scholarly journals Jenis Tumbuhan Bertahan Hidup di Lahan Kering

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 12
Riri Yulianti Rusdi ◽  
A. R. Tolangara ◽  
Hasna Ahmad

AbstrakAir merupakan bagian terbesar penyusun jaringan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Air berfungsi  mengatur setiap proses metabolisme tanaman secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Air yang tersedia di dalam tanah berada pada kapasitas lapang. Air pada kapasitas lapang adalah air yang tetap tersimpan dalam tanah. Air dapat hilang dalam bentuk uap air dari jaringan hidup tanaman yang terletak di atas permukaan tanah, air tersebut daapt hilang melewati stomata, kutikula, dan lentisel disebut transpirasi. Air pun dapat hilang akibatnya tanah menjadi kering. Apabila tanaman hidup dalam kondisi ini,  maka tanaman akan mengalami cekaman air (Water stress) dan akhirnya mati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis tumbuhan yang mampu bertahan hidup di lahan kering beserta lamanya waktu tanaman dalam bertahan hidup.  Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen yang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) , dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 kali ulangan. Pemberian air sekali dalam 9 bulan dan pengamatan dilakukan seminggu sekali dengan parameter tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun. Sedangkan untuk faktor lingkungan berupa pH, suhu dan kelembaban tanah diukur pada awal penelitian dan akhir penelitian. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan uji Koefisien Variasi (KV). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis tanaman yang mampu bertahan hidup di lahan kering adalah jagung dengan waktu 20 minggu (5 bulan).Kata Kunci : Jenis Tumbuhan, bertahan hidup, lahan kering Abstract Water is the biggest constituent of plant tissues. Water serves to regulate all plant metabolism processes, directly or indirectly. Water available in the soil is in field capacity, which is water that is kept in the soil. The water can be lost in form of vapor from plant living tissues located on the soil surface. The water can be lost through stomata, cuticle and lenticel and it is called transpiration. The loss of water causes soil to dry. If plant lives in this condition, the plant will experience water stress and eventually it will die. The research aimed to find out the type of plant that able to survive on dry land and the duration of the survival. The research was an experimental research using a completely randomized design (RAL) with four treatments and 5 repetitions. Watering was conducted once in 9 months and observation was conducted once in a week with parameters of plant height and number of leaves. Regarding the environmental factors, namely, pH, temperature and, soil humidity, they were measured in the beginning and end of the research. Data was analyzed using variance coefficient (KV) test. The research result indicated that type of plant that survived on dry land was corn with 20 weeks (5 months) of period.  Keywords: Type of plant, survival, dry land

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 30

ABSTRAK<br />Pegagan (Centella asiatica L.) adalah tanaman obat yang<br />mengandung zat asiaticotik sebagai obat alzaimer dan penghalus kulit.<br />Tanaman ini telah diperbanyak sejak tahun 2000. Penelitian dilakukan di<br />Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan dan Rumah Kaca Kelompok Peneliti<br />Plasma Nutfah dan Pemuliaan, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan<br />Aromatik, Bogor dari bulan Januari 2000 sampai dengan Juni 2005.<br />Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat daya multiplikasi tunas setiap<br />periode subkultur dimulai dari tahun kedua sampai periode lima tahun.<br />Media yang digunakan adalah MS + BA 0,1 mg/l. Pengamatan dilakukan<br />pada jumlah tunas, jumlah daun dan visual tunas pada umur 2, 3, 4 dan 5<br />tahun pada dua periode subkultur setiap tahunnya. Penelitian disusun<br />dengan rancangan acak lengkap, masing-masing terdiri atas 10 botol yang<br />merupakan ulangan dan setiap botol terdiri atas 1 eksplan. Untuk re-media<br />terhadap tanaman yang terlihat berubah digunakan media MS + BA (0;<br />0,1; 0,2; 0,3) mg/l. Selanjutnya untuk perakaran dilakukan pada media MS<br />+ IAA (0,1 dan 0,2); MS + NAA (0,1 dan 0,2) mg/l serta MS + IBA (0,1<br />dan 0,2) mg/l. Plantlet utuh yang terbentuk selanjutnya diaklimatisasi pada<br />media tanah + pupuk kandang dan tanah + sekam dengan perbandingan 1 :<br />1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya multiplikasi tunas optimum<br />terjadi pada tahun ketiga, dan memasuki tahun keempat dan kelima<br />menurun yang diiringi dengan perubahan eksplan yang terlihat pada<br />tangkai daun yang terbentuk. Akar terpanjang dan terbanyak yang<br />terbentuk didapat pada media IAA 0,2 mg/l dengan penampilan yang<br />kurus dan rapuh. Keberhasilan aklimatisasi sangat rendah, tetapi plantlet<br />mampu beregenerasi dengan baik dan terlihat tumbuh normal. Dari hasil<br />perbanyakan terlihat bahwa jumlah anakan, jumlah daun, panjang stolon<br />dan jumlah bunga lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang tumbuh pada media<br />sekam, berturut-turut : 6,77; 7,30; 46,50 cm dan 8,31. Sementara pada<br />media sekam komponen yang dominan adalah panjang tangkai daun yakni<br />9,75 cm.<br />Kata kunci : Pegagan, Centella asiatica L., multiplikasi, tunas, aklima-<br />tisasi, penyimpanan, Jawa Barat<br />ABSRACT<br />Shoot multiplication and acclimatization of gotuloca<br />(Centella asiatica L.) five years after conservation by in<br />vitro culture<br />Gotuloca (Centella asiatica L.) is a medicinal crop containing<br />asiaticotic as alzaimer and skin revitalizer. This crop has been<br />multiplicated in vitro since 2000. This research was carried out in the<br />laboratory and glasshouse of Breeding and Germplasm Group in the<br />Indonesian Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Research Institute (IMACRI)<br />from January 2000 to June 2005. The objective of the research was to find<br />out the viability of shoots multiplication after two year to five year period,<br />with media MS + BA 0.1 mg/l. The parameters observed were the number<br />of shoots, the number of leaves at the age 2, 3, 4 and 5 years from two<br />subculture periods every year. The treatments were arranged in a<br />completely randomized design, each replication consisted of 10 bottles and<br />each bottle consisted of 1 explant. After subculture the ex-plant were re-<br />media in medium MS + BA (0; 0,1; 0,2; 0,3) mg/l. The rooting media<br />before glasshouse were : MS + IAA ( 0,1 and 0,2); MS + NAA ( 0,1 and<br />0,2) mg/l; and MS + IBA ( 0,1 and 0,2) mg/l. The plantlets formed were<br />acclimatized using soil + cattle manure and soil + rice husk with<br />comparison 1:1. Research result indicated that the optimum viability<br />multiplication was achieved in the third year, and it decreased after the<br />fourth and fifth years with change in explant forming the petiole. The<br />longest and plantlet roots were formed through media IAA 0.2 mg/l with<br />brittle and thin appearance, but the plantlets were able to regenerate better<br />and grow normal. The acclimatization was not very successful but the<br />plantlets could regenerate and grew normally. The multiplication showed<br />that the number of stumps, leaves, stolons and flowers were : 6,77; 7,30;<br />46,50 cm and 8,31 respectively. In rice husk media the dominant<br />component was pedicle length 9,75 cm.<br />Key words : Gotuloca, Centella asiatica L., multiplication, shoot,<br />acclimatization, conservation, East Jav

2017 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Vivi S Bandu ◽  
D A Kaligis ◽  
Rustandi . . ◽  
W B Kaunang

EFFECT OF BOKASHI FERTILIZER LEVEL CHICKEN MANURE ON THE GROWHTH OF BROWN MID RIB (BMR) SORGHUM. The purpose of the present research was to determine effect of bokashi fertilizer level chicken manure on the growhth of brown mid rib (bmr) sorghum. The research was used in a completely randomized design arrangement, with 4 treatments and 7 replications. Treatments were formulated as follow : b1 = 0 g/polybag, b2 = 200 g/polybag, b3 = 400 g/polybag, b4 = 800 g/polybag. Parameters measured were : plant height, number of leaves length of leaves. Research result showed that,  bokashi fertilizer of chicken manure gave a significant different (p<0,05) on plant height, number of leaves leaves length of brown mid rib sorghum. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that, the utilization  of bokashi fertilizer level chicken manure with 200 g/polybag, enough to support  the growth of plant height, number of leaves and leaves length of brown mid rib sorghum.Keywords : Bokashi Fertilizer Level Chicken Manure, Brown Mid Rib Sorghum, Growth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Wulan Dari Neng Gumiwang ◽  
Tintrim Rahayu ◽  
Ari Hayati

The purpose of this research is to determine the concentration of young coconut water that is appropriate for the growth of orchid plantlets (Dendrobium sp.) In vitro. This study used an experimental method, descriptive data analysis to compare several different concentrations of coconut water. The design of this study uses a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatments consist of 0% coconut water concentration (as a control), 15%, 30% and 60%. Each concentration was carried out 5 replications and each repetition consisted of 5 Dendrobium sp plantlets in each culture bottle conducted for 40 HST, for observing the root length carried out for 50 HST. The highest number of shoots and leaves were produced at the same concentration, namely 150 ml / L coconut water treatment (15% concentration) with an average of 2.8 shoots and the average number of leaves 10.8 leaves. The average number of roots and the longest root length was produced at a concentration of 600 ml / L coconut water (60% concentration) with an average of 6 roots, and the longest root length was 0.5 cm.Keywords: Young coconut water, (Cocos nucifera L.), Dendrobium sp., in vitro, growth.ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini ialah menentukan konsentrasi air kelapa muda yang tepat untuk pertumbuhan planlet anggrek (Dendrobium sp.) secara in vitro. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, analisis data secara deskriptif untuk membandingan beberapa konsentrasi air kelapa yang berbeda. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakukan terdiri dari konsentrasi air kelapa 0 % (sebagai kontrol), 15% , 30% dan 60%. Masing-masing konsentrasi dilakukan 5 kali ulangan dan setiap ulangan terdiri dari 5 planlet Dendrobium sp dalam setiap botol kultur yang dilakukan selama 40 HST, untuk pengamatan panjang akar dilakukan selama 50 HST. Jumlah tunas dan jumlah daun terbanyak dihasilkan pada konsentrasi yang sama, yaitu perlakuan air kelapa 150 ml/L (konsentrasi 15%)  dengan rata-rata jumlah tunas terbanyak 2,8 tunas dan rata-rata jumlah daun terbanyak 10,8 helai daun. Rata-rata jumlah akar terbanyak dan panjang akar terpanjang dihasilkan pada konsentrasi air kelapa 600 ml/L (Konsentrasi 60%) dengan rata-rata jumlah akar terbanyak sebanyak 6 akar, dan rata-rata panjang akar terpanjang 0,5 cm.Kata kunci : Air kelapa Muda (Cocos nucifera L.), Dendrobium sp., in vitro, pertumbuhan 

Budiman Budiman ◽  
Natsir Sandiah ◽  
La Malesi

This study aimed to determine the best dosage of goat manure as a natural fertilizer on Beha grass(Brachiaria humidicola). This study used 64 poles of Beha grass grown in polybags divided into 16plots, and it used a completely randomized design (CRD) to analyze the data. This study consist of 4treatments that is P0 (0 ton/ha of goat manure), P1 (10 ton/ha of goat manure), P2 (15 ton/ha of goatmanure), and P3 (20 ton/ha of goat manure). This study's variables were plant height, number of leaves,numbers of tillers, new production, and root length. Data analysis used ANOVA variance continued withreal honest difference test. The result of this study showed that averages of plant height (cm) wereP0=26, P1=50.5, P2=51.5, and P3=52.75. Averages of the number of leaves were P0=22, P1=110,P2=160, and P3=185. Averages of numbers of tillers were P0=7, P1=25, P2=37, and P3=38. Averages ofnew production (g) were P0=17.75, P1=123.5, P2=178, and P3=192.25. Averages of root length (cm)were P0=37.8, P1=39.5, P2=41.775, and P3=49.5. Fertilization with natural fertilizer from goat manurehas a genuine effect (P<0.01) on the growth of Beha grass. The best dosage of fertilization with goatmanure was 15 ton/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Edy Kustiani ◽  
Mariyono Mariyono ◽  
Bela Citra Ayuningtyas

Red spinach (Amaranthus gangeticus) is one of the most popular vegetables because of its high nutritional value and easy cultivation. Efforts to increase the production of red spinach are to fertilize to meet the needs of both macro and micronutrients. This study aimed to determine the effect of ZA fertilizer dose on the growth and yield of red spinach. The environmental design used was a non-factorial, completely randomized design with four replications. The factors tested were the dose of ZA fertilizer which consisted of 6 levels, namely: without ZA fertilizer (D0); 0.4 gr/polybag (D1); 0.8 gr/polybag (D2); 1.2 gr/polybag (D3); 1.6 gr/polybag (D4); 2 gr/polybag (D5). The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance, and if the results were significantly different, the BNT test was continued at a 5% level. The growth and yield of red spinach showed significant differences due to the ZA fertilizer dose treatment. The ZA fertilizer dose treatment of 1.2 g/polybag (D3) resulted in the highest plant height, the number of leaves, and leaf area of red spinach at 14, 21, and 28 days after planting. The ZA fertilizer dose treatment of 1.2 g/polybag (D3) resulted in the highest wet and dry weight plants of 49.15 and 4.38 grams, respectively. The ZA 1.2 gr/polybag dose is the ideal dose to increase the productivity of red spinach.Bayam merah (Amaranthus gangeticus) termasuk sayuran penting yang disukai masyarakat karena bernilai gizi tinggi dan mudah pembudidayaannya. Upaya peningkatan hasil bayam merah salah satunya dengan pemupukan untuk menambah nutrisi yang dibutuhkan tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari respon pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bayam merah pada perlakuan dosis pupuk ZA. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor. Faktor yang diujikan adalah dosis pupuk ZA, terdiri 6 taraf, yaitu: tanpa pupuk ZA (D0); 0.4 gr/polybag (D1); 0.8 gr/polybag (D2); 1.2 gr/polybag (D3); 1.6 gr/polybag (D4); 2 gr /polybag (D5). Percobaan dilakukan dengan ulangan sebanyak 4 kali. Analisis data menggunakan analysis of variance (ANOVA), apabila berbeda nyata dilanjutkan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) taraf 5%. Perlakuan dosis pupuk ZA berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bayam merah. Perlakuan dosis pupuk ZA 1.2 gr/polybag (D3) menghasilkan tinggi, jumlah dan luas daun tanaman bayam merah tertinggi pada pengamatan umur 14, 21, dan 28 HST. Dosis pupuk ZA 1.2 gr/polybag (D3) juga menunjukkan berat basah dan berat kering tanaman tertinggi sebesar 49.15 dan 4.38 gram. Dosis ZA 1.2 gr/polybag merupakan dosis ideal untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman bayam merah.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-246 ◽  
Derblai Casaroli ◽  
Flávio De Oliveira Rosa ◽  
José Alves Júnior ◽  
Adão Wagner Pêgo Evangelista

In the searching of forest species with good wood quality, easy adaptability and high commercial value, the African mahogany (Khaya ivorensis Chev. A.) have been a good alternative. This study aimed evaluate the phenometric responses of African Mahogany submitted to irrigation. The field experiment was carried out in Bonfinópolis-GO, Brazil, with young plants of African mahogany, being 5 irrigated and 5 non-irrigated. The following variables were evaluated: plant height, stem heigh, number of leaves and leaflets, stem diameter and leaf area. A completely randomized design was used in a bi-factorial scheme 2x9 (A: irrigated and non-irrigated; D: 0, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 540 days after transplanting). All the variables showed significant differences not only for irrigated and non-irrigated treatments but also for the times of evaluation, except for stem diameter. Irrigation resulted in higher growth of plants and the irrigation of young African mahogany plants should be used mainly in drought period.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-114

The research objective was determine the effect of various growth media and growmore fertilizer on the acclimatization of Dendrobium orchids. study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Factorial consisting of 2 factors, the first is (M) of growing media which consists of 3 levels, namely: M1 (medium fern root), M2 (wood charcoal medium), M3 (coir media coconut) and the second is (G) growmore fertilizer which consists of 4 levels, namely: G0 (without Growmore fertilizer), G1 (Growmore fertilizer 2 g / liter), G2 (fertilizer Growmore 4 g / liter), G3 (Growmore fertilizer 6 g / liter). Determine the growth of orchid plants, observations were made with the following parameters Growth Percentage (%), Plant Height (cm), Number of leaves (strands), and Number of tillers (stems). Data obtained were analyzed statistically, then continued with the Honestly Significant Difference Test (BNJ) at the level of 5%. The results showed that the single treatment of the use of growing media did not have a significant effect on the parameters of observation of growth percentage (%), plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), and number of tillers (stems). The growth of growmore fertilizer also did not show a significant effect on the parameters of observation of growth percentage (%), plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), and number of tillers (stems). Interaction of the use of various growth media and growmore fertilizer did not show a significant effect on the percentage of growth (%), plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), and number of tillers (stems).

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Supriyono Supriyono ◽  
Tarwa Mustopa ◽  
Nunuk Helilusiatiningsih ◽  
Fristama Maulana

Water guava (Syzygium Samarangense) was a popular plant in Indonesia because it was fresh and sweet. The aim of this research was to analyze the effect of the number of shoots of the upper stems and height of the rootstock at the shoot graft on the percentage of growing water guava. The method used in this study was a completely randomized design, factor into one rootstock length, namely 10 cm, 15 cm, and 20 cm. and the second factor was the number of buds on the scion, namely 2, 3, and 4. The results showed that there was a significant interaction in the treatment combination of the number of 4 buds on the upper stem and the length of the rootstock 15 cm at 35 days after grafting affected the growth percentage and growth in the number of leaves and length of the scion.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Erna Sinaga ◽  
Megayani Sri Rahayu ◽  
Awang Maharijaya

<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>The objectives of this study were to study the effect of several concentrations of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on the in vitro growth of eggplant, to find the appropriate PEG concentration for in vitro selection to drought  tolerance  of eggplant  and the drought tolerant eggplant accessions. The experiment  was conducted  at  the  Laboratory  of  Tissue  Culture,  Department  of  Agronomy and Horticulture,  Bogor  Agricultural  University.  The  experiment  was arranged  in  a  completely randomized design with two factor. The first factor was concentration of PEG (0, 5, 10,  and  15%) while the second factor was eggplant accessions (Kania F1, 001, 007, 013, 016, 030, 034, 035, 055, 057, 069,  071,  072,  078,  085,  and  090).  The  results  showed  that  the addition  of PEG  to  in  vitro media significantly affected the survival percentage, the percentage of callus, developed the bud and the number of leaves of eggplant. Addition of PEG 10 and 15% in media can be used as the drought tolerance selective agent of eggplant in vitro. Kania F1, 001, 007, 016, 034, 035, 055, 057, 069, 071, 072, 078, 085, and 090 were eggplant accessions which might be tolerant to drought.</p><p>Keywords: in vitro selection, solanaceae, tissue culture, tolerant, drought</p><p> </p><p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mempelajari pengaruh beberapa konsentrasi polietilena glikol (PEG)  terhadap  pertumbuhan  tanaman  terung  in  vitro, mendapatkan  konsentrasi  PEG  yang  dapat digunakan  untuk seleksi tanaman terung secara in vitro  dan nomor terung toleran terhadap cekamankekeringan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium Kultur Jaringan,  Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura,  Institut  Pertanian  Bogor.  Penelitian  ini  disusun dalam  rancangan  acak  lengkap  dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah konsentrasi PEG  terdiri atas  0, 5, 10, dan 15%.  Faktor kedua adalah nomor terung terdiri atas enam belas nomor (Kania F1, 001, 007, 013, 016, 030, 034, 035, 055, 057, 069,  071,  072,  078,  085,  dan  090).  Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa  penambahan  PEG  pada media  in  vitro  memberikan pengaruh  nyata  dan  sangat  nyata  terhadap  persentase  hidup eksplan, persentase  eksplan  berkalus,  pertambahan  tinggi  tunas,  dan jumlah  daun  tanaman  terung.  Media PEG 10 dan 15% merupakan media yang dapat digunakan untuk seleksi kekeringan tanaman terung in vitro. Nomor terung Kania F1, 001, 007, 016, 034, 035, 055, 057, 069, 071, 072, 078, 085, dan 090 merupakan nomor-nomor terung yang toleran terhadap cekaman kekeringan.</p><p>Kata kunci: kultur jaringan, seleksi in vitro, solanaceae, toleran kekeringan</p>

Akta Agrosia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Widodo Widodo ◽  
Marlin Marlin ◽  
Nancy B. Sitio

Shallots (Allium cepa var. Aggregatum L) have many varieties that can be grown in the highlands and lowlands and one of them is the Batu Ijo variety. Nutrients N and K play an important role for plant needs. This research was conducted from March to June 2019 in Medan Baru, Bengkulu City. This study used a completely randomized design with two factors. The first factor was the dose of N fertilizer and the second factor was the application of K fertilizer. The application of N fertilizer had a significant effect on the number of shallots at week 2. The Urea dose given decreases the number of spring onions. For the best treatment at plant height is the treatment of Urea 300 kg/ha and KCl 50 kg/ha. Plant growth from week 2 to 5 increased significantly. The application of K fertilizer has an effect on the number of shallots at week 2 and the number of tubers. The higher the plant age, the more the number of leaves produced, but at higher doses, the number of leaves and the number of tubers decreased. The best treatment for the number of leaves produced was Urea 300 kg/ha and without giving KCl. For the best treatment of fresh plant weight, namely Urea 300 kg/ha and KCl 150 kg/ha, the best treatment fresh tuber weight was Urea 300 kg/ha and KCl 150 kg/ha, for tuber diameter the best treatment was 200 kg/ha of urea and KCl 100 kg/ha and for the number of tubers of Urea 0 kg/ha and KCl 150 kg/ha.Keywords: shallots, N fertilizer, K fertilizer

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