2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-184
Nurul Auliya ◽  
Eko Swistoro ◽  
Desy Hanisa Putri

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, proses pembelajaran, dan evaluasi proses pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif Sederhana. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik dan guru mata pelajaran fisika di kelas X SMAN 3 Kota Bengkulu. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, angket dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penilaian terhadap RPP, proses pembelajaran dan evaluasi pembelajaran dalam kategori “sangat baik” dengan skor rata- rata 3,8. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa analisis RRP dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran serta evaluasi proses pembelajaran di SMAN 3 Kota Bengkulu telah berdasarkan standar kurikulum 2013. Kata kunci: RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran), Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Fisika, Evaluasi Pembelajaran ABSTRACT This research was aimed to describe the learning implementation lesson plan, process, and evaluation. The research method was the simple descriptive method. The subjects of the research were students and physics education teacher of class X SMAN 3 Bengkulu City. Furthermore, the data collection techniques were interview, questionnaire and documentation. The results showed that the evaluation of the lesson plan, process and its evaluation were “excellent” with 3.8 score obtained. Therefore, it could be concluded that lesson plan, process, and evaluation in SMAN 3 Bengkulu City was in line with the standards of curriculum 2013. Keywords: RPP (Learning Implementation Plan), Process of Physics Learning, Learning Evaluation

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nafiah Nafiah

The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of management of integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school Surabaya. The focus of this study are 1. The lesson plan for integrative thematic class based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school . the research method of this study is descriptive kualitatif, the data collection technique are interview, observation and documentation. The result of this study are 1) the lesson plan of integrative thematic based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school Surabaya conducted by several steps are : a) set thema, b) doing analisys SKL, KI, and basic competence, c) arrage syllabus, d) arrage the lesson plan, 2) doing integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 Khadijah primary school used scientific approch by observing, questioning, reasoning, trying, processing, displaying, verivicaying, and communicating, 3) the assessment of integrative thematic learning based on curriculum 2013 at grade 4 khadijah primary school used authentic assessment that include written assessment, project assessment and portfolio assessment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 359-376
Faridah Faridah

The study entitled "Improving teacher competence in preparing syllabus and lesson plans through ongoing academic supervision in SMP (Public Middle Schools) Negeri 2 Sabang" raised the issue of whether through continuous academic supervision it can improve teacher competence in preparing syllabi and lesson plans. This study aims to improve the competence of teachers in Sabang 2 Public Middle School in preparing syllabus and lesson plans. The subjects of this study were teachers of Sabang 2 Public Middle School in the 2016/2017 academic year, totaling 13 teachers, consisting of 10 PNS teachers and 3 non PNS teachers. The method used is the school action research method. Data collection is done by test and observation techniques. The study was conducted in 2 cycles. In the first cycle 31% of teachers obtained the appropriate syllabus and lesson plan and were considered good and in cycle 2 there were 100% of teachers who had syllabus and lesson plans that were appropriate and considered good. The conclusion of this research is that through ongoing academic supervision scientifically proven to improve teacher competence in preparing syllabus and lesson plans.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Shella Budiawan

The purpose of this study is to reveal the Triple Bottom Line in the application of management accounting in the mining industry in Donggala Regency. This research method uses Qualitative Descriptive Method with respondents as many as 30 people who are communities around the location of the company, community leaders, and local government. The analytical tool used in this study is Phenomenology Analysis and data collection techniques carried out by conducting interviews, observation, and documentation to respondents directly.Based on the result of this research shows that company is PT. Balikpapan Ready Mix is not apply yet the concept of Triple Bottom Line in implementation of environment managementaccounting in the company.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Sri Wahyu ◽  
Fahmi Rizal ◽  
Nurhasan Syah

Educational problems that occur today include the low quality of education at each level of the education unit. It is due to low teacher performance. This study aimed to analyze teacher performance in the learning planning process, learning implementation, and learning evaluation. This research method is carried out using a qualitative approach research method that produces descriptive data in written or spoken words from the teachers that can be observed. The interviewing instruments are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are used through data reduction, data display, and verification (concluding). Based on this study's findings, it is concluded that the teacher's performance in lesson planning has met the criteria that must be done in learning, learning materials, learning resources, learning media, and assessment of learning outcomes. By making the lesson plan, the teacher has carried out the lesson planning well. The teacher's performance in implementing learning has been carried out well. It can be seen from the learning activities that have been created by the teacher in the classroom. Teacher performance in learning evaluation includes evaluating good learning outcomes by implementing structured remedial and enrichment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-14
Dedi Riyan Rizaldi ◽  
A. Wahab Jufri ◽  
Jamal Jamal

Abstrak: Perkembangan dunia teknologi dan informasi yang semakin pesat dapat memberikan alternatif bagi pendidik untuk menggunakan berbagai media pembelajaran salah satunya yaitu Physics Education and Technology (PhET). Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk menjelaskan tentang 1). Efektivitas penerapan media simulasi PhET dalam proses pembelajaran fisika, 2) Strategi penerapan media simulasi PhET dalam proses pembelajaran fisika, serta 3) Kelebihan dan kekurangan media simulasi PhET dalam proses pembelajaran fisika. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif berdasarkan filosofi post positivisme dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa tri-anggulasi (gabungan), yaitu penelitian kepustakaan melalui pengumpulan data, terutama data verbal seperti buku, artikel, catatan, dan berbagai literatur ilmiah lainnya. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis secara induktif. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan pustaka, analisis data, dan diskusi dapat disimpulkan bahwa 1). Media simulasi PhET secara efektif digunakan untuk membantu guru dan siswa dalam mempelajari konsep fisika, 2) media simulasi PhET sangat baik dikombinasikan dengan model pembelajaran inkuiri, dan 3) media simulasi PhET memiliki keuntungan yaitu efektif dalam menjelaskan konsep fisika yang sifatnya abstrak, sedangkan kekurangannya adalah bahwa implementasi di sekolah sangat tergantung pada unit komputer yang tersedia.Kata kunci: Simulasi Interaktif PhET, Inkuiri Terbimbing, Pembelajaran FisikaAbstract: The rapid development of technology and information world can provide an alternative for educators to use various learning media, one of which is Physics Education and Technology (PhET). The purpose of this review is to explain 1). The effectiveness of the application of PhET simulation media in the physics learning process, 2) The strategy of applying the PhET simulation media in the physics learning process, and 3) The anvantages and disanvantages of the PhET simulation media in the physics learning process. The writing of this article uses a qualitative method based on a post positivisme philosophy with data collection techniques in the form of tri-anggulation (combined), namely library research through data collection, especially verbal data such as books, articles, notes, and various other scientific literature. The data collected is then analyzed inductively. Based on the results of literature review, data analysis, and discussion it can be concluded that 1). PhET simulation media are effectively used to help teachers and students in learning physics concepts, 2) PhET simulation media are very well combined with inquiry learning models, and 3) PhET simulation media has the advantages of being effective in explaining abstract physical concepts, while the disadvantages is that the implementation in schools is very dependent on the computer units available.Keywords: PhET Interactive Simulations, Guided Inquiry, Physics Learning

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-242
Frans Sayogie ◽  
Angga Ilham Perdana ◽  
Munawar Aidil ◽  
Shania Andre

Tulisan ini membahas tentang ketaksaan leksikal dalam lagu “Glow Like Dat” dan “See Me” karya Rich Brian. Ketaksaan leksikal dalam lagu  dapat menyebabkan penyampaian pesan mengalami kendala pemaknaan budaya, bahasa, sosiologis, dan psikologis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk leksikal yang digunakan di dalam lagu  tersebut apakah mengandung ketaksaan leksikal, dan kemudian menganalisis bentuk ketaksaan leksikal  dan makna kata-kata  dalam lirik lagu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah  metode deksriptif kualitatif  dan metode non-participant observation sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Data yang dianalisis diambil dari lirik lagu “Glow Like Dat” dan “See Me” karya Rich Brian yang kemudian diklasifikasikan ke dalam beberapa kategori ketaksaan leksikal dan pemaknaannya.  Temuan penelitian yang diperoleh adalah ketaksaan leksikal yang terdapat di dalam lagu  “Glow Like Dat” dan “See Me” karya Rich Brian dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai homonimi berbentuk homofon, serta polisemi yang dikemas dalam bentuk kata slang. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pemahaman terhadap pemaknaan leksikal dalam lagu berbahasa Inggris  sangat penting  bagi penutur bukan berbahasa Inggris agar memperoleh pemahaman makna lagu yang komprehensif. This paper discusses lexical ambiguities in the songs "Glow Like Dat" and "See Me" by Rich Brian. Lexical ambiguities of the songs can cause the delivery of messages to experience constraints of meanings in cultural, language, sociological, and psychological aspects. The purpose of this study is to identify the lexical forms used in the songs whether they contain lexical ambiguities, and then to analyse the lexical ambiguities forms and meaning of words in song lyrics. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method and a non-participant observation method as data collection techniques. The data analysed were taken from the lyrics of the songs "Glow Like Dat" and "See Me" by Rich Brian, which were then classified into several categories of lexical ambiguities and their meaning. The research findings obtained are the lexical ambiguities contained in the songs "Glow Like Dat" and "See Me" by Rich Brian can be classified as homonymy in the form of homophones and polysemy which are packaged in slang words.  The conclusion of this study is that the understanding of lexical meanings in English songs is very important for non-English speakers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the meaning of the songs.

Nurul Fadieny ◽  
Ahmad Fauzi

Education is defined as a process using certain methods to produce knowledge. The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 has an impact on education, namely learning is influenced by technology. Generations that are influenced by technological developments are called digital natives. Digital native characteristics have an influence on the learning of students, where technology cannot be separated from their lives. So that we need teaching materials that can facilitate the learning characteristics of the digital native generation, namely teaching materials based interactive multimedia, such as e-modules. The aim of this study was to determine the usefulness level of e-module based on experiential learning in physics learning. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D). The method used is descriptive method with data collection instruments, namely the e-module usefulness questionnaire assessed by the teacher. The results showed that experiential learning-based e-modules were very useful in learning physics.

Vini Qonita Qistifani

This study aims to determine the sentence structure of Arabic and Indonesian terms in Surah Al-Baqarah, their similarities and differences, and their implications for translation. The research method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were documentation and triangulation studies. From the results of this study, researchers found 190 the number of shar'iyah in surah Al-Baqarah with various sentence structures. Then, some similarities and differences in the structure between the sentence terms in Arabic and Indonesian, as well as the implications of this study, the researcher found a tendency to translate adawat syarṭ on the translation of the Ministry of Religion and Al-Mishbah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-35
N N E Sulistyawati ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
I Panjaitan

This study aims to analyze the use of fermented kiambang flour (Salvinia molesta) on rations against the quantity of peking duck carcasses. This research was conducted in the livestock cage of Lampung State Polytechnic. The research method carried out is a descriptive method. Data collection is done by taking samples from controls and treatment with a total of 15 ducks each at the end of maintenance. The result the treatment given in addition to 15% fermented kiambang flour in rations produces carcass weight (714.26 g), carcass percentage (52.49%), chest percentage (29.08%), thigh percentage (26.37 %), winged percentage (16.92 %) and abdominal fat percentage (0.77 %). Addition 15% fermented kiambang flour not affect to carcass weight, carcass percentage, chest percentage, winged percentage, and abdominal fat percentage.

Nadia Apriliani ◽  
Tuah Nur ◽  
Andi Mulyadi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kebijakan KTP Elektronik (KTP-el) di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Sukabumi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori evaluasi kebijakan dari William N. Dunn yang terdiri dari enam variabel, yaitu efektivitas, efisiensi, kecukupan, perataan, responsivitas, dan perataan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa evaluasi kebijakan KTP Elektronik (KTP-el) di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Sukabumi sudah berjalan dengan baik jika dilihat dari sisi efektivitas, perataan, responsivitas, dan ketepatan. Namun dari sisi efisiensi dan kecukupan belum berjalan dengan baik, hal ini menjadi penghambat keberhasilan dari pelaksanaan program KTP-el di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Sukabumi.   Abstract This study aims to evaluate the policy of Electronic KTP (KTP-el) in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sukabumi City. The research method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach to data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation studies. This study uses the policy evaluation theory of William N. Dunn which consists of six variables, namely effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, leveling, responsiveness, and leveling. Based on the results of the study note that the evaluation of the Electronic KTP (KTP-el) policy at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sukabumi City has been going well when viewed in terms of effectiveness, leveling, responsiveness, and accuracy. However, in terms of efficiency and adequacy, it has not gone well, this has become an obstacle to the success of the implementation of the KTP-el program at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Sukabumi City.

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