scholarly journals The Unsuccessful Factors in Implementing Exclusive Breastfeeding Program in the Health Services Area of the Samatiga Community of West Aceh District – Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (E) ◽  
pp. 601-605
Lia Lajuna ◽  
Maharani Maharani ◽  
Kartinazahri Kartinazahri ◽  
Noviyanti Noviyanti ◽  
Yusnaini Yusnaini ◽  

BACKGROUND: Exclusive breastfeeding for babies from birth to 6 months is still not in accordance with the expected target. This happens because there are many factors that influence and are the background of the success of exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of the Samatiga Public Health Center in West Aceh Regency, Indonesia. AIM: Analyzing the non-efficacy factors of exclusive breastfeeding in the Community Health Center Work area in Samatiga, West Aceh District, Indonesia. METHODS: The study design used cross-sectional which was successfully carried out in September–December 2019 involving a population of breastfeeding mothers with infants aged between 7 and 12 months in the Samatiga Community Health Center, West Aceh District. The determination of the sample was chosen by purposive sampling technique to 98 breastfeeding mothers. The data analysis uses univariate and bivariate using Chi-square statistical test. RESULTS: Based on the Chi-square correlation test, there was a significant relationship between the knowledge of breastfeeding mothers and the failure of exclusive breastfeeding (0.000 < α _0.005, RP = 39.952), breast problems (0.000 < α _0.005), RP = 39.8000), and maternal occupation ([0.000 < α _0.005], RP = 3.878). The role of health workers (0.000 < α _0.005), RP = 2.18333, maternal health history (p = 0.000 < α _(0.05), RP = 33.000), infant health history (0.000 < α _0.005), RP = 92.400, and myths develop in the community (0.000 < α _0.005), RP = 252.000. CONCLUSION: Factors related to the failure of exclusive breastfeeding in the work area of the Samatiga Health Center, West Aceh Regency include knowledge of breastfeeding mothers, breast problems, maternal work, the role of health workers, maternal health history, child health history, and myths that was developed in the community.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Fahrini Yulidasari ◽  
Fauzie Rahman ◽  
Puspa Rani

Exclusive breastfeeding is the most important nutrition for baby until 6 months old without any food or drinks addition. Based on Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2013, in Indonesia mother who exclusively breastfeeding her baby was still low only 38% while the government policy is targeting 80% in 2010. Furthermore, there was only 13,46% breastfeeding coverage in Sungai Ulin community health center in August 2015. The main factors that cause low exclusive breastfeeding coverage such as health worker support and culture of breastfeeding provision. The objective of this research is to determine correlation between health workers support and culture of breastfeeding with status of exclusive breastfeeding in the area of Sungai Ulin Community Health Center. This research used observational analytic method with case-control design, conducted in 2016. The sample in this study were mothers who have baby aged 6-12 months with 23 as cases (non-exclusive breastfeeding) and 46 as controls (exclusive breastfeeding) or the ratio of 1:2 was determined using the hypothesis test 2 proportion formula. The research used simple random samping technique using univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi-square test with 95% confidence level. The results showed there was correlation between health workers support (p-value = 0,013, OR = 6,271) and culture of exclusive breastfeeding provision (p-value = 0,0001, OR = 8,906) with status of exclusive breastfeeding.

Fatmini Fatmini ◽  
Heru Santoso ◽  
Kesaktian Manurung ◽  
Rosdiana Rosdiana

Anemia is still a problem in the world, especially in developing countries. This condition can have a detrimental impact on every age group including pregnant women. In pregnant women, anemia can cause complications for the mother and the baby she is carrying, such as life-threatening bleeding, miscarriage, low birth weight and premature birth. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parity, anemia, ANC visits, nutritional status and the role of health workers with the consumption of blood-added tablets in post-partum mothers in the work area of the Mutiara Barat Health Center in 2019. This type of research is a correlation analytic study with cross-sectional method. The population in this study were all pregnant women in the third trimester who were recorded at the Mutiara Barat Health Center in January 2019 as many as 139 people and the sample was the total population of 139 respondents. Data were analyzed using the chi square statistical test which includes univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results obtained: there is a relationship between parity (p = 0.000), anemia (p = 0.016), ANC visits (p = 0.015), nutritional status (p = 0.021) and the role of officers (p = 0.000) with the consumption of tablets with blood added at postpartum mother. The dominant factor related to the consumption of blood-added tablets is the role of the officer. From the research results obtained, it is hoped that the Puskesmas can increase the knowledge of mothers about blood supplemented tablets through counseling so that it can influence the attitude of pregnant women to consume blood supplemented tablets. Keywords: ANC visit; anemia; consumption of blood added tablets; nutritional status; parity; role of officers ABSTRAKAnemia masih menjadi permasalahan di dunia terutama di negara-negara berkembang. Kondisi ini dapat memberikan dampak merugikan di setiap kelompok umur termasuk ibu hamil. Pada ibu hamil, kejadian anemia dapat menyebabkan penyulit pada ibu maupun bayi yang dikandungnya seperti perdarahan yang mengancam jiwa, keguguran, berat badan bayi lahir rendah dan kelahiran prematur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor paritas, anemia, kunjugan ANC, status gizi dan peran petugas kesehatan dengankonsumsi tablet tambah darah pada ibu nifas di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mutiara Barat tahun 2019. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik korelasi dengan metode cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil trimester III yang terdata di Puskesmas Mutiara Barat pada bulan Januari 2019 sebanyak 139 orang dan sampel merupakan total populasi yaitu 139 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik chi square yang meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh: ada hubungan antara paritas (p=0,000), anemia (p=0,016), kunjungan ANC (p=0,015), status gizi (p=0,021) dan peran petugas(p=0,000) dengan konsumsi tablet tambah darah pada ibu nifas. Faktor yang dominan berhubungan dengan konsumsi tablet tambah darah adalah peran petugas. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh diharapkan Puskesmas dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu tentang tablet tambah darah melalui penyuluhan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi sikap para ibu hamil untuk berperilaku mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 338
Asyfah Asyfah ◽  
Usraleli Usraleli ◽  
Magdalena Magdalena ◽  
Sakhnan Sakhnan ◽  
Melly Melly

Obesity is a condition where excessive accumulation of body fat tissue can cause serious health problems such as hypertension. Obesity and hypertension is a multifactorial disease. Imbalance between consumption of calories and energy needs stored in the form of fat which causes inactive fat tissue so that increased work heart load. As a result of obesity, sufferers tend to suffer from cardiovascular disease. Objective: To determine the relationship of obesity to hypertension in the work area of Sidomulyo Community Health Center. Method: This study is descriptive analytical, conducted on 92 respondents who had a Body Mass Index (BMI)> 23.0. In this study, researchers conducted observations regarding the physical shape of the respondents who came to the elderly polyclinic to check their health, the researcher then asked for approval whether the respondent was willing to be examined for height and weight and blood pressure checked. Results: Of the 18 respondents who were pre-obese, 17 respondents (18.5%) had hypertension and 1 respondent (1.1%) had no hypertension. While from 74 respondents who were obese, 52 respondents (56.5%) had hypertension and 22 respondents (23.9%) had no hypertension. The statistical test used was the chi square test (p = 0.036).  Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between Obesity and Hypertension in the Sidomulyo Community Health Center Working Area. Suggestion: Awareness of the importance of healthy living with an ideal body weight is the main key to fighting obesity and preventing it early.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Maria M U Girsang ◽  
Siti Marlina

Motivation is defined as strength, encouragement, needs, enthusiasm, pressure, or psychological mechanisms that encourage someone or a group of people to achieve certain achievements in accordance with what people want. Integrated service post is one form of health services organized by the community for the community with technical support from local health workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the motivation of integrated service postcadres and efforts to increase children under five year visits in the area in the Pamatang Silimahuta Community Health Center work area. The sample was 73 respondents using random sampling techniques. The design of this study used analytic survey research, using the Cross Sectional approach and data collected from respondents using questionnaire sheets. The results showed a relationship between integrated service post cadre motivation and efforts to increase children under five year visits in the Pamatang Silimahuta Community Health Center work area with p value = 0.007 smaller than 0.05. It was suggested to the relevant parties to give awards to cadres so that it could motivate integrated service postcadres to be more active so that it can increase children under five year visit to the integrated service post.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-272
Indra Wijaya

ABSTRACT: THE CORRELATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND FAMILY SUPPORT WITH SPUTUM EXAMINATION IN PATIENTS WITH SUSPECTED TB IN THE WORK AREA OF BRABASAN HEALTH CENTER IN MESUJI  Introduction: Achievement of positive smear pulmonary TB findings in Lampung Province, which is 38%, has not reached the MSS target. Brabasan health center as many as 28 cases. As for the case of death at the Brabasan Community Health Center during 2017, there were 5 patients with pulmonary TB who died. the purpose knowing the relationship of knowledge and family support with sputum examination in patients with suspected TB in the work area of Brabasan Health Center in Mesuji Regency in 2020Method: This type of research is quantitative, analytical survey research design with cross sectional approach. The population was all patients with suspected TB as many as 332 respondents, a sample of 182 respondents was taken by proportional random sampling. Univariate (frequency distribution) and bivariate data analysis used the chi square test.Results:. It is known that of 182 respondents, most did not conduct an examination, namely 110 (60.4%) respondents, 112 knowledge (61.5%) respondents were poor, and negative family support was 94 (51.6%) respondent. There is a knowledge relation (P-Value 0,000; OR 17,625). and family support (P-Value 0, 020; OR 2,142) with sputum examination in suspected TB patients in the Brabasan Community Health Center in Mesuji Regency in 2020Conclusion: There is a relationship between knowledge and family support with sputum examination in suspected TB patients in the Brabasan Community Health Center in Mesuji Regency in 2020. Health promotion in the form of posters, banners, leaflets, baligo about the concept of compliance and other health concepts Keywords: Knowledge, family support, sputum examination       INTISARI: HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DENGAN PEMERIKSAAN DAHAK PADA PENDERITA SUSPEK TBC DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS BRABASAN KABUPATEN MESUJI TAHUN 2020 Pendahuluan: Capaian angka penemuan penderita TB Paru BTA positif di Provinsi Lampung yaitu 38% masih belum mencapai target SPM, Berdasarkan laporan tahunan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Mesuji  tahun 2017 angka penemuan pasien TB paru BTA (+) di Puskesmas Simpang pematang sebanyak 55 kasus, terendah di Puskesmas Brabasan  sebanyak 28 kasus. Sedangkan untuk kasus kematian di Puskesmas brabasan  selama tahun 2017 terdapat 5 orang pasien TB Paru yang meninggal. Tujuan penelitian diketahui hubungan pengetahuan dan dukungan keluarga dengan pemeriksaan dahak pada penderita suspek TBC di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Brabasan Kabupaten Mesuji tahun 2020.Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancangan penelitian survey analitik pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh pasien suspek TB  sebanyak 332 responden, sampel sebanyak 182 responden diambil secara proportional random sampling.  Analisa data secara univariat (distribusi frekuensi) dan bivariat menggunakan uji  chi square.Hasil:.Diketahui bahwa dari 182 responden, sebagian besar tidak melakukan pemeriksaan yaitu sebanyak 110 (60,4%) responden, pengetahuan kurang baik sebanyak 112 (61,5%) responden, dan  dukungan keluarga negatif sebanyak 94 (51,6%) responden. Ada hubungan pengetahuan (P-Value 0,000; OR 17,625). dan dukungan keluarga (P-Value 0, 020; OR 2,142) dengan pemeriksaan dahak pada penderita suspek TBC di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Brabasan Kabupaten Mesuji tahun 2020Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan pengetahuan dan dukungan keluarga dengan pemeriksaan dahak pada penderita suspek TBC di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Brabasan Kabupaten Mesuji tahun 2020. Promosi kesehatan baik dalam bentuk poster, banner, leaflet, baligo tentang konsep kepatuhan maupun konsep kesehatan lainnya Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, dukungan keluarga, pemeriksaan dahak

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 530-534
Dedi Mahyudin Syam ◽  
Ros Arianty ◽  
Djunaidil Syukur Sulaeman ◽  
Indro Subagyo

BACKGROUND: The prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) globally is still very high, TB is an infectious disease that causes many deaths in Indonesia, in 2016 there were 274 cases of death per day in Indonesia and reached 1,020,000 people. The proportion of TB in Puskesmas Sabang in 2014 there were 13 cases, 29 cases in 2015, 23 cases in 2016, 27 cases in 2017, and in 2018 as many as 30 cases, TB was caused by several risk factors such as smoking, Housing conditions, and education. AIM: Research aims to know the risk factors incidence of TB disease in Sabang Regional Public Health Center, District Dampelas, Donggala. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Study case-control using a document of TB as well as structured interviews using a questionnaire, the case was a patient who suffered from TB in Puskesmas Sabang in 2017, and control is one that has the same sex that is at the Community Health Centre (Puskesmas) Sabang, comparison cases and controls were 1:1, 30 cases and 30 controls. RESULTS: Smoking habit with p = 0.020 (odds ratio [OR] = 7.120, confidence interval [CI] = 1.358–37.337) and house humidity with p = 0.000 (OR = 26.318, CI = 4.399–157.474) were the most dominant risk factors for TB incidence, while the type of gender, education and knowledge are protective against the incidence of TB. CONCLUSION: Smoking habits and house humidity are the most dominant risk factors for the incidence of TB in the work area of the Sabang Health Center, Dampelas District, Donggala Regency. Health workers should increase education to the public about the dangers of smoking and the requirements of healthy housing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Sunarti Hanapi ◽  
Nuryani Nuryani ◽  
Rahmawaty Ahmad

Based on Indonesian Basic Health Research 2018Vitamin A capsule coverage for children 6-59 months reached 53.1%. Based on Department of Health Gorontalo district Vitamin A capsule coverage in work area of Asparaga community health center reached 80%. The research aims at investigating association of giving vitamin A toward toddler. This research used observational analytic method with cross sectional study approach. This research was conducted in February until April with total of samples were 262 children  6-59 mount and respondents were toddler mother. The technique of collecting samples was using purposive sampling technique and the technique of data collection was using questionnaire. The technique of data analysis was chi square test. The findings reseacrh was found that the giving of vitamin A on toddler was 126 (48,1%) and not giving vitamin A was 136 (51,9%) toddlers, low mothers knowledge 63,4%, active cadre 28,2%, active participation toddlers 5,0%. Base on analysis bivariate indicated that sufficient knowledge of mothers 67,7% of the toddlers were given vitamin A and chi square test showed knowledge of p value = 0,000, the role of active cadres 82,4% of the toddlers were given vitamin A with p value = 0,000 and the activity of toddlers visiting community health center / Posyandu 100% of the toddlers were given vitamin A with p value = 0,000. It was concluded that the mothers knowledge factor, the role of cadres and the activity of toddlers visiting Community Health Center and Posyandu were related to the provision of viramin A in the toddlers. It was recommended for mothers of toddlers to explore more information regarding the importance of providing vitamin A to toddlers, and to be active partisipation in Community Health Center / Posyandu activities.Berdasarkan hasil Riskesdas 2018 cakupan kapsul vitamin A pada anak 6-59 bulan mencapai 53,1%. Berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Gorontalo cakupan pemberian vitamin A di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Asparaga mencapai 80%. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejumlah faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemberian vitamin A pada balita. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Februari sampai April dengan jumlah sampel 262 balita umur 6-59 bulan dengan ibu balita sebagai responden. Pengambilan sampel dengan tekhnik purvosive sampling dan pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner, analisis menggunaka chi square test. Hasil penelitian didapatkan pemberian vitamin A pada balita sebanyak 126 (48,1%) dan tidak diberikan vitamin A sebanyak 136 (51,9%) balita, pengetahuan ibu kurang 63,4%, keaktifan kader 28,2%, keaktifan kunjungan balita 5,0%. Berdasarkan hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan pengetahuan ibu cukup 67,7% anak balita diberikan vitamin A chi square  test menunjukkan pengetahuan  p value = 0,000, peran kader aktif 82,4% balita diberikan vitamin A dengan p value = 0,000, dan keaktifan kunjungan balita ke Puskesmas / Posyandu 100% balita diberikan vitamin A dengan p value = 0,000 berhubungan dengan pemberian vitamin A pada balita. Disimpulkan bahwa faktor pengetahuan ibu, peran kader dan keaktifan kunjungan balita ke Puskesmas dan Posyandu berhubungan dengan pemberian viramin A pada balita. Disarankan kepada ibu balita agar lebih menggali informasi terkait pentingnya pemberian vitamin A pada balita, serta aktif dalam kegiatan Puskesmas / Posyandu.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Armoni Suci Dewi ◽  
Ayu Gustiwarni ◽  
Rika Sri Wahyuni

Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding alone for the first 6 months of life without any additional fluids such as formula, oranges, honey, water and without additional solid foods such as bananas, milk porridge, biscuits. Factors affecting the success and failure of exclusive breastfeeding is one of them is the role of health officers and the promotion of infant formula. This study aims to determine the relationship between the role of health officers and the promotion of formula milk to exclusive breastfeeding in breastfeeding mothers in the Work Area of ​​Harapan Raya Pekanbaru Health Center Year 2018. The research type is quantitative and analytic design with cross sectional approach. The study was conducted in Harapan Raya Public Health Working Area in March - April of 2018. The population of this study is all mothers who have infants aged 6-12 months in Harapan Raya Pekanbaru Health Center Working Area as many as 2,494 people, the sample of 96 respondents with quota sampling method sampling. The instrument of this research using questionnaires and techniques of this study using primary data and secondary data. Based on the result of the research, the mother who has babies in the work area of ​​Harapan Raya Pekanbaru Minority Health Center gave exclusive breast feeding of 47 (49%) and got the health worker role 35 (36,5%) and did not get formula promotion equal to 36 (37,5 %). so it can be concluded there is no relation between the role of health officer to exclusive breastfeeding (P Value 0,563) and there is relationship between promotion of formula milk to Exclusive Breast Feeding (P Value 0,040). It is hoped for health workers to further improve the provision of information on Exclusive Breast Milk and its benefits by providing counseling or other approaches.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-45
Sutrisno ◽  
Endah Sari Purbanisngsih ◽  
Citra Setyo Dwi Andhini

Background:Neonates are newborn babies, aged 0-28 days.Low birth weight (LBW) is one of the main factors in increasing mortality, neonatal morbidity and disability. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal factors and the weight of babies bornin the work area of ​​the Karangampel Community Health Center, Indramayu Regency. Method:This research method uses descriptive analytic, using a quantitative approach and cross sectional design.The population is all mothers who have given birth in the work area of ​​the Karangampel Community Health Center, Indramayu Regency,the data was obtained from the book records of patients at the Poned UPTD Karangampel Public Health Center, Indramayu Regencyas many as 175 respondents and sampling using Randon Sampling technique obtained 64 respondents.The instrument used in the form of observation sheets, as well as data analysis using the chi square test. Result:The results of the study using chi square statistical test showed that the relationship between maternal factors (maternal age) and birth weight obtained results of p-value = 0.011, the relationship of maternal factors (maternal parity) with birth weight obtained results of p-value = 0.802, while the relationship factor maternal (pregnancy distance) with birth weight obtained results of p-value = 0.019. Of the three categories of maternal factors, maternal factors (maternal age and gestational distance) were <α = 0.05, and maternal factors (parity)> α = 0.05. Conclusion:We hope this research can be used as reading material and study materials for students and teachers about the study between maternal factors and birth weight.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 794-797
Stang Stang ◽  
Tahir Abdullah ◽  
Sumarni Marwang

BACKGROUND: Considering the importance of giving exclusive breast milk (ASI) for the growth and development of children, collaborative support between health workers and husbands is very important. Support from husbands allows mothers to carry out breastfeeding process easier, so that the mothers’ mental condition will be stable and not stressful, and they will not feel exhausted. As a result, the mothers can provide the best breast milk. AIM: The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of a collaborative model on the role of husbands and health workers to improve mother’s behavior in giving exclusive breastfeeding. METHODS: This research used a quasi-experimental design. The intervention group consisted of husbands of third-trimester pregnant women who came from the working area of the Mangkoso Community Health Center, while the control consisted of husband from the Padongko Community Health Center, each group consisted of 30 people. In the intervention group, the collaborative model between the roles of husbands and health workers was applied, while in the control group, the husbands only received Maternal and Child Handbook (KIA). RESULT: The results showed that there were differences in knowledge about the role of husbands in supporting the exclusive breastfeeding between the intervention group and the control group with a value of p = 0.000. Knowledge of the husband’s role in supporting exclusive breastfeeding in the intervention group was very good, but it was bad in the control group. In the other hand, there was no differences in behavior of giving exclusive breast milk (ASI) between the intervention group and the control group with a value of p = 0.422. CONCLUSION: However, if we compared the behavior of exclusive breastfeeding before and after the application of the model in the intervention group, the increase was found to be very significant, which was 57.5%, from 12.5% to 70%. While in the control group the increase was only 20.9%, from 35.8% to 56.7%.

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