scholarly journals Pelatihan Komunikasi Asertif Bagi Kader ASI Hebat Jejaring Kesehatan Purwokerto Utara

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Ade Tuti Turistiati ◽  
Prita Suci Nurcandrani ◽  
Rahmawati Putri ◽  
Endah Nurkhalida

Abstract: The exclusive breastfeeding coverage in the work area of North Community Health Center (Puskesmas Purwokerto Utara) 2 had only reached 76% by mid-2020. To pursue the target of achieving 90% by the end of the year, cross-sectoral cooperation is needed. Lecturers of The Communication Science Study Program of Universitas Amikom Purwokerto took the initiative as facilitators by partnering with North Community Health Center staff to conduct a community service as an implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. In this event, the facilitators conducted socialization and training methods for health cadres on how to communicate assertively with breastfeeding mothers by emphasizing acceptance, empathy, support and openness. The training was carried out for one week, included four villages within the Community Health Center working area, namely Grendeng, Bancarkembar, Sumampir and Pabuwaran. This community service has a good impact to the health cadres and The Community Health Center.  The 90% target of exclusive breastfeeding will be reviewed by the end of 2021.  However, the health cadres and The Community Health Center have more self-confidence to convince breastfeeding mothers to look after their children better by giving them the exclusive breastfeeding.  In turn, the target will be achieved.Keywords: assertive communication; cross sectorial cooperation; exclusive breastfeeding.Abstrak:  Cakupan ASI Eksklusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Purwokerto Utara 2 baru mencapai 76% pada pertengahan tahun 2020. Untuk mencapai target 90% cakupan ASI Eksklusif pada akhir tahun, dibutuhkan kerjasama lintas sektoral. Dosen Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Amikom Purwokerto berinisiatif menjadi fasilitator dengan bermitra dengan Puskesmas dalam melakukan pengabdian masyarakat sebagai bentuk pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Pada kegiatan ini fasilitator menggunakan metode sosialisasi dan pelatihan kepada kader kesehatan tentang bagaimana berkomunikasi secara asertif dengan mengedepankan penerimaan, empati, dukungan dan keterbukaan kepada ibu menyusui. Pelatihan dilakukan selama satu minggu, dan meliputi empat desa yang berada dalam wilayah kerja puskesmas, yaitu Grendeng, Bancarkembar, Sumampir dan Pabuwaran. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mempunyai dampak baik terhadap kader kesehatan dan Puskesmas.  Target 90% ibu menyusui memberikan ASI eksklusif akan direview pada akhir tahun 2021. Namun, para kader kesehatan dan Puskesmas merasa lebih percaya diri dapat meyakinkan kepada para ibu menyusui untuk dapat memberikan ASI eksklusif kepada anak-anaknya dan pada gilirannya target tersebut dapat tercapai. Kata kunci: ASI eksklusif; kerja sama lintas sektoral; komunikasi asertif

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-182
Triswanti Triswanti

Indonesian demographic and health survey data (SDKI) in 2016 show that as many as 48'4% of infants in Indonesia receive exclusive breastfeeding at the age of 4-5 months.whereas based on a report from the provincial health office in 2015, the number of exclusive breastfeeding is usually given to infants aged 0-6 months, only reaching 44.1%.relatively few figures, even though breastfeeding and breastfeeding both mother and baby will get many benefits.even this will have an impact on the environment, society, nation and state.3 know the combination of age and type of work with ASI production in the work area of the Pasir Mulya community health center in 2018. This type of research is analytic with cross sectional design. The method of taking samples in this study is total sampling with a sample of 99 people.the instruments used were questionnaires and observation sheets while the data analysis techniques used univariate, bivariate and multivariate Analysis. based on the age of the mother it is known that 53 (53.5%) of the mother's age is not at risk with sufficient milk production and 12 (12.1%) of mothers at risk of adequate milk production, and from maternal work it is known that 50 (50.5%) mothers do not work with sufficient milk production and 15 (15.1%) mothers work with sufficient milk production. From the results of multivariate analysis, it was found that the type of work had more influence on the production of breast milk with P value 0.002 compared to the age of the mother with p value that mothers who do not work will be more sufficient for their ASI production compared to working mothers,because mothers who don't work have more time spent with their children. they can see the child's development, and vice versa. and the statistical test value show p-value (0'000) and α = 0.01 it can be concluded that ha is accepted ho is rejected and it shows there is a relationship between age and type of work with ASI production in Pasir Mulya community health center in 2018. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Muhammad Suhron ◽  
Ah Yusuf

People with mental disorders (ODGJ) after pasung are defined as ODGJ who have been freed from confinement and referred to the hospital. One way of handling (ODGJ) is post pasung by involving mental cadres in handling violent behavior in people with mental disorders (ODGJ) after pasung. The purpose of this Community Service is to prepare soul cadres in handling violent behavior during the release of pasung. This community service was carried out in November 2019 with the target of soul cadres in Bangkalan Kokop. The team came from the Nursing Study Program at Stikes Ngudia Husada Madura, and the Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University and the Kokop Community Health Center. This activity consists of a preparatory stage including an assessment / assessment and techniques for handling violent behavior by mental cadres in releasing pasung patients. Abstrak: Orang dengan gangguan jiwa (ODGJ) pasca pasung diartikan ODGJ yang sudah terbebas dari pemasungan dan dirujuk ke rumah sakit, Salah satu cara penanganan (ODGJ) pasca pasung dengan melibatkan Kader jiwa dalam menangani perilaku kekerasan pada Orang dengan gangguan jiwa (ODGJ) pasca pasung. Tujuan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini yaitu untuk menyiapkan kader jiwa dalam penanganan perilaku kekerasan saat pelepasan pasung. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2019 dengan sasaran kader jiwa di Kokop Bangkalan. Tim berasal dari Program Studi Keperawatan Stikes Ngudia Husada Madura, dan Fakultas Keperawatan, Universitas Airlangga serta puskesmas Kokop. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari tahap persiapan meliputi pengkajian/assesment dan tekhnik penanganan perilaku kekerasan oleh kader jiwa dalam pelepasan pasien pasung.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (E) ◽  
pp. 601-605
Lia Lajuna ◽  
Maharani Maharani ◽  
Kartinazahri Kartinazahri ◽  
Noviyanti Noviyanti ◽  
Yusnaini Yusnaini ◽  

BACKGROUND: Exclusive breastfeeding for babies from birth to 6 months is still not in accordance with the expected target. This happens because there are many factors that influence and are the background of the success of exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of the Samatiga Public Health Center in West Aceh Regency, Indonesia. AIM: Analyzing the non-efficacy factors of exclusive breastfeeding in the Community Health Center Work area in Samatiga, West Aceh District, Indonesia. METHODS: The study design used cross-sectional which was successfully carried out in September–December 2019 involving a population of breastfeeding mothers with infants aged between 7 and 12 months in the Samatiga Community Health Center, West Aceh District. The determination of the sample was chosen by purposive sampling technique to 98 breastfeeding mothers. The data analysis uses univariate and bivariate using Chi-square statistical test. RESULTS: Based on the Chi-square correlation test, there was a significant relationship between the knowledge of breastfeeding mothers and the failure of exclusive breastfeeding (0.000 < α _0.005, RP = 39.952), breast problems (0.000 < α _0.005), RP = 39.8000), and maternal occupation ([0.000 < α _0.005], RP = 3.878). The role of health workers (0.000 < α _0.005), RP = 2.18333, maternal health history (p = 0.000 < α _(0.05), RP = 33.000), infant health history (0.000 < α _0.005), RP = 92.400, and myths develop in the community (0.000 < α _0.005), RP = 252.000. CONCLUSION: Factors related to the failure of exclusive breastfeeding in the work area of the Samatiga Health Center, West Aceh Regency include knowledge of breastfeeding mothers, breast problems, maternal work, the role of health workers, maternal health history, child health history, and myths that was developed in the community.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Erike Yunicha Viridula

ABSTRAKGangguan pertumbuhan bayi pada usia dini menyebabkan bayi diberikan MP-ASI terlalu dini dan ibunya tidak memberikan ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan pada awal kehidupan bayi. Dari hasil studi pendahuluan pada bayi berusia 6-11 bulan yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif hampir sepenuhnya meragukan perkembangan. Jika ini terus berlanjut, bayi tidak dapat berkembang dengan baik di usia berikutnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan perkembangan pada bayi usia 6-11 bulan yang mendapat ASI eksklusif dan ASI non eksklusif di Puskesmas kecamatan kecamatan Durenan Trenggalek tahun 2017.Desain penelitian ini adalah studi inferensial dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu dengan bayi 6-11 bulan pada bulan Oktober di Puskesmas kecamatan kecamatan Durenan Trenggalek pada tahun 2017 berjumlah 40 responden yang diambil menggunakan metode probability sampling dari jenis sistem simple random sampling. Data dianalisis dengan analisis univariat bahwa distribusi frekuensi variabel independen dan dependen dan analisis bivariat menggunakan Mann-Whitney U.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 20 responden 95% yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif memiliki perkembangan yang sesuai, 5% memiliki perkembangan yang meragukan, 0% mengalami gangguan perkembangan. Sementara 20 responden diberi 40% menyusui non eksklusif memiliki perkembangan yang sesuai, 60% memiliki perkembangan yang meragukan, dan 0% mengalami gangguan perkembangan. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan ada perbedaan perkembangan pada bayi usia 6-11 bulan yang mendapat ASI eksklusif dan ASI non eksklusif di Puskesmas kecamatan Durenan Trenggalek tahun 2017.Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan perkembangan pada bayi usia 6-11 bulan yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif dan ASI non eksklusif di Puskesmas kecamatan Durenan Trenggalek tahun 2017. Sehingga diharapkan bayi mendapat ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan pertama dan dilanjutkan hingga 2 tahun dengan makanan pendamping (MP-ASI).Kata kunci : ASI eksklusif, ASI tidak eksklusif, pengembangan ABSTRACTDisorder of Infant growth in early life caused baby are given Complementary feeding (MP-ASI) too early and the mother didn’t give exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months in early life of baby. From the results of preliminary studies in infants aged 6-11 months who get non exclusive breastfeeding had almost entirely dubious developments. If this continues, the baby can’t develop properly in the next age. The purpose of this study to determine development differences in infants aged 6-11 months who get exclusive breastfeeding  and non- exclusive breasfeeding in community health center sub district Durenan Trenggalek district in 2017. The design of this study is inferential study with cross sectional approach.  Samples which taken in this study were mothers with infants 6-11 months in October in community health center sub district Durenan Trenggalek district in 2017 amounted to 40 respondents drawn using probability sampling method of the type system simple random sampling.  Data were analyzed by univariate analysis that the frequency distribution of independent and dependent variables and bivariate analysis using Mann-Whitney U. The results showed that of the 20 respondents 95% who get exclusive breastfeding had appropriate development, 5% had dubious developments, 0% had disorder development. While 20 respondents were given 40% non exclusive breastfeeding had appropriate development, 60% have dubious development, and 0% had disorder development. Statistical analysis showed there are differences development in infants aged 6-11 months who get exclusive breastfeeding and non-exclusive breasfeeding in community health center sub district Durenan Trenggalek in 2017. So can be concluded that there are differences development in infants aged 6-11 months who get exclusive breastfeeding and non-exclusive breasfeeding in community health center sub district Durenan Trenggalek in 2017.So expected the babies got exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued to 2 years with complementary foods (MP-ASI).Key Words : exclusive breastfeding, non exclusive breastfeding, development

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-208
Balqis Dwiyanti Haedar ◽  
Rauly Ramadhani ◽  
Andi Sitti Rahma

Exclusive breastfeeding is a condition in which infants are only given breast milk without the addition of other fluids and foods. until the baby reaches 6 months old. Breast milk strengthen the immune system in infants so they can avoid various diseases including diarrhea. This study aims to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhea in infants aged 0-6 months in the Sudiang Community Health Center. This research is an analytical survey research with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted at the Sudiang Health Center, Makassar City in the period November 1st to December 31st, 2019. The total respondents were 89 mothers with babies aged 0-6 months. The results showed that most of the respondents were mothers with male babies (61%), most of the mothers' education was high school graduates (46%), housewives (75%) with low economic background (56%). Exclusive breastfeeding related to the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in the Sudiang Community Health Center with a value of p <0.05 (p = 0.001). In addition, no significant relationship on maternal nipple hygiene to diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months p <0.05 (p = 0.075). In conclusion, this study showed there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in Sudiang Health Center. There is a relationship between hand hygiene and the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in Sudiang Health Center, Makassar.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (02) ◽  
Abdul Malik Lawira

ABSTRACTThis research aims to identify factors that can effect the behavior of mothers during exclusive breastfeeding for infants aged 0-6 months in Malei Community Health Center in Poso. The design of this research is observational analytic with Cross Sectional design. The sample of 82 respondents, who were the total of population, consisted of mothers who had babies aged 6-12 months. Data collection tool was questionnaires and techniques of data analysis were univariate data and bivariate data. The results showed age factors (p = 0.158), education (p = 0.360) and employment (p = 0.543), did not have a meaningful relationship on exclusive breastfeeding behavior. While the duration of breastfeeding factors (p = 0.007), family support (p = 0.005) and knowledge (p = 0.005), have a significant relationship with exclusive breastfeeding behavior in Malei Community Health Center, Poso. Conclusions, the duration of breastfeeding factors, family support and knowledge, have a relationship towards mother's exclusive breastfeeding behavior in Malei Community Health Center, Poso Regency. Thus, this study suggests to increase family support and duration of breastfeeding for each mother and providing knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding for antenatal activities and postnatal lactation support, both at the hospital and at the community health center up to six months after giving birth.Keywords: Duration of breastfeeding, Family support, knowledge, Exclusive breastfeeding

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 89-97
Siti Ekfiyatil Wafah ◽  
Besar Tirto Husodo ◽  
Novia Handayani

Introduction: Semarang City has the highest number of HIV / AIDS cases in Central Java. Several attempts to control HIV / AIDS cases, such as the organization for AIDS that is named after AIDS Care Community (ACC) in every village scope. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the ACC program in Poncol Community Health Center.Methods: This is a descriptive research, uses qualitative methods using in-depth interview for data collection techniques. There are 9 informants who are selected by using purposive sampling method. Data is analyzed using descriptive method. The process of data analysis begins with collecting data, and then reducing the data that has been generated. After that, the data are presented and concluded.Results: The results show that the implementation of ACC program in the work area of Poncol Community Health Center is assisted by Poncol Puskesmas. There is 1 ACC out of 9 ACC that is actively implementing the ACC program while the others are not running well. It is found that low capacity of ACC members, lack of funds, low of support from the local government (village), low community support, inadequate facilities and infrastructure that affect the implementation of ACC programs. Therefore, the output is not achieved optimally.Conclusions: The implementation of the of the ACC program in Poncol Community Health Center work area has not been running optimally. Support from all parties is needed, including from the members of the ACC, local government, AIDS commission, and the community in order to achieve the ACC goals.  

2019 ◽  
pp. 218-230
Hadriani Hadriani ◽  
Rahma Hadati

Breastfeeding is one of the global health issues in the 21st century, given that breastfeeding has a significant effect on infant mortality. The absence of breastfeeding in the first days after giving birth is one of the reasons for not creating exclusive breastfeeding. The inhibition of breastmilk secretion can be caused by inhibition of oxytocin secretion which is very instrumental in smoothing out ASI expenditure. Stimulation of the hormone prolactin and oxytocin can be done through breast care and oxytocin massage. Kamonji Health Center is the health center with the lowest exclusive breastfeeding coverage in Palu City, which is 57.3%. The purpose of this study was to find out the comparative time of mother's milk delivery which was given oxytocin massage and breast care within 2 hours postpartum in the Kamonji Community Health Center work area. This study is a quasi-experimental study with the design of The posttest-only control group. The number of samples was 30 people, taken by consecutive sampling technique and divided by 15 respondents into the oxytocin and breast care massage groups. The intervention was carried out within 2 hours postpartum and then observed when the first ASI was discharged after the third stage ended. Data normality test using Shapiro-Wilk test, data analysis using Mann Whitney test obtained a significance value of 0.044, with the average time of mother's breastmilk given oxytocin massage was 14.19 hours and breast care 5.57 hours. The conclusion of the study is that there is a difference in the time of mother's milk to be given oxytocin massage and breast care in the fourth stage of labor. Based on the results of this study it is recommended to do breast care to help accelerate the release of breast milk.

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