scholarly journals Peran Public Relations dalam Film Hancock

InterKomunika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Muhammad Reyzha Noorsyam Arkian ◽  
M Subur Drajat ◽  
Dadi Ahmadi

Abstract. Film is a mass media that has a function as entertainment, besides that the film also contains an informative, educative, and persuasive function. Film is also known as a medium of communication, film is an effective means to shape the perspective of society at large. A movie titled “Hancock” is a movie about a public relations practitioner who tries to restore the image of a superhero. This movie also tells a story about the troublesome life of a superhero who has bad image in the eyes of public and media.  The purpose of this research is to understand the Reality Level, Representation Level and Ideology Level of public relations role in the movie “Hancock”.  The research method is using the qualitative methods with semiotics approach, which is a science about signs. The theory used is John Fiske’s theory of Television Codes which focuses on the Reality Level, Representation level and Ideology Level.  In this research the data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, literature study, and interviews.  The results of this study conclude that at the reality level it is seen in the form of behavior and appearance which includes expert advisors who provide input, problem solvers in crisis, media relations, providers as well as media relations, communication technicians, public tranquilizers, and case development informants. showed that the role of public relations and Ray Embrey's Appearance tended to be stable when meeting with the public and Hancock as management, namely by using formal equipment in the form of shirts, suits, ties, material trousers and loafers. At the level of representation in the form of a camera code and dialogue code which includes, Framing with Background, Group Shot, Walking Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot, Eye Level, and, Point of View Shot and dialog used by Ray Embrey in this film too very shows the role of public realtions that show that it is an expert communicator and expert advisor by persuasive communication. At the ideological level, there was an ideology that appeared in the Hancock film with discrimination between white and black race and based on the eighth point of the Public Relations International code of ethics. The suggestion for further research is to look for references to books related to semiotics and the role of public relations. This is needed to be able to better understand the forms of the role of public relations in a film.Keywords: Mass Media, Reality, Semiotic, Television Codes, John FiskeAbstrak. Film merupakan media massa yang memiliki fungsi sebagai hiburan, disamping itu juga film mengandung fungsi informatif, edukatif, dan persuasif.  Film juga dikenal sebagai media komunikasi, film merupakan salah satu sarana yang efektif untuk membentuk perspektif masyarakat secara luas.  Film “Hancock” merupakan sebuah film yang mengangkat kisah tentang perbaikan citra dari seorang pahlawan oleh seorang praktisi public relations. Film ini juga mengangkat persoalan kehidupan seorang pahlawan yang memiliki citra buruk di mata publik dan media.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana level realitas, level representasi, dan level ideology peran public relations dalam film “Hancock”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah  metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotika, yaitu suatu ilmu yang mengkaji tentang tanda-tanda. Teori yang digunakan adalah kode-kode televisi John Fiske dimana memfokuskan pada level Realitas, level Representasi, dan level Ideologi.  Pada penelitian ini teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, dokumentasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara.  Hasil dalam penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada level realitas terlihat dalam bentuk perilaku dan penampilan yang meliputi penasihat ahli yang memberikan masukan, pemecah permasalahan ketika dalam krisis, media relations, penyedia juga penyalur hubungan dengan media, teknisi komunikasi, penenang publik, dan informan perkembangan kasus yang menunjukan bahwa adanya peran public relations dan Penampilan Ray Embrey, cenderung stabil ketika bertemu dengan publik dan Hancock sebagai manajemen, yaitu dengan menggunakan stelena formal berupa kemeja, jas, dasi, celana panjang bahan, dan sepatu pantofel.  Pada level representasi dalam bentuk kode kamera dan kode dialog yang meliputi, Framing with Background, Group Shot, Walking Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot, Eye Level, dan, Point of View Shot dan  dialog yang di gunakan oleh Ray Embrey dalam film ini juga sangat menunjukan peran public realtions yang menunjukan bahwa ia merupakan seorang expert communicator dan penasihat ahli dengan melakukan komunikasi persuasif. Pada level ideologi terlihat adanya Ideologi yang muncul dalam film Hancock terdapat diskriminasi Ras antara kulit putih dengan Ras kulit hitam dan berdasarkan kode etik Public Relations Internasional point ke delapan.  Adapun saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah lebih mencari referensi buku terkait dengan semiotika dan peran public relations.  Hal ini diperlukan untuk dapat lebih memahami bentuk-bentuk peran public relations dalam sebuah film.Kata kunci: Media Massa, Realitas, Semiotika, Kode-kode Televisi, John Fiske

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Heriyanti Heriyanti ◽  
Ummanah Ummanah ◽  
Resman Maharul Tambunan ◽  

The rapid technology development and information made public (community) being so critical to the policies was taken by the government. This requires police institution to maintain of security guards, public order, enforce the law, provides protection, aegis and service to the community. Public Relations (PR) is an agency which have a duty to understand and evaluate a variety of public opinion in order to help to create harmony between particular agencies with the public. In order to increase quality of human resources in Police Department are required personnel with the ability in resolving problems the happens in society. In resolving these problems, that needed cooperation between police department, college and the community. The contribution of college to police department and the community with conducting the devotion to the community in cooperation Polresta Tangerang. The method in use in devotion community is by providing training of the role of public relations to Polresta Tangerang members through zoom cloud meeting. The role of public relations training aimed at giving public knowledge include similarity in communication, public relations function, basic principles of public relations, the management of the community and management of media relations may be good quality police. The evaluation of the training be concluded that the training that performed capable of increase understanding participants on the role of public relations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Narayana Mahendra Prastya

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas hubungan media yang dilakukan oleh Universitas Islam Indonesia, saat kejadian Tragedi Diksar Mapala UII. Kejadian tersebut merupakan krisis karena tidak diduga, terjadi secara mendadak, dan menimbulkan gangguan pada aktivitas dan citra organisasi. Hubungan media adalah salah satu aktivitas yang penting dalam manajemen krisis, karena media massa mampu mempengaruhi persepsi masyarakat terhadap satu organisasi dalam krisis. Dalam situasi krisis sendiri, persepsi dapat menjadi lebih kuat daripada fakta. Batasan hubungan media dalam tulisan ini adalah dalam aspek penyediaan informasi yang terdiri dari : (1) kualitas narasumber organisasi dan (2) cara organisasi dalam membantu liputan media. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dengan mewawancarai wartawan dari media di Yogyakarta yang meliput Diksar Mapala UII. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa media membutuhkan narasumber pimpinan tertinggi universitas. Informasi yang diperoleh dari humas universitas dirasa masih kurang cukup. Dalam hal upaya organisasi membantu aktivitas liputan, UII dinilai masih kurang cepat dan kurang terbuka dalam memberikan informasi. The purpose of this article is to analyse the media relations activities by Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), related to crisis "Tragedi Diksar Mapala UII". This incident lead to crisis because it is unpredictable, happen suddenly, disturb the organizational activities, and make the organization's image being at risk. Media relations is one important activites in crisis management. It is because mass media could affect the public perception toward an organization. In crisis situation, perception could be stronger than the fact. The limitation of media relations in this article are information subsidies. Information subsidies consist of : (1) the quality of news sources that provided by the organization, and (2) how organization facilitate the news gathering process by the media. The data for this article is being collected from interview with journalist from the mass media in Yogyakarta. The results are media want the top management of the universities as the news sources. The information that being provided by public relations is not enough. The university also lack of quickness and lack of openess.


The role of mass media in Western democracies is crucial for public opinion, which is used in the elections to support or reject military actions proposed by the govern- ment. Because of the public and political nature of military operations, it has become essential for military commanders to make effective operational use of the mass media in order to achieve their objectives. The operational commander and his staff must have a sufficient focused guidance to permit them to integrate media manage- ment into operational plans. Author as a war correspondent presents his experiences from different wars, mistakes and best practices from different armies. According to his personal experience, the most elaborate and developed public relations concept is the U.S. “Embedded Media Program” which proved successful from the perspective of the military as well as the media. Vloga množičnih medijev v zahodnih demokracijah je ključnega pomena za obliko- vanje javnega mnenja, ki se uporablja na volitvah za podporo ali zavrnitev vojaških ukrepov, ki jih predlaga vlada. Zaradi javne in politične narave vojaških operacij je postalo nujno, da vojaški poveljniki množične medije učinkovito vključijo v opera- tivno delovanje in tako dosežejo svoje cilje. Operativni poveljnik in njegovo osebje morajo imeti dovolj natančne smernice za vključitev upravljanja medijev v opera- tivne načrte. Avtor kot vojni dopisnik predstavlja svoje izkušnje iz različnih vojn ter napake in primere dobre prakse iz različnih vojsk. Glede na njegove osebne izkušnje je najbolje razvit in izpiljen koncept odnosov z javnostmi program gostujočih medijev iz ZDA, ki se je izkazal kot uspešen tako z vidika vojske kot medijev.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Zakirah Asman ◽  
Deni Yanuar ◽  
Munawir Syarief

This study attempted to determine the role of Public Relation (PR) of Banda Aceh’s Environmental, Cleanliness, and the Beauty of the City Agency on the “Waste Collecting Point (WCP) program. The theory used was role theory developed by Redfield, Linton, and Herskovits. The method which was being used wasdescriptive qualitative, which the subject of the study was PR division and societies. The finding showed that PR division played a very important role in the success of Waste Collecting Point (WCP) program from the beginning until the outcome being shown on the cleanliness of the districts. Starting from the socialization process, the program showed significant success. Persuasive communication was being used to conduct the program. PR division made initial socialization by informing the societies about the danger of the waste if not managed properly then followed by monthly evaluation on the cleaning leader. Keywords: Public Relation, role theory, waste collecting point, Banda Aceh

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-73
Winfred Kaleli ◽  
Winnie Ndeta Otslulah ◽  
Consolata Mutisya

Public relations is a vital tool for the government because it emphasizes on democracy and good governance. This study sought to establish the role of public relations tools in sensitizing the public on government projects in government ministries in the Central Government in Nairobi. Specifically, the study examined: the effects of media relations on sensitizing the public on government projects in Nairobi County, Kenya; the effects of community relations on sensitizing the public on government projects in Nairobi County, Kenya; the effects of sponsorships on sensitizing the public on government projects in Nairobi County, Kenya; the effects of community events on sensitizing the public on government projects in Nairobi County, Kenya. For this study, the researcher used descriptive survey design. The target population comprised heads of departments in state corporations in Kenya which totals 162. This study was a census survey of all 162 state corporations in Kenya. The unit of analysis comprised all the state corporations whereas the unit of observation consisted of 162 heads of departments (Public Relations Officers) of each State Corporation, thus forming a sample size of 162 respondents. Primary data was collected using questionnaires as the main data collection instruments. The study also collected data using an interview schedule. SPSS version 20 was adopted in the analysis of quantitative data. Data was presented in the form of pie charts, graphs and tables. Themes were used to analyze qualitative data. The study found that media relations positively and significantly influence sensitisation on government projects; community relations positively and significantly influence sensitisation on government projects; sponsorships positively and significantly influence sensitisation on government projects and community events positively and significantly influence sensitisation on government projects. The study, therefore, recommends that stronger communication mechanisms should be installed and well integrated in the system to ensure easier and convenient dissemination of information to the public. PR department of any organisation contributes to its development and enhances customer’s satisfaction. In this line, the study recommends that strong and well integrated PR department should be installed in an organisation and therefore should be sufficiently funded to ensure its success. Further, the study recommends that organisations should devise ways and means to maintain a long-term commitment with clients.

InterKomunika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Diajeng Herika ◽  
Poppy Ruliana

The main purpose of this paper is to know and examine the importance of the role of public relations in developing media relations, both traditional media and social media used to build the image or reputation of the company. Media relations involves collaborating with the media in the form of printed media, electronic media and online media to inform the mission, policies and practices of the organization in a positive, consistent and reliable way. Typically, this means coordinating directly with the people responsible for producing news and features in the mass media. 'The purpose of media relations is to maximize positive coverage in the mass media

2019 ◽  
Suci Handayani Handayani

public relations is a management function to help say and maintain common rules in communication, for the sake of creating mutual understanding and cooperation between institutions or companies with the public, helping management and responding to public opinion, regulating and enforcing management responsibilities in serving the interests of the community, helping management in following , monitors, acts as a system of danger signals to help management take precautions in dealing with a variety of bad possibilities, and uses research and effective and persuasive communication techniques to achieve all objectives. Public relations is a series of activities that are organized continuously and regularly. Public relations is not an activity that is impromptu or directly exists without being organized in advance. The purpose of public relations is to build and maintain an understanding of the company or organization between the parties involved in it (the public) both groups and individuals. From the understanding of public relations means that the main role of public relations is as a builder of good relations between institutions / organizations and their communities and to form a positive image in the eyes of the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-271
Nayla Erzani ◽  
Renata Anisa

Media relations penting bagi berbagai jenis perusahaan guna dapat memperoleh publisitas positif melalui media massa, utamanya bagi perusahaan yang baru merintis. Walau peran Public Relations merupakan aspek penting dalam pertumbuhan perusahaan yang baru merintis (startup), penelitian holistik tentang bagaimana startup dapat memanfaatkan Public Relations masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas secara lebih rinci tentang bagaimana konsultan Public Relations Kennedy, Voice Berliner (KVB) dapat berperan dalam aktivitas media relations sebuah startup properti-teknologi bernama Cove. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan merujuk pada konsep ilmiah media relations yang meliputi pengelolaan relasi, pengembangan strategi, serta pengembangan jaringan. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui hasil observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsultan Public Relations KVB berperan untuk melakukan follow-up rutin terhadap jurnalis dalam rangka mengelola relasi. Konsultan juga melakukan pengembangan strategi dengan menyusun pedoman komunikasi serta taktik berupa pemetaan media, siaran pers, konferensi pers, serta pemantauan media. Selain itu, konsultan juga turut memanfaatkan jaringan di organisasi usaha dan kehumasan internasional dalam menjalankan aktivitas media relations Cove. Media relations are essential for various companies to gain positive publicity through the mass media, especially for startups. Although the role of Public Relations is a crucial aspect amidst the growth of startups, holistic research on how startups can optimize the use of Public Relations remains limited. This study aims to discuss how Public Relations consultants from KVB (Kennedy, Voice Berliner) can manage the media relations activities of a property-technology startup called Cove. The research uses the qualitative method, referring to the three concepts of media relations; relationship management, strategy development, and network expansion. All data were obtained through observations, interviews, and document studies which were also descriptively analyzed. The study results indicate that the Public Relations consultants of KVB have a role in carrying out the routine follow-up of journalists to manage relations. The consultants also develop strategies by initiating communication guidelines and tactics. Moreover, consultants utilize KVB’s networks in business and international public relations organizations to implement Cove’s media relations activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-149
Hannah Mahfuzhah ◽  
Anshari Anshari

The effort to build good relations with the media is one way to make the institution's image better. Media use activities are carried out to influence the public to achieve organizational goals. Mass media is usually used by organizations or educational institutions to build the image of the institution.In order to be able to perform its functions properly, the role of public relations must be carried out by competent people in their fields. A publicist must be smart in choosing publications, so that the intent to be conveyed to the public can be appropriate and on target. Although the public relations and mass media have a mutually beneficial relationship, there are some things that need to be considered so that especially for educational institutions that have the aim of publishing educational institutions so that a good relationship between public relations and mass media is maintained.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 70
Rita Monteiro Mourão ◽  
Sandra Lopes Miranda

Media literacy has a key role in education. It is known that the public relations profession often involves a position of media relations. In this context, this type of expert must obtain skills in the critical and active use of media. Afterwards it arises the need to understand what kind of investment in media literacy has been done by Portuguese Public Universities. This will be the objective of this exploratory qualitative study. For the collection of information, we have proceeded to the analysis of the curricula of Degree’s and master’s degree in Public Relations courses of 15 Portuguese Public Universities. In general, it was concluded that there is still little investment at this level. Of the 15 Portuguese public universities analyzed, only three universities hold courses on media education in their curricula, within the degree in public relations / organizational communication / strategic communication. Regarding to the master’s degree we found that only four of the 15 Portuguese Public Universities consider the media literacy in their curricula. This research focuses specifically in Public Universities. However, in future studies it will be also important to include private universities to compare the main differences.

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