinder (CAS). The obtained indicators allow authors to evaluate the dynamics of scientific productivity of UB RAS’ institutions.

Nikolay Mazov ◽  
Vadim Gureyev ◽  

Twenty two science Russian periodicals in informatics and library studies are selected for the bibliometrical analysis of key journal indicators, including publication activity of the same journals’ editorial staff. For the first time for domestic journals, the study reveals hidden self-citation when editorial members include links to their journal from other publications. The available instruments of scientometrical databases, including Web of Science and Scopus, and the national system Russian Science Citation Index do not enable to identify this form of self-citation. The mentioned manipulations are aimed at boosting journal rating. In several cases, intensive and unjustified citation by journals’ editorial staff in other periodicals which we consider the violation of publication ethical principles, is revealed.

Mirosław Śnit ◽  
Maciej Misiołek ◽  
Wojciech Ścierski ◽  
Anna Koniewska ◽  
Grażyna Stryjewska-Makuch ◽  

AIM, DIAPH2, PTPRD and HIC1 are the cell glycoprotein, which play an important role in the occurrence and development of tumors. This study was designed to assess the association between DIAPH2, PTPRD and HIC1 SNPs and laryngeal cancer risk. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study including 267 patients with histologically confirmed laryngeal cancer and 157 controls. The relationship between genetic variations DIAPH2 (rs6620138), PTPRD (rs3765142) and HIC1 (rs9901806) and the onset of laryngeal cancer were investigated. Statistical analysis to calculate the relationship between DIAPH2, PTPRD and HIC1 genes polymorphism and pathogenesis of laryngeal cancer. RESULTS: The results showed that rs6620138 DIAPH2 polymorphism could increase the onset risk of laryngeal cancer. Statistically significant differences in allele distribution of rs6620138 DIAPH2 and rs9901806 HIC1 in the case and control groups subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: This study results suggested that genetic variation of rs6620138 DIAPH2 polymorphism is related to the susceptibility to laryngeal cancer. Our results provide a basis to begin basic research on the role of DIAPH2 gene in the pathogenesis of laryngeal cancer.

Irina Demina

This study extended the author's previous research in the field of scientometrics of media researchers on the topic “Mass information. Journalism. Mass media” in Russian electronic library and Russian Science Citation Index. The methodology was a census of the personalities of the first hundred authors ranked by the level of the h-index in 2020 compared to 2017, and in some aspects — from 2016. The study analyzed the changes in the h-index over the years under study, changes in the authors' geography by federal districts and cities of the Russian Federation, their academic position, the distribution of doctors and candidates of sciences in scientific majors in accordance with the awarded degree, as well as the distribution of rating personalities by actual scientific interests and taught courses in their affiliated scientific and educational organizations. The study revealed the importance of scientometric indicators for authors and scientific and educational organizations to determine their place in the academic community, the relevance of topics and authors’ research in the general academic landscape, and material incentives. At the same time, it was noted that the system of scientometric indicators is changing: perhaps the h-index the number of published works and the number of citations in the RSCI will remain as an object of research by historians of science to determine the common place of Russian (and Soviet) scientists in the science development, and in addition or to replace them there will be new indicators. One of them is the "percentile" recently introduced into the list of scientometric indicators. Studies of the values of scientometric indicators will remain relevant in the future.

V. V. Arutyunov

The paper analyzes the importance of power engineering for solving a wide range of practical problems. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results of the research of scientists and specialists in 2013–2019 in power engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and radio engineering on the basis of RSCI databases (Russian Science Citation Index). The analysis was carried out taking into account a number of scientometric indicators: the publication activity of researchers – the annual number of their publications, as well as the citation of these publications and the demand for the results of their work. Features of dynamics of formation of indicators of publication activity are revealed: its high values are typical for electronics and radio engineering and minimum values (more than three times smaller) – for electrical engineering. For all three industries analyzed the number of publications increased in 2013–2018. It is noted that the citation indicators for the three industries have been continuously decreasing since 2014. At the same time, in the field of electronics and radio engineering in 2013–2017, citation rates are three or more times higher than similar indicators for energy and electrical engineering. The results of research in the field of electronics and radio engineering are the most popular, while the results of research in the energy sector are the least popular. At the same time, the annual demand for research results in electronics and radio engineering exceeds similar indicators for energy by about 1.4 times. The low demand indicators for all areas of research in 2019 are obviously due to the same reason as for small citation indicators this year: the slow “response” of the scientific community to this year's publications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (28) ◽  
pp. 15-19
V. D. Sharipova ◽  

The article presents an analysis of publication activity in the field of data governance based on the Russian Science Citation Index and Scopus database. This area is relevant in application for leaders of digital transformation, for whom it is important to form a data infrastructure, support their error-free, unambiguous, and introduce definitions of terms. The paper presents a retrospective analysis of the intensity of publication and presents the authors and titles of articles with the highest citations. Key words: data governance, analysis of publications, Scopus, database, digital transformation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 178-180
Gianluca Serafini ◽  
Alice Trabucco ◽  
Andrea Amerio ◽  
Andrea Aguglia ◽  
Mario Amore

Abstract The study of Roy and colleagues recently accepted for publication in International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology is a very interesting report investigating the role of specific microRNAs (miRNAs) in vulnerability or resistance to major depressive disorder in a specific brain region (e.g., amygdala). MiRNAs may act as a mega-controller of gene expression being involved in the pathogenesis of major neuropsychiatric conditions. Interestingly, some of the altered miRNAs (e.g., hsa-miR-425-3p, miR-425, miR-674-3p, and miR-873-3p) identified in this study were found to be dysregulated even in existing studies, but several methodological issues may hamper the translation of basic research findings in clinical studies. MiRNAs are proposed as possible biomarkers of disease and treatment response to disentangle the biological complexity underlying major affective disorders. The main implications regarding the present findings are discussed.

2019 ◽  
pp. 16-25 ◽  
A. V. Babkin ◽  
N. S. Alekseeva

The digital economy is currently making a great contribution to the development of the global economy and economies of different countries, being one of the priority development areas. The problem of identifying trends in the development of the digital economy that will determine global trends in the future remains relevant. In this regard, the authors attempt to identify trends in the development of the digital economy based on scientometric databases.Aim. The presented study aims to determine the place and role of the digital economy in the current global transformation processes and trends in its development as part of a study of  scientometric databases.Tasks. The authors present the hierarchy of directions for the development of the digital economy in Russia and its systemic decomposition, identify changes in scientometric indicators in the field of the digital economy through the analysis of the Scopus abstract and citation database and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database, and describe changes in the scientometric indicators and publication activity in the field of digital economy.Methods. This study uses the international Scopus database, the RSCI database, correlation and regression analysis, and mathematical statistics methods.Results. It is established that interest in the digital economy grows every year. The authors present a hierarchy of directions for the development of the digital economy in Russia and a systemic  decomposition (model) of the digital economy. It is noted that most publications on digital economy focus on the application of digital technologies. Analysis of scientometric databases for 2010–2018 reflects trends in the development of the digital economy.Conclusions. The conducted study shows trends in the development of the digital economy in Russia and identifies priority directions for the development of the national economy as a whole, which specifies the direction for future research. 

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