scholarly journals Readiness formation of future lecturers of institution of higher education for professional self-realization

Oksana Filonenko

In the article different approaches to the definition of the essence of the concepts of «self-realization», «professional self-realization» have been considered. The factors influencing the process of lecturers’ selfactualization, pedagogical conditions of self-actualization of the lecturer’s personality have been singled out. In view of the concepts and approaches analyzed, in our study self-realization is understood as a specially organized activity by the subject, the purpose of which is the realization of their own purpose, as well as the result of this activity, is closely connected with self-development and self-affirmation of the individual. Under professional selfrealization, we mean the socialized way of harmonious development of the individual, combined with the acquisition of professional and practical experience in the process of obtaining a qualification by a future specialist during the period of initial professional formation (studying at a higher school) and improving professional growth in the process of fulfilling professional roles and responsibilities, which is an inalienable attribute of the disclosure and implementation of personal and professional potential. In the article, the professional self-realization of the future lecturer of a higher educational institution has been disclosed as a pedagogical problem, the essence of which is the constant self-improvement and self-development of their own potential. It has been determined that the formation of readiness, the nature of the process of professional self-actualization and its outcome depend on both internal and external conditions. External conditions have a certain impact on the internal, thus changing the level of readiness of the student to professional self-realization. Significant influence on the formation of readiness for self-realization in the professional sphere has a set of pedagogical conditions provided in the process of professional training: actualization of students’ subjective experience and its inclusion in the content of professional training, ensuring communication between the subjects of the educational process on the basis of dialogical interaction, the formation of value guidelines of future lecturers for professional self-realization. It has been established that the effectiveness of the self-realization process is related to the success of a master student’s pedagogical activity in the process of assistant practice and positive future professional benchmarks, which reveals possible career prospects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
pp. 162-166
N. Y. Tverdokliebova

The key concepts that assist to reflect the essence of the process of professional self-realization of police officers have been determined. The professional self-realization of the personality, which is determined by the value and sensory, intellectual and motivational features of the personality, has been studied. Modeling the experience of professional self-realization is the support of the personality for self-development of intellectual and volitional actions. This process is most productive in adolescence – at the time of completion of the development of readiness to choose a particular profession, defining oneself in a possible professional role. The main point of the studied process is the search for a professional image of “oneself”. It has been noted that the key stages of professional self-realization’s formation are: choice of educational institution, place of work (professional self-determination), subsequent choice of the type and direction of activity, formation within the chosen profession, professional growth, which reflects the effectiveness of professional self-realization. Thus, successful self-realization within the profession is based on a reasonable choice of place of study and future profession, continuous professional self-growth and self-development within labor activity, as well as satisfaction with the way of professional life and career. It has been studied that the development of the value sphere of the personality of law enforcement officers contributes to the optimization of their behavior and self-realization in such spheres of life as profession, family life, relationships, hobbies. The motivational component is one of the basic in the system of moral regulation of activities and behavior of professionals and includes a positive attitude to the chosen type of professional activity, the desire for self-realization and achievement, moral and professional attitudes and interests. Motivation acts as a link between the true goals, ideals, beliefs of the cadet and the actions, deeds, decisions he makes. The author has proved the expediency of forming value regulators of behavior and motivational sphere of future law enforcement officers in higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions, which may increase the efficiency of professional activity and self-realization of police officers in modern conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (46) ◽  
S. O. Danylov

In the article the author shows the peculiarities of the development of socio-professional maturity of the future pedagogue in the context of pedagogical acmeology. Therefore, there is an urgent need to optimize the process of professional training of future lecturers on the basis of a new methodology that would combine personal and professional development in the educational process, direct professional self-determination and self-improvement of the future specialist, promote their self-realization and professional development. We believe that the process of professional training of future pedagogues should be based on the developed acmeogram and professiogram, model the professional and personal development of the specialist in accordance with the content and objectives of professional activity. This will not only direct the process of professional training to a certain ideal model of the specialist, but also to actualize the professional self-determination and self-development of the future pedagogue.Key words: future pedagogue, activity, personality, self-determination, self-improvement, acmeology.

Vitalii Mavrin

The article analyzes the priority and opportunities of the child's formation as a subject of life-creation in the educational space of the New Ukrainian School. The fundamental ideas of the humanistic and existential psychology’s founders and modern scientists regarding the conscious and creative attitude of the individual to his life as a prerequisite for its self-actualization in the mode of being and the realization of freedom of life (A. Maslow, E. Fromm), the ideas of setting a life goal, determining meaningful life orientations and developing life personality strategy (K. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, A. Adler, R. May, G. Allport, K. Rogers, V. Frankl), the ideas of individual readiness for life innovations in the process of self-projection (N. Samoukina, T. Titarenko) are analyzed. There were defined the life-creation methods of personality self-development as a subject of life (F. McGraw, A. Molloy, I. Pidlasa). It is shown that the priority of the psychological support of the educational process in the New Ukrainian School is the formation of students as subjects of life creation through the development of their ability to anticipate life, internality, optimistic perception of life prospects, stress resistance and motivation to achieve success. It was established that the fundamental ideas and modern approaches to the interpretation of the problem of formation of the individual as a subject of life-creation fully correspond to the conceptual priorities of the New Ukrainian School, which is designed to bridge the gap between the educational process and the requirements of society. It is revealed that the psychology of life-creation is a holistic scientific concept, which was formed on the fundamental ideas of humanistic and existential psychologists and is now actively developing within the psychology of personal life. There were defined the technologies and forms of work within the framework of psychological support of students in the educational space of the New Ukrainian School. These include: technology of life design, technology of organization of life-cognitive activity of students, psychological counseling and facilitation, training forms of psychological work, in particular, trainings of personal growth, trainings of self-determination and trainings of construction of life perspective.


The problem of self-development of a student related to the transformation of the educational process in the post- neoclassical science is highlighted. This problem is considered in the context of a synergetic approach with the actualization of the needs and opportunities for self-organization of the applicant’s personality as a holistic characteristic of a human. It is noted that the pedagogical process of an educational institution of innovative type should be aimed at developing the abilities of the applicant, their ability to meet the challenges of the information society and self-realization in the changing conditions of the modern world. It is stated that self-development of an applicant within the synergetic paradigm of education requires a reorientation of the educational process from traditional conservative to innovative creative, in which the acquisition of vital competencies is carried out in interaction (communication) with other subjects and taking into account external (physical) and internal (mental) human activity. It is substantiated that the key aspects of the self-development of the student should be focused on the formation of their optimal developmental lifestyle. It is about the ability to self-determination, personal growth, self-regulation, existence, self-expression, self-realization. In the projections of the synergetic paradigm, the individual as a complex, open, nonlinear system appears with all the potential opportunities for self-development, which can be realized under certain organizational and pedagogical conditions. It is stated that despite the fact that the applicant – the future specialist controls their own development, the teacher of higher education should exercise general management of educational activities and is fully responsible for the quality of training of the applicant. This is inherent in any level of education. The new roles of the modern teacher (“moderator”, “coach”, “tutor”, “speaker”, “medium”, etc.) set adequate requirements for these roles. Not only the updated knowledge, but also the ways of obtaining it and the possibilities of its application become valuable for the student at various stages and levels. Key aspects of self-development: the ability to self-determination, personal growth, self-regulation, existence, self-expression, self-realization will contribute to the formation of the individual’s personality, open to new knowledge and values, able to realize their own life purpose.

Elena Samal ◽  

The article discusses the problem of self-actualization of a personality in its professional activity and achieving the peak of its personal development. Based on the analysis of various psychological theories and concepts it is shown that achieving of “acme” by a personality is based on the desire to grow and develop professionally or on its desire for self-actualization. Self-actualization can be better seen during the periods of professional crisis, which activate the processes of professional self-determination of a personality. One of the types of crisis is the transition from the level of normative requirements to the level of professional competence. Judging by the example of results of some investigations it is proved that there are differences in attitude to profession and desire to grow and develop professionally in people with working experience under and over 5 years, which can be conditioned by the crisis mentioned above. The applied aspect of the problem under study can be realized in counseling practices of psychological services connected with professional growth, by HR professionals, with the aim of promotion and professional growth of employees, and in development of programs for development and harmonization of internal and external conditions for self-actualization of a person. Key words: self-actualization, potential, professional self-actualization, acme, professional development, professional crisis, achievement motivation, career orientations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (31) ◽  
I. Kamenska

The article deals with topical issues of professional training of future teachers. The essence of the concepts of «self-development» and «self-improvement» was revealed, the significance of pedagogical practice as a factor of professional self-development and self-improvement of the future teacher was substantiated. It was revealed that effective preparation of participants in the educational process in educational institutions is possible due to the strengthening of the practical orientation of students' training. That is, pedagogical practice is the initial stage in the system of professional training, the first part of the practical mastering of the pedagogical profession. It promotes the deepening and systematization of knowledge gained by students in the process of studying specialized disciplines, as well as the development of information competence of future professionals. Pedagogical practice provides a combination of theoretical training of students with their practical pedagogical activity in the conditions of educational institutions of different types and promotes the formation of a creative attitude towards future professional activities, deepening and systematization of the knowledge gained by students in the process of theoretical training; self-development and self-improvement of future teachers. In this period, the foundations of professional activity of future specialists are laid, professional qualities are formed, the ability to self-development, self-realization and interest in the future profession are revealed.It is established that proper organization of pedagogical practice contributes to professional growth of the future teachers, development of abilities, allows to create external and internal conditions for self-development of the student. Thus, continuous self-education and self-improvement are the only way that allows a modern educator to become a real professional, to develop professional competence.Keywords: professional competence, self-development, self-improvement, pedagogue, educational process.І. Каменська, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук,  Професійне становлення майбутнього педагога у навчальному процесі за рахунок педагогічної практики / ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди»,  Україна, Київська обл., м. Переяслав-ХмельницькийВ статті розглянуто актуальні питання професійної підготовки  майбутніх педагогів. Розкрито суть понять «саморозвиток» та «самовдосконалення», обґрунтовано значення педагогічної практики, як чинника професійного саморозвитку та самовдосконалення майбутнього педагога. З’ясовано, що ефективна підготовка учасників освітнього процесу у закладах освіти можлива за рахунок посилення практичної спрямованості навчання студентів. Тобто, педагогічна практика – це початковий етап у системі фахової підготовки, перша ланка практичного засвоєння педагогічної професії. Вона сприяє поглибленню і систематизації знань, отриманих студентами в процесі вивчення профільних дисциплін, а також розвитку інформаційної компетенції майбутніх фахівців. Педагогічна практика забезпечує поєднання теоретичної підготовки студентів з їх практичною педагогічною діяльністю в умовах навчальних закладів різних типів і сприяє формуванню творчого відношення до майбутньої професійної діяльності, поглибленню та систематизації знань, одержаних студентами в процесі теоретичного навчання; до саморозвитку та самовдосконалення, майбутніх педагогів. В цей період закладаються основи професійної діяльності майбутніх фахівців, формуються професійні якості, розкривається здібність до саморозвитку, самореалізації та інтерес до майбутньої професії.Встановлено, що правильна організація педагогічної практики сприяє професійному росту майбутніх педагогів, розвитку здібностей, дозволяє створити зовнішні та внутрішні умови для саморозвитку студентів. Таким чином, постійне самовиховання та самовдосконалення – єдиний шлях, який дозволить сучасному педагогу стати справжнім професіоналом, розвинути професійну компетентність.Ключові слова: професійна компетентність, саморозвиток, самовдосконалення, педагог, навчальний процес.

N. Chernukha ◽  
Ali Shaheid Anad

The priority vectors of professional training of contemporary specialists of fine arts in the educational environment of higher education institutions are considered in the article. It is noted that in the modern labor market employers are not interested in a set of theoretical knowledge, but professional competence, which is the basis for successful professional self-realization of modern specialists, including specialists in fine arts, which helps them to solve successfully the problems in social and pedagogical activity as a part of the professional field. The essence of competence approach in professional training of specialists as an important methodology of reform and modernization changes is investigated and revealed. It is noted that the process of professional training of specialists in fine arts requires certain changes in a number of segments of educational theory and practice: in values, in the goal, in the results of the educational process, in its content, forms, methods, means of education in interaction with the external environment. Attention is paid to the fact that the professional training of the specialist of fine arts will be productive, if it will be formed as a coherent system and all components of which will be maximally integrated into a single whole and focused on the implementation of basic professionally significant goals, practical activities of modern specialists in social and practical education. The importance of successful social space of an educational institution in the process of qualitative training of specialists of fine arts is substantiated, the signs of modern social space are determined: intellectual work of students, coordinated interaction, creative cooperation, correctness of interpersonal relations, mutual respect, psychological comfort, freedom of participation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (194) ◽  
pp. 56-61
Natalia Savchenko ◽  

Today, a modern aviation specialist needs to have a high level of professional skills, psychophysiological reliability, general culture, skills to work in a team, skills to work with a modern amount of information, non-traditionally approach to solving various extreme situations, as well as to be able to organize professional activities on a prognostic basis. During the information explosion, accompanied by the latest technologies of priority in professional training of cadets, are tasked - to form skills of self-education, to instill the need for self-perfection, to teach the cadets of probable stylish thinking, quick perception of new ideas.Professional and personal development of the future aircraft in educational activities are the requirement of the present. The achievement of this goal is closely linked to the increase of the role of independence of cadets in educational activities. Independent educational activity is capable of determining the success of professional development of future aircrafts. It depends on the level of its development it depends on the formation of subjects of the cadet. Manifesting the independence of cadets in educational activities, their creative independent activity is a major factor in effective professional development. In this approach, the result of independent activity is not only educational tasks, but also formed subjects of the cadet, its ability to solve problem situations independently, reflect, self-motivate and self-regulate their own actions, and thus enrich individual experience in professional growth. To do this, it is necessary to provide relevant pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the independent training activities of future aircrafts. In our opinion, its effectiveness can be provided by adequate adaptation of the educational burden to the individual characteristics of cadets and the formation of an individual algorithm for independent educational activity.The overwhelming majority of modern researchers determine the independence of students in educational activity as quality, the property of the person, which it uses both tools to achieve a certain educational and cognitive goal, and which needs to be purposefully formed. Independence, thus, is the result of this activity. The ability of a person to identify independence in educational independence for its own self-development is an important argument, because through the autonomy of future aircrafts it is possible to intensify the mechanisms of professional self-development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (34) ◽  

In psychological and pedagogical science, professionalization is considered as a process associated with the development of the subjectivity of the individual, motivation to perform professional activities, determination of the potential of the individual in the profession, awareness of his role in the life space, setting requirements for a specialist in the chosen professional activity. The problem is stated, an attempt to solve which is made in this article: what are the directions of the formation of subjectivity of the student in the educational process of the university as a stage of professionalization? The analysis of psychological and pedagogical studies revealed their insufficiency in the perspective of consideration and analysis of the stages of formation of subjectivity of the student in the educational process of the university, which determined the purpose of the study, which consists in solving the stated problem. In the process of research, theoretical methods are used: analysis, comparison, comparison, discourse, systematization of the results of scientific research. The directions of formation of subjectivity of the student in the educational space of the university are revealed. Adaptation is followed by identification with the socio-cultural environment of educational institution, where the realization of values of the environment, the social meaning of vocational education, assimilation of traditions, norms of coexistence, communication experience (socio-professional aspects). Development of the system of Self, self-development of the student as mechanisms of formation of subjectivity in the profession, ensuring the formation of content, effectiveness, positive dynamics in training (personal-value aspect). Ensuring effective communication between the teacher and the student in pedagogical interaction with the use of modern educational technologies and the use of professionally directed situational tasks (technological aspect). A special role in optimizing the process of professionalization for the successful formation of the student's subjectivity is assigned to professional training, where, using pedagogical technologies, the necessary professional competencies are formed. The process of professionalization at the stage of university training is aimed at the formation of subjective characteristics of the teacher's personality, defined as independence and regulation of their actions in the performance of professional activities, responsibility, mobility, creativity, deep sociability, lack of conflict when working in a team.

О. Кузнецов

The Aim of the study is to identify the types of religious outlook of the individual and to determine the features of the existential fullness of life in individuals, depending on the type of outlook (worldview). Research sample and methods. The sample was 366 persons. The study applied 1) the author's method of revealing the type of religious outlook, 2) diagnostics of life-purpose orientations, 3) self-actualization of personality, 4) existential resources of the personality, 5) existence, 6) personal reality, 7) self-development of personality, 8) personal resourcefulness, 9) personal realizability. Results. The cluster analysis identified five types of religious worldview: religious, mystical, agnostic, atheistic, and agnostic-atheistic. The types of worldview were characterized. Conclusions. The mystical type of religious outlook implies understanding of reality through intuition. It has the least personal exhaustion, that is, satisfaction with his own realization in life. Agnostic type of religious outlook characterizes a person who considers it fundamentally impossible to know objective reality through the subjective experience of individual and therefore considers it impossible to know the truth in the questions of the existence of gods, eternal life and other supernatural beings, concepts and phenomena. Type is characterized by the least purpose of life. The religious type characterizes a deeply religious person. The type is characterized by high purpose of life, understanding of the true nature of mankind, developed existential resources of faith, charity and acceptance, the ability to self-transcendence. The atheistic type of religious outlook characterizes a person who does not believe in the existence of God and supernatural phenomena. The type is characterized by high purpose of life, understanding of the true nature of man, developed resources of freedom, meaning, charity, a moderate level of existential fullness of life, a high level of need for self-development against the background of a low degree of ownership of self-development mechanisms. The agnostic-atheistic type of outlook is an intermediate form between the atheistic worldview. The type is characterized by a low level of comprehension of the course of life and understanding of human nature, resources of freedom, meaning, acceptance and faith.

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