scholarly journals Kultur Bifasik Agar Gold Standard Deteksi Kuman Mycobacterium Tuberculosis pada Pekerja Tambang Emas Tradisional (Studi di Lebong Tambang Bengkulu)

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (04) ◽  
pp. 185-189
Darmawansyah Darmawansyah ◽  
Wulandari Wulandari

TB paru merupakan penyakit paru akibat infeksi kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis, yang menyebabkan kematian hampir disebagian besar negara di seluruh dunia. Case Notification Rate BTA positif baru dan semua kasus dari tahun ke tahun di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan. Angka Kematian TB Paru di Provinsi Bengkulu sebesar 35 kasus selama pengobatan. Di Kabupaten Lebong kasus TB Paru terjadi peningkatan pada pekerja tambang emas tradisional dari 32% kasus meningkat menjadi 37% kasus. Di Kabupaten Lebong belum pernah dilakukan deteksi dini kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis pada pekerja tambang emas tradisional, dimana kasus TB Paru di Kabupaten Lebong masih tinggi, maka perlu dilakukan deteksi kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis untuk pemberatasan penyakit TB Paru  dengan menggunakan metode kultur bifasik agar. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui adanya kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis pada media kultur bifasik agar pada sputum pekerja tambang emas tradisional. Penelitian ini mengunakan pre experimental study untuk melakukan identifikasi kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis dalam sputum dengan metode kultur bifasik agar. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 270 responden dengan kriteria inklusi sebagai penambang emas tradisional di Lebong tambang. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis distribusi frekuensi dan persentase variabel penelitian. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 270 sputum yang diperiksa menunjukan 49 (18,1%) responden yang positif teridentifikasi kuman mycobacterium, 99 (36,7%) responden berpendidikan SMP, dan 176 (65,2%) responden memiliki umur produktif. Diharapkan kepada instansi kesehatan melaksanakan deteksi dini TB Paru pada pekerja tambang emas tradisional secara rutin, selain itu melaksanakan upaya preventif, promotif, dan kuratif untuk eliminasi TB Paru.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-46

Tuberkulosis merupakan penyakit yang sangat diperhitungkan di negara berkembang, diperkirakan sepertiga populasi di dunia sudah terinfeksi Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Di Sulawesi Selatan penderita tuberkulosis mengalami peningkatan pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 13.029 kasus dibandingkan pada tahun 2014 sebanyak 12.454 kasus. Angka Case Notification Rate menunjukkan Kota Makassar merupakan kabupaten/kota dengan angka CNR tuberkulosis tertinggi yaitu 254 per 100.000 penduduk. Penyakit ini dapat mempengaruhi kebutuhan dasar manusia yaitu oksigenasi, jika tidak ditangani dengan baik akan menimbulkan komplikasi salah satunya yaitu efusi pleura, pleuritis serta obstruksi jalan napas. Untuk penanganan bersihan jalan napas dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian tehnik batuk efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien TN. F dengan tuberkulosis paru dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan oksigenasi di Ruang Sakura TK II Pelamonia Makassar. Pengumpulan data dan instrument dengan menggunakan format pengkajian yang didalamnya berisi pedoman wawancara, lembar observasi, dan lembar ceklis. Didapatkan selama tiga hari, masalah bersihan jalan napas teratasi, mampu mengeluarkan sekret dengan batuk efektif dan frekuensi pernapasan 24x/menit.  Pemenuhan kebutuhan oksigenasi pada Tn. F dapat terpenuhi dengan memberikan tindakan mandiri dan pemberian obat, sehingga bersihan jalan napas kembali efektif. Kepada perawat agar melakukan asuhan keperawatan sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-101
Wahid Tri Wahyudi ◽  
Suprihatin Suprihatin

ABSTRACT: KNOWLEDGE AND DETECTION OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS AMONG COMMUNITY IN LAMPUNG-INDONESIABackground: Tuberculosis of Lung is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly affects the lungs. Mortality and morbidity due to mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria in indonesia in 2009 there were 1.7 million people died. The incidence of tuberculosis of lung in Lampung until the end of December 2015, tuberculosis of lung is 8,492 cases from the estimated cases in 2015 as many as 32,128. Efforts to prevent the increase in cases of tuberculosis in Indonesia carried out with a description of the case detection efforts can be measured by knowing the number of TB cases found and recorded indicators of Case Notification Rate (CNR).Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge with the early detection tuberculosis of lung in the work area of the Way Kanan public health center district in 2017.Methods: The type of this research is quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The population in this research is all citizens suspect in working area of Public Health Center of Way Kanan regency. Instrument of data collection in this research use questioner. The data analysis used is chi square.Results: The statistical results show that there is a correlation between knowledge with early detection of pulmonary tuberculosis (p value = 0,00).Counclusion: Suggestions in the research are expected to motivate the community to actively participate in lung tuberculosis examination program.Keywords : Pulmonary, tuberculosis, knowledge, detection.Pendahuluan: Tuberkulosis Paru (TB Paru)  adalah  penyakit  menular  yang  disebabkan  oleh  bakteri mycobacterium tuberculosis, yang paling umum mempengaruhi paru-paru. Angka  kematian dan kesakitan akibat kuman mycobacterium tuberculosis di indonesia pada tahun 2009 terdapat  1,7  juta  orang meninggal. Angka kejadian TB paru di Lampung hingga akhir Desember tahun 2015, angka penemuan kasus penderita TB paru sebanyak 8.492 kasus dari estimasi kasus di tahun 2015 sebanyak 32.128. Upaya pencegahan peningkatan kasus TBC di Indonesia dilakukan dengan gambaran upaya penemuan kasus dapat diukur dengan mengetahui banyaknya kasus TB yang ditemukan dan tercatat indikator Case Notification Rate (CNR).Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan upaya deteksi dini penyakit tb paru di wilayah kerja puskesmas Negeri Agung kabupaten Way Kanan tahun 2017.Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi  dalam  penelitian  ini adalah semua warga suspect di wilayah kerja puskesmas Negeri Agung kabupaten Way Kanan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 133 pasien. Tehnik pengambilansampel dengan metode Cross sectional.Analisa data menggunakan uji chi square.Hasil penelitian : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan upaya deteksi dini penyakit tuberkulosis paru (p value = 0,00).Simpulan: Peneliti menganjurkan agar Puskesmas melakukan pencegahan berupa; Melakukan pencegahan deteksi dini melalui pemeriksaan-pemeriksaan sesuai kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan puskesmas dan Memotivasi masyarakat supaya aktif berpartisipasi dalam program pemeriksaan tuberkulosis paru

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ireine S. Waworuntu ◽  
John . Porotu'o ◽  
Olivia A. Waworuntu

Abstract: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). In Indonesia, there are about 430.000 new cases, of which 61.000 cases ended in death. This disease has many clinical varieties, therefore, a gold standard for the right and exact diagnosis is needed. The examination of sputum by using Ziehl-Neelsen staining must be more improved for public health service. This study aimed to determine the profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (acid-fast bacteria) among patients with coughing ≥2 weeks at Ranotana, Wenang and Sario Primary Health Cares (PHCs) by using Ziehl-Neelsen staining. This was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Samples were obtained by using total sampling method during the period of September 2015 - December 2015. The results showed that there were 38 cases of coughing ≥2 weeks as follows: 15 cases at Wenang PHC, 13 cases at Ranotana PHC, and 10 cases at Sario PHC. The examination of acid-fast bacteria from the 38 cases of three PHCs showed that 1 case (2.7%) had acid-fast bacteria (++). Conclusion: In this study, there was only one case (2,7%) with positive Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Keywords: cough more than two weeks, tuberculosis, BTA Abstrak: Tuberkulosis adalah suatu penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). Indonesia memiliki sekitar 430.000 kasus baru dimana 61.000 kasus berakhir dengan kematian. Penyakit ini memiliki gejala klinis yang bervariasi sehingga perlu ditetapkan standar baku untuk menegakkan diagnosis lebih cepat dan akurat. Pemeriksaan sputum dengan pewarnaan Ziehl-Neelsen harus lebih ditingkatkan pada pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran Mycobacterium tuberculosis (basil tahan asam, BTA) dengan pewarnaan Ziehl-Neelsen pada pasien batuk ≥2 minggu di Puskesmas Wenang, Puskesmas Ranotana, dan Puskesmas Sario Kota Manado. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan cara total sampling pada kurun waktu September 2015 - Desember 2015. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 38 kasus batuk ≥2 minggu yaitu 15 kasus di Puskesmas Wenang, 13 kasus di Puskesmas Ranotana dan 10 kasus di Puskesmas Sario. Pada pemeriksaan (BTA) di Puskesmas Wenang, Puskesmas Ranotana dan Puskesmas Sario didapatkan BTA (++) 2,7% sedangkan BTA (-) 97,3%.Simpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 1 kasus (2,7%) Mycobacterium tuberculosis positif

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (11) ◽  
pp. 2945-2947
Ali Faheem ◽  
Misbah-ul- Qamar ◽  
Saveela Sadaqat ◽  
Muhammad Akram ◽  
Rizwan Masud ◽  

Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc throughout the world, with 150 million cases to date and over 3 million lives claimed worldwide. Aim: To explored the difference in levels of SaO2 of COVID-19 positive patients with and without COPD. Study design: Experimental Study. Methodology: From May2020 to 2021 patients admitted at Aziz Bhatti Shaheed hospital were included in this studies. COVID-19 was confirmed by RT-PCR.COPD was confirmed by using GOLD standard of diagnostic criteria. SaO2 was measured by using pulse oximeter and confirmed by blood samples measurement of SaO2. Statistical analysis: SPSS version 22 was used for data analysis. Paired sample t test was performed to evaluate the hypoxia levels between three pairs among the time distribution of 1st, 3rd, and 6th, day. Results: Levels of SaO2 were statistically significant between COVID-19 positive patients and COVID-19 positive patients with COPD. We calculated the levels of SaO2 at day1, 3rd, and 6th day and results were significant to show that COPD might be having some protective effect against hypoxia and that might be due to use of medications or adaptation of pulmonary cells. Conclusion: It was concluded that levels of SaO2 was significantly reduced in COVID-19 patients without COPD in comparison to patients without COPD. Keywords: COVID-19, COPD and SaO2.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 623-633
Aboma Temesgen Sebu ◽  
Kasahun Takele Genati ◽  
Daniel Biftu Bekalo ◽  
Teshome Kebede Deressa

Abstract Tuberculosis disease burden remains a fundamental global public health concern for decades. The disease may not uniformly distributed with certain geographical areas recording higher notification rate than others. However, the Ethiopian national TB control program does not provide services based on those areas with the greatest notifications but rather on a uniform strategy. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the spatial distribution and presence of the spatio-temporal clustering of the disease in different geographic settings over 8 years in the East Hararge Zone. A retrospective space-time and spatial analysis were carried out at districts of East Hararghe zone based on a total of 34,564 notified TB cases during the study period. The study identified different case notification rate over districts and clustering effects for the purely spatial and spatiotemporal with different estimated relative risks. The study recommends national tuberculosis control program to give attention to highly observed case notification rates specially Babile, Haramaya and Jarso districs of East Hararge Zone to have effective TB intervention in the study area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. bcr-2018-227194
Manisha Agarwal ◽  
Lagan Paul ◽  
Chanda Gupta ◽  
Padmaja Kumari Rani

Tubercular uveitis is a common manifestation of tuberculosis (TB) in TB-endemic countries. Due to lack of gold standard diagnostic tests for confirming intraocular TB, it is often either underdiagnosed or rarely over diagnosed. We report a case of a 28-year-old woman with diminution of vision in the left eye. She was started on antitubercular treatment (ATT) and steroids but she did not comply with the treatment. She developed progressive painful loss of vision consequently and was treated with vitrectomy and silicone oil tamponade. After a complete course of ATT, she recovered, salvaging of eye and restoration of some vision was possible. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is rarely demonstrated in the ocular fluid samples of the suspected cases of TB due to the paucibacillary nature of the disease. A vitreous sample can be obtained from these patients. Surgical intervention in the form of vitrectomy and silicone oil tamponade can help in avoiding enucleation/evisceration.

Saira Salim ◽  
Wajid Hussain ◽  
Gohar Zaman ◽  
Umer Khurshid ◽  
Luqman Satti ◽  

Abstract Objective: To evaluate Gene Xpert MTB/RIF and Multiplex PCRfor detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Rifampicin resistance comparing with gold standard MGIT 960. It was cross sectional validation study. Methods: This study had been carried out at Department of Microbiology Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Rawalpindi Pakistan from March 2018 to October 2018.MGIT 960 culture system MTB positive Rifampicin (RIF) resistant and RIF susceptible (negative control) samples were taken. Gene Xpert MTB / RIF assay and Multiplex PCR were applied simultaneously and compared with gold standard MGIT 960. Results: Out of 192 samples evaluated, 84(44%) were culture positive RIF resistant and 108(56%) were culture positive RIF susceptible as negative control. Out of total culture positive RIF resistant, all 84 were found positive for MTB by Gene Xpert MTB /RIF assay and Multiplex PCR method. Gene Xpert MTB/RIF assay detected all 84 RIF culture resistant samples for Rif resistance. Multiplex PCR detected only 44 RIF culture resistant, while remaining 40 did not showed resistance to rpoB gene codon 531 region. Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV and NPV of Gene Xpert MTB/RIF were 100% each respectively. Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV and NPV of Multiplex PCR for detection of RIF resistance were 52%, 100%, 100%, 72% respectively. Conclusion: Molecular detection of MTB and RIF resistant by Gene Xpert MTB/ RIF and Multiplex PCR simultaneously is rapid and cost effective method. Both methods can help clinician to initiate early empirical therapy to patient in resource limited region. Keywords: RIF, Gene Xpert MTB/ RIF, Multiplex PCR.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-34
B K Sharma ◽  
B D Pandey ◽  
K Sharma ◽  
B Sapkota ◽  
A Singh ◽  

Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem. The most common method for diagnosing TB in developing countries is sputum smear microscopy; however, the sensitivity of this test is relatively lower. Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using conventional culture and biochemical-based assays is time-consuming and laborious. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is also available for diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, the PCR assay requires an expensive thermal cycler to amplify the DNA fragment in multiple temperature-dependent steps. Therefore, a simple and sensitive method for rapid detection has been anxiously awaited. The loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay is a diagnostic technique which can aid in the fight against TB in resource-poor countries. The LAMP assay can amplify a targeted sequence at a constant temperature. Therefore, a large and costly thermal cycler is not necessary for a LAMP assay.Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis directly from sputum by LAMP and to compare its efficacy over routinely used methods.Methods: A total of 106 (53 fluorochrome staining positive and 53 fluorochrome staining negative) sputum samples were collected in this study. Mycobacterial DNA was extracted from concentrated sputum samples by freezing and boiling method. LAMP assay using a set of six specific primers targeting the M. tuberculosis 16S rRNA gene with high sensitivity was used to analyze sputum samples. The results were then compared with that of the culture method, which was considered as the gold standard method.Results: Among total of 106 samples studied by microscopy and culture, 53 were positive by both, whole four were positive by culture but negative by microscopy. With reference to culture, the microscopy had sensitivity 92.98%, specificity 100%, and predictive value of positive test 100%, predictive value of negative test 92.5%. Out of 106 samples subjected to culture and LAMP for the diagnosis of TB, 55 samples were positive by both tests and two were positive only in culture, while 48 were negative in both tests and one was negative only in culture. While comparing the LAMP with culture as a gold standard, the sensitivity of LAMP was 96.49%, specificity was 97.95%, predictive value of positive test was 98.21%, predictive value of negative test was 96%.Conclusions: Comparative experiments showed that the LAMP assay is a rapid, sensitive, and specific method to detect M. tuberculosis infection. Indeed, an inexpensive LAMP assay would be potential as a diagnostic test for tuberculosis, especially in resource-limited settings. J-GMC-N | Volume 11 | Issue 01 | January-June 2018, Page: 27-34

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